Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2177 Ambush

Chapter 2177 Ambush ([-])

A group of people sneakily touched the edge of the forest, raised their heads quietly, and glanced at the middle of the road. At this time, Xiong Pi, who was buried in the road, felt a chill in the back of his head for no reason.

"That Kun thief lowered his head to open the way. It must be easy to fight. The Kun thief behind hasn't found us yet. Well, the lord told us to catch the spies, but he didn't say how many spies were caught. Just catch the one behind. Aze, Ajun, you wait. Come on, I'll shoot the thieves in the front with a bow and arrow, and you go catch the one in the back!"

Wei Ze, a member of the two regiments, is a native of Guangxi. His ancestors were transferred to Guangning by the Ming court to "defend Yao", and they were registered here.He is a local, and he makes a living by hiking, farming and hunting on weekdays. He is good at hiking in the mountains, and he is short and strong; another man named Ah Jun, Li Junjun, is also a hunter. Simple minded, not very smart.

Based on the abilities of these two people, it should be effortless to suddenly rush out to capture an enemy soldier.

The two nodded silently, expressing their understanding.

Shao Laosan spat twice into the palm of his hand, took off a bow from behind, and signaled the other regiment members to prepare to shoot arrows.He bent his bow and set an arrow, aiming firmly at the unaware Xiong Pi.Xiong Pi brandished a machete against the bushes. After working for a long time, the nape of his neck glistened with sweat in the sun. Within sixty steps, he was sure to shoot an arrow through each other. Li Luhu touched it.

"Huh?" In the depths of the woods, a few clumps of branches suddenly swayed unnaturally, Li Luhu immediately paid attention to it, and took a closer look, and saw that a feathered arrow had pierced through the air, heading straight for Xiong Pi who didn't know the imminent disaster.Without thinking about it, Li Luhu threw himself at Xiong Pi and pushed him down on the mountain road roughly. The two of them were hurt by the stones, and their hands and faces were scratched several times by thorns and branches.This action not only saved Xiong Pi, but also saved himself. A few feathered arrows also swept past the position where he was standing just now, and shot into the air.

"I lost you X..." Xiong Pi was confused for a moment, and cursed.

"Enemy attack!" Li Luhu didn't care about the nonsense, and threw away the machete according to the regulations-"When you are attacked, lie down immediately, and then quickly fight back with your gun! Don't count on the machete in your hand, the bayonet of the vanguard must be good. Much better than a machete!" The roar of the instructors back then has now become their instinct.The two put their rifles flat, shot two shots in the direction of the feather arrow, and then fled back without looking back.Xiong Pi's shot missed. Li Luhu had been observing the dense forest just now, and his roughly aimed shot seemed to hit the chasing Tuan Ding, and the crisp sound of the gun echoed in the forest.

"Ah! Ah!" Li Junjun, who was hit in the torso, threw himself to the ground and yelled in pain. The Minnie bullet tore his right arm, and the part below the elbow was almost bloody.Shao Laosan didn't care about the life and death of several regiments, he remembered to catch the gangsters, and didn't stop to rescue them, he held his waist knife and gritted his teeth and continued to chase, several regiments also rushed out under his yell Woods, wanting to capture the two alert spies back.They were less than [-] meters away from Xiong Pi and the two of them, and Wei Ze, who rushed to the front, had almost reached the two spies. He jumped up and slashed at Li Luhu with a knife.

Li Luhu felt a gust of cool wind blowing at the back of his head, and before he could turn his head back, he rolled to the left on the spot, avoiding the heavy blow of this powerful move, but with too much force, his left foot was sprained by himself, and immediately It hurt, and Wei Ze, who came after him, saw the opportunity, raised his waist knife and slashed again. Li Luhu wanted to draw out the rifle under his body to parry, but he couldn't do it. Beads of sweat dripped from his head. rolled down.The enemy was already very close to him, and he could clearly smell the ferocious face of this enemy who was wearing a ragged jacket and a bamboo hat, and he could smell the bad breath coming out of his mouth.

"Kill!" A bloody three-edged bayonet suddenly protruded from the enemy's chest.A beautiful striding stab, Xiong Pi's spear stabbed from behind and came out of the body, Wei Ze's face showed surprise and unwillingness, Xiong Pi pulled out the bayonet violently, and a bloody arrow chased after him. The murder weapon sprayed out, splashing all over Xiong Pi, and the enemy's corpse fell to the ground with a bang.

"What are you waiting for, run!" Xiong Pi stretched out his hand and pulled Li Luhu up. At this moment, Li Luhu couldn't care less about the pain, so he picked up his rifle as a walking stick and limped back, but With this delay, the enemies behind are chasing more and more closely, and it seems that they are about to be overtaken.Shao Laosan's weird vernacular roar filled the air.

Li Luhu gritted his teeth, threw the rifle behind him, and took out the grenade from his arms. At this time, although the grenade made by Lingao was still filled with black powder, it had been replaced with compressed black powder, and its power had been doubled several times. No need to ignite anymore.Li Luhu pierced the moisture-proof layer made of oil paper, grabbed the cork and pulled it violently, the fuse immediately sizzled, and threw the grenade at the pursuers behind him, then pulled Xiong Pi, and the two fell to the ground .


200 meters away, Li Gangsheng's 3rd platoon had stopped advancing. Whether it was gunshots or shouts of killing, it had already shown that the dispatched soldiers had encountered enemy attacks. Now, what should be done is to prepare for battle immediately, and Li Gangsheng's brain was spinning rapidly.

For the marching troops, how many pioneers to send and which direction to send are very particular. For the Ming army, they only sent patrols for troops with more than [-] people. However, the Fubo Army stipulated that the minimum organizational system for dispatching pioneers was an infantry Squad, to be precise, when the enemy's situation is unknown, even a ten-man infantry squad will send sharp soldiers to move in front of the team, and more attention should be paid to searching and attacking.He still remembered what his company commander, the experienced veteran officer who participated in the Qiongbei public security battle many times told them:

"Whenever the troops were ambushed, most of them took the road down the mountain to save effort. In the final analysis, they were beaten because of laziness; while my officers and soldiers walked on the ridge, always maintaining a condescending posture. There are leading soldiers patrolling, battalions and squads lined up step by step, like a huge position moving. No matter how complicated the terrain is or how urgent the situation is, the formation is always stable and ready to fight at any time, and it is to find the enemy to fight. There is also the reason for being ambushed? During the Three Kingdoms period, Ma Su defeated Jieting Mountain because there was no water on the mountains in Hanzhong, and the springs on the mountains in Hainan were tinkling, and the scenery was very beautiful!"

This small hill has no ridges to walk on. If it is just for the sake of marching quickly, they can take the flat road in the valley. However, he stubbornly chose to take the mountain road. Sure enough, there are really enemies waiting for him ahead, and he won the prize!There was a grim smile on his lips.

"All, bayonet!" he gave the first order.

The 34 soldiers, together with himself, took out a triangular-shaped bayonet from their waists and put it under the muzzle of the rifle. Since the spears and all kinds of armor commonly used by the Ming army and Jiannu, the dagger bayonet is not satisfactory in terms of lethality or length. Therefore, the standard bayonet of the Fubo Army refers to the British and French troops in the 18th century. , the shape is a casing type triangular spear thorn, the bayonet is 500mm long, even the cotton armor of the Jiannu and the thick leather armor of the Ming army can easily penetrate.

Ye Canming, a soldier of the Fubo Army, took out the bayonet from the bayonet sheath on his waist, put the sleeve under the muzzle of the gun, and shook it from side to side—the sheath was very strong.The robes on the left and right were all doing the same movement. Looking at the cold light of the bayonet, he couldn't help being refreshed, a murderous aura surged up in the formation, he had a premonition that today's bayonet would not be in vain, his bayonet fell The blood of the enemy must be stained.

Ye Canming is a precious "local". A few years ago, his hometown was hit by a disaster, the harvest was not good, and he raised debts because of family affairs. The house was taken over by the creditor for the high interest rate, and even his sister was dragged to pay off the debt.Seeing that the family was about to be ruined, he stomped his feet and took the whole family to flee to Lingao.Zhaoqing Prefecture is located in a mountainous area, and the land is much poorer than that of the Pearl River Basin. Many local people have left their hometowns to feed the army for food—not to mention that he is avoiding debts.

Before the Guangdong Raiders, the soldiers of Guangdong origin were regarded as baby bumps, and after some training, they were evenly distributed among various combat units. In addition to infantry skills, they generally had to learn a little battlefield first aid, and were given a little medicine, alcohol, Things like bandages, even as assistants to army health workers, are also convenient for going to the grassroots to buy people's hearts in the future. Australians call this "doing mass work".

The two staggering people in front were running towards them, Ye Canming could see clearly that they were the two pioneers they sent in the morning, one ran ahead and the other limped slightly behind, not sure if they hurt their legs or sprained their feet, The leading soldier running in front—probably Lao Li from Nanzhili—throws a grenade with his backhand, and with a bang, the pursuers on the opposite side can't dodge in time, and several of them are injured, one of them is lying on his back on the ground Ye Canming yelled loudly, like killing a pig, it should have been seriously injured, Ye Canming secretly praised this beautiful hand, but there was another yell in the distance, and a large number of enemy soldiers suddenly poured out from the depths of the dense forest, rushing towards them.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, Mr. Yang Qian knew something was wrong, Shao Laosan missed it!The Kun Thief Brigade must have known that there was an ambush ahead, but luckily the Kun Thieves didn't know how many of them there were, so there was still time to rush out—at least they could catch him off guard.

"Uncle, the thief has already noticed, and he will not come again when the opportunity is too late. Let's go! Uncle, please lead the rear team and follow my nephew!" Mr. Yang Qian made a decisive decision, and shouted: "Brothers, go!" With 200 people, they rushed out of the forest carrying the precious tiger squatting cannon. The gunners set up the tiger squatting cannon. Yang Jiao took a rough aim and stretched the matchlock to the cannon.

Next update: Volume 380 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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