Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2246

Chapter 2246 Night Attack on Dalangxu ([-])
The second courtyard where Sun Dabiao lived was not bombarded with grenades. Although the courtyard was still in chaos and screams kept coming and going, but he had been a bandit for many years and had experienced many dangerous moments, so he was still calm at the moment.He put on clothes indiscriminately, and carried a "Hundred Treasure Bag" on his back-this thing is his many years of experience as a bandit. In addition to scattered silver, it also contains the gangster's roster and some important deeds. On the day of birth, you can use this to repay your capital.

"Where did Yun Dong go?" He asked "Brush Eyebrow".

Sun Yundong is his eldest grandson——Sun Dabiao has only one son, and his body has been hollowed out by wine and sex, and he has become a useless person.Therefore, Sun Dabiao attaches great importance to his eldest grandson and regards him as his future heir.

"Master is in the West Wing..."

"Go and find him!" Now that the situation is critical, Sun Dabiao is ready to "run the water", and his family members will naturally not care about it. Whether it is a wife, a concubine, or even a son who is worthless, he can abandon it at a critical moment. Only this "cigarette" "Ass" is to keep it.

Not long after, "Brush Eyebrow" came over with his Sun Yundong. Sun Yundong was only a 16-year-old boy. In front of the enemy, I was so panicked that I didn't know what to do.

"Master... we, what shall we do..."

Sun Dabiao glared at his grandson, and saw that he was flustered, looking around, neither "calm" nor "eager to try", and he was not even dressed neatly, he couldn't help feeling secretly disappointed.

"You straighten your clothes and break out with me."

"Yes, master," Sun Yundong sniffled, "it's just what about my parents... and my wife and aunts."

"You fucking don't meddle in this business! Mother-in-law." Sun Dabiao snorted, "Give me a handle, let's go!"

Sun Dabiao took his grandson and a few cronies to disperse the panicked women.I touched the back of the second entrance to the west wing, and moved away a piece of rockery, revealing a hole half the height of a person.

"You! Go out first!" Brush raised his knife, and ordered a minion to get out first.

The minion got out, but there was no movement outside, and a group of people got through the hole in the wall one by one, and came outside.

"Close to the base of the wall and quietly walk outside..."

However, this group of people who suddenly appeared outside the wall was immediately spotted by the soldiers on the top of the turret. With a bang, the flames flashed on the turret, and the two servants were shot and fell to the ground.

"Quick! Go outside!" Sun Dabiao raised his knife.He took his grandson and ran wildly.

Sun Dabiao knew that there were only two roads to get out of his Dalangwei, one was to Yonghua—that was absolutely impossible; the other was to the county seat.

The only plan for now is to break out in the direction of the county. As long as you get out of Dalangxu, whether you are going to Xinjiazhuang or Qinglianxu, there is still a glimmer of hope.

At this moment, Dalangxu was in chaos, and Zhen Huan's tactics of attacking the heart first in two ways disrupted the gang's command system in an instant.The scattered minions were awakened by the sound of killing and explosions in their sleep, and fled in panic, completely losing their organizational system. Most of them ran towards the road in the direction of the county in a panic.

At this time, the national army outside has already lined up, because the shooting speed of the national army is far inferior to that of the Fubo army, so they came this time with a lot of bamboo sticks, and planted a deer with a width of one foot on the road densely. Chai, the national army soldiers were divided into two teams, each occupying a shooting position in the woods and grass on the left and right sides of the road, forming a cross-firing situation on both sides.

The first batch of bandits who escaped from Dalangxu panicked, and in the dark, a group of people rushed directly into the bamboo stick array, their legs and feet were pierced, and they fell down screaming, while the people behind were rushing out on the wounded.


Gunshots from both sides immediately rang out.

The Nanyang-style rifles on the left and right flanks fired alternately, unhurriedly, one after another, under the baptism of the torrential rain of lead bullets, as long as they rushed into the shooting range, almost none slipped through the net, and occasionally a few bruised and bruised rushed past the bamboo sticks The array was also quickly resolved.In an instant, the road was almost full of dead bodies and wounded.

"Help me... give me a hand..."

"Brother Jiang! Help me, I still have money and land! Save me...I'll give you all..."

"Sun Dabiao, you bastard! I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost..."

"Mom... Mom..."

The wailing and groaning of the wounded reverberated over the road, and the screams of the dying people could be heard from time to time, which was extremely scary in the night.Seeing such a cruel scene for the first time, Pi Da turned pale, but she didn't say anything.Just silently watching the situation on the battlefield.

Luo Yiming saw that the corpses and wounded on the road had almost destroyed most of the bamboo stick array, so he ordered someone to repair it immediately, and then asked the national army to retreat a little, leaving enough "death space".

"Don't worry, fight according to the rhythm!" He patrolled and encouraged the soldiers, while paying attention to the fire in Dalangxu, wondering what happened to Zhen Huan and the others?

Zhen Huan's side is like two flood dragons entering the sea, disturbing Dalangxu.The minions who lost the leader's command collided with each other, some fled to Yonghua in a panic, and some killed each other in terror.Regardless of whether Sun Dabiao and his men entered the river to shout and try to gather the team, they were all dispersed by the rebellious soldiers.

Based on Sun Dabiao's experience, he naturally knew that the enemy must have ambushes at the exit, so if he rushed out with such a few people, he would be throwing himself into a trap, so he immediately ordered: "Quick, bragging! Let everyone gather here! Let's rush out together!"

Although he asked the servant to bring the conch, he didn't intend to brag about it.As soon as you brag, although the minions will come to meet, it is also equivalent to a trick, and the thieves will follow the sound to chase and kill them.But at the moment he couldn't care less about it.

The low whining sound of the conch rang out, and within a moment, five or sixty people gathered around him.Sun Dabiao didn't dare to stay for long, and said loudly: "Brothers, let's rush out together! As long as you rush out with me, everyone is my good brother Sun Dabiao! Everyone rewards silver and land rewards women!"

His incitement and incitement aroused greed among many gangsters who were already running for their lives in a panic. They shouted in unison: "Follow Brother Sun!" , everyone, have an Australian meat!"...

Sun Dabiao raised his saber, and all the gangsters shouted in unison and rushed out together.

Zhen Huan led two platoons to kill people in the Shanhuo store. However, when he rushed into the second yard with people, he saw only many old and young women and children in the yard, but not a few men.

"Where is Sun Dabiao?" He asked anxiously.

"Run away!" A soldier hurried out from the main room, "A girl said: Sun Dabiao ran away with his grandson!"

"Let's go after it!" Zhen Huan turned around to go out, stopped in his tracks again, and ordered, "Take care of the people in this yard, don't tell them to run away, and don't let them die!"

Just as he was talking, Faluo's deep "woo-woo" sound came from the night sky, and Zhen Huan was taken aback. This is not a signal from Fubo Army!
Sun Dabiao is assembling the team!

"Gather in a row, follow me!"

In a hurry, he gathered about 30 people and ran to follow the sound of Faluo.

Sun Dabiao had already led his assembled troops and ran all the way, fleeing towards the intersection.Before he had gone far, he encountered minions fleeing from the intersection. Many of them were covered in blood, and some of them had their limbs broken. They were limping and struggling to walk back.

The gunshots in front of him roared rhythmically, and Sun Dabiao knew that if he charged forward, he would be close to death, but at this moment he had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush forward—as long as he rushed through the intersection, he would have a way out.

"Everyone rush, run out to enjoy life!" He shouted loudly.However, although he shouted loudly, he did not rush forward, but slowed down secretly.

At this time, the sky was gradually brightening, and the bandits found that there were not many national soldiers intercepting them head-on, so they couldn't help but increased their courage. They roared together and rushed to kill, and the crowd instantly flooded the bamboo stick array.

The platoon guns of the county squadron fired in turn, and the bandits in front were knocked down in batches, but the ones who followed rushed forward and charged up.Soon, the first batch of enemies crossed the bamboo stick array.Seeing this, Luo Yiming led the third team of the reserve team to meet him head-on, and shot the enemy back with a row of guns.

However, the bandits who wanted to survive from the dead managed to open the gap, and with Sun Dabiao's continuous supervision and encouragement behind them, the team behind rushed forward again regardless of life and death. Without firing a few rows of guns, the third team fought hand-to-hand with the enemy .

Pi Da held a shotgun in her hand—she had been trained to use this weapon when she was in Taiwan. Seeing that Luo Yiming's third team was caught in a melee, she immediately rushed to reinforce with four of Zhou's servants.

She rushed over and met a middle-aged strong man running out under the escort of seven or eight bandits. From his messy but gorgeous clothes, the neat attire of his men, and the good weapons, she realized that this was Sun Dabiao.Immediately shouted loudly:
"Sun Dabiao, where are you running!"

The sound of shouting was extremely sharp, which made Sun Dabiao tremble all over, and he couldn't help but follow the prestige, only to see a young girl holding a double-barreled firecracker, leading several people to charge towards him.

"Brush Eyebrow" saw that the leader's trace was found, and immediately shouted: "Master, go!" Wielding a big knife, he led three or four servants to meet him.

Pi Da was about to shoot, but Tuesday beside him had already drawn his bow and set his arrows, and with one arrow shot, the servant at the front fell to the ground.Pi Da pulled the trigger a little slower.With a bang, "Brush Eyebrow" and the two servants were covered in blood, and fell down screaming.

At this moment, the bandits had rushed to less than four or five steps away, and Pi Da pulled the trigger again, firing another bullet. In an instant, there were not many servants left around Sun Dabiao.

Next update: Volume 451 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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