Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2248 Revitalization Program

Chapter 2248 Revitalization Program
In the courtyard of Longmu Temple, there are many baskets, straw bags, poles, and grains in the cracks between the stone slabs.It looks the same as a common courtyard where grain is piled up, except that there are a few puddles of blood on the ground and steps, which is shocking.

There are food, cloth and all kinds of goods piled up in the houses in the temple, all kinds of goods - probably even the goods from the shops in the town in the past and the items he looted and forcibly expropriated.Packs and bundles were piled up in a mess.

"Now we have made a fortune," Luo Yiming said happily. "The county is poor and white. Now that we have these trophies, it will be much easier to carry out our work in the future."

Right now, they are in such a difficult situation that even the food and salaries of the national army squadrons have to be supplemented by joint logistics. If they want to expand their troops locally, they can't afford money and food.With Sun Dabiao's stuff, many things that I want to do but can't do can be solved.

Pi Da was not as excited as he was: Sun Dabiao seemed to have a lot of things, but they were actually not much to spend on the entire county's expenses—she still remembered what her teacher said in the course: Although temporary income such as confiscation and fines can be paid in an instant Getting rich quickly solves many problems, but they don't last long. Local finances have to rely on long-term income such as taxation.

Solving Sun Dabiao removed one evil, consolidated the Yao District, and deterred the rich and powerful families in the county, but the law and order in the county has not improved for the time being, and Feng Haijiao and Yang Tianyi's troops are still operating in the county. After this battle, the enemy His vigilance will undoubtedly increase, and it's hard to say how long the mountain company can stay here.

Pi Da clearly knew that the complete victory this time was due to the good fighting of the Shandi Company.Without this sharp knife, even if she had three national army squadrons, she would not dare to carry out this plan.

Once the mountain company is transferred away, the military pressure in the county will suddenly increase.

"Inventory and catalog the things first," said Pi Da, "and then slowly transport them to the county town. Don't move general merchandise except cloth—we still need to resume local business."

The last thing to see is the "box office". There are more than 70 "tickets" in a side hall hatchback divided into men and women, ranging in age from the elderly to children.They were all ragged and disheveled, and many of them could only lie on the dirty ground moaning after being tortured.Seeing the "officer" approaching, all the people who could move knelt down.

"Old...Master..." Although the old man in the head was dressed in tatters and looked sluggish, but judging by the cheapness of his clothes, he was a rich man, "Young one..."

"Okay, let's all get up." Pi Da said, "I'm the magistrate of this county..."

At this moment, the eyes of the entire box office widened, and even those who couldn't get up raised their heads and looked at the young woman in front of them.

"You have all suffered!" Pi Da said, "we will send you to the county seat first, and when we arrive at the county seat, we will treat your wounds first, and then send you home one by one. Please rest here for a while, don't be careless. Walk around—the remnants are still being cleared outside.”

These few words were spoken clearly and clearly, and there was no "official tone" that was out of tune. All the "tickets" were surprised and delighted.I was surprised that the Australians would actually send a young girl to be the county magistrate, and I was happy that I finally got out of the sea of ​​suffering-some people have been imprisoned here for more than half a year.Most of them are local wealthy households, and the worst are also self-cultivating farmers.When they get here, men work as slaves and work hard; women, those who are more serious are vented by gangsters to prostitute themselves, and the ugly and old ones are driven to do hard work.In order to urge their family members to send money earlier, they were tortured by bandits every now and then.Some people were tortured to death because their families could not pay the ransom, and some committed suicide because they could not stand the torture.Although the others are still alive, they are all in a daze, and they live day by day.

"Thank you, sir..." The old man in charge was overjoyed, and hurriedly kowtowed, "Master's kindness, I will never forget it..."

This immediately attracted a voice of gratitude.The sound of kowtow came one after another.

"Okay, okay, you guys rest first. Tell the soldiers here if you need anything." Pi Da said, "We can satisfy, try our best."

The cleaning of the battlefield did not come to an end until noon. In the entire Battle of Dalangxu, more than 200 bandits were killed and 330 bandits and their family members were captured.Rescued the bandits and captured 120 seven people.On the county government side, only five people were killed in battle, and another 17 people were injured, which can be called a complete victory.

They seized 350 shi of grain, 300 shi of salt, 80 bolts of silk and various kinds of cloth, [-] pieces of various hides, [-] jin of medicinal materials, and [-] jin of various miscellaneous goods.One thousand three hundred taels of silver, eighty taels of gold and three thousand copper coins were recovered.

"This money is obviously not all the property of Sun Dabiao and others."

"Naturally." Pi Da said, "Let's ask him slowly."

While talking, someone came to report: "County magistrate, the battlefield in Dalangxu has been cleaned up."

"How were the bodies disposed of?"

"The captives are being asked to dig ditches."

"Don't dig ditches." Pi Da took a deep breath, "You pass on my order: Bury the corpses of these bandits on both sides of the road at the entrance of Dalangxu. The graves don't need to be too deep, and the graves should be piled high— Three meters."

Zhen Huan was puzzled and said, "Well, why are you still building a grave..."

Luo Yiming didn't understand either.But now that the county magistrate's order has been issued, he must follow it—he was a little worried at first, for fear that the little girl would not be able to take on the burden, but at this moment he is completely convinced of her.

This battle was fought neatly, not only wiped out Sun Dabiao's bandits, but also captured Sun Dabiao's family alive, shot Zhang Tianbo to death, and declared the two of the Three Hegemons of Yangshan to perish.A large number of bandit leaders and old bandits were either killed or captured alive.When the news was sent back to the county seat, the gloomy haze of low morale among the garrison and cadres was instantly swept away. You Ciren couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, and immediately ordered the rear cannons at the top of the city to be fired three times, and Peng Shouan was even more surprised. My own beard: This little Liman girl is really capable!When he heard that Su Da buried the bandits he had killed on both sides of the road and piled up a large mound to dispose of them, he was secretly surprised: This is a pile of Jingguan!Unexpectedly, this Liman woman actually knew this!
"The county magistrate still has instructions." The correspondent who delivered the letter was panting, "First, ask Pan Tianshun to go back to Yonghua immediately to recruit a hundred men; And the executioner in the county, take the guy and rush to Dalangxu immediately to listen to it; [-]. The county sends [-] civilians, carrying more shoulder poles, baskets and chicken buses, and will go to Dalangxu early tomorrow morning to load the spoils. ; [-]. Announcement The whole county: Dalangxu has been restored. The people in the original fair or those who are willing to move to Dalangxu can come to Dalangxu to settle down. The county government will protect them, provide them with housing allowances and free homesteads, and help them build houses. Merchants wish Those who come will be assigned to the shop and homestead free of charge. All taxes will be exempted."

"It's easy to talk about people, but the strength of the county is empty, so send another three hundred Minzhuang on the road..." You Ciren hesitated, because Minzhuang still had to send someone to escort him.There are only a few dozen soldiers in the county at full strength.

"The county magistrate has already sent a platoon of soldiers from the mountain company back, and they will arrive at the county seat before noon."

Hearing that Li Miaolian was coming back, You Ciren's worries disappeared: "Okay, I'll make arrangements now!"


Because I decided to stay here for some days to work.The National Army Squadron and the Mountain Company worked together to renovate and strengthen the three courtyards.The original Shanhuo store was used as the location of the "organ".The Longmu Temple is still used as a "warehouse", and the other building is converted into a garrison of the National Army.

The ruins around the three buildings were all cleared away. On the one hand, building materials were used, and on the other hand, the shooting boundaries between the various courtyards were cleared.

Pi Da took care to level the burned ground, pave the roads in Dalangwei with bricks and stones, dig drainage ditches, and send people to clear the wells everywhere, and remove all corpses and sundries Come.Cleaned up the water again.He also ordered people to build sheds on both sides of the road with the leftover wood, reed mats and other building materials.

"County magistrate, are you going to..." Luo Yiming couldn't understand the county magistrate even more.

"We just opened a shop here to do business." Pi Da laughed, "Sun Dabiao said that he would rather give his wife to Wang Chuyi than hand over this land. How can we waste it for nothing if we occupy it."

Luo Yiming understood now and smiled.Said: "I understand! The county magistrate really has a strategy in mind."

Seeing them talking and laughing, Zhen Huan felt very disappointed in his heart when he was cold to himself.Said: "Nowadays the county is not peaceful, who would come here to do business!"

"It is precisely because the county is not peaceful that we can do our own business. These salt, cloth, and miscellaneous goods are all commodities that Yao District urgently needs-the Yao people in Yonghua used to come here to buy no matter how much they hated Sun Dabiao. We also do this business. It’s done.” Pi Da said, “The hundreds of stones of salt and the many miscellaneous goods are originally intended to be sold to the Yao district, so we don’t need to transport them back and sell them on the spot, which will stabilize the Yao people in Yonghua. We can also get materials from the Yao District—we can transfer the materials to the rear, which can also reduce the burden of war on the Senate. Everyone is very difficult now."

"It's so caring! I think about the Senate everywhere. It's closer than a girl..." Luo Yiming said jokingly.

"I am the daughter of the Senate." Pida said.

Luo Yiming is an old Guihua citizen, and he understands the burning emotion of many Guihua citizens towards the "reconstruction grace" of the Senate, but they seldom express it so frankly and alone in front of outsiders.

Here, the cadre responsible for screening and registering the captives came to report: all the captives have been screened and registered.The civilians who were forced to become bandits mixed with them were also screened out under the identification of "tickets" and the common people, and the rest were indeed bandits.They were registered separately according to their status and crimes.

Next update: Volume 453 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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