Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2238 Regrouping

Chapter 2238 Regrouping
Her words were sincere and humble, and her attitude of facing reality and not admitting defeat brightened the hearts of the cadres who had expressed doubts about her and were discouraged about the future.The originally dull and gloomy air was swept away.

Having finished speaking, I would like to ask everyone to share their views on the current situation.She often saw others use this method when she was in the work team, and she used it herself.Not only can you get a lot of good ideas, but it can also improve everyone's sense of participation and increase cohesion.

The atmosphere of the meeting really became lively, and everyone talked about their own views.Especially how to open up the situation in Yangshan.Some people proposed to expand the number of local recruits and expand the national army; some thought it was possible to arm as many Yonghua Yao people as possible; These shaken villages have all been won over...

Pi Da felt that what they said made sense, so he wrote down everyone's thoughts one by one.She is not well-educated, and it is quite difficult to record, and she often asks everyone to "speak slowly" and "speak again".In the end, it was Luo Yiming who offered to take the "meeting minutes".

Finally she said: "Everyone's opinions are very good. When I went to the cadre training class in the past, some veterans gave us lectures on how to carry out the work? It is to let our friends gain more and the enemy's friends less. Now our The strength is weak, so we need to make more friends. We need to make more use of local manpower and material resources."

"Magistrate Wang also said about this matter in the past, but it was difficult to handle." Luo Yiming said, "There are only four powerful forces in this county: Yaozhai, gentry, clan, and bandits. The attitude of most gentry and clans towards us They are all kept at a respectful distance, and some are even unwilling to pay reasonable burdens——blindly prevaricating. Moreover, if the local power is used too much, it will inevitably become big..."

"As for the local forces, we will definitely reform them in the future, but now our main conflict is the suppression of bandits." Pida said, "The direction of the big gentry is very important to us. If they can support us, we can To a certain extent, the expansion of the bandits' power can be curbed, and their power can even be used to eliminate the bandits on the spot—after all, bandits are a great disaster to the local area."

"But County Magistrate Wang had concerns about this matter..."

The gentry and the clan forces have always been regarded as the number one enemy within the Senate. In Hainan, after several years of unremitting attacks and divisions, the three-pronged approach of military, politics, and economy has basically eliminated these two grassroots forces—of course, Hainan's economic backwardness and sparse population also have a lot to do with it.

As soon as the mainland strategy started, grassroots governance immediately encountered the problem of how to treat local gentry and clans.

With the military and political power of the Senate in Guangdong, it is naturally impossible to do what Hainan does.At the level where a few county cadres and one or two squadrons of the national army are going to rule a county, it is impossible to smash the old system and create new grassroots governance.Therefore, we have to continue the extensive governance model of the past.It can be said that except for the counties in the Pearl River Delta and other places, most of the counties are no different from when the Ming Dynasty ruled in the past.It's just that the county government is clearer than before, and the tax burden is lighter than before.

And this kind of extensive rule will inevitably obtain the cooperation of the local gentry and big clans. No action will be taken against them without adequate administrative and military support.

This situation has aroused dissatisfaction among some elders within the Senate, who considered it "prostitution" and seriously deviated from the concept of "grassroots governance" of the Senate.Because the lack of ruling resources is an objective existence, some veterans raised the banner of "land reform" again, thinking that this should be used to fully mobilize the masses, and use mass movements to destroy the old ruling foundation and establish a new system.

Naturally, this kind of argument immediately aroused fierce debate within the Senate - this kind of debate naturally no one can convince anyone, but the result of this is that the Guihuamin county magistrate generally respects the gentry and the clan in county politics. .Neither offend nor get too close.

Li Da naturally knew the current controversy in the Senate.She knew she was taking a big political risk in doing so.But she didn't care too much: she was only an acting county magistrate, and she had no intention of becoming a regular.He is even less interested in the rank list of the Senate.

"I know there are risks in this. All the responsibilities are entirely on my shoulders." Pi Da said,

Luo Yiming looked in surprise at the dark and thin young girl in front of him who took the responsibility without hesitation, and was quite moved.Said: "Since the county magistrate has said something, we must implement it in place! However, the big gentry are not so easy to deal with. The situation here is very complicated."

Due to the relationship between the geographical environment and the Yao district in Yangshan, the gentry and the clan have strong independence and internal cohesion.Yangshan is also a poor place, Han Yu said: "Yangshan is the poorest place in the world", the soil is barren and the people are poor, and it has been a place with strong folk customs in history.The influence of the county government on various local forces is not very great, which means "the emperor of the land of ten miles", that is, when Wang Chuyi first arrived in Yangshan and "the situation was very good", many local big households also had great influence on the county government. The villages in the county are also very indifferent, and the villages in the county can collect less than half of their reasonable burden.

"...We want to win them over now, I'm afraid we can't do it without offering a good price." Luo Yiming was very worried.

"That's right, we're going to collect a reasonable burden. Those who are more polite will come to talk about hardships, and those who are not polite will simply shut us down. What's worse, they will simply fire an empty cannon when they see us to scare us from going." Guihuamin cadres immediately began to complain.

"A lot of big households are no different from bandits themselves. Now that the county is in such a mess, they are following the troubled waters to fish in troubled waters! The guests and natives in the county have already started killing each other!"

"I said it a long time ago: If you kill all these big gentry, you will be wronged, and if you kill one by one, you will definitely slip through the net!"

"County Wang fell into the trick of Mr. Peng!"


Pi Da did not stop them, but let them vent their dissatisfaction to their heart's content, and at the same time remembered some of the situations they told in their minds.It wasn't until their voices subsided a little that they said: "What everyone said is the truth. But what is our priority now? It is to wipe out the bandits in the county and calm down the entire Yangshan area! All means are for this purpose Serving." She looked around at the participants, "So we can't care about what they did in the past, but what they can do for us now—as for the debt they owe to the people of Yangshan, someone will naturally settle it with them in the future. "

You Ciren said: "The problem is that they don't pay attention to us at all. In the past, we might not be able to meet people when we went to the village. Now that the situation is like this again, I'm afraid they will despise us even more."

"We need to show off first, to let them know how powerful the Fubo army is. Then they won't despise us." Pi Da said, "Don't the chiefs often say that when dealing with these centrists, you have to hold a big stick in your hand." , speak kindly'."

At the meeting, the Guihuamin cadres basically agreed with the policy of Su Da.After the meeting adjourned, according to the work arrangement, they split up to do their own work.Pi Da stopped Luo Yiming who was about to leave: "Where is Peng Shouan now?"

"In the prison." Luo Yiming said.Since the failure of Dalangxu, the cadres in the county have been furious, and they want to pull him out, "a bastard who came up with a bastard idea" and "cut him to pieces".Luo Yiming was afraid that he would kill someone, so he locked Peng Shouan in the county jail.

"I'm not locked in a prison cell, but arranged in the place where the prisoner lives. It is considered house arrest. In fact, if he is not a consultant appointed by Director Huang himself, I really want to kill him!" Luo Yiming smiled wryly, "He is now I don't think about food and drink, and almost committed suicide—but I think it's just hypocrisy."

"I want to talk to him. You take him to the office."

"County magistrate! County magistrate Wang suffered from this old man! Don't listen to his nonsense..."

"The plan he proposed to County Magistrate Wang may not work, but he has been a county magistrate here for several years and is very familiar with the situation in the county. We still need him to lead the way." Pi Da said.

"Then I'll arrange to bring him up."

Peng Shouan has been like a bereaved dog since the defeat at Dalangxu.As long as a naturalized citizen sees him, he will stare at him, and some people will even scold him directly.What Luo Yiming said was not an exaggeration - if he hadn't stopped him in time, Peng Shouan would have been beaten to death long ago.Even so, he had to recuperate in bed for a few days before he could get up.

Peng Shouan was ashamed, because Wang Chuyi's action was entirely at his suggestion, and now he has made such a big mess: It's fine to kill some soldiers, and even the magistrate of the county lost a leg. This is a serious crime.

He felt sorry for Wang Chuyi, and even more sorry for Huang Chao.In this Yangshan County, he became a "traitor" that everyone scolded. After thinking about it, he felt that he had to die.

However, begging for death is easy to think about, and it is also simple to say. If you really have to hang your belt on the beam, Peng Shouan thought of his old wife and son again.The so-called "the only death in the ages is difficult", he held the rope loop and stood on the stool for a long time, but he still couldn't make up his mind.In the end, he got off the stool by himself and "lived on an ignoble existence".

Fortunately, Luo Yiming locked him in the county prison and saw no one all day long, so he finally avoided being scolded every day and tortured by old punches from time to time.He simply "cultivated himself" in the prison, reading and practicing calligraphy every day.

"Peng Shouan! Come out!"

The door opened, and the jailer who guarded the cell shouted at the door.

This prisoner is a local retainer, and he doesn't have much affection for the county magistrate, so naturally he won't be polite to him.After all, Australians have strict rules and do not allow excuses to torture prisoners.Under his control, County Magistrate Peng didn't suffer much except for being scolded from time to time.

Next update: Volume 443 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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