Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2132

Chapter 2132
The flat code line is gradually and spontaneously generated in the upstream and downstream trade, and there is no official policy from the Ministry of Households, so it does not have monopoly privileges.The competition among various houses is very fierce, so it is necessary to win the support of the "water customers" of the merchants. Therefore, in the process of purchasing and selling on behalf of customers, it is often necessary to advance payment for the goods, which is a business that requires considerable capital.

Most of the merchants in the local Migu Chamber of Commerce came from the Pingma Company.They have been in the middle of transactions for many years, and the upstream and downstream customers are very familiar with them. After accumulating more funds, they will specialize in one line.However, most of the transactions of these rice grain merchants still maintain the old habits of the past, waiting for the "water customers" from Guangxi to come to their door, and after hoarding them, they wait for the "water customers" from Guangdong to buy them. Take the difference instead of commission.

Before entering the city, Xie Erren had roughly read the pamphlet "Overview of Wuzhou" compiled by the Foreign Intelligence Agency.This booklet has a detailed introduction to Wuzhou's geography, humanities, commerce, customs, people's livelihood, society and "key figures", so that the cadres of the receiving city have a general understanding of the recipients.

Thanks to this booklet, he knew the details of the "village sages" who attended the meeting, including family members, word-of-mouth good or bad, general economic status, and so on.Generally speaking, the "village sages" in Wuzhou are not much different from those in other places. Except for a few with good and bad reputations, most of them generally belong to the level of doing good as long as they don't harm their own interests: When encountering natural disasters, they will donate money and rice to help out the famine, and it does not prevent them from taking advantage of this opportunity to annex land and buy slaves. .

In fact, these bureau directors are not really "village sages"-none of the local gentry came.It is understandable to be so reserved, but among the businessmen who came, there were quite a few "relationship households" and "white gloves" of Wuzhou gentry.For example, although no one from Wu Zhixiang's family, which has a close relationship with the Senate, served as director of the bureau, Da Xinxuan, the director of the bureau, came from his family.Actually an agent.

"Both ends of the first rat!" Xie Erren secretly despised him, but right now he was weak and lacked food and money, so he had to make use of it.Therefore, it is necessary to socialize with them politely, and praised the bureau directors for their "urgency and kindness", setting up porridge sheds, and collecting corpses and other "good deeds".Then, he changed the subject and said:

"Now that Wuzhou is in such a catastrophe, the city is full of devastation. The people are suffering from hunger and cold. All these must rely on the efforts of the princes."

Everyone looked at each other anxiously, knowing what he meant, but Director Xie had a gun and a big hat, so he had to follow his words, and immediately replied: "This is what we should have meant. "

"Xiong Wencan, this old guy, set fire to it when he ran away, and now the city is dilapidated, and the people are in dire straits..." Xie Youren first clarified the issue of responsibility: it is not me who asks you to pay for the trouble, it is Xiong Wencan's fault, "I thought about it, and there are several important things to do right now."

Just as he was talking, suddenly the orderly came to report: the [-] clubs in Wuzhou city and the [-] squares outside the city have all arrived and are waiting for orders outside.

"Please come in and discuss matters together."

He gave an order, and the deck armors all came in.Most of the card players are small businessmen with a bit of a quack air. They are familiar with people on the ground and can handle them in the yamen. They are out-and-out "land masters".

The "land lords" know that no matter which dynasty or generation they are emperors, they are indispensable to run errands. When it comes to money, they are not big households, so they don't have the uneasy look of the bureau directors. When they come in, they knelt down kowtow.

"Get up, my Senate doesn't like this." Although Xie Erren said so, he still enjoyed it in his heart.

"...The things to be done right now are security, city defense, and relief. After these three things are done, the next thing will be easy."

These three things are nothing unusual. The aftermath bureau had a private meeting yesterday and came up with an eleven-point aftermath plan.These three are all in it, but the master of the Australian magistrate said so, and everyone echoed: "The master said so!"

"How many refugees are there in the city now?"

Mr. Dong Qiao, the director of the Rehabilitation Bureau, hurriedly took out this booklet from his sleeve—the Rehabilitation Bureau gave porridge on the street and distributed bamboo chips every day. According to this figure, the population of refugees could be roughly calculated.

"There are more than 4000 bamboo chips sent out from the porridge sheds."

"Is there a lot less?" Xie Youren couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that there were only more than 4000 people, because before entering the city, he heard from Zhu Mingxia that there were more than 1 refugees who went out of the city at night.

"Master, that's not a lot." Master Qiao had a frowning face: during the Tianqi-Chongzhen period, the entire Cangwu County had only 6698 households with 27424 people-this also included a considerable part of the rural population.

Although the numbers on the yellow book are not accurate, and Wuzhou has a large number of immigrants because it is a regional commercial center, the population of the urban area and the suburbs is only more than 4 to 4000. The proportion of more than [-] refugees is already very high

After the recovery of Wuzhou, the refugees who left the city, those who had a home to return to, and those who had relatives and old friends who could seek refuge, had gradually dispersed.All that was left were homeless and empty-handed refugees.It will take a lot of effort just to satisfy these people's food and accommodation.

He glanced at the deputy director Guihuamin who took over Wuzhou with him, and asked:
"Is the exact number counted?"

"Statistics are underway, but the refugees are scattered and it will take a few days." The deputy director of Guihuamin said, "But the number of people that Master Qiao said is not too much..."

"Where are the refugees living now?"

"Most of them are scattered in the shelters of temples in the city, and some are also accommodated in the school grounds outside the city. However, there are still many refugees on the streets."

There are two school grounds outside Wuzhou City, namely Sanhezui and Ximatan, both of which have the barracks of the original Ming army garrison.Among them, Ximatan’s schoolyard is located on the north bank of the Xunjiang River, 2.5 kilometers west of the city. It is far from the urban area. It is now Zhu Quanxing’s third battalion garrison, while Ximatan’s schoolyard is used as a temporary detention place for Ming army prisoners. Contain here.

"If there are any temples or other big houses inside and outside the city that can accommodate refugees, they must open their doors to accommodate them," Xie Erren said in an emphatic tone. "A refugee cannot sleep on the street, understand?!"

Refugees live on the streets, which not only hinders traffic, but also poses health and security risks.


"That's good." Xie Erren nodded, and pointed to the secretary next to him, "Take out the contract diagram."

The secretary next to him immediately hung up a map. It turned out to be a map of Wuzhou City, including the neighborhoods inside and outside the city.Areas of different sizes are outlined in different colors.It turns out that each area in this area is numbered with the celestial stems and earthly branches, and a name is written next to it. After a closer look, it is the names of the "village sages" from the aftermath bureau.

Everyone was puzzled, Xie Erren explained: "This is your contract area, since you have come out to do things for the people of Wuzhou, naturally you can't just sit and talk about it in the aftermath bureau - this is your contract area, everyone is responsible for a piece. Don't be afraid, I will naturally be afraid that the cadres will be responsible, you and the players in this district just need to cooperate with him."

Xie Erren laughed a few times, and continued:
"Each of you has to divide the work into pieces, and go on inspections with the card players in each society and workshop. If you see refugees sleeping in the open, you have to register and send them to the shelters whether they like it or not. If there are any omissions, I will find them. I will send it to your home, and please raise it like an old man..."

This startled everyone, and they all said that they would do it with all their heart and responsibility.The directors of the bureau were all frowning. What kind of cadre is this? It is clearly the incarnation of Master Xie, but they don't necessarily meet with Master Xie once in a few days.

Xie Erren then announced a few more rules:
After the refugees are accommodated, they will register and issue a "refugee certificate".Refugees are not allowed to move around at will, and must return to the holding point every day to spend the night.During the day, they act collectively in teams of ten based on the "work order".

The core policy of relief and aftermath work is work for relief.

From now on, the relief station will only provide porridge twice a day for the old, young, sick, disabled and pregnant. All refugee men and women over the age of 13 will be organized into labor teams to work.Rations are distributed on a daily basis.

The rations are calculated by work points, and the system of more pay for more work is implemented.But each person must do a certain amount of basic work per day in exchange for rations, and the excess can be settled as money.

If the refugees are simply driven to work, there will inevitably be situations where the work will not be effective. Xie Erren does not have so many manpower for supervision and management.If the local subordinates are abused, it will inevitably intensify the conflict.The final decision is still based on "economic stimulus".

Work points are specific workload requirements.This kind of system has been implemented in Lingao for many years. There are mature examples of what kind of work, how much workload and how many work points. It is very convenient to inquire.

Xie Erren actually planned: After the city wall is repaired and the ruins are cleaned up, the road and sewer renovation project will start. Anyway, the war will stop, and the common people will not dare to make trouble. Made complaints abound.

The refugees have contributed their efforts, and the money and food they need must naturally ask the Rehabilitation Bureau to "have money to contribute".

"I know that everyone's home is not a mountain of gold and silver, and there is no mountain of rice and noodles. Although it is for the benefit of the hometown, after all, it is not a house built by oneself. It is still distressing to take it out..."

"Don't dare, dare not." All the sages of the village frowned distressedly while saying "dare not".

"So, the money and food are shared among the big households in the whole city—the common people in Shengdou have a weak foundation and can't stand it, so I have to ask you to take care of it." Xie Erren said.

Next update: Volume 337 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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