Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2222

Chapter 2222
Wang Chuyi was not nervous, and asked, "Is there any news from Qinglianwei?"

"There is no news yet, but I have already notified the county to send someone to inform them as soon as they receive the news of Zhen Huan's arrival at Qinglianxu." Watch Feng Haijiao's movements outside the fair.From the current point of view, Feng Haijiao has not changed yet.

If Feng Haijiao made any changes, even if Zhenhuan's mountain company didn't arrive in time, it would take five or six hours for a normal hike from Qinglianwei to here, and it would take a day for a large group of people to move in.Therefore, if Sun Dabiao had any collusion with Feng Haijiao and wanted to attack here, his troops had to be dispatched a day in advance.

Now there is no abnormality in Qinglianyu, no matter what Sun Dabiao's plan is, it is obvious that Feng Haijiao is not unusual.Both Wang Chuyi and You Ciren were relieved - what they were most worried about was the confluence of these two forces.

"Come on, let's go into town!"

Sun Dabiao and the "sages" from the whole town of Dalangxu were waiting at the gate of the village. When they saw Wang Chuyi's sedan chair approaching, Sun Dabiao took the lead, and all the "sages" from all walks of life fell to their knees. .

He was so respectful, Wang Chuyi couldn't ignore it, opened the sedan chair curtain and said: "There is no need to be too polite."

"Yes, Mr. Wang, please move to the Dragon Mother Temple first. The tea has been set up there." Sun Dabiao's attitude was extremely respectful.

Wang Chu nodded, he was already sweating profusely - sitting in a sedan chair and driving under the sun, it was like a living person.Regardless of the medicine sold in Sun Dabiao's gourd, it is important to find a place to rest and drink some water first.

The Longmu Temple in Dalangxu is next to the fair, a temple with three main rooms and courtyards.The only bright spot is facing the stage at the gate of the temple - this is also the place where Sun Dabiao washes his hands today.

You Ciren was very vigilant when he entered the town, looking around, but he didn't see anything unusual.The weather is hot, and there are few pedestrians on the street. Because it was ransacked by the Yao people not long ago, the houses that are still being repaired are scattered and dejected.He took a closer look, but found nothing special, and the key traffic nodes were all controlled in advance by the people of the Second Squadron.

A group of people arrived at Longmu Temple, only to find that the whole town seems to have gathered here.There are crowds of people inside and outside the pergola around the fair, there are hundreds of people, men, women, old and young, all watching the excitement.Seeing that the Australians had brought the Yaomin Squadron, the crowd in the fairground was in a commotion.

"You tell Pan Tianshun and the others to suppress your own subordinates." Wang Chuyi opened the sedan chair curtain and said in a low voice, "There are great conflicts between Han and Yao here, and it's just a joke if something goes wrong."


The sedan chair was carried all the way to the Dragon Mother Temple under the guard of the Yaomin Squadron. Wang Chu got off the sedan chair and went into the main hall, where he held incense and worshiped the gods. Prepared face wash and tea, and served them respectfully.

You Ciren set up the customs defense, and at the same time led people around the fair.Although there were many people who came, it could be seen that most of them were ordinary people watching the excitement, and there were no such characters as green forest heroes.There were some with obvious green forest atmosphere, all gathered in several sheds, and the accompanying butler said: These are all Sun Dabiao's "friends", and they specially came to watch the ceremony this time.

Since they are "friends", they are probably also bandits from all walks of life.You Ciren thought to himself, this is a good opportunity to catch them all.Because when he came back, he would whisper to his subordinates and keep an eye on the "guests" in the sheds-take them down one by one on the road after the meeting.

Sun Dabiao was not idle here either, as soon as Wang Chuyi arrived at the Dragon Mother Temple, he immediately brought people over, greeted him and offered tea, and repeated the conditions that Wang Chuyi had promised him earlier.Wang Chuyi said impatiently: "Master Sun, since these conditions have been agreed to you, the Senate naturally keeps what it says. It's just that your people will serve the Senate loyally from now on. Don't think otherwise, naturally Keep you safe and rich."

"Yes, yes, the villain understands! This is all thanks to you, Mr. Wang," Sun Dabiao said, taking out a gift list from his sleeve. "This is a small contribution from the villain. Please accept it with a smile."

Wang Chuyi didn't accept his gift list, and frowned, "Master Sun, I accept your wish. But the Senate is disciplined, so I can't accept such a private gift."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Wang, you are upright and upright, but this gift is given by the villain to the Senate."

I heard that it was dedicated to the Senate, so Wang Chuyi took the gift list.There is nothing surprising about the above.It's just tea, mountain products, leather and other local products, and there are 500 taels of silver and [-] pieces of cloth.

All useful things.Wang Chu thought to himself.He immediately accepted the gift list and said: "Since it is dedicated to the Senate, I will accept it first. In a few days, let the county issue a receipt for you."

"Yes, thank you, master!" Sun Dabiao smiled brightly, as if he had gained a lot of face.He said, looked at the sky outside, and said, "It's almost time, do you think this is the beginning?"

"Well, let's start." Wang Chuyi put down the teacup and stood up.

Yangshan County.

It was almost noon, and there were almost no pedestrians on the street.The doors of all businesses were open, but all of them hung bamboo curtains feebly.The county town was looted immediately, and the commercial route to Hunan has not yet resumed. All the businesses have been seriously injured, and some have already wanted to close their businesses. It is only because the new county magistrate Wang called several meetings of merchants and promised to exempt commercial tax And the exemption of various miscellaneous taxes is barely enough to persuade the merchants to open their doors for business, but the business is sluggish, and they can't wait for a customer for a long time.The weather is hot, everyone from the boss to the boy is drowsy.

The only lively place in the city was a mansion on Xianqian West Street—it was Sun Dabiao who had recently purchased it in the county.Since he bought this mansion, he bought the neighboring houses and shops at a high price.There is a lot of construction work, house expansion, and gardening. There are dozens of small workers on the construction site every day, and there is a lot of noise every day.

At noon, the small workers on the construction site came out in twos and threes as usual, and went to a restaurant near the west gate with their tools-the craftsmen had three meals a day there.This kind of scene has been like this since Sun Dabiao started building houses in the county.The national army on duty on the street is no surprise.Although Chief Luo raised the alert level today, everyone didn't take it seriously.It's just that the number of national army personnel on duty next to the sun house construction site has increased a lot.

Zhang Tianbo is currently in a tea shed in Guanxiang, West Gate of Yangshan Mountain, drinking tea absent-mindedly, secretly looking around the street from time to time.He, the captain, is actually a polished commander. The so-called detective team has more than 20 fast-track yamen servants retained, but these people are directly commanded by the security department, and they are not at his disposal at all.Luo Yiming couldn't trust him either, so he didn't give him an errand.After the recruiting was completed, he had no work to do and wandered the streets every day.Now that he has lost the prestige of the past, even if others greet him, he still feels listless.

Everyone in the county town knew that Zhang Tianbo was now devastated, and that he was unhappy under the hands of the Australians.As a result, not only are all the benefits of the past gone, but the people who suffered from him in the past dare not openly treat him, but whenever they meet on the road, they don't have good words and faces, and some openly grab him and want to fight with him. He reasoned.Zhang Tianbo evaded them all, and endured them all - ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.Now that he was on Feng Haijiao's boat, he simply took a big gamble and gambled.

He stole another glance at Simon.Due to the instability of law and order, the city gates in Yangshan County are not open from sunrise to sunset.It is summer now and the days are very long, but the county town does not open until eight in the morning and closes at five in the afternoon.As usual, the city gates are only half open so that they can be closed in time in case of emergency.

On duty at the gate of the city is a squad of the national army.It would be time to eat, and a fire leader carrying a load came over to share the food. The workers in the restaurant not far away were squatting or standing, eating around the big wooden basin full of vegetables.

While eating, someone suddenly exclaimed: "It's on fire!"

Zhang Tianbo's heart moved, and he couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart. He looked up to the east: Sure enough, a puff of black smoke had already emerged from the construction site of Sun Dabiao's mansion.

The construction site was originally full of building materials such as bamboo and wood, but now tung oil has been poured on it.The weather is dry in summer, and within a few minutes after the arson, the fire spread uncontrollably, and the flames soared into the sky.

The whistle on the street rang, and the national army on duty on the street became chaotic, and many people ran to the construction site.Several sentries at the gate of the city also came out of the clips and stood on the street to look around.

"Do it!" Zhang Tianbo stood up suddenly, threw the tea cup in his hand to the ground, pulled out the dagger from his arms, and rushed towards the gate of the city with a loud roar.Following his signal, more than 20 small workers who had been eating also threw down their rice bowls, picked up the shovels, shoulder poles, and hoes at hand and rushed to the west gate.

The Nationalist Army closest to Zhang Tianbo was looking around with his rice bowl, and was completely stunned at the moment. Seeing Zhang Tianbo baring his teeth and rushing towards Zhang Tianbo waving a dagger with a ferocious face, he screamed and threw his rice bowl towards Zhang Tianbo. He hit it, turned around and ran, but his feet were not stable, and he fell solidly.Zhang Tianbo rushed forward in two steps in three steps, stepped on it with one foot, and killed him with a knife.

The other soldiers who came out to watch the excitement had no time to react in a hurry, and were knocked down by the bandits who rushed over, and lost their breath in an instant.

When the bandits rushed into the city gate, they were stopped by the horse for a while, and these precious ten seconds saved the lives of the remaining soldiers.The squad leader on duty raised his gun and shot, knocking down a bandit. Taking advantage of the moment when the bandit panicked, the remaining people immediately retreated into the cave for the soldiers inside the city gate.
Next update: Volume 426 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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