Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2239 Ouyang Xi

Chapter 2239 Ouyang Xi

Peng Shouan was writing, when he suddenly heard the summons from the prison chief, he was startled, and a tube of writing brush dropped onto the paper, staining a large area.

"What's the summons..." Peng Shouan asked, suppressing his nervousness.

"The new county magistrate wants to see you, pack up and follow Chief Luo immediately."

When Peng Shouan heard that the new county magistrate wanted to see him, he immediately felt relieved and somewhat excited.It seems that the new county magistrate still has the meaning of reusing himself.He hurriedly straightened his hat and robe, made a solemn and solemn face, and said: "Please lead the way ahead."

The prisoner cursed in his heart: "You are so hungry!" However, the county magistrate wants to see him this time, and he will be a "consultant" again if he fails to guarantee it. .”

Peng Shouan nodded slightly, and walked out with square steps.Seeing Luo Yiming, he quickly bowed his hands in salute:
"Chief Luo, the students are being polite..."

"Don't talk about polite words, the county magistrate is waiting for you." Luo Yiming saw that the old man in front of him was in good spirits, he didn't mean to be "depressed" when he was imprisoned, and thought: This old man can live!

However, at this time, there is a place for him, so he can't be rude on his face.Besides, Shu Da is a young woman, so I have to remind him first, lest this old thing "inexplicably horrified" say something that shouldn't be said.

Immediately, he talked about the situation of the new county magistrate, and reminded: "The law of the Senate is not like that of the Ming Dynasty, so don't talk about it!"

"Students, keep this in mind." Peng Shouan's eagerness to try was half broken after hearing his words.In my heart, I secretly complained that Director Huang was bewitched by some kind of evil——Since ancient times, women have been in charge of the house, and the houses have collapsed.Although Yangshan is not a big county, the county magistrate is also a "Hundred Lihou". It is an ancient anecdote to get a woman to be the county magistrate!

If it was a peaceful year, it would be fine for Director Huang to be so messy. As long as there are one or two capable staff members to assist and the female county magistrate to rule, at least there will be no major disturbances.Right now, Yangshan is in chaos everywhere!Even if Peng Shou'an was entrusted as the county magistrate, he felt that he couldn't deal with it, let alone a young woman!Such a child's play, this Song Dynasty is going to perish!

If he hadn't been at the gate of the Yangshan Prison, or if he was in Lingao, he would have gone to the Senate to "address" him.Peng Shou calmed down his excitement, thinking that he was still half-prisoner and half-guest, the original excitement cooled down: he is currently in the midst of unexpected events, and he still cares about other people's affairs!Let's go and see how seductive this female county magistrate is, she is able to seduce Huang Yuanlao's seduction and occupy a high position.

When I arrived at the county magistrate's office, I saw the female county magistrate sitting behind the desk and working. She looked thin and thin, and she looked like a child!
"Magistrate Pi, Advisor Peng is here."

Pi Da raised her head and saw an old man in his fifties in front of her. He was dressed in Ming Dynasty clothes, and he was well-dressed, just like the Mr. Dong Hen she saw in the Jasmine Pavilion when she was in Lingao.She nodded and said, "Mr. Peng, please sit down."

Peng Shouan saw that this woman was very light-looking, with dark skin, she was actually a young girl!Immediately startled, she thought she looked no different from the rough envoy girl from her hometown!Even the unhappiness that the other party didn't stand up to greet him was forgotten.

Pi Da said, "Mr. Peng, I am the new acting county magistrate, Pi Da."

Although Peng Shouan was shocked, he still didn't forget the etiquette, he bowed his body and said: "My fellow Peng Shouan is currently a consultant of this county."

Pi Da looked at Peng Shouan and said, "Mr. Peng, you know the current situation, so I won't be polite to you. Our situation in Yangshan is very difficult, and we urgently need to open up new ones. I am new here and I am not familiar with the local area. As for the situation, since you are our advisor and also served as the county magistrate of the Ming Dynasty, you should be very familiar with this Yangshan Mountain—think about what you think."

In the past, Peng Shouan would have to show off if he said this, but what happened to Wang Chuyi frightened him, so he wouldn't dare to "offer advice" any more, he just kept saying that he was "stupid" and "old-fashioned." ", refused to say half a useful word.

Pi Da was tired of hearing this, and she knew that Peng Shouan was afraid of repeating the same mistakes, so she said sincerely: "Mr. I want to manage this Yangshan well, so that the Senate can rest assured! Besides, you are only a consultant, and the mistakes in the specific administration should be borne by our administrative leaders. So you don’t have to have any ideas, you can say whatever you want.”

Luo Yiming was secretly surprised, thinking that this Pida is so courageous!Not only did he take all the responsibilities, but he also made it clear that Peng Shouan was not responsible for Wang Chuyi's failure—this is a qualitative statement, and only the Senate has always been able to say it, even the general elders dare not say such a thing lightly .

These words are sincere, Peng Shouan has been an official for many years, and he has never met such a clear-cut "official", he was slightly moved.Said: "It's not that the students are shirking, it's that the students are in a mess—at the beginning, County Magistrate Wang treated me wholeheartedly, and the students gave him advice. They thought they could help him pacify Yangshan and earn a bright future. Unexpectedly, the scholar's empty talk ended It is wrong for the country. County Magistrate Wang fell into a trap, lost his troops and generals, and himself was seriously injured. His life is in danger. The students are already shy in the world, how can they come up with any 'opinions'..."

Seeing that the old man spoke emotionally, there seemed to be tears in his eyes, and he thought that this man was quite sincere!Then he reassured: "Don't get excited! We are in the same boat in Yangshan County now! The current situation is very difficult, and we urgently need to open up the situation. You are the one among us who is most familiar with the local situation, so we need you here Please help me a lot."

Peng Shouan wiped his eyes and face, and said: "If you want the students to come up with suggestions, the students will be hard to follow. But as long as it is about the local people in Yangshan, as long as the students know, they will talk about everything. If there is anything Errands should send students, and students should do their best."

Luo Yiming secretly scolded the old guy as "slick", but Pi Da didn't take it seriously.Asked: "Since that's the case, I would like to know about the situation of the powerful gentry in this county—the reputation must be decent."

"It's easy." Seeing that he didn't want to offer his own advice, Peng Shouan was more than half assured. As for the situation in the county, he had been a county magistrate here for several years, and he was very familiar with the "fish-water relationship" with the big gentry.

He thought for a while, and said: "The number one person among the gentry in this county is Ouyang Xi."

The Ouyang family lived in Yangshan for generations, and their ancestors also served as officials. The family name has been passed down for generations, and they seem to be a big family in Yangshan.In Ouyang Xi's generation, he himself has no academic title, he is considered a commoner, but his son Ouyang Da was a Juren during the reign of Tianqi, so Ouyang's family is quite popular in the local area.

"How is his family's reputation in the county?"

"Master Ouyang is always anxious about the public and righteous, and has done a lot for the county. Let's talk about the Hangong Reading Table, which was proposed by Mr. Ouyang..."

Pi Da nodded, she knew that Ouyang Xi was the "village sage" often mentioned by the elders in the cadre training class.Of course, the elders always mentioned the word with a kind of playful disdain.Among the elders, how to view the sages is also the focus of frequent debate among the chiefs—this kind of debate is sometimes brought directly to the classroom.However, on the whole, the Senate rejected and distrusted the sages.

"He is anxious for justice, so it doesn't mean he just built a reading desk?"

"This is a major event. Master Ouyang has done a lot of small things like repairing bridges and roads, and relief victims." Peng Shouan is an official in Yangshan, and he gets along very happily with Ouyang's family. He has accomplished many difficult official tasks. Only the help of his family can be regarded as understanding.Naturally, he also reciprocated, "taking care" of Ouyang Xi's family in many ways.

"Where is his home?"

"Ouyang's family used to have a house in the city, but they moved to a village in the countryside when the chaos broke out."

"Does his family have Tuan Yong? About how many people are there?"

Peng Shouan was a little uncertain about what this woman meant, so he couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and said, "About... but... two to three hundred people..."

Seeing that he faltered suddenly, Pi Da felt a little strange, but after thinking about it again, he completely understood.She said sternly: "Master Peng! I asked you about his family's situation because you said that his family was 'anxious for public affairs' and a kind family with 'honesty and duty'. I don't need to hide it from you, we are now in Yangzhou. The situation in Shanshan is very dangerous, and it is necessary to find the support of powerful local households. This matter is of great importance, so you can say what you know, and don’t hide or exaggerate.”

Peng Shouan nodded again and again, thinking that this woman has some knowledge!If the chief does not send reinforcements, they will not be able to break the situation in Yangshan no matter what. If they can get the support of people like Ouyang Xi, it is indeed a good strategy.

However, he had discussed similar ideas with Wang Chuyi at the beginning. Although Wang Chuyi agreed with him, he did not adopt it.Peng Shouan was very puzzled for a time - it took him a long time to understand: the Senate has always been not very interested in Xiangxian.

Unexpectedly, Wang Chuyi didn't dare to do something, but this woman dared to do it!While admiring Peng Shouan, he couldn't help but be secretly alarmed by the situation in Yangshan: Could it be that the situation has deteriorated to the point where the Senate "does nothing"?

He regained his composure and said: "His hometown is not that many brave, only a hundred people. However, there are many children in his family, and there are many long-term tenants. If there is an emergency, half a thousand people can be armed in an instant."

"There are quite a few people." Pi Da asked again: "Is there any complaints about this Ouyang family?"

Hearing this, Peng Shouan cheered up quickly.The Senate attaches great importance to folk word-of-mouth, among which the joint is important.He thought about it for a while, and carefully said the words: "The student just said that the Ouyang family has always been anxious about public affairs and righteousness. The family style is strict, and there is no major public grievances. However, his family is a big family with a prosperous population, and there are many children in the family. For three or four hundred people, it is inevitable that there will be good and bad. Moreover, it is inevitable that such a big clan will act in a local way, so please pay attention to the county magistrate."


Next update: Volume 444 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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