Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2158 Three Commanders

Chapter 2158 Three Commanders

Looking at their equipment again, a double-barreled shotgun in each hand is much more impressive than that row of spears, which has attracted the whispers of the recruits-the same National Army, or the "Shan Yao" and "Miaozi" ", but they all have guns!

Li Dong has experienced battles for a long time, and he knows that although the shotguns they use have a short range, they are very powerful in close combat in the mountains. If you don't need to aim and shoot at a distance of tens of meters, the opponent will either die or be injured. Killed and wounded several.It is much easier to use than this spear, which is difficult to use in the mountain jungle.

"We are all recruits from the local area - the training is full and there is only one month." Li Dong said regretfully, "How is it? Are there many casualties?"

"It's not small," Zhen Huan said with displeasure on his face, "The command boat was shot, and the boiler exploded."

"Lieutenant Nami..."

"I still don't know his situation. The command boat has sunk, and we are rescuing the lucky one." Zhen Huan said, "You are now deploying defenses here, and I will go to meet the next brigade."

After Zhen Huan finished speaking, he took his soldiers to the river.Hearing the call of assembly, the soldiers who disappeared in the battle came back one after another. At the last count, no one was killed. The four people shot by the arrows are still alive, and most of the ten missing people have returned, only three I do not know whereabouts.I don't know if he ran away or was injured.

While arranging soldiers to line up to prevent the enemy from suddenly counterattacking, Li Dong asked a few soldiers to use spears to make stretchers and carry the wounded to the shore to wait for the boat. Although there were medical soldiers, his ability at best was to compress the soldiers. Medicine bandaging, slightly more complicated treatment techniques will not.

The medical soldiers comforted them: "Everyone is humming like a girl. It's nothing to be hit by an arrow. It's like being bitten by a mosquito. I'll send you to Fengchuan County, just a few miles away!" There are field hospitals, doctors, and nurses! You just lie down and recuperate and enjoy your happiness..."

Li Dong watched a wounded soldier with an arrow in his chest being carried down. The bandage on his chest was already stained red with blood. a little sad,
It is common to go to battle and witness the casualties of comrades-in-arms, but this time is different, these people died in battle under his command, and I can't help but feel a little guilty.

"Does Captain Zhu have any orders?" Li Dong asked.He just sent signalmen to send a signal to the No. 1 command boat.

"No, the left team is following the main team."

Mi Longtao's ship was directly hit by a cannon less than 20 meters from the shore, and more than a dozen soldiers gathered on the deck were swept away by the passing shells, either dead or injured.He was on the conning tower and survived the crash.Then the shock wave from the shells knocked him off the conning tower, and when he got up, the deck was already in a mess.The smoke filled the air, and there were only dense gunshots and shouts of killing.

Mi Longtao supported his body with his command saber, still a little confused, when suddenly a platoon leader under him came out of the thick smoke covered in blood:
"Lieutenant! We were ambushed!" The platoon leader was probably injured and had a limp on one leg. "All the brothers on board were killed. Let's withdraw first and regroup."

Mi Longtao widened his eyes to see the situation outside, the river was almost surrounded by thick smoke, and he couldn't see anything.Only the whistling sound of projectiles passing through the air can be heard.He heard the shouts of the Fubo army and the unique crisp crackling sound of the Mini rifle, and knew that his team was not out of control and was still fighting.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew away the smoke, and he saw the smoke of gunfire continuously rising from the shore, and his fleet was trying to sail to the shore—but the shore was a large shoal, and it was impossible to Straight to the shore, the soldiers can only disembark in shallow water.

The soldiers staggered forward in the shallow water, braving the bows and arrows on the shore. Fortunately, there were artillery on each ship, and they were all firing at the moment, maintaining a posture of suppressing the shore.

"It was a good fight." Mi Longtao said, wanting to take a picture of the gang, only then did he realize that he couldn't lift his arm.He wanted to give an order, but saw that the signalman was already lying on the deck and could not move, and the helmsman was dead.Except for the seriously wounded who were still humming, there were only three or four people standing and firing.

At this time, a few black sailors pierced through from below the deck, and shouted: "Get out of the boat quickly! The boiler is cracked! It's going to explode!" Then they jumped into the water.

Upon hearing this, the few remaining soldiers on the boat jumped into the water, and Mi Longtao called them back: "Take all the wounded! If you die, let them die on the shore!"

Mi Longtao's arm was probably broken, and he couldn't use his strength at all, so he had to rely on the support of the platoon leader to get down into the water.After entering the water for a while, the boiler exploded. Mi Longtao and the others were pushed violently by the waves and almost fell to the bottom of the water. Fortunately, the wet season had not yet arrived, and the river was neither urgent nor deep, so they struggled violently. After a few strokes, his feet touched the bottom of the water.

Climb to the shore, and all the enemies on the shore have run away.The hygienist came to examine him and found that his arm was broken and splinted it up.Mi Longtao saw that not only was he soaked, but his clothes were all messed up and pitch black. He was really in a mess.This is a heavy loss!He thought angrily, these bandits are really hateful!

Looking at the river, the command boat that was hit by the artillery has completely sunk, only a part of the chimney and the mast are exposed on the water surface, and white water vapor is still rising from the chimney, which seems to be dying. floating on.

"Report, Lieutenant..." Zhen Huan came to his side and was about to salute.

"How's the situation?" Mi Longtao didn't care about this and interrupted his "report".

"The enemy has already fled. There are more than 30 corpses in the preliminary count, and they have left cannons and many firearms." Zhen Huan reported, "Thanks to the Wuzhou Squadron this time, they made a detour from the flanks and dispersed our frontal pressure."

"Beat the army drum and assemble the whole team. The whole team will go to Xugang in battle formation. If there is no trace of the enemy, the brigade will temporarily enter Xugang to rest."

"Yes!" Zhen Huanjing saluted and was about to leave, but was stopped by Mi Longtao again, "I'm injured, and I'm unable to move. When the battle starts now, you will take command on my behalf."

Zhen Huan was a little hesitant, Mi Longtao smiled and said: "Why, you have been the company commander for several years, dare not take this burden?"

"No... I'm a lieutenant of the National Army..."

"What is the Fubo Army of the National Army? You are an officer of the Senate. You are now in command. You represent the Senate. What are you afraid of! Go do it!"

He sent Zhen Huan away, and saw Zhu Si coming over accompanied by several soldiers. This young man was above Zhen Huan, but his face was extremely tense. Mi Longtao noticed that he kept looking around in private, The neck still shrinks down from time to time.

He's an inexperienced rookie...

Mi Longtao thought to himself, he looks like he has no actual combat experience, but just now he was very decisive in the flanking move, which allowed Zhen Huan to quickly reverse the passive situation - he is not mediocre, he can become a qualified one with more experience officer.

"Lieutenant Mi..." Seeing Mi Longtao's appearance, Zhu Si's words became incoherent when he was nervous—it's nothing more than Mi Longtao's whole body is black, with blood stains on his face and clothes, which looks shocking .

Mi Longtao shook his head and sighed, "I don't care. This is the blood of comrades... This time we have suffered a lot of casualties."

"I didn't expect the bandits to have cannons!" Zhu Si said angrily. When Mi Longtao's command boat was shot just now, he was so frightened that he couldn't speak. He didn't come back to his senses, and only when the helmsman asked, he gave the order to "follow the brigade."

"Yes, I really didn't expect it." Mi Longtao looked at him, "But this time you have contributed a lot."

Zhu Si trembled, he remembered the signal Li Dong sent to him just now.broken!He thought that Lieutenant Mi must be dissatisfied with Li Dong's unauthorized actions, and he secretly cursed Li Dong for being "full-fed" and "very happy", and quickly stood at attention and bowed: "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have acted without authorization! yes……"

"Where?" Mi Longtao waved his hand, "If you hadn't acted resolutely and took the initiative to attack and hold the enemy from the flank, we would probably have to pay a higher price for attacking - you commanded very well!"

Zhu Siyuan thought that he would be scolded by Mi Longtao, plus he would write a stroke on the combat report——his future would be in jeopardy!Unexpectedly, Mi Longtao actually praised himself, and he couldn't help being full of energy. He hurriedly stood at attention and bowed: "This is because the commander has a strong command, and the lieutenant fought the enemy bravely..."

"Okay, okay, don't be so polite." Mi Longtao was a little unaccustomed to Zhu Si's "standard etiquette", and felt uncomfortable, so he quickly interrupted him, "You immediately assemble a team to clean up the battlefield. All the wounded, prisoners and trophies were sent to Fengchuan County by the fleet."

"Yes, Lieutenant!"

"Organize soldiers to salvage the remains of the fallen soldiers as soon as possible. The corpses are buried on the spot and marked. Try to pick up what can be picked up."

Seeing that Zhen Huan's team had assembled and started to march towards Xu Gang, Zhu Si was a little envious: his team would do odd jobs!

Mi Longtao arranged the specific affairs and told the soldiers to help him up. He wanted to go to the bandit's ambush position to have a look.

The position was set up in the bushes not far from the river, and there were no conspicuous earth barriers, trenches or the like, simply piled up with earth bags to form artillery fortifications.A cannon was erected.

Mi Longtao stood on the emplacement and looked towards the river. The position was really ingenious. Because of the shoal, the fleet had to sail close to the waterway on the shore. From the dry bank of the river to the waterway, there are large flat shoals that stretch as far as the eye can see.

Next update: Volume 362 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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