Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2255

Chapter 2255
"The road is difficult?" Feng Haijiao asked after the servants cleared away the leftovers and replaced them with tea.

Bi Xuansheng only cared about eating and drinking just now, but now he came back to his senses and gasped, "It's so dangerous! I almost lost my life!"

"It's so dangerous?!" Feng Haijiao knew from his appearance that the road was not smooth, "Don't worry, just talk to me slowly."

Bi Xuansheng ate and drank, regained his energy, and then told the truth about his contact this time.

When he left Qinglianyu, he was still dressed as a scholar, with a dozen or so servants, and he did not hide his identity. However, after only half a day's journey, he met the "joint patrol team".At the beginning, Bi Xuansheng didn't take it seriously, thinking that it was some local tyrant who was rushing to the road. As Bi Xuansheng, he naturally didn't need to be afraid, all he needed was a greeting.It wasn't until I got closer that I realized that although the opponent was a local force, there was still a small group of Australian soldiers mixed in with them.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was only more than a hundred feet, and the subordinates led by Bi Xuansheng were still wearing Feng Haijiao's livery, so Xiangyong Hulala rushed up to arrest him.Bi Xuansheng rode his horse and ran away first, and finally he was not "captured alive".It's just that most of his subordinates were captured, and only a few escaped.

"Which family? So bold?" Feng Haijiao was taken aback.Although the situation has taken a turn for the worse these days, as far as the surrounding area is concerned, the tyrants of the various families have not openly broken their skins with him, and now someone directly attacks his people!
"I didn't see which family's people clearly, but the left side is just a few big families around." Bi Xuansheng shook his head with a wry smile, "Now patrolling the county is not only the National Army, but also the Xiangyong of the big families. There are signs everywhere..."

"Notice? What notice?" Feng Haijiao asked hastily.

"Here." Bi Xuansheng pulled out a bunch of crumpled paper from his arms, "I asked my subordinates to tear it from the market."

Feng Haijiao opened it and saw that it was a proclamation issued by the female county magistrate.Speaking of which, this is considered a reward announcement, because it clearly stated a reward for him and the main gang leaders under him, including Bi Xuansheng, Zhan Zhekun, Xin Laonan, and others, all of them were listed on it.Densely packed, there are thirty or forty names.

Looking at the rewards again, Feng Haijiao's nose was twisted in anger: he, the Three Hegemons of Yangshan, and the female county magistrate of Liman actually only offered a reward of three taels of five silver coins--not only that, but he also came in second, behind Zhan Zhekun's Back: The reward is four taels of silver.The next ones are nothing more than one tael or two taels, and the lowest is only five yuan.Bi Xuansheng was also awarded three taels of silver.

"Master, don't read the reward, but read the text." Seeing him gnashing his teeth while staring at the wanted list, Bi Xuansheng hurriedly reminded him.

Feng Haijiao hurriedly read the text. It turns out that "offering a reward for arrest, life or death" is only the first item of this notice, and there are several more items aimed at the local big households. Not only is it strictly forbidden for the big households to have contacts with the bandits themselves, but the family members, relatives, tenants, servants... as long as there is something they want to do, once there is evidence of contacts with the bandits, the whole family will be held accountable as a bandit: in serious cases, they will be beheaded and their property will be confiscated Exile the "Yuanzhou Evil Army" and fine them lightly.

The second one is for the gangsters themselves, telling the ordinary gangsters that they are willing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and never blame the past.If you can bring the whereabouts or head of the gang leader, there will be another reward.

Feng Haijiao watched all the way, and the more he watched, the more startled he became.He didn't care about offering a reward, but the following few items made it clear that he wanted the local big family to "sever the relationship" with him, which dug his roots.

Since ancient times, the relationship between gangsters and big households has always been quite delicate.Especially in remote mountainous areas like Lianyang, bandits and big households are not only "secretly collaborating", but sometimes they are also "allies": in the common local clans and locals fighting with each other, some big households often hire bandits to increase their combat effectiveness However, gangsters are also willing to act as thugs of big households, so as to obtain additional income, safe shelters and channels for traffic officials.In particular, the large quantities of food, cloth and salt needed by the gangsters were almost entirely supplied by the gangsters.

These articles issued by the Australians are harshly worded—the most important thing is that they took advantage of the power of Dalangxu in the First World War. No big family in this county dare not take their words seriously: the heads of Sun Dabiao’s family are all hung neatly. It's on.

No wonder Bi Xuansheng's first thing was to show him the announcement.This is a matter of life and death!
He shook his head, lit the notice on the oil lamp, and then asked, "Have you seen Master Zhan?"

"I see," Bi Xuansheng said, "I brought my followers who dare not walk the main road, but only take a detour—the goddamn villager who has rich families on the small roads. There are sentries in every village and every village. When people approached, they would beat the gong and summon Xiangyong for questioning. I finally brought a lot of dry food, and I didn't starve to death..."

Feng Haijiao was not interested in listening to his adventures, so he interrupted him and said, "What did Master Zhan say?"

"Master Zhan's meaning is the same as what I said last time. Please give up Qinglianxu immediately, take your troops and join him with him, and then make further calculations. The terrain of Xinjiazhuang is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The thief once Time will not go there with the hit..."

"I know Xin Laonan's Zhuangzi. If it is dangerous, it is dangerous, but Zhuangzi is only a palm-sized place. We bring hundreds of brothers and family members. Where do we live?"

"I can only ask everyone to build a shack to deal with it. There is no danger to defend Qinglianyu." Bi Xuansheng persuaded, "The gangsters have a strong navy on the river, and they control all the waterways. Communication. If the thieves attack from land and water, we will not be able to resist..."

Although so far, the Australian fleet and patrol boats have only reached the county seat, and have not yet gone up to the Qinglianwei area.But uplinking to the local area is just a matter of time.

Qinglianwei is surrounded by water on three sides, and Feng Haijiao's ability to occupy here depends entirely on the water potential.However, the gunboats of the Australians are a hundred times more powerful than their own rowboats. If it is true what Bi Xuansheng said, the Australians advance by land and water, and this Qinglianwei is a dead end!
Thinking of this, Feng Haijiao slumped down in the grand teacher's chair and remained silent for a long time.

Knowing that these words had moved him, Bi Xuansheng secretly admired Master Zhan's ingenuity, so he said according to what Zhan Zhekun taught him in advance: "I saw the place of Xinjiazhuang. Zhuangzi is smaller, but there are many lands on the mountain. There are few people, so first build a shack for a few months, and then slowly build a house - the brothers' residence will naturally be there..."

Feng Haijiao shuddered, and he remembered: Xin Laonan's Zhuangzi was very small, but there were more than 20 families: either his relatives or his cronies.Man Dingzhuang had no more than 30 followers; Zhan Zhekun and Bi Xuansheng came to Yangshan with more than [-] followers.In other words, there are less than a hundred people in Xinjiazhuang now...

He immediately recalled the appearance of Xinjiazhuang: He had been to this place many years ago, and his impression was already very vague.But I probably remember that it was among the mountains, and Zhuangzi was on the flat ground on the top of the mountain. To go up the mountain, he had to pass a rugged mountain road, and there were several dangerous passes on the way.It does have the meaning of "one man is the gate, ten thousand men are not open".

There are dozens of acres of fields and water sources on the top of the mountain.I also hoarded a lot of food and grass, and took them up the mountain, where hundreds of people hid there to eat and drink without worrying about it.No matter how powerful the gangster is, he can't pull the cannon up the steep mountain road...

Feng Haijiao was moved, as long as he brought people to Xinjiazhuang, the Xinjiazhuang would be named "Feng".Even if Zhan, Xin, Bi and the others had any complaints, they didn't dare to make a fuss—if they were really disobedient, they would all be slaughtered!Xin Laonan has robbed Lianjiang for many years, and there are probably a lot of good things.

Thinking of this, Feng Haijiao nodded, and said solemnly: "It seems that this is the only way!" He shook his head pretending to be sad, and sighed: "It's a pity, this Qinglianwei is the capital of my fortune, and now I want to buy it." Throw it to the thieves!" After saying that, she squeezed out a few tears.

Bi Xuansheng persuaded: "Master, don't be sad. A man can bend and stretch. Now let's go to the mountain to avoid the limelight, and when the imperial army counterattacks, the master will come down the mountain and return to Zhao like this Qinglianwei?"

Although it was an empty talk, Feng Haijiao was very useful, and said with a smile: "Master Bi is indeed a scholar, so he can talk!"

"Where, we all have to rely on the great blessing of the master." Bi Xuansheng respectfully said, "Sooner or later, this Yangshan will not belong to the master?"

Feng Haijiao put on a show, and immediately ordered the leaders of all walks of life and the gangsters in charge to pack up their luggage, collect food, grass, gold and silver, and prepare for the whole group to retreat to Xinjiazhuang.

However, it is not easy to run away. Feng Haijiao has occupied Qinglianwei for many years, and there are two to three hundred family members of the gangsters living in the local area.Including those who have joined in the last few months, there are five to six hundred people.Among them were many women and children.To bring supplies, soft.Xinjiazhuang is a full seventy or eighty miles away from here, most of which are mountain roads.My team has family members and a lot of supplies, so it's not bad if I can walk twenty miles a day.Even if the journey goes smoothly, it will take at least four or five days to get there.If there was an attack on the way, such a family-led team would be defeated in an instant.

After thinking about it, he realized that he could save more than half of the road if he took the risk of taking the waterway along the Lianjiang River without encountering Australian patrol boats. It would not be easy for the Australians to intercept them when they entered the mountains.

So while he ordered the boats to be prepared, he sent people to watch at various places along the river near the county seat. Once he found Australian boats coming to Qinglianxu, he immediately lit a beacon to call the police.

"If it doesn't work, take the night boat." His subordinates suggested.

It is extremely unsafe to sail at night, and no matter whether it is a local or an Australian, they do not sail at night.Feng Haijiao "relies on the water to drink water" all the year round, and he is very familiar with the hydrology and geography of Lianjiang, so he barely made it possible to take an adventurous night voyage.

"Just do it like this!" Feng Haijiao said, "Send an order to tell everyone to pack up and prepare to move!"

(End of this chapter)

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