Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2247

Chapter 2247
Sun Dabiao saw that his servants were all dead and injured in an instant, he gritted his teeth, brandished a big knife, and rushed towards Pida who led his servants to surround him. Seeing this, Zhou Fu drew out his two swords and stood in front of Pida.The double sabers made the tiger look mighty, and Sun Dabiao was forced back a few steps in an instant.

"Take Sun Dabiao, there will be a lot of rewards!" Pi Da shouted loudly to the servants of the Zhou family.

The courage of the four servants of the Zhou family surged in an instant. On Tuesday, they fired arrows and arrows, shooting all the minions who tried to get close to Sun Dabiao and forced them to retreat. There is no parrying power.

Taking advantage of this gap, Pi Da reloaded the bullet and fired two more shots to drive back the approaching bandits.Here, Luo Yiming led the third team to fight back vigorously, and the first and second teams cut off the follow-up bandit team. The bandit team that broke through gradually lost their vigor and were beaten back step by step.

At this moment, Sun Dabiao, who was in a tight siege, was hit on the leg by Zhou Qing, and immediately fell to the ground. The three servants immediately rushed over and caught him. Zhou Da was not polite, and pulled Sun Dabiao's hair. Arrived in front of Suda.

"Master, we have captured the man!"

"Okay! Each person will be rewarded with ten taels of silver!" Pi Da said unequivocally.

"Thank you, master!" the four servants said together.

Pi Da called a local guide who knew Sun Dabiao: "Is this Sun Dabiao?"

After careful identification, the guide said affirmatively, "It's him!"

Sun Dabiao's hair was in a disheveled bun, his clothes were all torn, and was stained with a lot of blood. This embarrassment did not have the majesty of the Three Hegemons of Yangshan. He was tied behind his back and couldn't move. girl hair.

It turns out that this girl is the new county magistrate of the Kun Bandit!I have been in Yangshan for decades, but today I fell into the hands of a woman!He secretly hated, but the pain and despair gripped his heart in an instant, making him completely dispirited.Sun Dabiao, one of the "Three Hegemons of Yangshan", had to lower his head at this moment, looking so old and unrepentant.

"It's tied up, don't let him commit suicide."

"County magistrate, there is another one here!" Several soldiers pushed a messy-clothed boy over. He was dressed gorgeously and did not carry a weapon. He was obviously not an ordinary bandit.

"This is Sun Dabiao's grandson." The guide said, "Sun Dabiao's most important person."

"Tie it up!"

With the capture of Sun Dabiao's grandparents, the momentum of the bandits' breakthrough gradually weakened. Luo Yiming took the opportunity to tell the local cadres to shout: "Surrender to avoid death", and the bandits dropped their weapons and surrendered one after another.After a while, thirty or forty prisoners were caught at the intersection and tied into a string with ropes.The local cadres were supervised by someone who was familiar with the situation of the bandits, and when they saw a more important leader, they pulled them out and tied them up individually.

At this time, the sky was bright, and the gunshots and shouts of killing in Dalangxu gradually faded away, and there were only one or two gunshots occasionally.Pi Da and the others knew that the battle in Wei Nei was basically over, but they didn't know how it was going.While in a hurry, Zhen Huan brought a few soldiers over to escort the captives. Their faces and hands were blackened by gunpowder smoke, and their uniforms were scorched and punctured in many places.However, the soldiers stood uprightly, with satisfaction after victory and contempt for the enemy on their faces.

"Pi Da!" Zhen Huan was overjoyed when he saw Pi Da, "Sun Dabiao, a big bear, can't help but fight! After three or two strikes, it will all pay off! Now you can be the county magistrate with peace of mind." Then I want to come over.

Pi Da hurriedly took a step back and kept his distance: "Company commander, you played well. This time I will report to you and I will definitely list your company first!"

"Your business is my business. What is said is that the first merit is not the first, Pi Da, look at us..."

"Clean up the battlefield quickly." Pi Da interfaced, "Our main force is now in Dalangxu, and the county is empty, so we have to guard against a sudden attack by Feng Haijiao and that Yang Juren gang." She thought for a while, "I can see Company commander of the hard-working formation, you immediately lead your troops back to the county seat. Chief Luo and I will temporarily 'office' here for a few days."

Dalangxu is the lair that Sun Dabiao has occupied for generations. He must have buried a large number of hoards here. The spoils of war must be taken; Dalangxu itself is the main road leading to Yonghua, and it was originally a place where merchants and people gathered. , Most of these people were displaced during these tug-of-wars, and many of them had to join bandits in order to make a living. They should be recruited as soon as possible to avoid the situation where bandits fight more and more.

What's more, not only the bandits are staring at Dalangxu, a treasure land of geomantic omen, but also the Yao people in Yonghua.She must restore the situation here as soon as possible.

"Then I'll just stay with the mountain company..."

"No," Pi Da retorted, "You have no experience in civil work, and you don't know much about the local situation. It would be more appropriate to go back to the county town and be our 'Zhenshan Taisui'—you can discuss with Comrade You if there is any situation. Chief Luo and I are cooking slowly here."

Zhen Huan had no choice but to agree with Pi Da's plan.However, he asked to leave after Dalangxu was completely cleared.

"I'll send a platoon back first," he said.

"Let's go, let's go to Dalangxu to have a look." Pi Da said. "Look at what Sun Dabiao's lair looks like."

The three of them laughed out loud, and since they made the decision to attack Dalangxu at night, the big stone that weighed on their hearts seemed to fall to the ground at once.Even Luo Yiming, who always had a straight face, was overjoyed.Pi Da felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Yangshan still has a long way to go, at least she has taken the first step - she finally lived up to Huang Yuanlao's entrustment to her.

The scorched soil in the polder is full of broken walls and ruins. Several times of sawing brought almost devastating results to this land.The merchants and people were all scattered, the corpses of the gangsters were lying in the ruins, and there were occasional dying and seriously injured people wailing. They were not calling for help, but praying for "give me a happy life."The soldiers of the mountain company held daggers and sent them off one by one.

The bandits captured alive were disheveled, ragged, and some were bare-chested, with blood dripping from their bodies, and they were forced to gather together with their heads down.Although there are swords and weapons everywhere in the ground, no one has the idea of ​​picking them up and resisting.

"How many prisoners were taken?"

"It hasn't been counted yet," Zhenhuan said, "There are probably three to four hundred people."

"There are so many?"

"We'll only find out after screening." He said, "There are women and children inside, and some are civilians who were taken captive. We couldn't tell them apart for a while, so we detained them all."

"Let the women and children go."

Luo Yiming hurriedly said: "This can't be done, many of the women and children are relatives of bandits."

Zhen Huan nodded: "Sun Dabiao's family was caught—and a few committed suicide."

"Although the Senate said that 'the crime is not as good as a child', their relatives have been bandits for many years, and they have harmed the people and seized the people's fat and anointing. They are also enjoyers, so they are equally guilty!" Pi Da said coldly, "It's nothing more than different degrees of guilt. They committed crimes. The crimes committed will be liquidated."

As they spoke, they came to a relatively complete courtyard, which was the place where Wang Chuyi was attacked: the Dragon Mother Temple.Because most people in this area believe in Dragon Mother, Sun Dabiao deliberately avoided this place when he set fire to it.The Dragon Mother Temple was preserved.After the fire was extinguished, Sun Dabiao and his gang used it as a "grain platform" and a "box office".Due to the lack of troops, Zhen Huan did not divide his troops to attack here, but considering that the guards might set fire or rob, he still sent a squad to monitor.When the war broke out, the corporals of this squad saw that the bandits were in complete chaos, and there were not many guards on the Liangtai, so the corporals commanded the whole squad to make an assault, wiped out all the guards, and captured the Longmu Temple.

Under the steps in front of the gate of Longmu Temple and under the wall, there are more than 20 corpses lying in disorder. They are either guards who were killed during the raid, or loose bandits who intend to rob the grain depot after the chaos .

When the corporal saw Zhen Huan approaching, he saluted immediately: "Report to the company commander, the corporal squad leader of the third platoon of the mountain company is reporting to you! There are ten people in the squad, and no casualties!"

"How's the situation inside?"

"The warehouse is intact, and the captives have been appeased, and they are now emotionally stable," the corporal reported, "But there are a few corpses. I am afraid they will dirty the food, so I sent someone to drag them out."

The Fubo Army enforces strict discipline on the battlefield, and never allows private taking of spoils.Therefore, after occupying the Liangtai, the corporal immediately sent people to put seals on the front and back doors, leaving only a corner door for entry and exit, and sent people to stand guard to prevent anyone from entering or leaving.

"How many people are imprisoned inside?"

"There are about 80 to [-] people, including men, women and children." The corporal frowned and said, "Many of them have injuries."

"Let them go home as soon as possible after the initial screening. I know the banknotes in the bandits' lair, they were all tortured," said Pi Da.

"It's no problem, we'll handle it as soon as possible." Luo Yiming agreed, and he joked again: "Sun Dabiao has been entrenched here for generations, and his family has a lot of wealth. Taking his grain depot will make him a fortune."

"I know these old rich people." Zhen Huan has participated in many operations of the special search team of the Planning Institute, and he is very experienced. The places in the 'officials' are mostly hidden in the cellar."

"It takes a slow torture to know."

"It's hard to say if this old boy is strict. I have encountered such a thing before." Zhen Huan said, "Some people know that they will die, but they just don't recruit."

"No matter how much he can survive the torture, the whole family is in our hands, so why not ask?" Luo Yiming laughed, "The old government servants from Yangshan County brought two of them to serve his wife, son, and grandson one by one—I I don't believe that he can survive without recruiting! The bandits are best at torturing "tickets" and interrogating property, and we will treat them in the same way. Let them also taste the taste of "boiling rice seedlings". "
Next update: Volume 452 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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