Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2240 An Awkward Reunion

Chapter 2240 An Awkward Reunion

Peng Shouan also recommended several powerful local families, one of which was the Tang family.

"...The ancestor of the Tang family is Tang Jian. At the beginning of the country, he led troops south to attack Yangshan. He left the fifth son in Yangshan to start his foundation here. Although this branch did not make any achievements in official career, the incense has continued to this day, and the family has gathered together. And there are no fewer than thousands of people living here, and they are the powerful clans in this county."

Such a large clan, and in a place like Yangshan, is almost "all men are soldiers", and it is not difficult to pull out four to five hundred people with the patriarch's order.

Pi Da asked Luo Yiming: "How do these companies treat us?"

"Except for Ouyang's family, none of them are willing to pay the reasonable burden. They try to evade it." Luo Yiming said, "The old house of Ouyang's family is in the county seat, so they treat us better."

"I understand." Pi Da had a bottom line in his heart.She said to Peng Shouan: "Mr. Peng, I'm asking you to visit these families one by one."

"It's okay for students to visit, but it may not be feasible to visit now..."

"Of course I won't ask you to leave empty-handed." Pida smiled and said, "Just wait for my news. I will prepare a generous gift for you."

Now Peng Shouan and Luo Yiming were confused, and thought to themselves that this female county magistrate came to take office empty-handed, how could she get such a generous gift?As far as the money and food in the county treasury are concerned, there is not much wealth.

After sending Peng Shouan away, Luo Yiming couldn't help asking: "County magistrate! What kind of gift are you talking about? There is nothing in the county..."

"Even if there is one in the county, I can't give it to these old riches and patriarchs." Pi Da said, "In our current situation, Hou Libai resigned to beg them, let alone whether they can be moved, even if they can be moved, in the future this Yang Who has the final say in the mountain county?"

Luo Yiming breathed a sigh of relief: It seems that the county magistrate is not confused.


"We have lost all our prestige in Yangshan now, and this 'gift' is to establish our prestige." Pida thought very clearly that in his current situation, the local power faction is not a bird at all, even if they can be persuaded to contribute, they still have to pay Great cost.Although it can solve the temporary problem, there will be endless troubles in the future.The only way is to re-establish prestige.

"...We now have an elite force, and we should make full use of it." Pi Da said, "Let us show our prestige in Yangshan. Naturally, these powerful factions know who to follow."

"I understand, County Magistrate Pi!" Luo Yiming nodded again and again, "Then what exactly should I do?"

"How is the situation in Dalangxu now?"

"At present, it is still Sun Dabiao's territory, but it is now in ruins. Sun Dabiao led a large group of troops to camp there—he now has a lot of troops in his hands."

"In this case, let's take down Dalangxu first." Ping Da said.

Dalangxu is the traffic gateway leading to the Yao District. After taking it, it not only has the "symbolic meaning" of capturing Sun Dabiao's lair, but also serves the purpose of controlling the Yonghua Yao District.At the same time, controlling Dalangxu also has great economic significance. The annual sale of salt to the Yao District is a large amount of income. Controlling Dalangxu also means controlling the economic lifeline of the Yonghua Yao District.

"But we are short of troops." Luo Yiming said, "Pan Tianshun has volunteered many times, saying that he is willing to go back to Yonghua to pull troops to fight Sun Dabiao. I think we can leave this matter to him. We will provide fire support, After it is taken down, the Yonghua Yao people will be responsible for guarding Dalangxu."

Pi Da shook his head: "This matter cannot be entrusted to Pan Tianshun, let alone Dalangxu. Dalangxu is in our hands, and we have the initiative. If Pan Tianshun and the others occupy Dalangxu The initiative is in their hands. Not to mention the economic benefits of this traffic pass, they occupy this pass, they can attack it when they advance, and they can defend it when they retreat. Here comes a serious 'gift'."

Luo Yiming also thought about it: If the Yonghua Yao people join forces with Ba Pai Yao again and lose the important place of Dayangxu, the entire Yangshan Mountain will be "opened".

"Then ask Pan Tianshun to take the rest of us to fight Dalangxu with us——since he wants to go back and pull the team, how can he go back if he doesn't take down Dalangxu?" He suggested.

"Hehe, Chief Luo. How long has Pan Tianshun been talking about going back to pull the team?"

"It's been a long time, since the day Magistrate Wang was injured."

"Back to Yonghua is not the only way to go to Dalangxu. He can take his people to Libuxu—although it is a long way. Why not?"

Luo Yiming was a little confused now.Why don't you go?It seemed that there was always a reason for delaying his trip, and he was unwilling to leave Pan Tianshun and take away the few remaining weapons.

"He stayed in the county seat because he was waiting for us to give him a name..." Pi Da said.

"Name? What name can we give him?" Luo Yiming was even more confused.

"It's what you said just now, let him go to war and guard Dalangxu after the war. Maybe he also wants to be the mayor of Dalangxu." Ping Da said, "This way he can control Dalangxu It's justified. Not to mention whether he has two minds, the salt sold to the Yao District every year is a huge income!"

After talking about it in this way, Luo Yiming completely understood.He originally had a good impression of Pan Tianshun—after all, he had a "fighting friendship made of blood", and he always felt that he and the Yao people in Yonghua were "one of our own."

"So to say……"

"Of course Pan Tianshun didn't do anything to apologize to us, and it can even be said that he owes something to the Senate. But Yaozhai is also one of the local powerful factions in this county. He and us are just 'friends', not 'comrades'." '."

While they were talking, someone came to report: "The company commander is here."

"Ask him to come in." Pi Da nodded and said, "Chief Luo, you don't have to go, we can just discuss the attack plan."

With the sound of hurried footsteps, Zhen Huan hurried in from the outside.He voluntarily joined the army in order to follow Si Da, but over the years he saw Si Da very rarely—— Si Da always seemed to avoid him.Wherever the company was transferred, Pi Da would be transferred from here.When they were stationed in Kaohsiung, they had a relatively long period of time in the same place.Although Zhen Huan wanted to find Pi Da every time, Pi Da always "go to the countryside" or "take a second job".Once, with great difficulty, Zhen Huan ran directly to the village where Pi Da was temporarily employed.It was the first time the two sat face to face.

However, this long-lost reunion did not leave good memories for Zhen Huan, let alone "revisiting the old relationship".Su Da has an indifferent attitude towards the reunion.The conversation between the two was uneventful.No matter how Zhen Huan raises the topic, Pi Da always has no response: she neither wants to recall the past, nor does she want to talk about the future with him.

Zhen Huan was heartbroken by Pi Da's indifference for a time—they were a recognized couple in the village back then, you and me, and they were very affectionate.But now Pi Da seems to be a different person, completely forgetting everything in the past.Regardless of whether it is soft or hard, it is impossible to talk about it.

After this meeting, the two separated for a long time.The two were transferred to the Lianyang area together, so Zhenhuan looked for opportunities to reunite with Pi Da.Suffering from frequent combat missions, I never got a chance.

Unexpectedly, this time she went directly to Yangshan to be the county magistrate, and now she can see each other every day!

Zhen Huan came to the county magistrate's office with such an excited mood.

"Pi Da!" He called out affectionately as soon as he entered the door, and he realized that he was abrupt when he saw Luo Yiming in the office, and he couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

"Company commander, you came at a good time. I wanted to find you." Pi Da said calmly, "We are discussing the next military action plan. Your company will be used."

"At your disposal at any time! I will never hesitate to die." Zhen Huan immediately made a nondescript expression of determination.

"You just said that without asking me for a power of attorney. That's too hasty."

"I'll do whatever you want me to do..."

Now it was Luo Yiming's turn to be embarrassed. Although he didn't know the past between the female county magistrate and the company commander of the mountain company, he probably knew from their words and demeanor that the relationship between the two was "not simple". The Limin cadres who came to Hainan Island understood a little more.

Pi Da was very calm: "This is against discipline." As she spoke, she took out an order signed by Huang Chao from the drawer, "This is the order."

Zhen Huan took it over and looked at it without even looking at it. He stuffed it into his pocket and said, "Pi Da, tell me, where should we fight?"

"After a preliminary discussion with Chief Luo, we are going to take down Dalangxu, suppress the arrogance of Sun Dabiao's gangsters, and re-establish control over Yonghua Township." Pi Da roughly explained what he had just said to Zhen Huan. , and asked, "What do you think?"

"I support all your decisions!" Zhen Huan said.

Pi Da sighed helplessly, Luo Yiming secretly laughed and smoothed things over: "Since the company commander has no objections, let's discuss the battle plan."

"Okay," Zhen Huan said with renewed energy, "How is the enemy situation in the county now? Chief Luo, let me introduce you first."

"Okay." Luo Yiming opened the map curtain on the wall. "The enemy situation in the county is not complicated. The main bandits are three groups: except for Sun Dabiao and Feng Haijiao. Recently, a new group has appeared, and we have relatively little information. There are many other sporadic small gangs, but their numbers are small and their equipment is not good.

"Sun Dabiao has become the largest gangster in the county since he burned Dalangxu. Many bandits and gangsters in the county have defected to him, and he has recruited many scattered bandits from other counties. Now his strength has expanded to Nearly 600 people. According to the report of the scouts, these bandits who flowed in from other counties also brought a lot of weapons and firearms, so Sun Dabiao's troops are much better equipped than in the past--he recently won the official title of Xiong Wencan, It has also become a kind of boss, so these loose bandits who flowed in from other counties probably have the official background of the Ming Dynasty—maybe they are sporadic officers and soldiers."
Next update: Volume 445 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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