Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2241

Chapter 2241
"600 people! What does he eat?" Pi Da asked.She knew that Yangshan was similar to some counties in Hainan, with barren land and poor people, and a small population.Even bandits cannot gather too many people: one or two hundred people is a big gang.Because they can't afford to support too many people, most of the bandit minions usually live scattered and work in agriculture, and only gather when they have something to do.Sun Dabiao gathered 200 people at once, and the eating, drinking and drinking of these people will become a big problem.

"Let the villages pay him grain." Luo Yiming said unwillingly, "Many villages are unwilling to pay a reasonable burden, and the bandits don't dare to let go when they come to collect grain, so they pay it obediently..."

"That's because bandits can kill people and burn houses at will, but we can't." A voice came from outside the door, "After all, they have no authority!"

Pi Da was taken aback, but when he looked up, it was You Ciren.His arm was still bandaged, but he looked much better than when he was injured.

"Old You, why are you here?" Luo Yiming frowned and said, "Your injury hasn't healed yet, so you shouldn't move too much—be careful that your arm will be affected if you don't recover well!"

"I'm already on a splint, how can I move?" You Ciren disagreed, "The doctor also said that I can walk around."

"Okay, one more person has more strength, so you can come to the meeting too. Everyone has ideas." Pi Da didn't care.

Zhen Huan said: "We wiped out Sun Dabiao, and we naturally have authority in Yangshan County. It is not surprising that local forces fluctuate. It was the same when we recruited various organizations in Taiwan. We defeated the strongest and most If you dance, other clubs will just be obedient."

Both Zhen Huan and Pi Da had commanded experience in suppressing bandits and "Xuan Fu".Words naturally carry weight.Neither Luo nor Youqi objected to "strengthening prestige", but they had some doubts about going to "strengthen prestige" with only such a small number of people on their side.

"I don't disagree, but should we change our target?" Luo Yiming said, "Sun Dabiao has 600 people, we only have more than 200 people in total, and we have to keep people to defend the city..."

"Although Sun Dabiao has many people, he is a mob assembled at the last moment. It is not difficult to defeat him—it is rare to kill him or capture him alive." You Ciren said, "As long as he runs out with his confidantes, it won't take long for him to die again." Can pull the team."

"That's right. It's meaningless for ordinary minions to behead more or less. The key is to get rid of the thieves." Pi Da agreed, "Sun Dabiao and Zhang Tianbo are the second of the three tyrants of Yangshan, and they are also the leaders of this riot. The main criminal, at least one person must be taken down to fully demonstrate our authority in Yangshan!"

"To catch Sun Dabiao, the only way is to catch him by surprise," Zhen Huan said.

After discussion at the meeting, it was decided to attack Sun Dabiao first, first to gain prestige, and second, to use this to take down Dalangxu and regain control of Yao District.

"We have few people, and now all the forces in the county are contemptuous of us, so we can use their tricks." You Ciren suggested, "It's better to show weakness appropriately to deepen this impression and paralyze the bandits in the county."

He suggested that the first thing is to withdraw all grain collection teams, stop collecting "reasonable burdens", and show cowardice in the county.

"...the new county magistrate is a woman—this news will spread throughout the county in a short time. According to the indigenous concept, women must be timid and weak, and being sent to be the county magistrate is a sign of the 'foolishness' of the elders .So withdrawing the task force is very much in line with their concept. It will further make them despise us."

Pi Da smiled and said, "I never thought I would be useful! Go on."

You Ciren smiled: "We withdrew all the food requisition teams, and the field hospital will leave in a few days—we will take this opportunity to pack and transport the wounded with great fanfare, making it look like we are going to escape!"

"I'm afraid there will be a sensation in the county now."

"Naturally there will be a sensation." You Ciren thought about this strategy for a long time, "These gangsters probably have people ambushing outside the county seat, watching our every move, and there probably are their eyeliners in the county. Our actions are based on Sun Dabiao You'll know in a day or two."

"Let him be paralyzed, we'll hit him off guard." Zhen Huan already understood what he meant.Li Miaolian's battles were mostly surprise attacks in mountainous areas, and the harsh terrain was their advantage.

"That's right." You Ciren said, "We have a small number of people, and the national army's combat effectiveness is very poor, so we stay in the city. The battle is carried out by the mountain company—we attack Dalangxu at night!"

"What about the eyeliners outside the city? Once we are dispatched here, they will definitely find out. We have a large group of people, and our speed is not as fast as a single person-maybe they have other contact methods: such as setting off fireworks to warn."

"Li Miaolian can get on the boat first, and make a defensive gesture—the company commander and the others came here on a temporary basis. Isn't it normal to return to Jian now?"

"And get off the boat halfway?"

"That's right." You Ciren nodded, "No matter how many bandits have eyeliners, they can't be placed everywhere along the river. Let alone at night."

"That's not a bad idea." Luo Yiming admired, "Company Commander, your team is fine with surprise attacks at night, right?"

"Night raids, forest warfare, and close combat are the strengths of our mountain company." Zhen Huan said, "What do you think of this plan, Pi Da?"

"The plan is pretty good." Pida doesn't know much about war, but she thinks this plan has the possibility of success. After all, the three people present here all have actual combat experience. "I don't know much about war. Since everyone thinks it's good, then That's for sure—just do it!"

After agreeing on the plan, everyone's emotions were high, and then some details were discussed and implemented one by one.

"How much do we know about the situation in Dalangxu now? Do we need to conduct reconnaissance beforehand?" Zhen Huan said, "The long-distance reconnaissance is continuous now, but we don't know the situation inside Dalangxu."

"It may be difficult to send people in." Luo Yiming frowned, "Sun Dabiao is very careful now. Although the five-day fair in Dalangxu has opened again, he is very strict in checking, and strangers with foreign accents often They will be interrogated repeatedly...Although it is inconvenient for them to kill casually in order to attract businessmen, it is difficult to escape if they are bitten, which will delay the matter. We have sent scouts over several times, but we have not been able to enter the core of Sun Dabiao's garrison area."

"If we can know exactly where Sun Dabiao lives, we can come to a black tiger and kill him directly during the assault." Zhen Huan said regretfully.

Dalangxu was already in ruins after the fire, and it was impossible to estimate the exact location of Sun Dabiao.

Pi Da thought for a while, and said, "I think we still have to do reconnaissance. Since we can't get in, we'll pull people out."

"You mean?"

"Where is Zhang Tianbo from the Three Tyrants of Yangshan now?"

"I don't know, he fled after failing to make an internal response - we speculate that he should be hiding with Sun Dabiao or Feng Haijiao. But there is no definite evidence."

"I have read Yangshan's materials. Zhang Tianbo, Sun Dabiao, and Feng Haijiao are sworn brothers who actively participated in the Dalangxu incident. He must be very familiar with Sun Dabiao's situation. We know it all!"

"But there are so many people, where can we find him?" Luo Yiming said, "We really want to catch Zhang Tianbo, but this guy is very cunning, and he disappeared after he escaped from the county."

"It's up to everyone to find a way." Pi Da said, "He's not a monkey grandson, he might not necessarily have jumped out of a rock, there should be some relatives and old friends in the county—Yangshan is not a big place, let's look for it Look, there might be clues."

It wasn't a clever plan, but these days they were either immersed in frustration, or they were busy cleaning up the mess and stabilizing the situation, and no one thought about how to counterattack.What Su Da said at this moment made everyone suddenly enlightened.

"That's right, Zhang Tianbo didn't jump out of a rock. He is also a person with seniors and juniors. It is impossible to wipe his butt clean. There must be somewhere to hide his family!" Luo Yiming waved his hands excitedly. Said, "Find this kid's family members, and naturally he will be arrested!"

"As long as we catch him, even if he doesn't know the inside story of Sun Dabiao, at least we can push him out and chop off his head, and destroy this Yangshan tyrant! The prestige of killing bandits."

"Zhang Tianbo has a master who used to be the head of the police in the county. His name is Li Shuangkuai." Luo Yiming said, "This old man retired several years ago and lives in Zhuangzi outside the city—he should be with Li Shuangkuai." Shuangkuai is the closest outsider. I heard that Zhang Tianbo would visit him every year. By the way, the county magistrate Wang recruited Zhang Tianbo through Li Shuangkuai. Even if he didn't know the exact whereabouts of Li Shuangkuai, at least he knew Knowing a lot of things we don't know—maybe Zhang Tianbo's family members are hiding in his village!"

"But after Zhang Tianbo's betrayal, will this Li Shuangkuai stay at home?" Pi Da said.

This made everyone's excitement drop a bit.You Ciren thought for a while and said, "At least you can try it! Li Shuang is almost in his early sixties, and it is impossible to run around with the bandits. He insists that he has no apparent relationship with the bandits, and he is a rich man. , so it is impossible to fall into the water and become a bandit—in nine out of ten, they are still hiding on their own village."

"Let's go quietly to find out first." Luo Yiming said, "I'll send a few able-bodied men there to find out, and if it's confirmed that he's on Zhuangzi, I'll 'invite' him here."

"The old man Li Shuangkuai is not a good guy," You Ciren said, "According to the information we have collected, he has been a policeman in Yangshan for more than 20 years and has protected many local bandits who robbed merchants in the area. He made a lot of ill-gotten wealth. It can be said to be a bloody debt. However, most of the people he harmed were foreign businessmen, and most of the locals knew little about his evil deeds. A copy of the catch."


Next update: Volume 446 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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