Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2194

Chapter 2194

At this time, Yang Zeng, who had climbed the mountain for half a day with his troops, had arrived at Luming Pass with two companies, and occupied Sanjiang Wei, five kilometers below Luming Pass.

As soon as the Fubo army took control of Luming Pass, they blocked Ba Pai Yao's way to attack Lianzhou in the northeast, and a squadron monitoring Siyao Village in Yonghua Township stopped Ba Pai Yao's way to attack Yangshan in the southeast. Lu, together with the recovered Lianshan County, the layout of the encirclement and suppression of Ba Pai Yao has initially taken shape.

Ba Pai Yao is hiding in the mountains, and it is not easy to attack the city and pull out the stronghold. Now that all the young men are out, it gives them a chance to settle down.

Once the vital forces are wiped out, the remaining women, children, old and young are not enough to worry about.Yang Zeng's anti-insurgency plan is actually a strategy of soldiers first and rituals later.Defeat and eliminate the vitality of Ba Pai Yao, and then recruit them.

In the evening of that day, the reconnaissance team sent by Yang Zeng finally joined forces with Huang Chao's Li Miaolian's reconnaissance team.The two sides then met at Sanjiangwei.

Yang Zeng didn't care about eating, so he and Huang Chao began to study the situation in Lianzhou.At present, the Ba Pai Yao rebellion seems to be very powerful, but according to the information they collected along the way, the main force of the Ba Pai Yao is still the young and strong in their own village plus some people who were coerced.The total force is no more than 5000 at best.Not only are the troops small, the weapons are inferior, and there is also a lack of siege weapons. In many cases, even relatively strong villages cannot be broken. Attacking Lianzhou City is just empty talk.It is their greatest limit to successfully besiege Lianzhou City right now.

"Since Lianzhou can't be captured, why do we still have to surround Lianzhou City?" Huang Chao asked, "Do you want to surround the city for reinforcements?"

"I don't think it's possible," Yang Zeng shook his head. "Think about it, chief: The Yao rebellion in the past dynasties was at most suppressed by the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi mobilizing the troops of the two provinces to suppress it. Even if it is not our Fubo army this time, it is Guangdong. Even the Ming army, Ba Pai Yao has no ability to eat them."

"Then it's just a slap in the face." Huang Chao continued to put forward his opinion.

"To be honest, it doesn't look like it." Yang Zeng has roughly understood the process of Huang Chao's recovery of Yangshan. They plundered the local Han villages, but judging from the situation in the surrounding villages, apart from attacking a few Han villages for food collection, there was no large-scale activity of destroying the villages. Besides, why did they incite the Yao people of Yonghua Township to attack Yangshan What? The defense of Yangshan City is much weaker than that of Lianshan, and the level of wealth is not comparable to that of ordinary villages. It is obviously more profitable for Ba Pai Yao to attack by himself."

"You mean that their original intention is to attack Lianzhou?" Huang Chao was a little confused.

"Not exactly." Looking at Huang Chao's puzzled expression, Yang Zeng was a little proud. There were not many opportunities to talk in front of the chief, but he immediately realized the inappropriateness of this attitude, and changed it into a respectful one. "The Yao people in Yonghua Township should be a suspicious army. The purpose of attacking Lianshan is to contain the officers and soldiers. The purpose is nothing more than blooming in all directions. The officers and soldiers who will attack in the future will be scattered and restrained. Don't disturb them to attack Lianzhou... "

"But you just said..."

"I guess the leader of Ba Pai Yao knows very well that Lianzhou cannot be conquered by force alone. His purpose is probably to force the people in the city to pay a 'ransom' or meet his conditions by besieging the city and cutting off reinforcements. Or, he Is there any trick up my sleeve to win Lianzhou City?"

But for what reason, they have no way of knowing. Ba Pai Yao has lived in the deep mountains for generations, and the roads are difficult and dangerous.

In order to be able to smoothly deal with the Yao chaos during the Guangdong Raiders, the Foreign Intelligence Bureau has been trying to send intelligence agents into the interior of Ba Pai Yao, but this recruitment operation has not been successful. For one thing, the Yao people generally do not trust the Han people, and it is difficult to contact them. , not to mention recruiting and training them as intelligence officers; secondly, there are many tribes of the Yao people, and they have a strong xenophobic mentality, and their customs and languages ​​are different.Even people of the same ethnic group, Yao people who are not native to Ba Pai Yao can hardly penetrate among them.Apart from the materials obtained from the Great Library, the Foreign Intelligence Service’s information about Ba Pai Yao is limited to a few words from some Han traders who have been to the local area, and there is very little valuable information.Therefore, in military operations, how to figure out the mentality and combat behavior of the Yao people has become a very difficult thing.

Yang Zeng's judgment was made based on this poor information. Huang Chao felt that it was reasonable, but also felt that something was missing.However, he has no training in tactical command, so he still believes that the words of a "professional" Yang Zeng are more appropriate.

"No matter what their purpose is, our first task is to occupy Lianzhou." Yang Zeng said, "I have already sent people out to reconnaissance in the dark. Try to annihilate the main force of Ba Pai Yao under the city of Lianzhou."

"I don't have any objections to rescuing Lianzhou, but it's not appropriate to kill too much. After all, we mainly focus on recruiting..."

Yang Zeng's boss didn't think so.How to appease the opponent without hurting him?Since ancient times, when the two armies have fought each other, if they negotiated peace without crippling the enemy, there would be great troubles in the future.

But the other party is a veteran, and it is inconvenient to contradict openly, so he answered a few "yes" in vain.

Zhen Huan was a little restless, he did not expect to see Pi Da outside Lianzhou City, although it was only in a hurry, it was enough to make him daydream.Pi Da should not have seen him, just talking and laughing with his companions, after two years of not seeing him, Pi Da has become more charming, mature and charming.

However, Zhen Huan restrained himself from thinking about Pi Da: he had already accepted the mission to take his brothers to scout the situation of the Yao people at night, to find out where they camped and the approximate number of troops.

Several years of fighting allowed him to quickly restrain his emotions - once he couldn't restrain himself, he would die on the battlefield in minutes.Few of the good brothers who came out of the stockade with him back then are still alive.

It has been several years since I took my brothers to follow the Australians to serve in the army in order to follow Pi Da.Although he had never seen this woman whom he had longed for since the farewell by the river,

Although it is also under the flag of the Australians, Pida is far away.Before Zhen Huan came out of the mountain, he had no idea how big the Senate team was.In his past thinking, the Australians were nothing more than the big sea masters that traders said, with a dozen boats, and at most a few thousand people.As long as there is enough time, there will always be a day when we meet.

However, after leaving the mountain, he realized that his vision was too small.Being a soldier seemed to open a door to a vast new world for him.Over the years, he has traveled all over Hainan Island, and even traveled to Kaohsiung on a big ship that he never dreamed of, to "crusade" the local natives.I have seen the strangeness of the world outside the mountain, witnessed countless joys and sorrows in the world, and experienced many life-threatening crises.His knowledge is different from that of the "little overlord" in the stockade back then.In the past few years, he has also returned to the village on vacation, but he has nothing to say to the people in the village. The only thing he misses about the life in the village is Pida.

I didn't expect to meet her today on the battlefield in the Yao District of Guangdong!Just by the river where he was camping, the person he had been thinking about day and night was walking and talking with several men and women in the uniforms of naturalized civilian cadres.

After a few years, Pi Da's appearance has not changed much, except that her hair has been cut short, she is wearing the uniform of an administrative staff, and she is carrying a canvas bag—the ordinary one is no different from the "female cadres" that can be seen everywhere on the streets of Lingao.

Although the person I've been thinking about all these years is only a few tens of meters away from me, I have imagined the situation when I reunited with her countless times, and typed out the words I want to say many times.But when the truth was right in front of his eyes, Zhen Huan didn't know how to face her--feeling timid.

Thinking that he had already accepted the order to conduct reconnaissance, he quietly turned and left without alarming Shu Da.

He only brought five soldiers from Li Miao Company for this reconnaissance, and the reconnaissance location was on both sides of Xingzi River under Lianzhou City.Taking advantage of the cover of night, Zhen Huan's team took a small boat found by the river, rowed north into the Xingzi River, and quietly landed in the north of Lianzhou City.

They did not stop near the city wall of Lianzhou, but went all the way to Beishan.According to Yang Zeng's judgment, the Yao people will probably choose to deploy their main force in a place that is good for concealment and support for various city gates.And Yanxi Mountain is such a place. As a commanding height, you can easily observe the dynamics in the city. The dense woods are good for hiding troops, and you can support various city gates within half an hour.

Sure enough, the reconnaissance team found the camp of the Yao people's large army on the mountainside of Yanxi Mountain.The Yao people's armed forces obviously didn't realize the hidden fireworks.The flickering firelight in the woods gave away their position.

Zhen Huan led the team slowly approaching the fire.He noticed a raised hill near the camp, and directed the team to sneak there.

He reminded the vanguard: "Pay attention to your feet!"

Whether as a Limin himself or fighting in the mountains in the past few years, he is well versed in the combat habits of the mountain peoples: traps and ground crossbows for hunting wild animals are often arranged around the camp.The teams of the Fubo Army often suffered such losses in the crusades in Hainan and Taiwan.Once hit by the trick, not only will the person in the ambush be seriously injured and die, but it will also alarm the enemies in the camp.

Sure enough, at a place less than 100 meters away from the campsite, the vanguard found a bamboo stick trap. Although the depth was not as deep as the calf, the hardened bamboo stick could easily pierce the sole of the soldier's foot and calf, even if there was no poison. Also have to fall half disabled.What's more, most of the bamboo sticks have been covered with arrow poison commonly used by the Yao people in Guangdong and Guangxi.

They carefully dismantled the trap, and within a few steps they found a trip rope -- this was the trigger mechanism for the ground crossbow.After removing the trip rope, they found a third trap soon... but within 100 meters, they encountered a dozen or so traps of various kinds.Zhen Huan was secretly surprised: the enemy is very vigilant!
Next update: Volume 398 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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