Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2245

Chapter 2245 Night Attack on Dalangxu ([-])
After a brief prisoner interrogation, Zhen Huan learned that: the main figures of Sun Dabiao's bandit gang live separately in the only three remaining courtyards in Dalangwei. Although the courtyard is not the largest, the building is the most solid. The outer walls are all ten feet five feet high, and the whole body is made of stone blocks.There is a turret at each of the four corners of the courtyard wall, and the front and rear gates are made of hardwood and iron.

There are three entrances to the Shanhuo Store. The first entry is for his main bosses, the third entry is for his cronies: the master, the steward and the accountant; he lives in the second entry with his family and trusted servants.The yard is very tightly guarded.

In the other two courtyards, one is Sun Dabiao's "grain platform", which hoards a large amount of grain, gold, silver and soft goods; the other is where other leaders and their families live.

Zhen Huan divided the three platoons into two groups. He led two platoons to attack the Shanhuo store, and the other platoon attacked the leader's residence.Taking these two places in one go, the bandits in the town will naturally be in chaos without a fight.

Squad by squad of Li and Miao infantry disappeared into the night in batches. Although it was their first time at Dalangxu, they were all elites in night combat. They can walk through the mountains and forests without losing their way by relying on the faint starlight.

Zhang Tianbo was tied into a ball and thrown with the captives.Zhang Tianbo watched the black and thin man calmly and calmly line up his troops. Not only were their weapons different from those of the Kun army in the city, but their spirits and spirits were also quite different--at first glance, they were rare strong soldiers. Then he knew that it was a big mistake to use the Kun army in the county as the standard - it turns out that this is the elite of the Kun thieves!
He was startled and frightened. He was so shocked that the gangsters were able to quietly cross the wooden fence and guard posts in the dark night and sneak into Dalangxu. It was like entering a land without people!I am so afraid that I will be captured, and I will know what will happen. I will be "opened up" by the gangsters to avenge Da Langxu. Maybe there will be some fancy execution method waiting for me... Besides Sun Dabiao was really going to die, and he became a bereaved dog.Although Sun Dabiao wasn't loyal enough, he could at least give him shelter from the wind and rain.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianbo's wrist twitched lightly—he has been a headhunter for many years, and he has come into contact with countless religions and streams, and some of them have "supernatural powers".One of them is an old thief who came to Yangshan to "do business" and "worship the land" as usual. He learned the "bone shrinking skill" from this old thief, and he can break free from the rope.

This kung fu is mysterious, but the principle is very simple: when you bind your hands, you should maintain a certain posture, and then you can gradually break free after you leave room for your hands to move after binding.Zhang Tianbo felt that this was a skill to save his life, and after learning this skill, he practiced it often, and it was considered a small success.

The person who tied him up this time was a soldier from the Mountain Company, so the way he was tied up was naturally not comparable to that of his husband, so he took advantage of the loophole, seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Zhang Tianbo moved his wrist quietly, within a few minutes, One of his hands broke free, and it was even more convenient this time, with three or two strokes, the rope was completely disengaged.

Zhang Tianbo moved his legs and feet quietly again, and under the cover of night and the negligence of the guards, he quickly untied his hands and feet completely.Just as he was about to stand up, someone beside him suddenly pressed his foot.

This time, Zhang Tianbo was almost scared out of his wits, and he took a closer look, and found that it was Mo Qiao, the banker who gambled with him - also an old bandit.I saw him staring at himself, then looked at the rope in his hand and pouted.

Zhang Tianbo knew what he meant, even if he made an extra move at this moment, he would be exposed if he delayed for a moment, but this Mo Qiao is not a good person, if you don't help him untie it, there will be a big disturbance first!

He had no choice but to reduce the range of motion as much as possible, and quietly helped Mo Qiao untie the ropes on his hands and feet.The two looked at each other, quietly dug out the numb numbness they had hit, and bent down to the ground, ready to climb out of the sight of the sentinel.

However, no matter how light their movements were, there was still the sound of their bodies rubbing against the grass and trees. This sound caught the attention of the sentinel. He immediately turned his gun across, and then the moonlight glanced over. Suddenly, he realized that there were fewer prisoners among the prisoners. The sentry came over together.

The sentry was actually less than ten steps away from them.As long as you walk a few steps, you will definitely find that the two of them looked at each other, jumped up at the same time, and ran to the outside of the fair, shouting desperately while running: "The water is boiling! The thief is coming!"

The scream was extremely sharp in the silent night sky, and the sentinel raised his shotgun and fired a shot.Mo Qiao was sent flying out of the air.Zhang Tianbo was so frightened that he somersaulted and fell to the ground. He fell so badly that he couldn't distinguish east, west, north, south.However, he didn't dare to stay for a moment, he turned over and ran away.

Just run into the ruins and be safe!He ran all the way with this thought in mind, seeing that there was no gunfire behind him and no one was chasing him, he felt at ease.

Just as I was congratulating myself on my "auspicious person and celestial appearance", suddenly there was a "whoosh" sound, and there was a sharp pain in my stomach, followed by a severe itching.His legs and feet went limp involuntarily.Looking down, a short crossbow arrow had already penetrated into his lower abdomen.

Zhang Tianbo looked up, and there were a few thieves in front of him—it turned out that after he fell down, he ran towards the Shanhuo store in a panic and ran into the security guards outside the Shanhuo store.

He wanted to yell, at least he had to report a letter to Sun Dabiao before he died, so that it would not be so easy for the gangster to win, but the poison of the arrow was onset very quickly, his mouth and tongue were out of control, and it was even difficult to breathe... The body completely went limp.

"Messenger! Fire three flares!" Zhen Huan immediately gave an order when he heard the gunshots.

The messenger immediately took out the signal rocket from his backpack and fired three times into the air.The signal flare that went straight into the sky emitted a red light, illuminating the dark night sky before dawn, and also illuminating the entire Dalangxu.

At this time, Sun Dabiao was experiencing a "fierce battle".When he received the exact news of the "Liman" evacuation and heard that the fleet had traveled far, he was very happy.The gloom and mist that had hung over his head these days seemed to dissipate at once.Immediately ask someone to prepare a banquet.

As if to make up for the uneasiness these days, he drank and had fun with a few of his cronies and concubines all night long, and it was only around four o'clock that he left.After a lot of tossing, the naked Sun Dabiao was slumped on the bed, panting contentedly—this fun-seeking made his body feel empty and tired
Just as he was about to ask the servant girl to bring him ginseng soup, the sudden sound of gunfire outside shocked him, his heart was beating wildly, and he almost couldn't catch his breath.He immediately pushed away the naked girl beside him, put on his clothes, picked up the sword and went outside, and asked sharply:

"That's the case?"

"Kun...Kun thief..." The minion who came to report panicked, "It's all outside!"

This sound was like thunder, and the sword in Sun Dabiao's hand fell to the ground with a clang.Immediately stood on the spot in a daze - Li Man withdrew, and there was no reinforcement from the bandits, just because these hundred and ten people in the county dared to attack his Dalangxu?Thinking of this, he came back to his senses.His face was pale, and he shouted angrily: "Quick! Keep me in the yard! Anyone who doesn't work hard will be beheaded on the spot!" At the same time, he ordered the head of the second road who rushed over: "You take your brothers to resist, there are not many thieves, If we hold on for a while, all the people in the fair will come to the rescue!"

After he finished speaking, he walked into the yard, and the yard was already in a mess. The servants, wives and concubines all came out, all in messy clothes, looking around.Seeing him coming out, his favorite third aunt came up to him and asked, "Master! This is... what's wrong..."

"Fuck you, get the hell out of here!" Sun Dabiao raised his hand and slapped Third Auntie twice on the mouth. Third Auntie was always favored, so she got slapped for no reason, sat down on the ground and cried, Sun Dabiao raised his leg and It's two feet, roaring: "I'm not dead yet, what's the name?"

Just as Sun Dabiao was beating the little wife, there was a series of explosions outside—the sound was louder than a cannon, and the whole yard suddenly became chaotic, full of crying.Sun Dabiao was taken aback: This is the sound of firing cannons!Since there are cannons, there are a large group of gangsters who come, not those few people in Yangshan County!

As if to confirm his idea, the Australians' bugles and drums sounded outside again, hurried and passionate, as if thousands of troops were rushing here.

"Quick!" he screamed in despair, "all of you!"

In the midst of this chaos, the sentries on the four turrets of the Shanhuo Store had been wiped out by the soldiers of the Shandi Company.

The sound of a grenade explosion from another yard announced the start of the general attack. Following the order of Zhenhuan, the soldiers of the mountain company threw grenades into the yard from the turret.

With the explosion of the grenade, the courtyard of Shanhuo was filled with smoke and shrapnel flew across.The gangsters who were disturbed by the gunshots and explosions were gathering in the yard, preparing to fight in fear. No one expected the black death that fell from the sky.Soldiers on the four turrets continuously threw grenades into the courtyard, and dozens of grenades exploded in two courtyards one after another. For a while, exclamations, screams, and cries for help echoed over Shanhuohang.

The surviving gangsters no longer dared to "reject" in the yard, and opened the front and back doors one after another, and fled.The soldiers of the mountain company had already lined up outside the door, and the soldiers in two rows blocked the front and rear doors in a half-moon shape. Full of dead bodies and wounded, full of screams and groans.Someone shouted: "May I surrender! May I surrender!"

However, Zhen Huan had already issued an order not to accept prisoners during the battle, "not one will be kept."The faint cry of surrender and begging for mercy was quickly drowned out in the continuous roar of shotguns.


Next update: Volume 450 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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