Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2195 Li 39's Abacus

Chapter 2195 Li Sanjiu's Abacus
The team quietly climbed up the small hill, which is less than 30 meters away from the camp and overlooks part of the camp.Zhen Huan hid behind a pile of thatch, raising his binoculars to carefully observe the situation in the camp.

There are piles of bonfires burning in the camp, and the Yao people lie on the ground around the firepit.Some took a nap by the firepit with their weapons in their hands—probably they were night duty personnel.On the outskirts of the camp, there are armed Yao people guarding them, who seem more vigilant, and there are torched patrols patrolling along the edge of the campfire.

How big the campfire is, you can roughly know how big the camp is.Zhen Huan quietly lit the bonfires in the camp. Within the visual range of his telescope, there were about 450 bonfires.There are about [-] or [-] Yao people resting by each campfire, and [-] people in [-] campfires.

"There are quite a lot of people." A scout whispered.

"There are fewer people." Zhen Huan shook his head. "According to the Intelligence Bureau, if Ba Pai Yao draws one out of three, at least more than 1000 people can be mobilized to fight. We need to find out whether this is their main camp or something else." There are other camps."

Zhen Huan led the reconnaissance team to walk around the camp marked by the bonfires, and counted about 700 bonfires, which means that there are about [-] Yao people on Yanxi Mountain.

In addition to the people they stationed around Lianzhou to monitor the city gates and roads, the estimate that there are more than 1000 Yao people in Lianzhou is roughly accurate.

"Let's go, let's go to other places to see."

Descending from Yanxi Mountain, they walked along the city wall of Lianzhou to several places where Yao people's armed forces might be stationed, and found three or four places in a row.Just when they were about to end their reconnaissance, they were discovered by the patrolling Yao people, who yelled loudly.More than a dozen crossbow bolts swished towards them.

"Don't worry, keep your body down and run slowly." Zhen Huan knew that the other party's eyesight was poor at night, so he didn't dare to chase too far outside the campfire circle. air shot.

They moved out lightly with the help of bushes and trees. Sure enough, the enemy didn't dare to chase too far. They only shouted by the campfire and shot a few arrows from time to time.

Suddenly horns sounded in the camp, and Zhen Huan knew that they were calling a large group of troops, and they were ready to start searching.He saw that his side was nearly 200 meters away from the campfire, and ordered, "Run!"

A few people straightened up and ran away, the Yao people behind made a noise, and they all followed out in a panic.However, the physical fitness of the Yao people is not as strong as the battle-hardened Zhen Huan, their physical strength and endurance are far inferior, and it is difficult to judge the direction in the dark.After a commotion, the reconnaissance team easily threw off the pursuing Yao people, ran back to the north of the city, retrieved the hidden boat, and rowed back to the other side.

The Ba Pai Yao camp on Beishan was in turmoil, and the leaders of all walks of life were in panic.Because no one expected that the Australians would arrive so soon!The Yao people's combat power is limited, and every riot is always an opportunity to take advantage of the emptiness of troops in the states and counties.Once the army of officers and soldiers came to encircle and suppress, they could only withdraw to the deep mountains and rely on the terrain to circle around.

The Australians attacked Guangdong, and all the anti-yao generals and other troops withdrew, giving the Yao people a great opportunity to riot and loot.According to the speculation of most of the leaders, it will take at least a month for the main force of Australians in Zhaoqing and other places to reach Lianzhou-not to mention the dangerous roads along the way, just the bandits rising everywhere are enough for them.No one expected them to come so fast!
Although Ma Jianyao's head Li Sanjiu was a little surprised by the Australian's speed, he was not surprised.At noon yesterday, Ma Jianyao's Yao people guarding Longjin Gate and Jichuan Gate found this strange army on the opposite bank: gray cloth uniforms, no armor, all holding bird guns.As soon as Li Sanjiu heard it, he knew it was the Australian soldiers coming.

Unlike most Yao people who have stayed in the big valley all their lives, Li Sanjiu is someone who has seen the world.Although he is a Yao citizen, he grew up in the village of Zhuren.Most of the patriarchs in Guangdong were transferred from Guangxi to Zhenyao by the Ming government.These Zuren villages are often distributed along the periphery of the Yao district and along the main roads.Sometimes alone and sometimes in cooperation with officers and soldiers to launch a campaign against the Yao area.It is said that Li Sanjiu's parents died when the officers and soldiers broke through the village.The young Li Sanjiu was spared his life and brought back to the village.

Li Sanjiu had a good time with Guren. At the age of 17, because of his outstanding martial arts skills, he became a personal soldier of a Guren chieftain.I fought many battles with the chieftain: I have been to Guangxi, Guizhou, and two lakes.He was also sent to Guangzhou to do business.

After the collapse of the Ming Dynasty's rule in Guangdong, the garrison troops on the middle road withdrew to Guangxi, and many Zuren villages also abandoned their villages and moved back to Guangxi.However, Li Sanjiu did not run away with the chieftain—he knew that he was not a coward and had no "roots" in Guangxi, so he took a few brothers and defected to Ma Jianyao.

Based on his background and experience, he is naturally a rare "talent" in Ma Jianyao, and he soon became the head of Ma Jian Pai.

The head in charge is actually not an official position.Most of the Yao people basically still have the system of primitive social communes.There is no distinction between nobles and commoners, and there is no fixed hereditary headman or chieftain.The Yao Lao system is implemented inside the Bapai Yao, as the leader of the entire Yao platoon, Tianchanggong, who is appointed once a year; the leaders of each surname in the Yao platoon are called the leader, and serve as the deputy of the Tianchanggong; the wise old man who is equivalent to the elder of the council; responsible The gods in charge of the temple and the gods who burned incense for religious sacrifices; the gods who released water in charge of agriculture;The Yao elders perform their own duties, and generally, the more prestigious elders in the clan are responsible, but not always.

Li Sanjiu, who is just in his early 30s, is such an exception, as a representative of the young and strong faction in Ba Pai Yao.Regardless of the fact that Li Sanjiu grew up in a family village, and even after he became an adult, he also acted as an officer and soldier, but he is well-versed and knowledgeable, and his experience in many battles makes him courageous and resourceful.Soon, a group of restless young people gathered inside Ma Jianyao, forming a strong force, so that Tianchang Gong, who was in the Ma Jian Pai, was gradually emptied and became the de facto leader of the Ma Jian Pai.

It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Australians to send troops to Guangdong, and the Ming government must have no time to deal with them because they are too busy fighting the Australians.And for Li Sanjiu, this is a great opportunity to realize his personal ambitions - he is not interested in being a temporary boss, even if he manipulates the horse arrow platoon behind the scenes, it doesn't make much sense: a Yao platoon can have How many people and goods!His real ambition is to become the "Emperor of Earth" such as chieftains and local magistrates that he saw when he went to Guizhou to quell the chaos. Children and grandchildren, generations of wealth.

Therefore, when the riots were secretly discussed within Balaiyao, Li Sanjiu expressed his support very firmly, and he was also the most active after the riots started.Because of his rich military talents, he quickly usurped the actual commander of Ba Pai Yao's riot team.He first sent people to pretend to enter Lianshan City to sell mountain goods, and broke up Lianshan City from inside and outside; he colluded with the young and strong Yao people in Baimanzhai, and coerced the Yao people from Yonghua Township to break up Yangshan City; he ransacked Sanjiangwei without stopping, and besieged Lianzhou city.

Since ancient times, Hunan has eaten Cantonese salt, and Lianzhou is just on the trade route of Hunan and Guangdong salt trade.The salt produced along the coast went up the river, disembarked in Lianzhou, and then transported by land to Huguang area.And many goods going down from the two lakes are also transferred in Lianzhou.Therefore, there are many salt merchants and warehouses in Lianzhou City. Li Sanjiu deliberately put Lianzhou City last, and did not even block the roads, so that Lianzhou City could trap more merchants and goods.

According to Li Sanjiu's calculation, the best result is naturally that Lianzhou City surrendered to him. He occupied the three cities of Lianyang without bloodshed, and then handed over the surrender form to the Australians, expressing his willingness to surrender to the "Great Song Dynasty" ".Let the new Australian admit this situation, and he will be able to take advantage of the trend to become a local governor and the local emperor of the three cities of Lianyang for generations.

This seemed quite possible to him.The Australian doesn't know where he came from. He knows a thing or two about Da Song. There are few people and few soldiers, and they rely on nothing more than the strength of ships and guns.Teacher Lao made an expedition to Guangdong—the most quintessential place in Guangdong is Guangzhou Mansion. If you can occupy it, you will have inexhaustible glory and wealth. Why go to the valley to compete with them, "outsiders"?Furthermore, after leaving Guangzhou, Guangxi, Hunan... and other places still have troops from the Ming Dynasty, and bandits are behind the scenes to create chaos.So nine out of ten will push the boat along the way and pinch your nose to admit it.As long as my family manages the three places in Lianyang well, use this as a source of income, integrate the Yao people in Lianyang, condense them into a large group, and give more children and silk to bribe the thieves, it will not be a problem to be a Taiping magistrate for more than ten years.After that, no one can tell.Anyway, even if Daming calls back, he has to admit it.Those chieftains in Guizhou have been passed down for more than ten generations!
If Lianzhou refused to surrender, he would break through the city with all his strength and plunder the city—those salt merchants are very fat.Occupying Lianzhou, he can also negotiate terms with the Australians. If the negotiation fails, he will not lose money. At most, he will take the spoils of Lianzhou and return to the mountains.

Although the Yao people lacked siege equipment and weapons, there were not many defenders in Lianzhou City, and even less food was stored—a large number of people fled into the city.As long as the food shortage lasts for a long time, there will be chaos in the city without fighting.

As for himself, Li Sanjiu was not worried. He had looted and extorted a large amount of food in the surrounding area, enough to support the entire team for more than two months.

Now the Australians are coming so fast, which somewhat disrupted his plan.This forced Li Sanjiu to completely reconsider his plan.He has dealt with the government and relatives, but he has never dealt with Australians.However, since they call themselves the Great Song Dynasty, they are probably also descendants of the Han people.Dealing with Daming with the same attitude will probably not go wrong.
Next update: Volume 399 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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