Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2228 Tourniquet

Chapter 2228 Tourniquet

Song Junxing came out of the duty room and asked Lao Xie about the specific situation while wearing a white coat. After asking clearly, he pondered for a moment, and then said: "Old Xie, the reasons you analyzed are all correct. Save the remaining bottles of blood first. ——Since it is the numbered one and the condition is of the same level of critical condition, the principle of first-come, first-rescue should be followed. As for the wounded who is suspected of having a ruptured spleen... Let the blood transfusion doctor prepare first, and if necessary, call all the people who match the blood type Healthy people, including you and me — are ready to donate blood."

"Yes!" In fact, these measures are similar to what Lao Xie has already done, but Xie Yao thinks that it is best not to make the final decision by himself, especially when there is a veteran among the people working with him.

Seeing Xie Yao go to the emergency room, Song Junxing thought about it, but still followed.

At this time, the nurses had assisted in gathering a few blood donors, and they should all be stretcher bearers sent to the brigade from the Fengchuan Field Hospital.

Seeing them coming, the nurse stood up quickly: "Director Song, Director Xie."

Song Junxing waved his hand to signal not to talk nonsense: "Can we start?"

"This..." The nurse hesitated and said, "These blood donors have already arrived, but..."

"If you have any difficulties, quickly mention it!"

"Hmm...the citric acid and empty bottles are not enough! The remaining blood bottles are only enough to collect three units of blood..."

Song Junxing was taken aback: There will always be a time when the stock is out of stock?
However, this is considered normal. The traffic in quasi-security areas is far worse than that in the rear. In addition, during the martial law period, inspections have to be strengthened, and there are often problems with insufficient transportation capacity. Ammunition is sometimes in short supply, and medical supplies are often in short supply.

"Pick what can be picked first, and then talk about what is not enough!"


But this is only a stopgap measure.If laparotomy is to be performed, three units of whole blood may not be enough—not enough citrate blood bottles means that a blood transfusion operation needs to be initiated.Song Junxing immediately issued an order: "Prepare the equipment, has the blood transfusion doctor notified you?"

"Chief, I remembered a problem... the surgery... is not easy to handle." Xie Yao suddenly thought of something, and said, gnashing his teeth.


"We don't have a transfusion doctor today..."

"There is no blood transfusion doctor? What's the matter?" Song Junxing was a little confused: "The regulations stipulate that there should be more than two blood transfusion doctors in the mobile field hospital. How could there be no?"

"The rule is that there should be more than two people." Xie Yao was a little helpless, "But now there are vacancies everywhere on the front line, and they are all asking for people. After the adjustment a few days ago, Lao Li went back to lead the team to train new blood transfusion workers. Our team is left Xiao Huang, who was lying down because of severe malaria yesterday..."

"Tsk..." Song Junxing frowned more and more, "What should I do? How about you, thank you? Will you do it?"

"I've seen it once in Guangzhou, but I haven't done it myself." Xie Yao was a little embarrassed, and he felt a little slandering in his heart: Although this scene is a bit tricky, how can you say "what can I do?" from your dignified chief Say it out of your mouth, the Senate claims to be omniscient and omnipotent, now you have no generals, what should we do as soldiers, isn't this disturbing the morale of the army.

But he just thought about it, just kidding, his old Xie Ke was not interested in the tea invited by the Political Security Bureau.

"I haven't done it either..." Song Junxing was very frank: "My specialty is stomatology, and I have only seen blood transfusion operations a few times..."

Old Xie thought that the chief was not afraid of showing his shortcomings, so his impression of him changed a little, so he continued: "Chief, there is nothing you can do about this matter, and you have to use two knives. If blood transfusion is necessary, you will do it, and I will do it." When a help..."

"Mr. Xie!" Before he finished speaking here, Chen Ruihe ran over in a panic: "Come and see!"

"What's going on?" Xie Yao followed him quickly to Wang Chuyi's bed in the observation room: the blood has been transfused; the wound seems to be treated well, and the blood on the thigh and chest has basically stopped ;Looking at the things on the side, in order to prevent hemothorax and pneumothorax from being discovered, even closed chest drainage is prepared.He was a little surprised that Chen Ruihe panicked to bring him here, and looked in the direction of Chen Ruihe's finger.

Unexpectedly, his pupils constricted suddenly when he saw this: Wang Chuyi's left leg had already started to turn black, and traces of the tourniquet could still be vaguely seen on the skin of the leg.

"Did you not loosen the tourniquet?" Xie Yao held back his anger and asked, "Ha! How did you check the body and ask about the medical history! Why didn't you find this?"

"I...was already like this when I first found out..." Chen Ruihe was very frustrated.

"You..." Xie Yao still wanted to get angry, but Song Junxing who arrived after him stopped him.

"I don't blame him for this. It didn't take long for the wounded to arrive, but their limbs were all black like this. The tourniquet must not have been tied by this classmate, but probably by the front-line health worker. Presumably, he didn't tell the stretcher bearer to stop the bleeding. The belt needs to be loosened every once in a while..."

"Hey!" Xie Yao squatted on the ground angrily, "It's a memorization today... nothing goes as planned!"

"Old Xie..." Song Junxing didn't know what to say.The level of frontline health workers is limited, and it is not uncommon to do such a thing, but he can understand Xie Yao's depression.

After seeing the real level of medicine in the Senate, the seemingly understandable thing of "low level" is almost a crime in their eyes-Wang Chuyi's leg can't be kept, the tourniquet is too tight The typical dry gangrene that has been caused for a long time, now has to be amputated immediately...

"Old Xie!" Song Junxing seemed to have finally thought of what he should say: "Hurry up! The wounded are still waiting to be rescued!"

"Yes..." Xie Yao stood up, and prepared the equipment with a stomach full of opinions-although the blood transfusion operation usually does not take too long, it is hard to say that the two of them are newbies on stage; there is another one waiting for a laparotomy next door Yes... this short period of time has added a lot of workload.

"Old Xie, don't cause trouble." Song Junxing reminded him seeing that he was not in the right state.

"I know it well." Xie Yao nodded and didn't say anything else.

"Director Xie! That abdominal trauma patient's blood pressure plummeted and his pulse was weak! Do you need a laparotomy?" Before he could finish speaking, a roar came from the observation room.

"Send it to the emergency operating room! I'll come!" Xie Yao yelled back, then turned to Song Junxing and said, "Sir, this blood transfusion..."

Song Junxing closed his eyes, and said in a bit of pain, "Then I'll come, you should hurry up and prepare for the laparotomy."

Before citric acid could be mass-produced, the blood transfusion method adopted by the Senate was blood transfusion.However, since the Senate knew very well that isolated blood collection was the future of blood transfusion technology, it did not make those bells and whistles improvements to blood transfusion procedures and instruments in history. That's the thing - as long as the fermentation industry comes together, the cost of citric acid will not be very high.Even in modern times, the ACD preservation solution used for blood collection is nothing more than citric acid + sodium citrate + glucose.Therefore, for the Senate, the techniques used for blood transfusions are either isolated blood collection techniques protected by citric acid and cold storage, or simple emergency blood transfusions, which eliminates the transitional procedures that have appeared in the history of blood transfusions technology.

The so-called blood transfusion refers to the technology of directly connecting the blood vessels of the blood donor with the blood vessels of the blood recipient or indirectly connecting them through pipelines.This technique does not require ex vivo storage of blood, but requires surgical anastomosis of blood vessels and/or blood transfusion lines.

Since the Senate did not produce special staplers and blood transfusion connectors, blood transfusions under field conditions can only be done by hand: one end of the blood transfusion vessel is sutured to the blood donor's blood vessel, and the other end is sutured to the blood recipient's blood vessel Come on, it's over.The danger of this technique can be imagined, and the simple tube provided by the Senate cannot solve the problem of blood coagulation blockage well. It is often necessary to change the tube and do anastomosis again. In addition, the isolated blood storage technology is very safe and convenient. Therefore, neither the veterans nor the naturalized physicians like blood transfusion very much. Generally, the only way to meet the requirements of "immediate blood transfusion is very likely to be saved" and "immediate blood transfusion is sure to save" Only the wounded in large-scale injuries with two conditions and the situation is very urgent can receive this kind of surgery. Therefore, blood transfusion has gradually cooled down after experiencing the initial popularity, and only exists as a technical reserve. .

But a new situation appeared in the Guangdong-Guangzhou strategy: this operation is no different from Qimu Island and Jeju Island. After Lingao and Guangzhou have established modern and even modern hospitals, the low-level medical security used to meet the needs of refugees Obviously, the army cannot satisfy the veterans who lead the troops, but the limited logistics capacity is obviously not enough to support hospitals of the level of Lingao and Guangzhou.Even if the refugees cannot get blood transfusions, no one will criticize them; but in the context of the flourishing blood stations in Guangzhou, the frontline soldiers do not enjoy blood transfusion technology, which will make people scratch their heads .

In such a non-embarrassing conflict, blood transfusion has come out again.

Although blood transfusion obviously has various problems, and the survival rate is not very good, but the limitation of technical conditions and not using it if there is a way are two different things - at least it is very suitable for stopping the mouths of the inspectors.

The Senate was originally equipped with improved paraffin threaded tubes for blood transfusions: paraffin can prevent blood coagulation in the tubes to a certain extent, and the threads at both ends of the tubes can be used to fix the sutures and prevent the connecting tubes from moving in the blood vessels.In the selection of the connector, the improved blood transfusion connector of the American scholar Unger in the early 20th century was selected: first, a syringe is used to collect blood from the blood donor's blood vessel, and at the same time, normal saline is infused to the blood recipient; then the direction of the valve is adjusted, and the The blood pumped into the syringe is transfused to the recipient, and at the same time, the infusion direction of normal saline is changed to the blood donor, so as to prevent blood coagulation from blocking the tube to a certain extent.

Next update: Volume 432 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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