Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2226 Blood Origin

Chapter 2226 Blood Origin

Due to the establishment of gas cold storage, a simple cold chain of refrigerated blood, ice boxes, and ice cubes has been established in the core area ruled by the Senate. At present, both blood stations can conduct blood collection, refrigeration, cross-matching and routine blood transfusion. operate.The fermentation industry has long been able to provide a sufficient amount of citric acid—that is, the citric acid referred to by health officials. With the help of cold storage, isolated blood can be stored for nearly a month.

For the industrial system of the Senate without refrigerant, it is still far away to invent the refrigerator, and the gas cold storage is not suitable for mobile use, as long as the vehicles and ships rely on ice boxes and ice cubes, they cannot cover much area—this kind of crude blood The security system can basically only guarantee less than half of the chances of survival for the wounded.

In addition to cold chain issues and transportation issues, another important limitation is the lack of blood sources.

In the 17th century, artificial blood collection and transfusion were not only shocking, but even sensational.Almost synonymous with "monster".Even in the "old liberated areas" like Lingao, the naturalized people are mainly relied on, especially the naturalized people in units such as the army and schools that instill the most new ideas and have strict organizational discipline to donate blood.Even the naturalized people in places like factories and government agencies would murmur when they heard that blood donations were organized.Although many people dare not resist, they are quite resistant in their hearts.Regarding the regular blood donation system, it also triggered some discussions about the senate engaging in sorcery.

When we arrived in Guangzhou, the mass base was even worse, and it became almost impossible for someone to "donate blood voluntarily".In order to encourage blood donation, Lin Motian, who is keen to establish a provincial and Hong Kong blood station, launched a "blood donation compensation" mechanism in Guangzhou. Force the assembly - "sell blood"!This is a big hit!
"Letting the poor become the 'blood gourds' of the rich, this is going backwards in history! A serious regression!"

"It is absolutely not allowed to reproduce the human tragedy of 'Xu Sanguan Selling Blood' on our land!"

"Encouraging blood selling will lead to the emergence of 'syphilis villages', which is a serious threat to social stability and the health of the naturalized citizens of the empire..."

"You want to make money and you're crazy, this is a real blood-eating momo!"

Liu San also felt something was wrong, so he made a special trip to talk to Lin Motian about this matter tactfully.

"Their idea of ​​voluntary blood donation in Guangzhou in the 17th century is simply... naive!" Lin Motian scoffed at the opposition to the start of "selling blood", "Just say that if you donate a second sperm in the old plane, the sperm bank has to give it to you." How about your "traffic subsidy" of thousands of dollars? In this time and space, what is blood donation compensation? People in this era are generally malnourished. You let them donate blood, but you don't let them eat and subsidize them. Is it reasonable to pay some travel expenses? Besides, to promote blood donation and transfusion, we must first let them know what this technology is. Based on their knowledge, it is enough for us not to treat blood collection and transfusion as a demon method. The best publicity is to have A large number of people can live by blood transfusion! Guangzhou is not Lingao, with such a large population, there are countless people who need blood, but those who can understand what blood transfusion is and can donate blood voluntarily and without compensation can be counted on one hand.”

"Can't we still encourage the troops to donate blood?" Liu San suggested.Combined with the experience of the old plane, troops are an important source of blood.

"Yeah, of course it's true. At this time, you can trust our words and know that blood donation and transfusion are not magic tricks. But the army only has a few heads, and we can still count on this few people to support the entire army. Is there a demand for blood in Guangzhou City? What’s more, I don’t want to keep selling blood like this, and it won’t be too late to talk about blood donation when the people in Guangdong and Guangxi know what blood donation and blood transfusion are.”

Liu San still wanted to say something, but Lin Motian lowered his voice and said, "Commissioner Liu, you know who I am, the income of the blood station is not low, but I didn't put a silver dollar in my pocket But—if you earn some money, don’t you use it as the health financial support of the Senate? We have only two hospitals in Guangzhou, one provincial and Hong Kong hospital, and one infectious disease hospital. Now it depends on your hard work to support it. In order to balance the income and expenditure, sometimes it is unavoidable to fight against Mayor Liu. But we can't always raise difficulties with the organization. It is not enough to "reduce expenditure", we have to think about how to "open source". This "blood transfusion compensation" is actually There is not much money, but the surge in the blood source caused by it is real..."

Hearing this, Liu San stopped talking: Lin Motian said it politely. In fact, everyone knows that Sanitary Port is basically losing money and making money. Guangdong and Guangxi are still at war. Guangzhou's financial situation has always made Liu Xiang grin. Well, the blood bank earns a lot of money, and it can fill a hole in the health finances. This is something that everyone in charge of the business likes to see. As for ethical disputes, such discordant voices can't make a difference in a good situation. waves.

"Even if there is controversy, who can control the Senate? Besides us, who else knows the principles of medical ethics?" Lin Motian is still eloquent: "Let's talk about the achievements you have made, Commissioner Liu, and the people of Runshitang. Have those Chinese patent medicines passed Phase [-], [-], and [-] clinical trials before they go on the market? Have animal experiments, human experiments, and toxicological tests been done? The first batch of crude sulfonamides trial-produced by the pharmaceutical factory back then still had a lot of messy "new drugs" , used it for the refugees who came here without even doing animal experiments? According to their logic, this matter is simply unbearable, but at the beginning, no one spoke out about such an ethical violation, so it jumped out at this time, purely It's just making use of the problem, looking for trouble!"

Hearing the word "Runshitang", Liu San's chest twitched, and then he nodded, thinking in his heart: This means that the technical conditions cannot be met. If he had that ability, Lin Motian would dare to call for the legalization of organ trading.But having said that, in fact, Liu San didn't really have any ethical concerns about selling blood. What he thought was that the reputation of this matter in the mouths of other veterans was not good.

Although the demand for blood products is not that great compared to the old plane, blood collection is still not an easy task.Since the technical separation of blood collection and blood transfusion cannot be achieved everywhere, some blood transfusion operations that have long been eliminated have to be picked up again.The more popular one is "indirect blood transfusion": metal or rubber tubes are used to connect the donor's blood vessels to the wounded's blood vessels.The "direct blood transfusion" that sounds more brutal is to directly suture the blood vessels of the blood donor and the blood vessels of the wounded together-this kind of primitive technology with high risk and difficulty even the veteran doctors frown, so even if It solves the problem of blood coagulation in the pipeline, and the degree of promotion is still not high.

"What I want to remind here is that although our technology is completely incomparable with the old plane, even such technology has reached the level of the old plane in the 20s, and may even be ahead of this level. " Lin Motian wrote in his report on the feasibility of frontline blood banks.

However, with the current technical conditions of the Senate, it is impossible to restore the blood bank on the front line that can be called "insanely unqualified" according to the old time and space standards.There are many constraints, the most notable being the issue of rubber and the cold chain: the output of rubber has not increased, and the output of blood transfusion lines cannot be guaranteed; the cold chain is almost equivalent to no in the front line and quasi-security areas, and the safety of blood products is not guaranteed. Guaranteed—although Lin Motian used "blood products" when demonstrating the feasibility of the blood bank, but in fact, everyone knows very well that it is not at all possible to transfuse blood with concentrated red blood cells, platelets, frozen plasma, etc. It is possible that the so-called "blood products" of the Senate are almost equivalent to fresh whole blood.

Under the condition that refrigeration cannot be guaranteed, whole blood anticoagulated with citrate can only be stored for a few days, which is even more worrying in the hot Guangdong and Guangxi.For the sake of safety, the whole blood that has been isolated for more than 48 hours must be concentrated in the "reserve area" for another 24 hours. It will be used in an emergency and disposed of when it is not needed.Therefore, on the front line, we rely more on "blood donors" and use them immediately.

Seeing the bewildered look of the stretcher bearer, Chen Ruihe sighed, and told the nurse who hurried over: "Lie in the observation room first, but the bleeding won't stop, so inform Teacher Xie and the operating room to prepare for emergency surgery." .Find a few more blood donors with type B or O blood!"

However, before he finished explaining here, Xie Yao has already rushed over. His whole body is bloody like a gourd, and the color of his white coat has changed: "Which patient is suffering from hypovolemic shock?"

Before he finished speaking, Xie Yao had already seen Wang Chuyi on the stretcher. He only took a look and sighed: "Okay, first lie in the observation room, pay attention to maintain the shock position, hang up the water, and prepare blood donors. I There is still an unfinished critically ill patient over there, say hello to the operating room, and if necessary, you can disinfect the sheets first, and do it first if you can."

"I can't do it...I'll wait for you, Teacher Xie." Chen Ruihe waved his hands again and again, asking the nurse to find someone to mobilize blood donation.

I didn't want to wait to catch my breath, and heard the noisy voice again.

"Why is it you again!" Chen Ruihe settled Wang Chuyi, turned around and saw that the officer in front of the Liushuitai who was about to fortify was still arguing, couldn't help getting angry, and rushed forward to ask.

"Just now you said to come according to the number and show it to the county magistrate first, okay, I'll wait; oh, now this little girl said that seeing a doctor should be prioritized, let me wait behind this wounded man! I've been waiting How many are there? Still don’t like it? Our squadron leader was injured in the battle, so we can’t see a disease after queuing for such a long time. What’s wrong with the county magistrate? If it weren’t for this **** county magistrate’s nonsense, he wouldn’t even be killed and injured After losing so many brothers, they deserve to die!" The officer complained in a low voice, but with impatience written all over his face.
Next update: Volume 430 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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