Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2256

Chapter 2256
The order to give up Qinglianxu and run away was issued quickly.Although Feng Haijiao said that since he had the official title of "General Manager", he imitated the style of the official army, set up a Chinese army and an old battalion, and selected more than 20 cronies as "personal soldiers".They also randomly conferred official titles such as team officers to their leaders.In fact, he is still the old way of being a water bandit in the past, and he directly sends his own soldiers to do everything. Instead, the bosses below are not trusted, and the team he can really control is his original hundred or so people.The order to "move" was passed on, and although the whole Qinglianyu immediately became noisy and busy, it was disorderly and disorderly. By the afternoon of the next day, more than half of the people had not packed their bags.

His deployments have doubts and don't know what the situation is going to be.Many people live in nearby villages. When they hear that they are going to leave, they are naturally worried about leaving their families behind. However, if you run with your family, the journey will be difficult and dangerous—not to mention whether there will be a house to live in, and whether there will be food. It is also unknown, and it is inevitable that people will panic and cry.

The bandits who had recently defected to Laidi used to take advantage of the hot pot to come here, but now that the wind has turned, they are not very optimistic about Feng Haijiao's prospects. Now that he heard that he was going to abandon Qinglianwei and run away, people became more and more panicked.Some people whose homes are nearby think that they are just ordinary people, and that they become bandits just to make some extra money. Now that Feng Haijiao's "wind" is not going well, why should I follow him to abandon his family and career?Immediately, some people sneaked home in twos and threes under the pretext of "going to pick up family members" or "going back to arrange family affairs".

Feng Haijiao didn't care about these things - his family has been entrenched in the area for many years, and they have accumulated a lot of property, and they are too busy just to pack their luggage.At this moment, the mansion was enveloped in an atmosphere of panic and panic.The stewards yelled and ordered the servants to carry valuables and go in and out. There were boxes and cages piled up in front of the screen outside the door, and piles and piles of things were placed in the yard, waiting for the porters to load them on the ship. .The female relatives and maids were busy packing up the gold and silver in the room.

Feng Haijiao sat in the study, looking calm.From time to time, someone in charge came over to ask for instructions on whether to take something away or how to dispose of it, and he always responded one by one, like a most shrewd and capable housewife.

After years of earning a living, there are a lot of goods accumulated in the mansion, some of which are his favorite things, but many of them are either bulky or fragile, and it is very inconvenient to carry them.

"Master, this fan screen inlaid with treasures..." The manager came to ask for instructions again.

Feng Haijiao knew what the steward came to ask. There were twelve stacks of this screen. It was huge in size and made of rosewood. It is said that it was originally ordered by overseas nobles to be used as treasures in the palace.

Ever since this thing fell into Feng Haijiao's hands, he couldn't put it down and kept it at home.It is strange to say: since he robbed this screen, his "business" has been going smoothly, and it has grown bigger and bigger.Feng Haijiao has always regarded it as his "blessing", and has always placed it in the middle of the main room of the study.As long as he sees this huge screen that makes the house feel congested, he will feel that his fortune is still prosperous.

Now it’s time to run, this huge and very heavy screen is obviously difficult to carry. It’s easy to say on the boat, but it’s not only difficult to carry, but bumps along the way are inevitable.

Feng Haijiao pondered for a moment, staring at the huge screen for a long time without speaking.The steward tentatively said: "Master! I ask people to prepare more reed mats and straw ropes. Why not wrap it up carefully and hide it in a cave by the river, and lay stones on the outside so that it can't be seen..."

Feng Haijiao thought over and over again, stomped his feet and said: "Find more wrapped straw mats, and grab some gangsters, and take them away!"

No matter how difficult the current situation is, he can't lose this "blessing" that brought him luck.People who are bandits are often very superstitious and value these things very much, and Feng Haijiao is no exception.

The manager opened his mouth, but didn't dare to persuade him any more.He knew how much this thing meant to Feng Haijiao, so he naturally didn't dare to disobey the murderous demon king's decision, and immediately withdrew to ask someone to catch the gangster and search for materials.

After arranging this "blessing thing", Feng Haijiao let out a breath, and felt that he was not so restless.The screen is still there, and his "luck" is still there, as long as he can get to the cottage safely, there may be a chance to come back!Australians may not always chase them into deep mountains and old forests.When the officers and soldiers came back, he went down to help in the battle, and he still had this good family business—of course, at that time, he had probably been rewarded by the court, and he was a serious gentleman...

Feng Haijiao was immersed in this sweet dream, when suddenly someone broke in angrily.


Feng Haijiao frowned, tilted his head and asked, "What's the fuss?!"

The person who came in was his personal soldier leader Mo Chong, who had a little relationship with him.Although he is not very good at fighting, he has always been good at flattering, and he likes to slander people behind his back.Therefore, he is very popular with this "uncle" and is cited as a confidant.He also intensified his efforts to spy on other people's secrets, eavesdropping on a few words.Many people have been harmed by this.Not only did the common people suffer from it, but there were also many gangsters who suffered from him.

Mo Chong lowered his hands and said: "Just now I was watching outside, and I saw many relatives of brothers... They said they were going to migrate with the team, but they didn't bring any dry food. They sneaked in empty-handed, and when they found their relatives, they dragged them aside. Whispering, not letting people listen behind their backs. I am afraid there is a lot of trouble in this..."

It turned out that at noon on the second day after the order to pack up, new chaos appeared in Qinglianyu: the family members of the gangsters entered the town one by one, wives were looking for husbands, parents were looking for sons, some pulled, some Some persuaded, some made trouble, some cried.Feng Hai Jiaolong Group was originally a group of mobs, and many people were quickly torn apart by this huge wave, and they were in utter chaos.

As a result, all kinds of news spread with invisible wings: "You can live if you go home, and you will be killed if you catch it!" I have to fight soldiers everywhere.” “I can’t even eat rice a few times. The officials who eat well are the officials, and the ones who eat ugly are our soldiers!” Stick, the poor are bullied everywhere!" "The government, the government is a cock! Xiong Wencan himself will be beheaded, and he will be sent to death with their officials!" The hearts of the gangsters were shaken, and they ran away secretly. , has become a blatant action, and many brave ones have already left with their relatives..."

Hearing his words, Feng Haijiao was furious and said, "It's okay! If you don't come and kill others, you will think that I am here?! Kill! Kill! Kill!" After speaking, he reached out and grabbed his waist knife, and was about to go out Take a closer look.

As soon as he walked to the door, he met Bi Xuansheng, and seeing him angrily about to go out with his sword, he pretended to be surprised and said, "Master, why are you angry?"

"These bastards at the new wharf didn't fight the battle, and they ate my food for nothing for a few months. Now they have to move their nests, and they all run away like rabbits!" Feng Haijiao said bitterly, "I have to let them see Look, what is military law like a mountain?"

"Yes, it can't deter the morale of the army." Bi Xuansheng hurriedly greeted him. He saw Feng Haijiao going out, then looked at Mo Chong who was following behind, and nodded slightly.

Feng Haijiao rushed to the market angrily with a dozen of his own soldiers holding a whip. The place was full of sundries.

He looked around, and sure enough there were quite a few women on the fair, some old and some young, and some dragged their children—most of them were born with faces, obviously they were the family members of Xiao Luo who had just come to seek refuge not long ago.Seeing them chatting and crying with the minions, Feng Haijiao became more and more annoyed, thinking that these family members were here to spoil other things.

"You're ugly, take them all down!" He waved the whip in his hand and ordered.

The soldiers around him were like wolves and tigers, and immediately tied more than a dozen female relatives with ropes, brought them to Feng Haijiao, and shouted loudly: "Kneel down!"

Feng Haijiao held up his whip and scolded: "You bold witches! The battle is imminent, how dare you infiltrate the camp to deceive the crowd! Say: Who told you to come here!"

Those who were arrested were all rural women, because they heard that Feng was going to drive the general team away and rushed to visit the men at home. Naturally, there were some who persuaded the men to run away, but most of the women were timid and afraid of getting into trouble. I didn't dare to urge the man to go home, but I just brought some clothes and dry food to give away, so as not to be cold and hungry on the march.Let me say a few more words of my own, if the man has a few ounces of money, and a few stolen items that can be taken home, that would be great.

Unexpectedly, without saying a few words, he was tied up with ropes and brought to Feng Haijiao.

Who is Feng Haijiao, everyone in Yangshan County does not know. Seeing this fierce star at this moment, all the family members were scared out of their wits. After letting him scold for a long time, someone tremblingly replied:
"The servants and servants came here to deliver food and clothing because they heard that Master Feng's team was about to leave, and they were afraid that the men in the team would be short of food and clothing."

"Nonsense! I think you are a spy! You came to confuse the army." Feng Haijiao was furious, "Pull it down, and kill them all!"

There was an uproar in the market, more than a dozen minions rushed over, knelt down to Feng Haijiao, kowtowed and begged, saying that these were his old wives and daughters-in-law, who came to deliver clothes and food, and did not dare to instigate deserters.In order to show that what he said was true, he also took out the tattered clothes and black hard grain cakes.

"My lord!" said one of the minions, "If you tell the little ones to flee, why send clothes and dry food? My little one's home is ten miles away. If I really want to run, I will run away empty-handed. Please be careful, my lord." !"

(End of this chapter)

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