Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2224 Breakout and Escape

Chapter 2224 Breakout and Escape
You Ciren commanded the soldiers to break out of the encirclement. He shouted loudly and waved his command knife and pistol to encourage the soldiers to rush forward.

After more than ten minutes of hand-to-hand combat, everyone here was bathed in blood. Pan Tianshun was covered in blood, and he didn't know whether it belonged to himself or the bandits. Although he was old, he fought unambiguously. He rushed to the right to kill, and soon led people to kill and opened a bloody path.

Although the bandits who came besieging were numerous, they were used to fighting with the wind. It was difficult to maintain their will to fight when encountering tough stubble. The bandits who rushed up began to shrink back after suffering continuous casualties, and shot birds and arrows at them from a distance. .

The bandits retreated for the time being, and a group of people came to the intersection. The streets were full of corpses and debris.Not long after going out, I met a squad of the Second Squadron, and they controlled the intersection here.They were not attacked after the fire started, but the town was full of construction sites, bamboo, wood, reed mats and straw everywhere, so the fire spread quickly.I had to exit from the intersection, and encountered sporadic attacks by bandits on the road, and soon started to fight, because the whole road was full of people from the town fleeing in all directions, and they didn't distinguish between good and bad in the chaos, killing many people.

"Although there are construction sites everywhere here, and there are a lot of bamboo, wood and reed mats, they don't burn so fast!" The squad leader's face was blackened by the smoke, "I smell burnt tung oil! It must have been prepared."

"How many casualties?"

"Five of them were injured, all of them were minor, so it's not a problem," said the squad leader.

"You follow us," You Ciren said, "Did you see anyone else?"

"No," said the squad leader, "I only heard from the soldiers that they saw the signal flares for everyone to retreat, but I didn't see them, and I didn't dare to go far..."

"You did a good job!" You Ciren cheered up. Thanks to the class's hesitation, he now has ten fighting backbones.I took a look just now, and the Yaomin Squadron suffered a lot of losses, with one-third fewer people even fleeing and causing casualties.

Taking advantage of this short period of calm, You Ciren ordered: "Attention all shifts, check the condition of the wounded, and put stretchers on the seriously wounded who cannot walk immediately! Quick!"

"Captain! The county magistrate's injury is serious!" The health worker grabbed his skirt, "It's not going to work like this!"

"What?!" You Ciren was startled when he heard that, and hurriedly turned around, only to see two Yao people supporting Wang Chuyi, completely incapacitated, blood dripping from his clothes, staying for a while, There was a small pool of blood on his body.

"Why don't you stop the bleeding?"

"I can't stop it!" the hygienist said urgently, "I bandaged him just now, there are two big wounds, one is on the right chest, I don't know how deep it is, but there is not much blood coming out; the other is on the thigh, the blood I can't stop it at all! The chief said that this symptom is likely to be an injury to the femoral artery, but it doesn't look like..."

"You fucking don't recite medical books for me!" You Ciren said impatiently, "Is he still alive?"

"I put on a tourniquet and it temporarily stopped, but it didn't stop completely." The health worker stammered, "Go back quickly, maybe there's still a chance of rescue! The roving medical team just arrived at the county seat yesterday."

You Ciren leaned in front of Wang Chuyi and saw that his face was abnormally pale and his hands were cold, so he knew that the dangers were serious.He waved his hand and said: "Come four people, carry him away!"

At that moment, someone found two bamboo poles from a house on the side of the road, took off two coats and put them on, making a simple stretcher.

After a brief stay of no more than 5 minutes, the whole team began to head out of the town again.Dalangxu is not big, and it is only 200 meters from the crossroads to the nearest Zhaimen in the south.There are no people on the street at this time, and the attack on the team has stopped.However, the fire in the whole town has spread into pieces. The fire has engulfed the houses that have just been restored, and many unused building materials have also caught fire. The black smoke is thick and sparks are flying all over the sky.The high temperature scorched the team, and the soldiers endured the high temperature and thick smoke and marched forward all the way.Finally escaped from the gate of the village.

The corpses were scattered outside the gate of the village. You Ciren saw five or six corpses scattered with their heads in national army uniforms at a glance, and his heart sank.Obviously the enemy attacked here and successfully drove the troops here.He looked at the corpses on the ground, and it was obvious that there were many more enemies than he had estimated—multiple sources of information showed that Sun Dabiao originally had two hundred people, and his core troops suffered a lot during the Eight Pai Yao Rebellion. At present, there are only forty or fifty old bandits at most.

Unexpectedly, there are so many enemies!You Ciren thought bitterly, I was really careless!

"Captain, what shall we do next?"

"Retreat towards the county seat!" You Ciren said, "Be careful."

The enemy is likely to have an ambush on the road, and Sun Dabiao did not hesitate to burn his lair, so it is impossible to be satisfied with such a result.

The whole team ran wildly along the road without any urging. Everyone knew that the current situation was extremely dangerous.The only way to ensure safety is to return to the county seat and join the brigade.

After walking a few miles, they encountered a few stragglers who had been scattered at the gate of the village.You Ciren called them over.At first glance, there were only three people, all wounded and without weapons.

He didn't care to blame them for their embarrassment, and asked, "What's going on at the gate of Nanzhai?"

"We don't know either." A soldier said with a sad face, "We were guarding at the gate of the village, and suddenly a group of bandits rushed from outside the village. There were five or sixty people. They first shot arrows and then bombarded them with firecrackers. The squad leader was the first We were shot to death. We fired a few volleys of guns before we started hand-to-hand combat, and we were scattered in an instant."

After being separated, they dared not go back to the town, nor did they dare to return to the county alone.So he hid in the woods by the roadside to see if he could wait for the large army.

"As soldiers, you have lost your weapons. Do you still look like a soldier?!" To be honest, You Ciren looked down on the National Army who had only been a soldier for a few months. stretcher!"

Wang Chuyi had already fainted, but was jolted awake again on the way.The country roads are rough, and bandits are always attacking on the roads, and the troops have to stop from time to time to start a small-scale battle.

"Uh..." Wang Chuyi couldn't help moaning, feeling that the pain of the wound seemed to intensify, and somehow felt chilly, dizzy, and could hardly open his eyelids.

"Are you awake?" the stretcher bearer at the back asked after watching him move.

"Where is this..." Wang Chuyi murmured.

"County magistrate, stand up again, we're almost at the county seat! There's a roving medical team in the county seat, and there's a chief doctor!" The health worker comforted: "Don't worry."

"You... tell Chief Yuke that what he said... is right... I was wrong..." Wang Chuyi realized that his life was passing, but he was neither sad nor afraid, but full of remorse , "You tell's a matter of life and death..."

"Stop talking." The hygienist comforted, "I will bandage you in the city, and you can talk to Chief Yuke slowly."

Wang Chuyi shook his head slowly. He wanted to say something, but he felt dizzy more and more, and couldn't speak a word, so he closed his eyes and remained silent.After a while, he fell into a coma again.

The bandits did set up an ambush on the road, not to mention the continuous encounters in the front line, and sometimes the enemy would come up from behind, if it weren't for the more than 20 guns of the national army, which had almost two squads in his hand, firing in turn, forcing The enemy did not dare to approach, and they could be dragged to death on the road just by firing blunderbusses and arrows.

Just like this, the bandits retreated until it was getting dark and they were less than two kilometers away from the county seat.Only then did You Ciren put down a stone in his heart: If the battle dragged on until night and he couldn't return to the city, the risk of marching at night would be even greater.

Luo Yiming suppressed the riot of Zhang Tianbo and his gang in the county town, and almost killed these bandits, but let Zhang Tianbo run away.But they started the fire and it took him several hours to completely extinguish it.The fire spread across a small half of the street, making the already devastated Yangshan County even worse.

He knew that most of the enemies still had back-ups, so he couldn't help but worry about going to Wang Chuyi and his party.However, there was only one squadron in the city, and they were unable to rescue them, so they sent a few scouts to Dalangxu to report the news and inquire about the news along the way.They also sent a few messengers to Qinglianwei to report to Li Miaolian who was going there.

However, after several scouts went out, there was no news.It wasn't until [-] o'clock in the afternoon that the scouts brought a few National Army soldiers back to the county seat, saying that Sun Dabiao had set fire to Dalangxu, county magistrate Wang and his party had been trapped, and the Second Squadron had been dispersed, and they were retreating separately.

Luo Yiming was in a hurry, but he was helpless.Next, sporadic personnel and teams of the Second Yangshan Squadron of the National Army who were withdrawn continued to come back from the direction of Dalangxu.The information received was similar to that of the first group of people, but no one knew the situation of County Magistrate Wang and Yaomin Squadron.It wasn't until half an hour ago that they took in a few soldiers from the Yaomin Squadron and learned that Sun Dabiao had completely betrayed him and that Wang Chuyi was attacked by bandits in Dalangxu.

This news was no small matter, Luo Yiming ignored the emptiness of troops in the city, and immediately sent a small team to search in the direction of Dalangxu, trying to respond.

Not far from the city, the team met Wang Chuyi and his party.Although the men and horses withdrawn from Dalangxu had very few casualties along the way, they fought continuously for most of the day, their nerves were highly tense, and their physical strength was almost exhausted.Seeing the troops who came to meet them, some of them fainted on the spot.

When You Ciren saw that there were troops responding, he felt relieved.Because he suspected that Sun Dabiao and others had also made changes in the county: Sun Dabiao bought land and built houses in the city, and there were many people entering and leaving. If a surprise soldier was ambushed here, the defense of the county would be in jeopardy.

"Finally, the county is safe and sound!" You Ciren entered the city, and without taking a break, he took care of someone and sent Wang Chuyi to the medical team for treatment, and then went straight to the county government to find Luo Yiming.
Next update: Volume 428 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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