Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2223 Six Flowers

Chapter 2223 Blooming at Both Ends

Several bandits waved their weapons and wanted to take advantage of the situation to rush into the cave. The two sides launched a melee at the entrance of the cave, which was difficult to use. In the end, the bandits still suffered from weapons and were driven out by the soldiers guarding the entrance of the cave with bayonets.In the chaos, the soldiers in the cave opened fire, and the doorway was filled with gunpowder smoke. The bandits escaped from the doorway screaming and screaming, and only guarded the places on both sides of the doorway where the rifles could not reach.The place inside the doorway is small, and the national army is too small to rush out for a while.The two sides are so deadlocked
Zhang Tianbo was in a hurry, if he couldn't take the city gate, the people outside would not be able to rush in.This "ingenious plan" to seize the county seat also fell through.He knew the real situation in the city: Luo Yiming had less than 100 people under his command, plus the civilized civil servants and "rebellious" retained personnel, there were only 50 to [-] people.These people are scattered all over the county, not enough to cause trouble.

It is for this reason that he agreed to act as an "internal responder" and "act according to the plan".

According to Zhan Zhekun's plan, Zhang Tianbo and more than 20 gangsters on the construction site acted as internal responses in the city, set fire to the construction site and caused chaos, captured the west gate, and supported the brigade from outside the city to enter the city, and captured Yangshan County in one fell swoop.

To achieve the goal of capturing the city instantly, one must be sudden, and the other is that the two parties must match in time.Now it has reached a stalemate.Zhang Tianbo heard the sound of whistles on the street one after another, knowing that it would not be long before Luo Yiming would charge back with someone.The situation will be reversed in an instant.

He quickly jumped out and said, "Hurry up! Light up the fire and fume them with smoke!"

The bandits quickly lit a few bundles of firewood and threw them at the entrance of the cave of the Tibetan soldiers, and threw a few rotten straw mats on top of it. Suddenly, the whole city gate was filled with smoke, and even the bandits couldn't stay any longer, and all ran out .The thick smoke poured in from here, and there was no room for people to stay in the cave. The soldiers were coughing. The corporal knew that the situation was not good, and he would die if he stayed any longer, so he shouted, "Everyone, don't panic! Back to back, move step by step Get out, don't run!"

At the moment they formed a group of three, formed a triangle formation, and raised their bayonets.Enduring the choking smoke, he moved out of the cave of the soldiers step by step. The smoke outside was a little lighter, and some bandits rushed forward with strange screams. This side was already prepared, and the triangle formation was airtight. After stabbing three or four people in a row, no one rushed towards them again.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhang Tianbo rushed out of the city, took out the firework signal and set off - at this moment the city gate is not closed, and the reinforcements in the city have not arrived, as long as the rescuers ambushed outside the city arrive in time, there is still a chance of winning .

However, his three firework signals were fired in succession, but the avenue outside the city was quiet, and there was no one there!Zhang Tianbo was in a hurry: Could it be that there was a mistake in the response time? !This is a mind-boggling affair!For a moment he was drenched in sweat, and was about to turn back to see what was going on, when suddenly there was a burst of gunshots in the city, and four or five bandits ran out of the doorway, each of them still in shock.The leader saw that he was still in a daze and shouted: "Master Zhang, run quickly, the gangsters are coming!"

Zhang Tianbo knew the situation was not good, so he ran away.


Sun Dabiao got up from the chair under the stage, bowed his hands to the surrounding guests, and specifically bowed his hands to Wang Chuyi who was sitting on the stage as the guest of honor, and then walked slowly onto the stage.

The guests and common people who have listened to the long speech of the Australians have long been impatient - even in this hot day, even under the awning, they may not be able to cool off much.Seeing that the "play meat" was about to appear on the stage, the originally noisy fair suddenly became quiet.

The copper basin on the table in the middle of the stage has been filled with water.Sun Dabiao came to the stage, first held incense and prayed to the main hall, and put three sticks of incense in the incense burner.After waiting for a while, someone had already brought another incense burner, which was densely filled with burning incense sticks.

Sun Dabiao was muttering something, but because of the distance, everyone couldn't hear what he was saying.However, the comrades in the green forest knew that what he recited was "The Speech of Pulling Incense".If a person in the green forest wants to wash his hands and go ashore, after obtaining the consent of the leader and his accomplices, he must do it like this: every time he reads a sentence, he will pull out a piece of incense from the incense burner.There are 56 sticks of incense and 56 sentences in total. You must read every word without missing a word. If you pull out the last one, you will wash your hands and go ashore, and you will leave the green forest.Sun Dabiao is not exempt from being the leader of a party.

When Sun Dabiao read six lines of his words, he pulled out the last stick of incense, and there was a sound of gongs and drums everywhere, and lion dancers and dragon dancers came out to play in front of the stage.With a smile on his face, Sun Dabiao walked slowly to the copper basin, dipped his hands in the basin, washed them a little, and then lifted them up.All of a sudden, the guns blared, causing Wang Chuyi's eardrums to hurt. He was about to ask how long it would take to end this ritual.Suddenly someone screamed: "It's water!"

Originally, in this extremely noisy market, it takes a lot of effort to hear even the face-to-face conversation, but this voice is surprisingly shrill, it can be called hoarse.It made Wang Chuyi and the others shudder, and looked around, only to see a black smoke rising from the east of the town.

The crowd in the fair suddenly became commotion, and Sun Dabiao shouted loudly: "Master Wang! It's flooded, please step down from the stage and take shelter, I'll come to have a look..." As he said this, he jumped off the stage and mixed in Disappeared among the crowd.

You Ciren suddenly came to his senses, and secretly shouted: Not good!Immediately drew his pistol and shouted: "Quick, protect the county magistrate!"

His shout was just in time, when the guards pushed Wang Chuyi to the ground, two or three gunshots sounded from the roof of the main hall. The people brought by Wang Chuyi were knocked down in an instant, and even You Ciren was injured, his face and hands were broken by iron sand, and blood flowed profusely.

Wang Chuyi was seriously injured. He was hit by something, and his body was bleeding profusely.

"Hurry up, protect the county magistrate to break through!" You Ciren has fully understood at this moment that this is a trap!No one imagined that Sun Dabiao would risk such a disgrace in his lair and attack the county government!

Looking at the injured county magistrate, You Ciren's eyes were burning with anxiety, and he commanded the Yaomin squadron to protect the stage, so as not to be scattered by the enemy.

The market is already in chaos at the moment, the people who were hired to act as "checkpoints" and the people who watched the fun huddled together in a panic and trampled on each other.There were screaming and running crowds all over the place.And those minions disguised as guests are now approaching the stage, brandishing knives and guns.Many people also climbed onto the adjacent roofs, shooting arrows condescendingly from above.

Surrounding the stage was the Yao Min Squadron, they were quite numerous, but they were caught off guard, and more than a dozen people were killed or injured in one fell swoop.Yao Min Squadron lacked training and poor organization and discipline. After encountering a sudden attack, some people who were on the periphery broke up and fled with the crowd.Only dozens of people in the core part guarded the stage firmly according to the prior order, and some of them had already handed over the bandits who rushed up.There are swords, lights and swords around the stage, and the screams of the dying are heard from time to time.

Pan Tianshun led the Yao people to fight hard - because they were too hot, many of them didn't wear the armor they brought, so there were many casualties in the first round of fighting.Fortunately, the bandits didn't have any armor either, and the two sides were equally divided. The Yao people and the bandits in Dayangxu had a deep hatred, so they fought unambiguously, and each of them took the lead.It didn't go down for a while.

You Ciren sent two guards to take Wang Chuyi under the stage, and this place has become a battlefield of swords and swords. Not only the bandits rushed to kill here, but also people shot arrows at the stage from the houses around the market.Some people set fire to it.It has not rained here for more than half a month, the sky is dry and the things are dry, and most of the houses are made of bamboo and wood. One thing is good dry firewood.

Looking around again, the entire Great Langxu was already filled with thick smoke and blazing flames.You Ciren knew that this was a big deal!Sun Dabiao did not hesitate to set fire to Dalangxu, obviously determined to fight the Senate to the end.Right now, the whole town is on fire, and the arrangements I made in advance will not work.Because of the fire, it was difficult for the scattered Second Squadron to gather quickly and go into battle.What they did in the past was to control the four gates and traffic arteries in the town, so that any riots could be quickly quelled.However, Sun Dabiao's action is completely like burning jade with stone.He didn't care about the soldiers of the Second Squadron who were scattered everywhere, but concentrated all his forces to besiege Wang Chuyi, trying to capture and kill the Australian county magistrate in one fell swoop.

"Major Wang, we can only rush out now!" You Ciren said loudly.

The current situation is unclear, it is difficult to say how strong the enemy is, and whether there is any arrangement for a backup. To be on the safe side, the only way to retreat to the county is first.

Wang Chuyi felt weak all over and dizzy, knowing that he was seriously injured.However, at this moment, when he thought of the end of the recruiting plan, he not only failed the trust of the chief, but also dragged down a large number of comrades, so he couldn't help but feel like a knife was twisted, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.For a while, I had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

"County head! County head! County head?!"

Under You Ciren's repeated urging, Wang Chuyi came back to his senses, and reluctantly said: "We all go, what about the Second Squadron?"

"Send them a signal to let them rush out!" You Ciren said loudly.The Second Squadron is scattered in various points of the town. Right now, the whole town is on fire, filled with smoke, and the roads are not clear.Asking them to gather at the Dragon Mother Temple will only increase casualties and variables, it is better to ask them to retreat separately.

The signal soldiers then ignited three green signal rockets representing the retreat of the whole group.You Ciren waved his command saber and shouted: "Everyone follow me and rush out!"

At this time, Pan Tianshun was full of energy, brandishing a big knife and leading the Yao soldiers to charge forward. You Ciren followed behind with more than a dozen guards, shooting in turn to support Pan Tianshun.
Next update: Volume 427 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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