Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2227 Who comes first

Chapter 2227 Who comes first
"It's up to you now, why panic!" Chen Ruihe pushed back without any fear.

"I'll order you again, shut your mouth! What nonsense!" The officer next to him, called the squadron leader, was You Ciren. Said to Chen Ruihe: "Little doctor, I'm really sorry, this is the deputy squadron leader of our squadron. He usually has a good temper, and he has never been like this. There are a lot of brothers who were injured today. I myself have died. He is a little in a hurry……"

Chen Ruihe couldn't say anything, so he could only spread out the registration form and said, "Let's take a look at it first, but we may have to wait to deal with it. The wounded just now was quite serious. Please understand our work... How did you get hurt?"

"Caught by the bandits!" The deputy squadron leader seemed to be a little bit aggrieved, staring at the unconscious Wang Chuyi, "There were a lot of casualties, and some escaped..."

Speaking of this, he was glared at by You Ciren, only to realize that he had slipped his tongue. It is discipline not to speak freely about the frontline battle situation in the rear.

Chen Ruihe didn't take it seriously, he looked at You Ciren carefully, and asked, "Where did you get hurt?"

"This!" You Ciren bared his teeth and turned his arms behind his body: "I was hit by the gun, and I didn't feel it at the time. Only now do I feel the pain!"

Chen Ruihe picked up the scissors, cut off all the military uniforms at the wound, and looked carefully.Pick up the probe again and try it on the wound.You Ciren was sweating in pain.

"Aw... aw... it hurts!"

The amount of bleeding was not much, but the wound was deep.The projectile cannot be removed with pliers.

"How long has it been since you were shot?"

"It's been at least an hour. I fought the bandits several times on the road. I don't know which time I was injured."

The skin and flesh around the wound did not turn blue, indicating that it was an iron bullet or stone, and there was no danger of heavy metal poisoning, so it was relatively easy to deal with.

"Your wound is very deep, but it's not a penetrating wound. The iron is embedded in it—maybe it's still on the bone. It's lucky if it's a lead bullet." Chen Ruihe frowned. If the wound was superficial, He can handle it on the spot.This wound must be treated with a knife, "We have to wait for Dr. Xie and the others to come..."

Just as Chen Ruihe finished speaking, he heard that the deputy squadron leader who had an opinion just now had an argument with someone.

"You bastard, what's going on today?" You Ciren was also in a hurry, and stood up cursingly: "You son of a bitch, what are you doing here? If you don't look at this place, you will embarrass the team! "

"What's the matter?" Xie Yao didn't hear right, so he also came over, "Always making noise?"

"This person is making trouble for no reason, Mr. Xie!" Chen Rui stood up abruptly, and together with You Ciren, briefly talked about what happened just now.

Xie Yao frowned and asked, "You just said, how did you get hurt?"

"Yes... This is considered a command error, and was plotted by the bandits. Doctor, I have to apologize for him: this brother is usually very good-tempered, and he does things steadily. He has never seen him blush with anyone, and I don't know what happened today. I think I was anxious because I saw how much my brothers were hurt..."

"Is he himself injured too?" Xie Yao interrupted the deputy battalion commander, pointing to the deputy squadron leader who quarreled just now, probably because he was scolded by the leader at the moment, and he was sitting on the ground with a listless face.

"How can he be injured?" You Ciren smiled, "Not to mention bleeding, the skin is not scratched, but when he rushed out, he was rubbed on the stomach by the wood..."

Hearing this, Xie Yao took a closer look at the officer, walked over quickly and knelt down, grabbed the officer's wrist and felt his pulse, his expression changed, he stood up solemnly and said, "Xiao Chen, take this Comrades are also escorted to the observation room!"

Chen Ruihe was taken aback: "Who? He?" Seeing that Xie Yao was not referring to You Ciren, but the deputy squadron leader who was squatting on the ground with low eyebrows and embarrassing eyes just now.

"Thank you teacher, this is..."

"You can see that the wounded man is in hypovolemic shock just now, but you can't see what's wrong with this person?"

"He...? He's alive and kicking, he can make noise, what's wrong with him..."

"I told you that judging the injury is very complicated. You can't think that something will happen to this person just because he is noisy." Xie Yao frowned and said, "This person also has pale lips and slightly cold hands. It is estimated that the pulse rate should be above 90... You didn't ask about the injury, but his behavior changed after being hit by a tree in the abdomen... If it is obviously different from usual, you have to be careful!"

"Then what's wrong with him?" Chen Ruihe was a little puzzled and dissatisfied.

"Have you considered the rupture of the spleen?" Xie Yao asked while helping the wounded in the shock position.

"Ruptured spleen!" Chen Ruihe's heart lit up, and he suddenly realized.

"If the amount of bleeding from a ruptured spleen is small and slow, the symptoms can be very mild, and it is not easy to find out. Apart from mild pain in the left upper abdomen, the wounded generally rarely have other obvious signs..." Xie Yao glanced at him after speaking, as if Said: Do I need to go on with the rest?

The dire prospect implied by this diagnosis has already made Chen Ruihe's hair stand on end: the unusual noise of the wounded is probably the manifestation of restlessness in the early stage of shock. Although it does not seem to be life-threatening now, as the bleeding increases, The patient is hypovolemic and will soon enter the shock suppression period—then it will be difficult to rescue him.

"Damn it, if there are two people who need a lot of blood transfusion at the same time..." Xie Yao's brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

Chen Ruihe also understands that the health center doesn't have that much blood at all, and once there is a patient who needs a large amount of blood transfusion, it will be stretched, not to mention that two of them came here at once... "Of course, it might not be—that would be the best The patient should have a physical examination first, and if there is a high suspicion of spleen rupture, the patient will have to undergo an exploratory laparotomy.”

"Then the one who was in shock just now..."

"He is clearly in hypovolemic shock, and the blood loss time is too long. If you don't deal with it, you will die... Save the blood and infuse him first. If you can debride the wound and stop the bleeding, you will do it first. I will read this first!"

"Yes!" Chen Ruihe couldn't say that he couldn't do it any more. When there was a shortage of manpower, the interns had to push the ducks to the shelves. If you haven't done it before, you have to do it. It's better than watching nothing.

While Xie Yao was busy with his work, he was thinking nervously: I have already transfused blood to a patient today, and there are only two or three units of whole blood left in the health center—according to the regulations of the Senate, "one unit" of whole blood Blood is 1cc, which is 200mL.If Bi Cheng's bleeding can be stopped smoothly, then these two or three units of whole blood combined with infusion may be barely enough for them; Splenectomy, there is no such thing as thousands of blood that cannot be saved.

Now Xie Yao is facing the problem of which patient to protect first.

Wang Chuyi is the county magistrate, and this one is the deputy squadron leader of the national army squadron.

Of these two, Wang Chuyi is naturally more important in comparison - there are not thousands of sergeants who can be deputy squadron leaders, but there are always hundreds.Quan Lingao couldn't pick out a few naturalized cadres who could be county magistrates, and those who could be selected were all the administrative staff that the elders valued in their daily lives.

"Although Wang Chuyi is the county magistrate, he arrived first after all, so it can't be said that he was given preferential treatment. Besides, Xiao Chen was notified and his blood was transfused. Besides, this person may not have a ruptured spleen..." Xie Yao comforted himself silently in his heart. In fact, he was very clear: once the decision was made, it meant that the officer who was suspected of having a ruptured spleen might lose his life, and in a sense, he himself sentenced him to death.

Although there were countless patients who died in front of his eyes and hands, Xie Yao still didn't like the feeling that life and death depended on him.

"Go and invite Chief Song." Xie Yao ordered the health worker beside him to help the rescue, "I'm checking to see if there are any other blood donors, try to find them all!"

"Where's this one?" The hygienist pointed to You Ciren who was lying on the treatment table.

"He won't die. Carry him to the lightly wounded area and wait. Dr. Xie will help him with surgery when he is free." He picked up You Ciren's medical record card and filled in the diagnosis status, "Hang to On his neck!"

Song Junxing is the elder on duty in the health center today—although the health center does not have a special stomatology department because there are too few maxillofacial wounded patients who can be assigned to the stomatology department, but they have to send people after receiving the pre-support mission, and Song Junxing followed Arranging shifts, I took shifts with several other former branch veterans and senior naturalized civilian doctors, and went to various counties with the mobile hospital in turn.

However, this does not count as "practicing medicine beyond the scope of practice".This time and space is far from the 21st century, when sub-discipline and sub-diagnosis can make people feel overwhelmed.Therefore, all those who have mixed up in clinical practice have all learned skills outside of their own specialties. Those who have learned in medical school and have not, as long as they have something to do with the word "medicine", let alone the specific discipline, it is the general direction. Those who have nothing to do with horses and cows will be sent to the front line of the clinic for "exercise" in rounds.Whether it is clinical, pathological, inspection, epidemic prevention, nursing, or even forensic and veterinary doctors that are not under the management of sanitary mouth.All eighteen kinds of weapons can be used at one hand-whether they are three-thirds of the way now, or they are not enough to support the original medical security system.Lin Motian once laughed at himself: "Now we have all become grassroots doctors in township health stations, and there is nothing we dare not to open from head to toe!"

Although he came from a specialist in dentistry, under the advocacy of Minister Shi and the persecution of reality.Song Junxing, like all other veterans who had nothing to do with medicine, participated in the internal and external women's and children's cycle based on the technical conditions of the Senate.Although he may not be familiar with the work, he still understands many common principles. Now that he is on the front line, he may not do a good job in specific affairs, but he still has to fulfill some responsibilities—for example, in this case final decision.

Next update: Volume 431 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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