Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2178 Ambush

Chapter 2178 Ambush ([-])


A puff of thick white smoke spewed out from the muzzle of the tiger squatting gun, and "Dangmenzi" - a stone bullet flew out whistling.

This tiger squatting cannon is two feet long and weighs 36 jin. It is made of wrought iron. It uses seven taels of gunpowder and fires more than a dozen lead bullets weighing six coins. Then use 30 taels of large lead or boulders to "slowly build" the muzzle.Converted to the metric system, the range is about 300 meters.It is Mr. Yang Qian's greatest reliance.In addition to this tiger squatting cannon, Mr. Yang Qian also has a dozen firecrackers and dozens of bows and arrows in his hand, but if these things are not within a hundred steps, they will not have much power.

The tiger squatting cannon is mostly used to fire shotguns at close range to kill group enemies, but the thieves are almost 300 steps (about [-] meters) away from here, and the shotguns fired can't hit so far, so this The cannon can only rely on the farthest shot as the door to achieve the killing effect.

Ye Canming watched a stone with white smoke rolling in the air and smashing down towards the team, and his heart was in his throat for a moment——no matter how many times he fought, the moment the shell flew over still made people feel ashamed. He felt cold all over, and a shell passed through the queue. Needless to say, he was hit directly. If he was scratched, his tendons would be broken, and the best end would be missing arms and legs.

The stone bomb landed in the bushes more than ten meters away from him, with a bang, the grass blades and soil flew around, and the shell bounced on the ground again before stopping unwillingly
Crowds of regiments rushed out of the woods, like a dirty flood. Some of them were wearing armor and holding standard waist knives, and some of them were dressed as horse racers in Jianghu, wearing bunts, but more People are just wearing ordinary coarse cloth clothes, some of which are temporarily sewn "fat jackets" - a kind of simple cotton armor, holding rough swords and spears, looking from the formation of the Fubo army, the regiments are disorderly, but obviously ,many people.

"Squad [-] and Squad [-], form two horizontal lines and stand at attention facing the enemy!" Li Gangsheng issued the second password calmly.

The regiments rushed closer and closer, and they were less than 200 meters away. You can see that there are still a few people behind them carrying a tiger squatting gun on a lift frame.

"Squad Seven destroys the artillery!"

The seventh squad immediately stopped and fired.Scattered gunfire echoed on the hillside.

To hit a fast-moving artillery group at this distance, the firepower density of a squad is obviously insufficient.From the binoculars, it can be seen that some of the people who lifted the cannon staggered and fell down, but someone came over to take over immediately, and they still rushed towards this side.

"Quick, run into the woods!" Yang Jiao waved his short halberd, the entangled matchlock was hissing and burning, lead bullets kept passing around, breaking branches, flying vegetation, and occasionally there was a group of brave men. He fell down with a bang.

The Kun thief was firing at him with a blunderbuss, and if he stopped, he was looking for death. Only if the Kun thief couldn't see himself would he have a chance of survival.

"Mom, you run faster than a rabbit!" Li Shengang couldn't help but cursed when he saw the artillery crew running away desperately.But it was useless to shoot again as the enemy fled into the woods.

"Squad Seven stop shooting!" He gave the next command, "Squad Ninth formed a horizontal line, ready to drop bombs!" The ten soldiers of Squad Nine put their rifles on their backs, took out a black powder grenade, and stood on the Seventh Squad, ready to drop bombs. In the rear of the Eighth Squad, they do not participate in the shooting, but serve as a reserve team for hand-to-hand combat after dropping bombs, and join the battle according to the situation.

"Get ready to fight!" Li Shenggang shouted.

The waiting time seemed as long as a century.Yang Jiao hid in the woods with the cannon.Quietly advanced to about three hundred steps away from the Fubo army.

"Quickly, reload!" Yang Jiao lowered his voice and ordered, "Use iron bullets for the door!"

Several gunners escaped from Zhaoqing together, and they reloaded well, and they reloaded the shells very soon.The doughnuts on the outside yelled wildly, and the sound of firecrackers shot one after another.

There's a fart for being so far away!Yang Jiao cursed secretly - although he often involuntarily fired ahead of time when he went into battle.

In the distance, the Kun bandits had already lined up on the hillside, and Yang Jiao took aim for a long time before firing the cannon.

With a bang, Li Shenggang saw a puff of white smoke rising from the grove, and secretly yelled that it was not good.The lead bullets came crackling like a torrential rain. Fortunately, the power of the tiger squatting cannon was extremely small. After the shot was fired, the bullets were distributed widely, and many bullets flew to no one knew where they went.

In the seventh squad at the front, two people were hit by small lead bullets, their heads were bloody, and they fell down immediately.The most lethal big iron bullet crossed the queue and killed a soldier on the spot.He landed heavily on the muddy ground behind the queue and rolled a few times.

The entire team remains motionless, the result of years of training.

"Squad Seven, aim!" He issued the next command, ten rifles were leveled, and the black muzzles were aimed at the swarming regiments.

The panicked regiments started shooting. They had rushed to more than 100 meters. The ten firecrackers and a dozen bows and arrows held by the regiments were all shot out. However, neither the firecrackers nor the bows and arrows were accurate at this distance. The regiments They don't know how to aim and salvo at all. They just shoot in the general direction. The bullets filled in the firecrackers are also strange. There are lead bullets, iron sand, and even small stones. Not surprisingly, all the firecrackers miss Now, only one Fubo army was hit by lead bullets and fell to the ground. The flying feather arrows had no power at a distance of more than 100 meters. The Feather Arrow wounded a soldier's thigh. At this time, the gunners hadn't even finished loading, and the regiment had already rushed to a place less than 100 meters away from the army formation.

"Attention Squad Seven, get ready—let it go!" The firing command was issued, and ten Minie rifles spewed out a puff of white smoke, and the crisp salvo sound echoed in the mountains...

The power of the standard rifle is not comparable to the firecrackers that the regiments are familiar with. The first round of volleys made the charging team of the regiments stagnate suddenly. At this distance, the Minie rifle was almost full of bullets, and the regiments at the front rushed They were almost wiped out, and those who were killed on the spot were the lucky ones. The most tragic ones were those who were seriously injured by lead bullets in the torso or limbs, but were not fatal for a while. They groaned loudly, writhing on the ground, The group members couldn't help but lose their momentum due to the tragic hissing, and some of the more thoughtful group members began to slow down their pace.Only a dozen fierce regiments still rushed towards the army without slowing down.

"Squad Eight, aim and let go!" Facing the enemy who was charging again, Li Gangsheng showed a smirk on his face, "The bravest die first", he gritted his teeth, and gave the command to shoot again, because the distance between the two armies was not enough. 50 meters, the effect of this volley was even better than last time. The regiments who rushed to the front were killed in a row, and more than half of them were wearing Ming army armor. These must be the most capable of fighting among the regiments , the following hand-to-hand combat became much easier. Li Gangsheng could see a regiment member who was hit directly in front of him. He was wearing a full set of armor. A lead bullet directly shattered his heart shield, making his There was a big gash in the torso, and blood flowed horizontally.

The successive volleys made the rushing regiments frightened. Many of the most capable people had been killed. The regiments who were still rushing in front began to hesitate and slowed down. The regiments behind were urged by Mr. Yang Qian Noisily pushing the crowd in front, the regiment fell into chaos for the first time.

"Squad Ninth, throw the grenade, get ready—throw!" Following Li Gangsheng's command, the soldiers of Squad Ninth pulled the grenade together and threw it at the regiments more than 20 meters away.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The explosive power of the compressed powder column-shaped black powder grenade is not inferior to the modern grenade used by later generations, and its performance is much better than that of the "made in the border area" used by the Eighth Route Army. , The strike effect of this bombing even exceeded the sum of the previous two salvos.

"Everyone is there, charge!" Li Gangsheng gave the last password. He didn't want to reload at all, and the way to defeat the regiment members in one fell swoop is the kingly way.He commanded the saber, and the entire infantry platoon roared "Kill!" like a tiger, and rushed towards the panic-stricken enemy. There was a mess on the way of the charge, and there were flying flesh and broken limbs everywhere. The distance of 20 meters was reached in an instant, and the sound of the bayonet piercing into the flesh and the crackling of the bones shattered immediately became a sound.

Hand-to-hand combat is a skill that Fubo Army has practiced hard for many years. Although there are technological golden fingers of traversers, due to many reasons such as craftsmanship and raw materials, individual assault rifles that can completely eliminate hand-to-hand combat, such as the M-16, For weapons such as AK-47 and FN-FAL, Lingao is far from being able to produce them by itself.In the history of old time and space, even in World War II and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in the 50s, all warring parties had records of large-scale hand-to-hand combat, not to mention the Fubo Army who used front-loading rifles, and the Fubo Army Whether it is the Ming Dynasty, the Jiannu or the European colonists, all of them use hand-to-hand combat as an important or even main means of combat. Therefore, the Fubo army's effort in hand-to-hand combat is unimaginable for ordinary people.

For traditional spearman training, the skill of exerting force and retracting force-is to be passed down from generation to generation without showing it to others, and even the most elite servants and personal soldiers of the Ming army can only do it five times. Exercise once a day or once every ten days, eat and drink enough.Can skillfully master the advance and retreat coordination of the battle formation.It is still far from the scientific training and strict requirements of the Fubo Army. According to the infantry training program of the General Staff, each infantry has to undergo 2 hours of physical training and more than 1 hour of hand-to-hand training every day. Compared with the regular army of later generations, perhaps It's not as good as it is, but compared to the various armies of this era, it is already hanging.


Next update: Volume 381 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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