Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2264 Reunion on the River

Chapter 2264 Reunion on the River

The dull-looking boatman under the bamboo hat is Jiang Suo!
Yi Haoran was taken aback, he never expected to meet Jiang Suo here.

A few days before the fall of Wuzhou, he didn't see Jiang Suo again. He thought that he was either absconding with other ordinary people or had died in battle. He never thought that Jiang Suo was actually in Wuzhou.

Looking at his appearance, I don't know if he really deserves to be a boatman for a living or if he is disguised and modified, so he came here specially to wait for him.

No matter what, Yi Haoran has already made up his mind to fight the Australians to the end, Jiang Suo is a judge, and he is determined not to leave with the Australians again, so it's okay to meet and talk with him.

He made up his mind and said: "In that case, let's take your boat."

Jiang Suo led him to the pier, where there were many small boats, all for ferry business.Jiang Suo untied the cable to hold the boat, and invited Yi Haoran to board the boat, then jumped into the boat and paddled away from the shore.

At the beginning, neither of them spoke, until the boat was near the center of the river, Jiang Suo slowed down his paddling, and said in a low voice: "Master Yi, don't come here without any harm!"

"Survival." Yi Haoran sighed, "Brother Jiang, how about you?"

"Two lifetimes, one life was lost!" Jiang Suo said.

It turned out that Xiong Wencan originally took him away when he escaped, but shortly after sneaking out of the siege, he was discovered by the Australians. Jiang Suo led his family to the rear and fought in the dark. The servants were also killed and injured.Jiang Suo also fell off the cliff while escaping and passed out.

Although the fall was so dark and even his head was broken, he escaped the search of the Fubo army.He hid in the mountains for a day, and then fled towards Teng County on foot when he saw that the Fubo Army had withdrawn.

On the way to escape, he was caught by bandits who were ambushing on the way and specially intercepted and killed stragglers and rogues—needless to say, it was Gou Erhu's bad-eyed gang.

Originally, when a broken soldier like Jiang Suo was intercepted, the gangsters usually took away his armor and weapons, and then dumped the corpses by the side of the road one by one. But this time, Gou Er found that he was carrying an Australian musket on his back, so he thought he was "Kun the thief works carefully", suddenly felt that the rare goods could live, so he spared his life.

It was only during this trial that he was found to be Xiong Wencan's personal general, commanding the "new army" - Gou Xunli knew about this team, so he immediately untied the rope with a smile on his face, saying that he was "offended", and invited him to join the gang to fight against Kun thief.

So Jiang Suo stayed among Gou Er's bandits.Of course he didn't know that this middle-aged man who called himself Xun Li was the "heinous reactionary Gou Er" whom he had heard many times when he was in the Fubo Army.

But knowing it or not is meaningless to Jiang Suo.He doesn't care about his life, as long as he can kill a real man.So he agreed to Gou Xunli without hesitation, and joined the gang of bandits.

"...How do you know I'm here?" Yi Haoran asked.

"To be honest, I have been here for a few days." Jiang Suo said, "Brother Xun knows that you and I are old, so he specially asked me to connect with you and discuss big plans."

Hearing "discuss the big plan together", Yi Haoran couldn't help but let out a long sigh:
"Hey! I want to kill the thief, but I can't return to heaven! These days I have been patrolling inside and outside the city of Wuzhou to see if there are any flaws in the Kun thief-I didn't expect to be caught in the water! Today I wanted to find a like-minded person, but it was very rare. No trace..."

Jiang Suo didn't reply right away, and said: "Master Yi, didn't you teach me in the past? It's a hero to do something when you know what you can't do. It's true that we have lost the battle, but we are still alive. As long as we can live, there will always be people." Chance."

Yi Haoran was moved by his stubbornness.He nodded and said: "You're right! Let's come to this 'know what you can't do'!"

Immediately told Jiang Suo that he was looking for Chang Qingyun.

"I know the person you are talking about." Jiang Suo nodded and said, he roughly described Chang Qingyun's appearance and habitual movements.

"Yes, it is he! Have you seen it?"

"I've been working as a ferryman here these days, and I've seen people who work in Dayunmen—speaking of which, I know a lot of people..." Jiang Suo smiled, "Fortunately, most of them don't recognize me. "

He picked up the ferryboat in a deserted river bend, and the boatman ran away after dying.Although he is from Henan, he has been wandering in the rivers and lakes for many years, and he also knows the nature of water and can paddle a boat, so he used the ferry outside the Dayun Gate as a cover to find a chance to connect with Yi Haoran.

Yi Haoran didn't wait these days, but saw many familiar faces.

He was a low-key person, and he didn't stay in Wuzhou for a long time. Few of the civil and military officials in Wuzhou knew him, but he usually led soldiers on patrol, so he met quite a few people.

"Now that they have all surrendered to the thieves, they have passed the road of enlightenment. Don't worry if we recognize them, it's a bad thing if they recognize us."

"There are quite a few people who have never passed the Ming Road." Jiang Suo said, "They are all scattered around the city."

Yi Haoran regained his energy, and didn't bother to ask about Chang Qingyun, he asked: "Do you know who they are? Go and find out secretly when you have free time."

"Master Yi, don't worry. I don't know much, and I'm afraid you won't be able to recognize me when I write it out. I'll tell you one by one in a while. Let me tell you about the Master Chang you asked. He is now working as a teacher in the Sanhezui school. Master copywriter..."

"Is this true?!"

"I asked him personally yesterday." Jiang Suo smiled, "He originally came from Sanhezui, and he was escorted by soldiers with the labor team, and the whole team was escorted back when he was a part-time worker. A few days ago, I saw him crossing the river alone, so I asked a few words, only to know that he is now a copywriter in the prisoner camp. Although he is still a half-captive, he is no longer escorted, and he is free to go out every day, as long as he is on time at night. Just go back to the campsite."

"Since that's the case, why didn't he run away?" Yi Haoran was a little strange.

"He has no entanglements, nowhere to go, where is he going?" Jiang Suo asked, "Besides, he doesn't have any Australian roads in his hand, neither can he take a boat or go through the official road, he can only take a remote path. Now everywhere Troubled by bandits, troubled by Yaobian. Wouldn't it be suicide to walk alone like this?"

Yi Haoran thinks about it and it is indeed so.

It is good news for Chang Qingyun to work as a copywriter in the prisoner camp and still be able to move freely.Since Chang Qingyun can move freely, it is much easier to do many things.I don't necessarily need to take the risk of mixing into the camp.Immediately said: "With his help, great things can be accomplished!"

"Master Yi, that's what you said. I don't know if Master Chang is willing to join the gang?" Jiang Suo looked worried, "When he was on the boat, I sniffed him, and he didn't seem to hate Australians. And This person is greedy for life and afraid of death..."

"The matter of persuading Chang Qingyun is up to me." Yi Haoran seems to be quite sure, "There is always [-]% to [-]% sure. But since he is working on the school grounds, how can he go in and see him?"

Jiang Suo couldn't think of a way to do this, he just said "play by ear".

"He will go out to do errands in the camp for three to five days, so I will find an excuse and make an appointment with him."

"Okay." Yi Haoran nodded, "It's just that you must not say that I asked him out—even though he didn't call me out last time, he may not be willing to get involved in this matter. You said it, and he will want to do bad things when he becomes suspicious."

Jiang Suo nodded, he rowed the boat to a place where there was no one on the shore, and told Yi Haoran the names of the officials and generals he saw who were not imprisoned in prison camps to work as laborers. There were always more than a dozen people , some people Jiang Suo didn't know their names, but roughly knew their previous positions or surnames, combined with their specific characteristics, Yi Haoran could roughly know who they were.

"There are also some people who just look at their familiar faces, so I don't know the specific situation." Jiang Suo said, "Some of them are dressed as ordinary people, and some of them are wearing cuffs made by thieves—about around Do things for them. By the way, a few days ago, I also met Zhang Yong, Song Ming's personal soldier, and I don't know what to do for a living."

"General Song is still alive?!" Yi Haoran was taken aback. He had met the broken soldiers who had fled back from Bangshan, and said that Song Ming was drowned when he was crossing the pontoon bridge.

"He drowned after crossing the river, and was later rescued by his own soldiers. His life and death are unknown." Jiang Suo never mentioned that he rescued Song Ming from the river.

"General Song is a good man, if he is still alive, it will be a great help!" Yi Haoran was a little excited.Song Ming is different from himself and Jiang Suo, he is a person who has led soldiers - that is to say, as long as he is not dead or captured by the gangsters, he will have at least seven or eight soldiers around him, all of whom are elite fighters.

Originally, Yi Haoran was full of great ambitions and wanted to do something earth-shattering in Wuzhou, but when he went out, he was smeared, and he didn't know where to start.Until he met Jiang Suo today, this half-disciple and half-subordinate was not only alive but also provided a lot of news that he didn't know: there are still many of their kind lurking inside and outside Wuzhou City, which made him suddenly confident ——No matter what happens to Xiong Du, Yi Haoran will give him a big fight in Wuzhou!
In the evening, Yi Haoran returned to Luo Yangming's "Yuxin" rice shop.The front of Mihang’s door was deserted, and the planks hadn’t even been removed completely. Ah Chun was dozing off at the counter, and there was no one on the facade except him.Because the war between Guangdong and Guangxi has not subsided, and the source of grain in Guangxi has basically been cut off, "Yuxin", like other similar grain companies that transship upstream grain to Guangdong, has no business to do.The only business is to distribute the food transported from Sanshui to the occupied area of ​​the Senate to maintain a normal food supply.

This kind of business is operated according to the grain quota of the Planning Institute, just use the distribution channels of each company.The amount of monthly business volume and the amount of profit are roughly dead, and there is no need to spend much thought.So Luo Yangming was not in Mihang most of the time, but was working in the Aftermath Bureau.

The sound of him coming in awakened Ah Chun, and he rushed out to greet him: "Sir! You are back." Then he took the bag and umbrella from his shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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