Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2190 Ambush

Chapter 2190 Ambush
When camping that night, he found Li Miaolian's company commander, Zhenhuan, and asked him to take Li Miaolian out first.

"The guide has found it for you. There are several Yao villages in Yonghua Township. You take a rest and then set off overnight—" He looked at his watch, "Leave at 9:[-] p.m., arrive before dawn the day after tomorrow, and then split up to harass These villages create tension."

Zhen Huan nodded: "Yes."

"As long as you harass them, you don't need to attack. There should be no strong men in these villages. It's easy for you to take them down, but you just need to scare them."

"I see."

"We are here to suppress riots, mainly to appease. When you act, be careful not to kill too much."

After receiving the order, Zhen Huan immediately set off with his company and guide.

The mountain road was difficult to travel, and the troops fell asleep soon after eating at camp.On the contrary, Huang Chao couldn't sleep at all.He has a Yunnan horse that can travel, and the luggage is also carried by a porter. It can be said that he is the most relaxed person in the team.But the feeling of riding for a day is not good.Getting off the horse, I was sore all over.

The most terrible thing is that this is the first time to stand alone. Although there are regular army officers under him, he doesn't have to manage and command the troops by himself, but he has to decide the general direction, which makes him feel quite pressured.

However, there was still action in the Sanlian area.The scale of "Fuli" in Ding'an is completely different from that of "Zhenyao" in Guangdong.Not only is the population of the people who have settled the case much smaller than that of Yao in Guangdong, but the terrain is far less complex than here...

He flipped through his notebook, which contained his plan and recorded information about his activities in the Sanlian area.He has searched for many ways and read many materials, but he has no idea whether it will work or not.He has worked at the grassroots level for several years, and he knows that no matter how good the plan is, the effect is completely uncontrollable.

Now the elders of the Senate and the Guangdong Region are all staring at themselves.Huang Chao thought to himself, if he couldn't calm down the Yao chaos in the Sanlian area as soon as possible, it would be better for him to go back to raise chickens.He looked up at the bright night sky without light pollution in the 17th century, and suddenly felt that he really wanted to stay with his wife and son in Lingao.

At noon on the third day, Huang Chao led the team to Yonghua Township and joined Li Miaolian, who had set out to harass earlier.

Zhen Huan reported that he had harassed all the Yao villages in Yonghua Township, which was similar to Huang Chao's estimate. None of the Yao villages came out to fight, and all the villages closed their doors.And according to their observation, there are indeed very few men in the village, most of them are teenagers and old people.

"That's good." Huang Chao's heart was half settled.

At this time, all the Yao villages in Yonghua Township were full of young adults, and all places were empty.Huang Chao immediately sent envoys to tell everywhere: "Those who submit to the Song Dynasty will not be blamed for the past, and those who refuse to welcome the Senate will not leave a piece of grass behind."He also asked all villages to immediately send food, grass, chicken and wine as "condolences", and at the same time, each village had to hand over hostages.

The arrival of the envoys immediately threw the villages into chaos.Almost all the men in the villages were empty—after Yangshan County was surrounded, the strong men and even some of the strong women in the village went to carry the "trophies" near the county town. From the young to the old man "holding the garrison to defend the stronghold", these "Song officers and soldiers" really want to fight, and they are powerless to resist.So they sent people to bring "gifts" to show "surrender", and sent envoys to Yangshan County for emergency.

Huang Chao ordered the troops: Don't intercept them, let them call for rescuers.

But within a few days, the scouts sent out reported that the Yao people occupying Yangshan County knew that their backyard was on fire, and they could no longer hold back. They began to evacuate Yangshan, and the brigade was heading for Yonghua Township.

There are two roads leading from Yangshan County to Yonghua Township, one is through Dalangxu and takes the mountain road; the other is along the Lianjiang River to Libuxu, and goes down Zhaigang River.The mountain road is short, and the riverside road is relatively flat, but the distance is long. The Yao people returning to aid will probably take the mountain road in order to return to their village as quickly as possible.

"The whole army set up an ambush at the mouth of the weighing frame," he issued an order, "the mountain company is responsible for luring the enemy!"

Zhen Huan led his troops to disperse in the mountains and forests on both sides of the road. Seeing the Yao people returning with torches, he ordered the whole company to "shoot freely".

According to Huang Chao's order, the soldiers used more cold shots and less killing, and harassed them with sparrow warfare.Although the Yao people were fighting at their own gates and were very familiar with the terrain, it was difficult for them to communicate with each other at night, so they dared to disperse and chase after them.Can only fight back indiscriminately.However, Li Miaolian has good physical strength, high level of training, and tacit cooperation. He was shot coldly for a while. When he rushed forward, Li Miaolian had already disappeared without a trace, and then just stopped, another shot was shot coldly.

As a result, although not many of the Yao people died, they were already burning with anger. Pan Tianshun, the Tianchang Gong of Sankeng Village, was relatively calm. They, what they are facing is not like the Ming government.So someone must be ambushing ahead, waiting for them to be fooled.

Pan Tianshun yelled: "Don't chase! There is an ambush!" At the same time, he asked the people around him to find Tianchanggong in the team of each village, and asked them to stop chasing immediately.

However, at this time, there were several tongues of flames flashing by the edge of the forest, and with the sound of gunfire, a young man fell down slumped.The team that had already been suppressed by him started to stir again, and dozens of young people swarmed to kill the place where the fire was lit.

Pan Tianshun stomped his feet anxiously, he wanted everyone to stop, but in the current situation, even the people in Sankeng Village may not listen to him, let alone the other villages.This is especially true for Baimanzhai.Although Baimangzhai was registered as a household with other villages during the Wanli period, it did not "obey" and would go out to plunder from time to time.

Pan Tianshun felt that there was nothing he could do, but he just prayed that there were not many people in the other party. There were only more than 400 people in their four villages.

The angry Yaomin quickly took the bait, and was lured into the encirclement by Li Miaolian's fighting and stepping down.As soon as the signal was sent, the rocket flew into the sky, and all members of Li Miao Company turned around and formed a formation. The first round of salvo knocked down more than ten people who rushed to the front, and instantly suppressed the pursuing team.

Immediately afterwards, on the changing ridges and woods, there was a rapid sound of horns and shouts of killing, and the shadows and shadows were all people.

Everyone was shocked: "It's been tricked!"

Pan Tianshun shouted: "Quick, rush out!"

Before the words were finished, there was crackling sound of gunfire on the ridges on both sides, like a golden snake dancing along the ridge, and densely packed bullets poured into the team. , suddenly fell a large piece.The rest of the crowd instantly exploded into chaos.

Pan Tianshun secretly groaned, while gathering the strong men around him, he yelled for everyone to calm down.Fortunately, after firing this row of guns, the enemy did not shoot again, and completely fell silent.

Since they were caught in the trap, they had to get out as soon as possible. In fact, the strength of the two sides was almost the same, and the terrain here was complicated. Huang Chao's team could not completely surround the Yao people's armed forces—not to mention that the Yao people were more familiar with the local terrain.

However, this Yao people's armed forces came from many villages in Yonghua Township. Although they were led by a leader in name, in fact each village operated on its own.It was not possible to command and concentrate forces to break through to one point. People in each village spontaneously formed teams to attack the places they thought they could "get out of", and were defeated by the National Army every time.Instantly fell into chaos.

"Tell all the troops not to shoot as long as the enemy has no intention of breaking through." Huang Chao issued an order, "But watch them and don't tell them to run away!"

This made the whole army very puzzled: this group of barbarians shot and killed them all - this has been done by the officers and soldiers of Zhenyao since ancient times, not to mention that the opponents are all "bandits" armed with knives and guns, they are women and children in the village. After breaking the stronghold, they didn't ask the leader, but killed them all.

"Massacre alone can't solve the problem. We need three parts of military affairs and seven parts of politics. We don't want to solve the problem by shooting and killing people. It's easy to kill people, but it's impossible to bring them back to life." Huang Chao said, "Everyone work hard, we will end the battle after dawn."

The trapped Yao people rushed for a while, killing and injuring many people.But they found that as long as they were not trying to break out, they could not shoot at each other.

Pan Tianshun understood that the opponent wanted them to surrender and capture them all alive.

The opposite side is not the officers and soldiers of Ming Dynasty, although Pan Tianshun or other people in the team are a little confused by the sudden appearance of "Da Song", but there are more people on the other side than them. And powerful, with short swords on the muzzles.Definitely not a team to mess with.

"Everyone, don't move!"

The Tianchang Lords in each village are maintaining their own villages, but the people in Baimang Village don't care so much. Their Tianchang Lord is an old man in his seventies, and he can't control his young men at all.

"If you hit one round with the blunderbuss, you won't be able to hit them in the next round. If you want to survive, come with me!" A white mans youth shouted, followed by half of the young men in Baimans village. rushed out.

Huang Chao took the SKS rifle he had bought from the North American crowd before crossing, killed the one who led the charge with one shot, and then shouted: "Li Miaolian, kill the one who stands up!"

There was a crackling sound, and more than 300 corpses were left on the ground.The Yao people didn't dare to move anymore, and the Tianchanggong of each village had a small meeting in twitter.Only one hundred guns fired just now, if six hundred guns fired at once, at least nine out of ten of them would die.With the green hills still there, the remaining [-] Yao people put down their weapons and chose to surrender without fear of running out of firewood.

Huang Chao didn't dare to slack off, leaving a national army squadron to guard the prisoners, and took the rest of the troops to Yangshan County overnight.Soon after dawn, Yangshan, which had become an empty city, returned to the hands of the Senate.

Next update: Volume 394 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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