Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2157 Take the initiative

Chapter 2157 Take the initiative
"All ships slow down! Get ready to land!" Mi Longtao ordered loudly, and drew out his command saber.

"Load the bayonets! One by one!" The sergeants on the ships yelled loudly, and the gunners installed the fire tubes and got ready to fire.

The boat went around a shoal and headed towards the river, and the lush hills on both sides were getting closer and closer.

Lieutenant Mi suddenly realized something. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a cannon shot in the hills on the bank, followed by a burst of arrows piercing the air and the sound of gunfire.

Li Dong could see clearly from the rear boat that a puff of thick smoke suddenly shot out from the hillside on the right, and the iron shield on the side of a command boat in the front team was instantly smashed to pieces, and the shell penetrated the hull, sending the The guard on the other side also collapsed.Even at a distance of several hundred meters, he could still see the blood and flesh of the soldiers being torn apart when the shells swept across the deck.

"There is an ambush!" Li Dong gasped. He had carried out search and suppression missions many times when he was in the Fubo Army. Since all kinds of enemies were unable to fight against the Fubo Army in terms of firepower and organization, the most frequently used combat The method is to use the familiarity of the terrain to carry out an ambush.

Even in the state where sharp soldiers are dispatched every time, the enemy's ambush still has a chance to cause casualties.Therefore, this type of search and suppression operations all emphasize "moving forward quickly" and "contacting the enemy covertly", and do not give the enemy the opportunity to prepare for an ambush.

They used steamers on the Xijiang River, and "moving in quickly" was no problem, but "covering the enemy" was out of the question at all.

Almost at the same time, the Minie rifles on the ships of the front team fired, crackling, and then smoke and flames spewed out from the ships, and there was the sound of rumbling guns.Thick smoke soon covered the river.

Li Dong couldn't see the specific battle situation clearly for a while, he urged the helmsman: "Hurry up, speed up!"

"There are shoals and hidden reefs along the coast here, so you can't speed up..."

Before the helmsman finished speaking, there was another loud explosion sound from the thick smoke, and a stream of white water vapor mixed with black smoke shot straight into the sky.

"The boiler exploded!" the helmsman turned pale and whispered.

Li Dong was very anxious, because the continuous artillery fire from the ships of the front team made him completely unable to see the battle situation ahead. From the sound of gunfire one after another, he could hear that the front team was in fierce battle.

"What did Captain Zhu say?" Li Dong asked the correspondent while observing the battle ahead.

"There are no orders."

Li Dong turned his head and looked towards command boat No. 1. Sure enough, there was no signal coming from No. [-] boat. He didn't know what Zhu Si was thinking, but he already had a plan in his mind, so he immediately informed the signal soldiers:
"Send a signal to the command boat, I am going to command the right detachment to land and turn around to the enemy's flank, and cooperate with Lieutenant Mi."

The signal corps signaled with semaphore, but No. 1 boat did not respond.Li Dong was anxious, and called the signaler to call again, but there was still no response.

"Forget it," Li Dong didn't know what happened on the No. 1 boat, and immediately ordered, "Send the order to the right team, get ready for battle!"

The No. 2 boat hoisted the signal flag ready to fight, and then the No. 2 boat left the route and headed for the shallows on the shore.

Li Dong's battle plan is very simple, land on the spot, then advance along the shoreline, and attack the ambush on the shore from the flank.Although his soldiers are not very powerful, Mi Longtao's troops are very powerful, and now he is just stunned by a blow to the head. As long as his troops echo from the flanks to distract the ambush soldiers, Mi Longtao The troops can counter-kill immediately.

For his team, which was entering the battlefield for the first time, there was some danger, but he estimated that it was not that great.

"Everyone, get ready for battle! Get ready to land!" Following Luo Mao's command, the thirty or so people on the No. 2 boat started to commotion.Most of them were on the battlefield for the first time, and their calves were already trembling when they heard the sound of guns and guns in front of them.

"Don't be afraid, those are our cannons!" Luo Mao held the rifle in one hand, and pulled up the trembling soldiers one by one with the other, "Follow me after getting off the boat, don't run around!"

Yang Erdong had been on the battlefield before, so he was not flustered.Holding the standard spear, he touched the saber at his waist again. He thought regretfully that it would be nice if he wore an iron armor. When he was a servant, he always wore an armor when he went into battle. I feel like I have no clothes on. Finally, the Australians also issued an iron helmet-this helmet is also rare, it is actually a urinal type, with a wide brim and a shallow hat. It can only be regarded as a top of the head. , as soon as you start running, you have to drop it.Looking back, Lipton's face was pale, and he barely stood leaning on the standard spear.Just about to say a few words to comfort him, suddenly the boat shook violently, staggered suddenly, almost didn't fall down.All of a sudden, the deck was reeling.

"Aground!" cried the helmsman.

Li Dong rushed to the bow, grabbed the sailor's penny, and measured the depth of the water—about half a meter, which would not affect landing.Dangjiu raised his saber: "Follow me!" The first one jumped off the boat.

The commander was the first to get off the boat, and the soldiers became more courageous. Under the urging of the non-commissioned officers, they jumped off the boat one by one, splashing water, and some of them lost their footing and fell into the water for a while. Plop called for help, but was dragged up by the soldiers next to him.

The chaos didn't last long. After 5 minutes, more than 90 people from the right detachment had landed and assembled.

"The riflemen act as the vanguard, and the others follow up, marching in a two-way column!"

The shore is a hilly terrain, and the troops marching on the hillside are not too steep, but the vegetation is so dense that they cannot be deployed in a horizontal formation. Moreover, in terms of the quality of the soldiers, the formation of a horizontal formation requires high courage and discipline from the soldiers. Columns can be used, with combat veterans leading the troops at the front.

"Luo Mao, you are at the end of the team!"

"Yes! Lieutenant!"

"All teams pay attention to the enemy situation on the flanks." Li Dong looked at the soldiers who had already lined up, picked up the whistle on his chest and blew it suddenly, "All advance!" He said, leading the messengers and standard bearers in front.

The hillside on the shore here is quite steep, and his troops are insufficient to launch a team to search up the mountain, so he can only advance quickly while paying attention to the movement on the top of the mountain.Get a quick fix.

The gunfire in front stopped for a while, then the gunfire became more intensive, and there was also the sound of shouts for killing. Li Dong estimated that Mi Longtao's troops had already landed and were advancing.He immediately urged the soldiers to speed up their pace, while telling the flag bearer to open the flag—to avoid hitting by mistake.

This time, the hillside became slightly flatter.The grass and trees on the hillside have turned into patches of fruit trees.There is also a small thatched shed among the trees.The vanguard at the front noticed a figure moving among the trees.

"Attention!" he shouted, "there is something in the woods in front of the grass shed to the left."

"Shoot!" Li Dong yelled, and a dozen Nanyang rifle shooters immediately fired a salvo towards the forest, and the forest was filled with smoke and screams.However, at this time, the swishing sound of feathered arrows piercing the air also came, and the two national soldiers fell to the ground in an instant.

Yang Erdong had sharp eyes, saw the shadow in the forest, and said loudly: "There are also on the right side!" He secretly hated that he didn't have a rifle, otherwise he would definitely knock down one of them with one shot, and now holding this spear, he could only be in a hurry.

"Pikemen get ready!" Li Dong pulled out his revolver and fired a shot in the direction of the feathered arrow. The rifleman immediately reloaded and fired another round.

Accompanied by the screams and groans of those who were shot, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps in the forest, and the gathered figures turned around and fled up the mountain. Li Dong immediately gave the order to pursue, and the rifleman immediately fired another round of salvo. Cover the spearman to pursue upwards.Yang Erdong held out his spear and chased it up, but unfortunately the terrain on the mountain was really not suitable for spears, the spears were always blocked by branches, Yang Erdong had to push the branches away many times, and sometimes he was caught by the branches again, and became The burden of climbing the mountain.It was also difficult for the soldiers to keep responding among the trees. The queue was quickly disrupted by the trees. The enemy continued to turn around and shoot arrows. Within a few minutes, two more people were hit by arrows. Some of the timid ones were already hiding behind the bushes. I dare not move.It was also difficult for Li Dong to control the overall situation in the back. He was afraid that there would be an ambush in front, so he had to order to stop the pursuit, and all retreated to reorganize the formation.

After all this tossing, the entire right team was in disarray, and finally got together and counted the number of people. Except for the four casualties, ten people were actually missing, probably lost in the woods during the pursuit.

"Blow the rallying call!"

It took only a few minutes for the assembly signal to sound, and a few national army soldiers emerged from the woods, but they were unfamiliar faces, and the weapons they carried were double-barreled shotguns.


"Assault!" The leading national army officer responded loudly, "Which part of you are?"

"We are the Wuzhou National Army..."

"We know. Don't move around!" The leading officer said loudly, and walked over, "Where is your commander?"

"I am!" Li Dong walked over, "I am Li Dong, the leader of the Integrated Squadron of the Wuzhou Brigade of the National Army..."

"You came very quickly!" The other party had no intention of listening to his self-introduction, "It's a pity that they didn't stop them!" He seemed to remember to introduce himself: "I am Captain Zhenhuan of the 4th Mountain Squadron of the National Army. "

Li Dong heard people say that most of the mountain squadrons were recruited from the villages of the Li and Miao peoples in Hainan Island. He didn't take it seriously. I don't think much of it, after all, a group of guard officers and soldiers on Hainan Island, who are like beggars, can rely on the simple fortress of the station to suppress them for a long time.The recruits are not only able to climb mountains, but also have great skills.

Unexpectedly, although most of these people in front of them are short, they are all strong and vigorous. They are obviously good at fighting, and they are many times stronger than the group of recruits under him.

Next update: Volume 361 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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