Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2221 Dark Clouds Gather

Chapter 2221 Dark Clouds Gather
On July 27th in the Australian calendar, it was as hot as a fire.It is said that the heat in the field is killing people.Most of the food and wine used in the "Golden Basin Washing Hands" meeting on the Dalang Fair was prepared for the next day, and most of them were poured out, making it a long time since they hadn't eaten meat. The people shook their heads one by one, and talked about the choice of day in private. Not well.Hearing a few roars from the leader, he didn't dare to speak.

Despite the hot weather, the "Golden Basin Washing Hands" conference or "Adaptation Conference" is still being prepared step by step.A stage was set up on the polder - it is said that this is called the "chairman's platform", with a pergola on it.There is also a row of bamboo sheds on both sides of the fair: it is said that they are all for the heroes of the three mountains and five mountains and the people of the Australian government to watch the ceremony.After all, Sun Dabiao is also famous in the green forest.

Hundreds of minions in Dalangxu gathered noisily.In fact, Sun Dabiao has only 80 to 100 people in his backbone, and the other less than [-] people are "domestic bandits" scattered in and around Dalangwei.Now he sends people out to search everywhere: as long as they have worked with Sun Dabiao's name, and they are a little mediocre, they are all called to make up for it.He said that as long as he ordered a meal, each person would be given two buckets of brown rice and a new suit of clothes.It is said to be new, that is to say, the old clothes have been mended and dyed. Looking at the new clothes, the clothes are all bad.The people below all scolded their mothers, saying that the stewards filled their own pockets.

But with just one sentence, one piece of torn clothes, Sun Dabiao summoned more than 200 people.Putting on the "new" livery and issuing knives and guns, it looks like the same thing.He doesn't shy away from this--since ancient times when the heroes recruited security, the checks and inspections of the troops were always filled with false reports: who doesn't want to have more soldiers under their own name!Even after this recruitment, the first month's salary can be reduced by a few more.Needless to say, everyone said that the Australians were the most well-mannered. Not only were they paid on time, but their daily food and clothing expenses were not comparable to that of ordinary officers and soldiers.Let’s just say that the Yaoman serving as soldiers for the Australians are not the real brand of Fubo Army, and every one of them will be full of red in a few days.Many people are thinking in their hearts, and if they really want to recruit Australians to serve as soldiers, it will be a way out!
Sun Dabiao looked happy, wandering around the Dalong Fair from time to time, and his attitude was much better than before. He greeted everyone when he saw him, and only helped the old woman cross the road.The common people were surprised: What kind of medicine did Sun Dabiao take?

On the evening of the 27th, the Yangshan Second Squadron of the National Army from Yonghua arrived at Dalangxu, but they did not drive to the town, but all slept outside the fair.There is nothing else except that Squadron Leader Jinzhen and Sun Dabiao finalized the defense and concentration details of tomorrow's "adaptation conference".After camping, no matter water or firewood, they will take care of themselves. The rewards sent in the fair are only rice and vegetables, and nothing else is taken. Even the rare wine and meat are returned.This behavior made many people in the town click their tongues secretly: I have only heard of such people, but never seen them!
In the early morning of the next day, there was a lot of people in Dalangxu, and it was very lively.Congratulatory guests from all walks of life kept pouring in, and the fair place where the business was done was crowded with guests and onlookers within a short while.The cooks who ran the sheds from all over the county were covered in oil and sweat, standing by the blazing stove, cooking dishes, while scolding their helpers and apprentices loudly, asking them to work more "sharply".The whole sky of Dalangxu is filled with the aroma of food.The poor people who have not been able to eat meat all year round can't help but secretly swallow their saliva.

An Eight Immortals table has been placed on the high platform, covered with an elegant embroidered velvet tablecloth, and a golden washbasin is placed on it—of course this is not gold, but a copper washbasin.It was specially polished with brick powder.

There is an incense table in front of the table of the Eight Immortals for the three things of the bottle stove.It was already cigarette smoke.

Sun Dabiao is sitting upright in the inner house at the moment.The weather was very hot, and he was still sweating profusely in only a small shirt.Because there was a secret discussion, there was not even a servant with a fan around.Only Bi Xuansheng was there.

Bi Xuansheng was neatly dressed, with a calm and naturally cool look, but in fact he was sweating heavily and was just trying to force his posture.

He is here today, apparently under the orders of Feng Haijiao, but actually under the control of Zhan Zhekun.Even Bi Xuansheng didn't fully know what kind of play Zhan Zhekun, the quiet and unassuming "Zan Hua" was going to sing in Dalangxu today.And his task is to ensure that the Yangshan toubob in front of him acts according to the script.

However, Sun Dabiao began to appear a little restless, he could hold on to the scene, but when he got to the inner room, he became restless.

Bi Xuansheng was actually feeling guilty in his heart - he had seen with his own eyes how powerful the Australians are, but since he wanted to make a big career, he couldn't be weak first, not only he couldn't be weak, but he had to cheer up Sun Dabiao.

"Mr. Bi, do you think today's matter is reliable?" Sun Dabiao finally couldn't help asking this question that he had wanted to ask for a long time.

Bi Xuansheng replied without hesitation: "Of course it is reliable."

"But I always feel a little hypocritical..." Sun Dabiao rubbed his head, "You are always a scholar, so you can see the overall situation more clearly than I do. However, now a squadron from Yonghua has come over. When the time comes, the county will The commander will bring another squadron here, and the actual number of people here may be less than 200..."

"Even if you really have 400 people, is it possible that you can take down the 200 people of the gangsters?" Bi Xuansheng said, "If you fight hard, you will lose, and you can only win by outsmarting."

"But your method..." Sun Dabiao patted his thigh, "It's a pity my Dalangxu!"

"Da Langxu's surname is no longer grandson, what are you so sorry for?" Bi Xuansheng said.

"That's true," Sun Dabiao said, "but I have a lot of ancestral property here. Even if it's done this time, these ancestral properties will be wiped out..." As he spoke, his eyebrows trembled uncontrollably, and he thought it was extremely painful .

"Hehe, don't just stare at this thing in front of you. As long as the Australians are forced away, isn't this Dalangxu still your old property? Besides, there is still a county town. Although it was looted by the Yao people at the beginning , the Australians have come these days, the market has recovered a lot, and the grain and goods brought in by the Australians from other places... Do the math, is it too little?"

"I believe it." Sun Dabiao was sullen, not at all moved by the big cake he described, "I'm afraid that if I miss one hit, this plan will be exposed..."

"Even if you miss one hit, Wang Chuyi and the Australians from Yangshan will be in a mess." Bi Xuansheng looked confident, "It will take half a day to run back to the county from here, even if you ride a horse. Not to mention that Master Zhan has already arranged for the heroes to rob and kill them halfway, even if they can reach the county seat, Yangshan County has already been captured by us."

Although he kept cheering up Sun Dabiao, Sun Dabiao was already frowning.Bi Xuansheng was afraid that something would happen to him, so he warned: "Then there is no need for the master to do anything—you just need to wash your hands in the golden basin according to the rules of the world. Other things will naturally be taken care of!"

Seeing the three strokes in the sun, someone came to report: The team from the county is here!

Shocked, Sun Dabiao said, "How many people are here? Has Magistrate Wang come?"

"The county magistrate's sedan chair is in the procession, people have probably come." Xiao Luo reported, "About 100 people have come, all with weapons. It looks like a team of Yao people from the county town!"

"The team of the Yao people in the county" is Yangshan's provisional No. [-] Squadron.Although this squadron was established not long ago and its training equipment is very poor, but because it is composed of Yao people, it is quite well-known in Dalangxu.

The Australian magistrate Wang really has some tricks.Bi Xuan said heartily.Sun Dabiao and the Yao people in Yonghua have always been hostile, and they have attacked and killed each other more than once.Now the Australians came with a team of Yao people. If there is any trouble, these Yao people will definitely fight with Sun Dabiao's men.

"Quick! Get water, I need to wash my face and change my clothes." Sun Dabiao shouted repeatedly.He seemed to remember what he was going to do, and cheered up.

Wang Chuyi set off from the county seat before dawn with the temporary No. [-] squadron.Hurry up as early as possible, the heat is still not overpowering, and when we approach the border of Dalangxu, we see that the sky is getting more and more cloudy, and the air is stuffy and breathless.You Ciren, who was in charge of leading the team, looked at the weather and thought it might rain, so he urged the team to leave quickly.The Yao people in Yonghua are good at climbing mountains and walking. Although the weather is hot, no one is left behind along the way. It is just because the weather is too hot that the armor and weapons issued have been removed. .Seeing Wang Chuyi, You Ciren and other naturalized cadres shaking their heads.If it weren't for the deep hatred between Yaomin and Sun Dabiao and Feng Haijiao, the combat effectiveness of such a team is actually very unreliable.

The team came all the way to the outside of Dalangxu, and the squadron leader of the second squadron who arrived earlier has come to greet them.

You Ciren didn't talk nonsense, and ordered: "You immediately lead the team into Dalangxu, and control all the street intersections and the four village gates. You take a platoon and stand by at the crossroads."

"Yes, Section Chief!" The squadron leader saluted, "What about the fairground? I think there are quite a few of Sun Dabiao's minions there. Do you want to send a platoon there?"

Obviously, the squadron leader is not too worried about the combat effectiveness of the Yaomin squadron.

"How many? Are there weapons?"

"More than 200 people, all with bare hands."

This number is similar to the information they collected before: Sun Dabiao's strength is currently less than 200 people.As for the extra people, they must be temporarily recruiting strong men to boost their momentum.

According to the agreement in advance, all of Sun Dabiao's men and horses were to gather at the fair for inspection with bare hands, and the weapons were specially concentrated in a warehouse under Sun Dabiao's name for inspection separately.

"Have you seen the condition of the weapons?"

"It has been surveyed early this morning, and they are all piled up in the warehouse as agreed."

"You don't need to send people there anymore. You don't have many people of your own." You Ciren thought for a while, "There is a squadron of Yao people, so there is nothing wrong with protecting County Magistrate Wang. You have to be more vigilant and always pay attention to whether there is any suspicious situation. ——Especially outside the town!"
Next update: Volume 425 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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