Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2254 panic

Chapter 2254 panic
Feng Haijiao can't sleep these days.

His old lair: Qinglianxu is in a commotion of panic.The news of Sun Dabiao's demise was brought here by a few out-of-control youngsters the next day.

At first, Feng Haijiao didn't quite believe it, because there were five to six hundred people in Sun Dabiao's place, and the total number of kun thieves was less than 600. How could he dare to beat Sun Dabiao, even the county town?

However, Xiao Luo pointed out the sky and swore that what he said was true, which aroused Feng Haijiao's vigilance.At daybreak, he sent a few fine minions to Dalangxu and the county to inquire about news.Unexpectedly, the news brought back was getting worse and worse.Dalangxu was broken, and there were more than 200 spears poking the heads of Sun Dabiao's subordinates along the road all the way to the county.There are also two large graves at the intersection of Dalangxu, which are gloomy and cold, making people afraid when they look at them; Sun Dabiao himself and the main leaders of his subordinates were arrested, and now they are "showing the public" in front of the county government. They were severely tortured, and each of them lost their shape.

Who said that Feng Haijiao and Sun Dabiao were secretly at odds, and some time ago, the two sides almost had a conflict over the sphere of influence for collecting food and salaries.But they are brothers who have been worshiping for many years, and they also know the truth of death with cold lips and teeth.The sudden destruction of Sun Dabiao and his gang was tantamount to ringing the death knell on Feng Haijiao's head.

In March of Yangchun, it is winter and snow in a blink of an eye.Feng Haijiao and his gang were originally arrogant and arrogant, but now they are all panicking all day long, feeling that the end is imminent.Not only did the heroes from all walks of life who came to "join the group" in an endless stream in the past no longer appear, even those who joined the group found all kinds of excuses to slip away, and some even simply left without saying goodbye.

Feng Haijiao tried to stay calm, and during the meeting with the leaders, he even said a few words that looked down on Sun Dabiao to show that Sun Dabiao was insignificant to him, but behind his back, he was already in chaos.Several groups of people were sent to Xinlao Nan Zhuangzi to ask Ji Yu Zhan Zhekun—especially to get a truth from him: Are the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty coming?

However, these words never came, but they waited for the news that Sun Dabiao and others were shown their heads in the county town.

"Really killed?!" Although Feng Haijiao had expected Sun Dabiao's fate, he was still shocked when he heard the news, "Who else?"

"The one who was caught and taken to the county was all beheaded, and Jiang Xiaotian was also killed—the gangster even killed his wife and uncle!" The man who went to inquire about the news said in panic, "Sun Dabiao's son and grandson were all beheaded..."

"This woman is ruthless." Feng Haijiao had already heard that the new county magistrate was a woman. Hearing that she had destroyed Sun Dabiao's family with one hand, he couldn't help but feel more admiration. "The other family members also killed?"

"No," Minoru said, "I've heard people say that if the family members of the various households are arrested, the men will be punished as long as they are accused - that is, they will be hanged; other women and children have a place to seek refuge, and those who have nowhere to go are exiled overseas. That's what I said, but the enemies of each family are waiting on the road, come out to kill one, and leave no one behind...Nowadays, many people would rather go into exile...Sun Dabiao's wife hanged herself that night..."

"His wife didn't deal with him very much, but she was willing to hang herself for him, she is a virtuous woman!" Feng Haijiao gave a thumbs up, "Where are his concubines? Has anyone hanged himself?"

"Not one, they all went back to their mother's house."

"TNND, what a pity, his Seventh Aunt is a stunner..." Feng Haijiao suddenly became lustful and slapped his thigh, "Why doesn't she come to seek refuge with me!"

"Well, maybe she doesn't know that the master admires her?" Minoru hurriedly said jokingly, "Why don't you guys get her here..."

Feng Haijiao thought about it again, now he is in danger, let alone his wife, maybe even if his wife is killed by a gangster, he may not be willing to hang himself.I don't feel happy.

Sun Dabiao has been calling the wind and calling the rain for decades and ended up like this, Feng Haijiao is naturally sad.Moreover, Sun Dabiao's demise brought more than that: the limelight in the county turned suddenly, the various tyrants who had been actively dealing with him in the past avoided the people he sent, and the collection of food and salaries, which had been quite smooth, was now gone. become very difficult.Many villages simply refuse to pay—even if they are willing to pay, there are still a lot of words to prevaricate him, either delaying the payment or paying less.It annoyed him very much.As time went by, it became somewhat stretched.

He is also a big family now, with nearly [-] brothers under his command, and he spends tens of shimi for food every day.His main income in the past was "relying on the river to eat the river", specializing in extortion and robbery of passenger and cargo ships.Since the war in Guangdong, there have been few passenger and cargo ships on the Lianjiang River.As for the Australians, there are quite a few ships. Bi Xuansheng encouraged him to ambush the Australian fleet several times, and even got some firearms for him, but he never had the courage to do so—he was also afraid that he would fight head-to-head with the Australians. Both sides were hurt, and Sun Dabiao took advantage.

After he played the banner of Daming, he used it to collect grain and pay in the surrounding areas. After Wang Chuyi failed in Dalangxu, Feng Haijiao was once in the limelight. The scenery is infinite, and gold, silver, money and grain flow into his Qinglianwei continuously.Now not only can’t collect food and pay; the National Army in the county has also stepped up patrols. When the team goes out to collect food, they will often encounter patrols, and they will more or less leave a few brothers behind.

If it goes on like this, it will end sooner or later.Feng Haijiao was tormented, and discussed with Bi Xuansheng several times, Bi Xuansheng persuaded him to abandon this place and join forces with Zhan Zhekun—Xinjiazhuang is not only remote, but also has dangerous terrain, which is conducive to rejection.

"Master Yang in Guangning has a cottage not far from Xinjiazhuang. If troops are stationed here, we can respond to it."

Xin Laonan is a person he can trust, not to mention that this person's strength is limited, it is impossible to play with fire and get his ideas - if he is Xin Laonan, he will probably have to guard against Feng Haijiao to annex him.

However, Feng Haijiao still couldn't make up his mind to give up Qinglianyu, the "geomantic treasure land" where he made his fortune.

In such a panic and uneasy dilemma, Feng Haijiao lived a life of restless sleep and food.He was very superstitious in the past, and now he regards it as a spiritual sustenance. He burns incense and worships God every day, hoping that some "miracle" will fall from the sky and save him from the critical moment of destruction.

However, the situation showed no signs of improvement. There were fewer and fewer villages willing to pay money and food. On the contrary, he heard that the big households in the county not only gave money and food to Australians, but also gave them many strong men. Now the female county magistrate Her subordinates are strong soldiers and horses - needless to say, she has so many soldiers and horses, sooner or later she will have to deal with herself.

Feng Haijiao was so poor that he had no choice but to send Bi Xuansheng to Xinjiazhuang again to ask Ji Yu Zhekun—in his opinion, this person with the aura of "Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi's staff" was his last hope.

After Bi Xuansheng left, he should have returned yesterday after calculating the distance, but he did not go up the mountain as scheduled.He slept anxiously all night, and the next day he came out of his mansion, dressed in his military officer's uniform, and took a few soldiers with him to inspect his subordinates.

Although Qinglianyu used to be a commercial port, it has become a bandit's nest since it was occupied by Feng Haijiao, and there are no commercial residents.Originally, he had no more than a hundred people and not many houses.Since becoming the general manager, the team has expanded rapidly, and many people have no place to live.Many gangsters can only shelter under thatched sheds.At the moment, they are sleeping, sitting, gambling, making noise, laziness, scattered in a mess by the river, without the appearance of a soldier at all.Even when he passed by, only the minions who were close to him stood up to meet him, and those who were further away simply pretended not to see him.He looked at it for a while, and remembered the scene when he was a general and all kinds of heroes came to "dock" and felt melancholy.Seeing the color of military officer's uniform on his body: How proud he was when he put it on, and his subordinates praised him for his "official prestige" when they saw it. use.

Feng Haijiao asked again if Bi Xuansheng had returned, and got even more disappointed after getting a negative answer.He completely forgot the contempt and defense he had towards Bi Xuansheng in the past, and he couldn't help but hope that he would come back sooner, so that he could have a discussion.

Seeing the sun turn west, but Bi Xuansheng was still missing, Feng Haijiao returned to the mansion in disappointment. He ignored the attentive care of his aunt and girl, and walked back to the study with heavy steps, sitting on his buttocks. Sitting on the grand master's chair, he slumped limply on the bed, looked up at the old roof, sighed long and short, and said nothing.

It was just getting dark when suddenly a servant girl shouted outside the door: "Master!"

Feng Haijiao blinked his eyelids twice, gave a soft "hmm" and didn't move.The servant girl had no choice but to report at the door: "Master Bi is back..."

Hearing these words, Feng Haijiao suddenly regained his energy, he sat up suddenly, and said: "Set down the banquet, I want to clean up the dust for Master Bi!"

In no time, the maids set up a banquet and poured wine.Feng Haijiao looked at Bi Xuansheng anxiously——his complexion was dark and dusty, and he had obviously suffered a lot on the road.

Seeing that Feng Haijiao just bowed in a hurry, he couldn't wait to go to the banquet table. After he was seated, he was not polite: he grabbed a chicken and gnawed it, then tore it clean in two or three bites, and stretched out the oil again. Wang Wang drank the wine in the glass with his hand.One after another: "Pour the wine!"

Feng Haijiao hurriedly signaled to pour the wine, saying: "Don't worry, there is plenty of wine and meat."

Bi Xuansheng was unceremonious, he swayed left and right, ate wine and meat, and ate all kinds of nonsense, only messing up the cups and plates on the table, and then he stopped and panted heavily.

Feng Haijiao looked secretly startled, what happened to Bi Xuansheng?Actually made it look like a starved ghost reincarnated?And he was almost two full days behind the normal journey!

 At present, part of the book has been unsealed, and the unsealed part will be changed slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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