Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2249

Chapter 2249
All the bandit chieftains and big and small leaders who had died in the battle were all headed. According to Suda's order, except for Zhang Tianbo's head, which was dried up with lime and put in a head box so that it could be sent back to the county for public display in the future, the heads of the rest were all poked with spears. It is displayed on both sides of the road from Dalangxu to the county seat and Yonghua.

"Do you want to send the captives back to the county with the Shandi Company?" According to Luo Yiming's idea, he planned to send them all back to the county to hold a public trial, and then execute the leaders as an example.

Pi Da thought for a moment, and said: "No need! The road is not peaceful now, even if such a large group of prisoners is escorted, it will not be safe. Although Sun Dabiao and his gang are destroyed, his brothers are still there, and maybe they will ambush and try to snatch the prisoners. Casualties. We will deal with them on the spot. To avoid long nights and dreams—and besides, this is Sun Dabiao's old lair, so it will also have a deterrent effect."

Since it has to be dealt with locally, the ostentation must not be small, otherwise it will not have the effect of deterring Xiaoxiao.Therefore, it was decided to wait for the arrival of Min Zhuang, who was sent by the county to carry the loot, to hold a ceremony in front of everyone and then execute him.

"Before that, we have to find out all the wealth of these bandit leaders."

As a result, Dalangxu became a Shura hell in an instant, and torture racks were set up on the cleared ruins, and the prisoners were escorted out in batches and tied to them for "interrogation".

First of all, those famous bandit leaders.Except for Sun Dabiao——Pinda told him to keep him at the end, so as not to kill him first if he lost his hand during the torture.

The torture to extort stolen goods was carried out in the market place, under the command of four government servants who came from the county, and selected the young men who guarded the "ticket office" from among the captured bandits to do it.The yamen servants want to show off their skills, while the young men are counting on "paying for their sins", and they have no taboos, and they take turns to fight.All kinds of instruments of torture: what is available in the county yamen is available here; what is not in the county yamen, and what is in the bandit den is also available here.Tortured day and night, the screams and wailing of the gangsters continued day and night.On the first day, three of them were tortured to death.

The captives were all gathered in the market place to "observe and emulate", each one trembling with fear.They have been bandits for many years, only they tortured people and tickets, they have long had a sense of superiority to control the life and death of others, now seeing their former accomplices being tortured and tortured to death, only then did they realize that the tyranny was not theirs The privilege of - will fall to himself one day.

"Report to the county magistrate, these are all dead -- I'm afraid I'll die on the spot if we continue to fight..." A yamen servant came over to report.

"How much stolen goods have been confessed?"

"There are quite a few, but they are not here. We need to discover them one by one."

"Anyone whose stolen goods are not in the local area, spare their lives and heal their wounds—don't let them die too quickly." Pi Da ordered, "Change the other batch and ask."

The yamen servants knew what the female magistrate with a stern face meant, so they immediately responded, put the man down from the rack, and dragged out a few others from among the captives.

These few have already turned pale, watching someone come to pull them, some have collapsed on the ground, unable to speak, and some are trembling and struggling desperately, one of them screamed: "The little one is willing to move, the little one is willing to move!" Willing to recruit!"

"If you want to recruit, give him a pen and paper, and ask him to write down one by one." Pi Da ordered, "If you don't want to recruit, you continue to serve."

"Here!" The yamen servant responded, and laughed again, "My little ones, please show me if you can rest for a while. From early morning to now, I haven't rested except for eating—I can barely lift my arms."

Pi Da nodded: "You have worked hard. Let them relax for a while."

"That's not necessary, the young ones still have a way to ask them to recruit while resting." The yamen servant laughed.

This method is "sitting on the toilet". After the bandits captured the "fat pig", in order to torture the gold and silver treasures in the hoard, they would light a candle or a small pile of charcoal in the toilet and let the "fat pig" sit with his butt tied up. on the toilet.The flames are simmering down below, and within a few minutes, the tortured "fat pig" will scream for heaven and earth.This method has been tried and tested.

When the interrogators saw that they had brought the toilet and candles, they knew that this meant "please enter the urn".One by one, they cried out in despair.But Su Da was completely unmoved, just flipping through the stack of "confessions" in his hand.

The content of the "confession" is very complicated, in addition to where their property is hidden, there is also everything they know about the county.Under the torture to extract a confession, in order to avoid suffering a few times, he almost confessed to everyone.

From these confessions, Pi Da could see the ambiguous relationship between many big households in the county and the bandits—she was not surprised: for the local tyrants, whether it was for the sake of appeasement or collusion, Working with bandits is nothing new.

However, with these black materials in hand, it will be the basis for rectifying the big households in the future. Pi Da squinted his eyes and looked at the mountains in the distance. As for how to rectify, it depends on whether they "cooperate" in their work next.

Scrolling down, as expected, the bandits actually colluded with the Yao people.It confirms what Chief Huang said: Every time the Yao people riot, there are local traitors who seduce and cooperate.

The situation in Yangshan is really a mess.Pi Da thought to himself, if we want to sort them out one by one, it won't take three to five years.Right now, there is only a quick knife to eliminate all hidden dangers in one fell swoop...

While thinking about the problem, someone suddenly came to report: "Pan Tianshun is here!"

"Please come over."

Pan Tianshun was both happy and disappointed when he received Pi Da's order.The happy thing is that Sun Dabiao, the demon star of the Yonghua Yao people, was finally captured and his vengeance was avenged; the disappointment is that he originally planned to occupy the Dalang Fair on the condition that all the Yonghua Yao people Ding Zhuang worked for the county as a condition. .

Unexpectedly, the female county magistrate killed Sun Dabiao without making a sound!Although Pan Tianshun was somewhat disappointed, he was mostly happy. When he heard that he was going back to Yonghua to recruit soldiers, he knew that the county still had a strong intention of relying on the Yao people in Yonghua, so he immediately took people on the road.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of Dalangxu, I saw two large grave mounds standing beside the road. There were many spears on both sides of the mounds and the road, and there were heads stabbed with lime to dry up the blood.When I walked to the entrance, I saw a head that was "treated" differently. It was separately installed in the first-level box, and there was a banner hanging below it: "The head of Zhang Tianbo".

Naturally, Pan Tianshun knew Zhang Tianbo's name, seeing the head of one of the famous "Three Hegemons" hanging ferociously at the intersection, he couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart.

Now that he passed Dalangxu, Pan Tianshun thought that he should pay a visit to congratulate her—after all, this girl will be the "Hai Lihou" here in the future.Whether the people of Yonghua live well or not depends entirely on her.And judging by her behavior, it is obviously not the way of the old prince in the past, it is better to be more submissive.

"Pan Tianshun, the county magistrate told you to go." Zhou Dayao said in a mighty manner.

"Yes, brother, please lead the way." Pan Tianshun was very polite.

He just heard that Su Da was "torturing stolen goods", and he wondered secretly - I didn't hear that the county magistrate still took care of this. Could it be that the county is really in such a difficult situation, and he didn't know it was for a few money until he stepped into the torture scene .

Bloody bodies were tied or hung on the wooden frame, a soldering iron was stuck on the blazing fire, and the ground was covered with blood-stained leather whips, rattan, bamboo boards... sticks and fingers of various sizes... ...shockingly large pools of blood, vomit, and excrement on the mud.

The big and small bandit leaders who were identified were locked in rough wooden cages. Among them were big bosses like Sun Dabiao, and there were also small bosses with only three or four bandits.At this moment, they were no longer the same as they were before. They squatted in the cage in a sluggish manner, all of them closed their eyes and waited to die.

Next to the venue, there were seven or eight corpses that had been tortured to death. All of them were described as tragic and inhuman... Pan Tianshun didn't dare to look again after taking a look. Women are really vicious!

However, he didn't dare to reveal his meaning at all, and still walked up to Pi Da respectfully——because Australians were not happy to kneel, he bowed ninety degrees.Say something congratulatory.

"Where, you're being too polite," Pi Da said, "It's all thanks to the comrades. You people in Yonghua also contributed a lot."

"Where, where, Sun Dabiao and his gang have harmed Yonghua for many years, and it was the county magistrate who took care of us. The people of Yonghua are very grateful, and the little ones are willing to be the county magistrate Ma Qian."

Pi Da smiled, although she didn't mean to sneer, it made Pan Tianshun shiver.

"The little one is ordered to go back to Yonghua to recruit soldiers. I don't know what other orders the county magistrate has. The people of Yonghua will do their best to serve..."

"You don't need to pay for it. You are also very difficult. Ding Zhuang died and injured a lot. I will be satisfied if you bring a hundred Ding Zhuang." Pi Da didn't know what he was thinking, but he was quite sincere. "Go back and tell the leaders of the various villages that the market here in Dalangxu will be restored soon, and the county has also brought in a lot of salt and groceries, asking them to come and trade—buy and sell at a fair price, no one cheats. "

"Yes, yes, this is all the kindness of your elder, the county magistrate. As soon as the younger one returns, he will tell all the villages to bring the goods to trade."

"You are too famous. As the magistrate of a county, I want to keep one side safe. I can't say I have any merit." Pi Da's attitude towards Pan Tianshun was a little strange, thinking what happened to this Yaomu?Suddenly, I heard a few "sitting candle" gangsters screaming and begging for mercy again, and then I suddenly understood.

She originally wanted to comfort him with a few words, but considering the chaotic and complicated situation in the county, it is not a bad thing for the leader of Yonghuayao to maintain a certain degree of fear.

"You go and come back quickly, the county still needs you to do something."

"Yes, the little one must finish it and come back as soon as possible, and don't dare to delay the mistake!"

"You go to the warehouse of Longmu Temple," Pi Da wrote a note, "First get a salt ticket for one thousand catties of salt, and each enlisted soldier will be given ten catties."
Next update: Volume 454 - Guangzhou Governance Chapter [-]

(End of this chapter)

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