Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2225 Serious Injury

Chapter 2225 Serious Injury

The two met at the gate of the county government. You Ciren hadn't had a drop of water since the morning and rushed all the way. At this moment, seeing Luo Yiming seemed to lose all his strength, he collapsed to the ground instantly.

"Quick! Help Captain You in." Luo Yiming ordered, "Ask the kitchen to prepare sugar water!"

Entering the conference room remodeled in the flower hall, You Ciren drank sugar water and regained some energy before giving a general account of what happened.

"The county magistrate has all kinds of calculations, but he didn't expect that Sun Dabiao would implement such a plan of burning everything!" You Ciren said angrily.

Luo Yiming comforted him: "Don't get excited. Since Sun Dabiao doesn't drink a toast, he must have a fine wine—in my opinion, this is also good: the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, and it should be completely wiped out."

You Ciren nodded, and was about to say something, when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his back, and he fell down on the reclining chair.Luo Yiming hurried over to check, but saw a scorched hole on his back, torn off his clothes, it turned out to be a piece of iron, which had been deeply embedded in the muscle, leaving only a blood hole, which was continuously oozing out.

He fought and fled all the way, not even noticing when he was injured.

"You have an injury on your body, go to the medical team to get information first." Luo Yiming said, "I will arrange the next thing."

"The first thing is to call back Zhenhuan's mountain company..."

"Okay, I got it." Luo Yiming dispatched a communication soldier with a coded letter to find Zhen Huan, asking him to bring Shan Dilian to the county seat immediately to meet him.

"All gates in the city are closed except for the north gate. No one is allowed to enter the city without my warrant. The second team assembled at the north gate, and the scattered people who returned from Dalangwei were temporarily disarmed and housed in the north gate. Waiting for screening on the ground, the wounded need to be treated in time, cook porridge in a large pot in the kitchen, and send it over immediately after it cools down!"

At present, the temporary squadron formed by Yangshan No. [-] Squadron and Yonghua Yaomin has all been disbanded, and the remnants are constantly rushing towards Yangshan.It's hard to say whether any of these people were spies from the enemy who took the opportunity to sneak into the city.

"Section chief! It will be five o'clock in one hour, and the captain asked if the city gate should be closed on time?" The captain of the second team in charge of guarding the city gate sent someone to ask.

Luo Yiming looked at his watch, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.According to the regulations, the door is closed at [-] o'clock, and the first squadron that went to meet them had to withdraw to the city before [-] o'clock—the second squadron and the Yaomin squadron had only retreated less than one-third of the people.Many are probably still on the road or lost among the mountains.It may be difficult to return to the county before dark.

As soon as it got dark, the defeated soldiers scattered in the field completely lost their direction, and even the locals might not be able to find the correct way back.Not to mention that the soldiers of the Second Squadron were all brought from the Pearl River Delta area.

"Don't close the north gate, set up a temporary fort outside the gate to protect the city gate, and light a bonfire outside the north gate to guide them!"

"This will attract enemies..."

"Aren't you there just to defend against the enemy?!" Luo Yiming reprimanded, "There are our comrades in arms outside! Let them all come back alive, instead of becoming lonely ghosts!"

The county school is busy at the moment.Here is the "temporary health center" set up.

This temporary health center is usually just a "bandaging center" and "rest station", because there is only one "doctor" in the county who has received health education from the Senate—in fact, he is just a senior health worker, and he has a "hygiene team" under him.In addition to the herbal doctors conscripted from the county, such a simple grass-roots team cannot treat a little more complicated diseases and injuries.

It is also Wang Chuyi's life that should not die.The day before, the ship of the mobile medical team from the Fengchuan County Field Hospital happened to arrive at Yangshan—the medical team was specially sent by Lin Motian after hearing Huang Chao say that there was a military operation to suppress bandits in Yangshan.This way, Wang Chuyi's life was saved.

Wang Chuyi was jolted awake on the way.The roads in Yangshan County are not comparable to the main roads in Lingao, and they can only be carried by the stretcher team of the health center to the health center.

"Uh..." Wang Chuyi couldn't help moaning, feeling that the pain of the wound seemed to intensify, and somehow felt chilly, and his head began to hurt.

"Are you awake?" the stretcher bearer at the back asked after watching him move.

"Where is this place..." Wang Chuyi murmured.

"Hold on, you're almost at the health center. You're lucky. There just happens to be a mobile field hospital coming to the county." The stretcher-bearer comforted, "It's less of a hassle to transport by boat!"

Wang Chuyi felt that he should say something like "serve the Senate and the people, and not go to the front line with minor injuries", but he felt exhausted all over his body, and his headache seemed to be getting worse, so he didn't want to say a word, so he Close your eyes and say nothing.

The health center in the county is full of tasks and is in chaos.

Chen Ruihe has already started to go crazy.A few months ago, he was an intern who only worked as a second hand in the spacious and bright Lingao General Hospital—although he is still an intern in the mobile field hospital now, his work is already on the front line of the emergency department.Only then did he understand what it means to "cure a disease for three years, but you know that there is nothing in the world that can be used."

How could it take three years?In just three days, he knew how much he weighed.

Although they came to Yangshan to deal with the upcoming bandit suppression battle, no one expected that the bandit suppression battle would break out the second day after they settled down.In an instant, the field hospital in the county school was full.

Since noon, because of Zhang Tianbo's riot, a wave of wounded patients came to the health center in an instant, and before the treatment was completed, more wounded cases were sent in one after another.From the mouths of these panting and dirty wounded people, he learned that there was a big commotion in the county: the bandits rioted, the county squadron was defeated, and even the county magistrate was involved...

However, he didn't have time to feel or discuss, and the whole clinic was crowded with the wounded in need of treatment.Under the eaves of the county school and in the courtyard, there were stretchers everywhere, and the wounded were either sitting or lying down.The stretcher bearers squeezed each other to feed them water - a sweater in a sanitary suit kept yelling: "Don't drink water if you have an abdominal injury!"

At this moment, Chen Ruihe was sitting at the emergency room flow table, frowning and carefully distinguishing the wounded in front of him, talking about the medical history: the emergency room was too noisy, and he couldn't hear what the person was saying unless he listened carefully.

"You guys, don't worry! Come here according to your number—I don't care what captain or lieutenant you are! What rank are you going to the camp to make a fuss about? What are you doing in the clinic! You guys, hold the wounded number and lie down on the couch over there. Head to the left!" Chen Ruihe yelled, scolded the officer behind who was yelling to stop him, and directed a few soldiers to help the wounded man to the examination bed next to him.

When Wang Chuyi was sent, it was at the most chaotic time.

"Water..." When Chen Ruihe saw Wang Chuyi, he heard Wang Chuyi groan before asking about his medical history.

"What happened to this wounded man?"

The health worker who followed briefly told the story of Wang Chuyi's injury, and instructed: "This is the county magistrate of this county, an old Guihuamin cadre!"

The term "county magistrate" made Chen Ruihe's heart sink, he nodded, and began to check the body.

"Comrade Wang Chuyi! Wang Chuyi!" Chen Ruihe called the names of the wounded a few times. Wang Chuyi closed his eyes slightly and answered listlessly. Then he asked for water, and Chen Ruihe brought a bottle of salt water to him. He took a few sips.

"That's not right..." Looking at Wang Chuyi's listless look, Chen Ruihe had an ominous premonition, and glanced at Wang Chuyi's chest, which had been dyed red and the triangle scarf that was dripping blood. Stretcher, reach out for pulse.

"The expression is indifferent, the lips are white, the hands are clammy, the pulse is fast, and thirsty..." Chen Ruihe became more and more nervous, and shouted to the nurse: "Hypovolemic shock! Prepare for blood transfusion!"

The hygienist looked wrong and asked, "Little doctor, this leg..."

"What leg... let's save your life first!" Chen Ruihe interrupted him.

"Probably a femoral artery injury."

"So dangerous?" Chen Ruihe took off the clothes covering Wang Chuyi, gasped, "So much blood!"

The blood almost completely soaked Wang Chuyi's lower body clothing, and even the clothes on the stretcher were stained black.

"It's broken, the bleeding is too much!" Chen Ruihe knew that Wang Chuyi was in danger.

However, since he is the county magistrate, he is a high-level naturalized civilian cadre, so he must have been rescued "at all costs".

Because he bled too much, he couldn't tell if the femoral artery was injured for a while, so Chen Ruihe picked up the scissors and cut his pants to expose the wound.

He turned back to the two stretcher bearers and said, "The wounded is bleeding too much. If you don't rush to rescue him, he will die! Do you two know what blood type you are?"

"Blood type...?" The two stretcher bearers looked at each other and shook their heads.

Chen Ruihe was a little annoyed: "Have you ever heard of blood transfusion? Now that we are short of staff, we may need you two to donate some blood!"

Before this expedition, both the Fubo Army and the National Army recruited from Hainan had their blood types checked, and they made cloth cards with their names and sewed them on the uniforms, so that they could quickly match blood after injuries.However, due to the mixed composition of the national army enlisted in Guangdong, it is still impossible to check the blood type of everyone, and only a part of them have blood type cards.

The materials needed for the cross-matching test of ABO blood type are relatively simple, and it can be done with A-type and B-type standard serum and slides.Although due to limited biotechnology, the current standard serum used by the Senate for ABO cross-matching tests is obtained from specific blood donors, but this kind of serum that does not require injection and is only used for in vitro tests is not difficult to produce— - Let it solidify and refrigerate, then take it out directly.

Low-temperature technology is no longer a problem. Previously, only Lingao and Hong Kong had gas cold storage, and Guangzhou gradually began to promote it after the recovery.Therefore, the blood security system of the Senate has basically been established. At present, there are two blood security units in the true sense: Bairen Blood Center and Guangdong Region Central Blood Station.
Next update: Volume 429 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

Note: Because section 153 was posted twice (with different content), section 153 "Breakout and Escape" is actually section 154, and section 155 is correct.

(End of this chapter)

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