Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2189 Recovering Lianshan

Chapter 2189 Recovering Lianshan
Since ancient times in military operations, "using X to control X" has been a magic weapon that can be tried and tested. Although Huang Chao is not a soldier, he understands this way of thinking.However, the situation between the local Yao people and Daming was in conflict early on, and the contradiction between Yao and Han was sharp, so it was not easy to recruit auxiliary troops from them.It's easy to spend money to hire people like how Daming hired people from Guangxi, but the reliability can't be guaranteed.

Among the auxiliary forces, the most successful Korean white horse team and the Japanese sword drawing team, the former is composed of the most oppressed official servants in Jeju Island, Baiding, and the latter is composed of persecuted Catholics. En", naturally loyal.But it is not so easy to win the hearts of the Yao people - he also spent a lot of effort in finalizing the case of "Fuli". Speaking of it, the focus of all policies is on "heart attack".

Whether it's the softness of economic means, cultural influence or military deterrence, in the final analysis it is the other party who agrees with your rule from the heart.This is not easy to do.

It's a pity that there is not a single cadre from the Yao people in hand.Instead, a group of Li and Miao cadres came.When Huang Chao took office, he asked the Organization Department to send him some cadres with experience in ethnic work.As a result, the personnel department had a strange brain circuit and sent a team of Li Miao cadres over.This group is the first batch of graduates of the Li Miao School founded by Mu Min. It is led by Mu Min's favorite student, Bi Da. There are 11 people in total, all of whom are boys and girls. Miao juvenile.

These eleven people naturally gave him great support.But Huang Chao really couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. What he wanted were naturalized civilian cadres with working experience in Li District, not a group of Li Miao cadres.He was not sent to him when he was in Lingshui before, but now he doesn't need to go to Fuli, but these people were sent to him for no reason.Cadres from the Li and Miao ethnic groups are not as useful as ordinary naturalized cadres in the Lianyang area.

However, according to his observation, Pi Da, who leads the team, is quite capable and energetic. The key is that he has no facial tattoos.All the female cadres in this group except her have tattooed their faces.The black tattoo pattern on his face looked very scary. Huang Chao didn't think much of it after seeing it in Li District, but his subordinates said it was a little creepy.

"It's fine during the day, but at night I'll have nightmares..." Huang Chao's secretary, a new administrative intern, complained while packing his luggage, "What kind of custom is this!"

"You don't know that," Huang Chao smiled, "Do you know why women of the Li ethnic group have their faces tattooed?"

"I don't know, do you think it looks so good? Anyway, I can't figure it out."

"It's not for the sake of looking good, but to prevent them from being robbed by outsiders. With facial tattoos, no outsiders will pay attention to them-this is also the way to be forced out." Huang Chao lamented.

"But isn't Li District now under the rule of the Senate? Who would go to Li District to rob women? Why not just ban it?"

"The habit has been formed, and it's not so easy to change. Let's say footbinding, what's the benefit? The Senate is promoting and prohibiting, and it hasn't been completely banned after several years. The custom of elephant-pattern noodles is right. The body has no major impact, and it does not hinder the social order, so the Senate does not prohibit it. Slowly, as society progresses, it will naturally disappear-they are the first batch of students of Li Miao School and still have traces of tradition. After several batches of students, the phenomenon of facial tattoos has become less and less."

"However, this kind of tattoo also has the possibility of infection, and it is not convenient to socialize after such a tattoo."

"Administrative work should be prioritized," Huang Chao took the opportunity to point out, "Tattoos are not an important matter, and naturally there is no need for the Senate to make great efforts to ban them, and at most guide them—but what matters, what Things don't matter, there is no standard, and this is where the ability of our local administrators is tested."

"Sir, what you said is really good." His secretary cast a sigh of relief.

Huang Chao said a few words modestly, feeling elated.This sense of satisfaction is the main motivation to support him in this time and space.

"Rest early, we have to hurry tomorrow."

This night was the first night that Yang Zeng led the team to camp at night, the first night to enter the mountains, and the first day of marching. The troops went north along the Zhongzhou River. The terrain was fairly flat. Near Xiaosanjiang Town, in time and space, a small village surnamed Zhao stayed overnight.The gate of the village was closed tightly, and many bonfires were lit.Only a few strong men brought over two wings of pork, a few loads of brown rice and some wine.Yang Zeng didn't ask for wine, but kept pork and brown rice, and gave back ten newly minted silver dollars from the Guangzhou government.After the military doctor passed the test on the pork, he cooked it that night and made the whole army have a tooth sacrifice.

On the second day of the march, I crossed the watershed between Zhongzhou River and Yongfeng River in one morning, and marched along the valley for another half a day until about [-] o'clock in the afternoon. The seat of the county seat.Although the county government has been abolished, the place here is still more prosperous than other places, with some shops and houses.It's just that most of the shops have been closed, most of the residents are empty, and there are traces of being looted everywhere.It is said that a small number of elderly people who stayed here said that this place has been looted many times, and most of the residents and businesses have fled to nearby fortified villages.

Yang Zeng sent people to various places to tell the army to come to suppress the riots. After the people were sent out, many village elders came to "comfort the army" with pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, or brown rice.Yang Zeng said warmly about the hospitality, and he took care of the logistics to pay according to the purchase price, which quickly narrowed the distance between the two parties.These trembling elders who came to "Labor Army" were also willing to tell him something about the situation.

But what they spoke was not the Cantonese vernacular that Yang Zeng could speak. Later, some soldiers passed by and found out that they spoke Hakka.After learning about it, I realized that Tong, Yao, and Han alternately scattered in Lianshan County. The Han people are mainly Hakka people. The main force of the riot was Ba Pai Yao.Most of the Hakka villages with enclosed houses were not affected too much, but most of the scattered settlements were affected.

Yang Zeng comforted everyone by saying that he came here to "suppress riots" under the order of the Song Dynasty Senate, and it will not be long before the order in Lianshan will be restored.He wants everyone to do a good job in Xiangyong and protect their own villages.If there is any emergency, report to the county government—he will recover the county in a few days.

Everyone was not surprised by the announcement that he was about to regain the county seat: the Yao people rioted and captured the county seat before, but the Yao people seldom defended the city, and most of them retreated after looting.

Yang Zeng asked several village guides to lead the way.The second one set out to climb the mountain early in the morning, and it took three hours to arrive at Jitianyu, which is also the seat of Lianshan County in the old time and space.This place has also been looted.Then go up the north of Shatian River, cross another mountain in the afternoon, and finally arrive at the foot of Lianshan City in the evening.

The gate of Lianshan City was opened wide, and Yang Zeng's troops entered the city without firing a single shot or ammunition.The Ba Pai Yao who were originally entrenched in the city had long since dispersed, leaving only an empty city.

He sent people to search the whole city, but found that not even a mouse could be found here.Lianshan County is not big, and Yang Zeng estimated that the resident population in the county is only a thousand people, which is roughly the same as those counties in southern Hainan.The city is humble and small, and the men are not strong enough. It is not surprising that Ba Pai Yao can capture Lianshan.

In the end, an old man was found in the prison of the county government.After Yang Zeng inquired carefully, he found out that the old man was the magistrate's domestic servant. Ba Pai Yao passed through Neiying and broke the city. The old man was forgotten in the prison of the county government.

"Abducted everyone?"

Yang Zeng was slightly disappointed. In his plan, he also wanted to use the human resources of the county—at least to provide some labor assistance for the garrisoned National Army. Now it seems that there is no need to think about it.

Because after three days of long-distance marching in the mountains, the physical condition of the whole army has reached its limit. Yang Zeng ordered to rest in Lianshan County for a day. Yang Zeng felt fairly satisfied.

"In fact, this should be called the second brigade of Chief You." Yang Zeng thought to himself, they set off from Yingde on a small steamer, and along the Lianjiang River, they could easily reach the city of Lianzhou.Going over the mountains from Lianzhou City to Lianshan City is naturally not as hard as coming from Huaiji.

Huang Chao started one day later than Yang Zeng. Although the road in his direction was much easier, it still took two days. On the first day, he walked along the Fenggang River to the watershed, and on the second day he crossed the watershed early in the morning. It is said that Jiahe walked for another two hours to reach Yonghua Township.The morale of Huang Chao's troops is still relatively high. Although the Li Miao cadre team accompanying the army came late, they are full of energy.

When this group first started, the whole army was very uncomfortable, especially the Li nationality girl with black ink pattern.But during the march, the boys and girls were full of energy and hummed songs.

"Sing a folk song to the chief, the chief's kindness is like a mother..."

Huang Chao thought to himself how many times those people in the propaganda system would ruin the classics of the old time and space.But Huang Chao has to admit that these songs have a wonderful chemical effect on boosting morale.Li Dong and a few veteran naturalized civilian officers in the national army couldn't help being moved when they heard this song.After listening to it several times, I felt that the song was catchy again, and I learned it in a short while.After Pi Da and the others stopped singing, several National Army officers sang in unison again.In less than half a day, the entire army, whether they were naturalized veterans or new recruits, had learned to sing this song.The singing echoed over and over again in the mountains, and even Huang Chao, who had always been disgusted in his heart, couldn't help humming a few words along with it.

Next update: Volume 393 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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