Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2265 "Niece" visits

Chapter 2265 "Niece" visits

Yi Haoran handed the burden umbrella to Ah Chun, and asked, "Is the master at home?"

"The master is going to the aftermath bureau." Ah Chun put his things away, and went to the back to fetch water to wash his face, "Mister, did you go out to collect the bill this time?"

"The war is in chaos, and the shopkeepers don't know where they are!" Although Yi Haoran went to collect the bills as an excuse to go out for a stroll, he also went to some places to avoid the shopkeeper's suspicion. Here are some silver coins."

"It's a good thing to get the account." Ah Chun said and poured the wash water, "Sir, go and rest in the back. Now the business on the counter is very clear, and you can't wait for one or two to come to the door in a day."

Although rice shops do not do retail sales, and the number of customers is much smaller, in addition to bulk wholesales during the Taiping Festival, rice shops and rice vendors everywhere also sell small quantities, and there are always people coming and going.Now it is empty.

However, Luo Yangming didn't care about his family's business, instead he went in and out of the Aftermath Bureau every day to handle chores.Not to mention the proprietress A Tao, even Yi Haoran felt baffled—could it be that the shopkeeper didn't want to sell the rice, and was going to curry favor with the thief and pretend to be a fake.

Yi Haoran returned to the accounting room, put the received money into the cash box, and spread out the account book, balance the received account and register it.This is just a few strokes.Business is slow these days, and there are no accounts to keep.

In the old days, he would probably find Li Wensheng or the cashiers of several neighboring shops to "kill a few games" of chess and play "horse cranes" to pass the time.

Today, however, he has no such interest at all.The excitement brought to him by the reunion with Jiang Suo has not dissipated yet.He knew from Jiang Suo's words that there were many officials and soldiers who were scattered in and out of Wuzhou City, and many of them even mixed up in the official office of the bandit Kun to work.If these people can be gathered together, they will be a force to be reckoned with.Can come in handy completely.

How to bring these people together?Yi Haoran originally just wanted to win over Chang Qingyun, relying on him to go to the prisoner camp to develop offline.But this time his ambitions are even greater - the people in the prisoner camp are certainly useful, but they have to cross the Guijiang River when rushing from Sanhezui, and there is also a big cloud gate. , You have to have talent in the city.

He thought over and over in his mind, thinking about how to speak when he saw Chang Qingyun, and what methods those officials and soldiers who were scattered in the city would use to persuade them to participate, when he suddenly heard Ah Chun shouting outside:
"Mr. Hao! Mr. Hao!"

Yi Haoran hurriedly responded and walked out.I saw Ah Chun standing at the gate of the small courtyard and looking inside.Seeing him coming out of the room, he greeted him quickly:

"Mr. Hao! Someone is looking for you outside."

"Oh? Who is it?" Yi Haoran was a little strange, he had no relatives or old friends in the local area, and there were very few people who knew him in Xiong Wencan's curtain.

"It's a woman," Ah Chun gestured, "You mean an old relative of yours?"

"A relative?" Yi Haoran was stunned for a moment, then remembered that it was Jiang Qiuchan.Ever since Jiang Qiuchan entrusted someone to introduce him to "Yuxin", they haven't met each other yet.Yi Haoran claimed to be a righteous gentleman, and Jiang Qiuchan was a newly widowed widow. Even if she had the title of "cousin", it would not be appropriate for the two to meet each other.So I never went to her.

Why did she suddenly come to the store to find him?Yi Haoran was suspicious, but he didn't dare to reveal it, so he could only say: "I'm going out now..."

The person who came outside was indeed Jiang Qiuchan. She was wearing a blue cloth skirt and jacket, and all decorations were omitted, only a wooden hairpin and a white flower on her hair.There was a bamboo basket beside him, and when he saw him coming out, he quickly got up and gave a deep blessing.


Yi Haoran hurriedly returned the gift, and said politely: "Why is my niece going out alone? There is a lot of chaos outside..." He greeted immediately, "Come on, sit inside."

"Thank you, cousin, for your concern. The streets are still peaceful now."

Mihang has a reception room specially for entertaining customers, and it is not allowed to accept female customers. It is not enough that there is no business at the moment, so it is okay to borrow it temporarily.

Ah Chun brought tea and immediately backed out.Yi Haoran felt a little embarrassed.Looking at this "cousin niece", although her complexion is a little pale, she is in good spirits.

"My niece came to the shop today, she came to see my wife..."

The wife she was talking about was naturally Luo Yangming's wife, Ding Atao.Yi Haoran had heard from her a long time ago that she had contacts with Ding Atao before she left the cabinet, and it was because of this relationship that she recommended Yi Haoran here.

However, today Ding Atao took Wen Yun, accompanied by the old shopkeeper Li Wensheng, to offer incense, and was not in the shop.

"My wife has gone out to offer incense."

"A Chun told me that at that time, there is only my cousin in the store now, and I have to entrust the things to my uncle." Ding Atao pointed to the basket on the table, "Here are some things she asked me to make. Needlework is only done now, please don't dislike her."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Jiang Qiuchan hesitated for a moment, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't.After a while, I whispered
"My niece has something to do, and I want to ask my cousin for advice."

Hearing that he needs to consult himself about something, Yi Haoran's heart is settled.He laughed and said, "We're both relatives, so why be so polite, just ask."

"Biao Shu used to work in Xiong Du's office, do you know a thing or two about Australians?" Her voice was very low.She knows Yi Haoran's background, and she also knows that this identity cannot be revealed.

Yi Haoran was shocked, wondering what she meant?Thinking about how they were suffering together at the beginning, Qiuchan must have a reason for asking such a question, and there will be no malicious intentions.

He also lowered his voice and said, "I know a little bit. I don't know what my niece wants to ask?"

"It's like this..."

Jiang Qiuchan's natal family opened a silk and satin shop in Wuzhou. Although it is not a big business, it is a century-old shop.He has always been in contact with the Yamen.This time, word came from the retainers in the yamen that the newly arrived Australian magistrate, Mr. Xie, wanted to invite a "companion wife".

"...It is said that Mr. Xie fell in love with a woman surnamed Cai, and now he is taking care of her in his yamen. Since there is no one to take care of her, he needs to find a woman from a good family who is educated and reasonable to accompany her to take care of her." Qiuchan said, "My natal brother Hearing that, he said he would recommend me to do this errand.”

Now that her husband has passed away, she is dragging her son by herself, and has no income at all.Even in times of turmoil, he couldn't go back to his in-law's house in Teng County.Although Wuzhou has her natal family, she is a married daughter after all, so living in her natal family's house would feel like being under the fence, so she wanted to take up this errand.

However, after all, this is going to work with Australians, neither Qiu Chan nor her natal family know much about Australians.Although the retained personnel in the yamen did not have a bad opinion of the Australians, they could not trust the words of the police.

After thinking about it, she thought of Yi Haoran - since he had fought against Australians, he naturally knew a lot about Australians, so it would be more reliable to ask him.

That's what happened!Yi Haoran thought to himself, this is a decent job.They can earn food and clothing for their mother and children.During the conversation with Jiang Suo, he knew a lot about Australians, and he knew that Australians were decent in terms of personal morality.There is also a sense of propriety in doing things.There is no risk for Qiuchan to do this job.

Suddenly his gaze jumped, surnamed Cai?He seemed to have remembered something, and hurriedly asked, "Is this woman's boudoir name Cai Lan?"

"Exactly." Qiuchan was a little puzzled, and asked, "Why, cousin recognizes her?"

"It can't be said that we know each other," Yi Haoran said, "Her husband and I have met a few times."

Cai Lan is the wife of Xing Chenghuan, and Xing Chenghuan is the tutor of Hu Duhua, the prefect of Wuzhou.Because of official business, we have had contacts.Once there was a banquet in the governor's mansion, and the two were sitting next to each other. After drinking and chatting, they found out that he had a fiancée named Cai Lan, who had been sent to Wuzhou to get married.

"...If you know that Wuzhou is about to suffer from this kind of war, you shouldn't have brought her here." After finishing speaking, Xing Chenghuan, who was already blushing, sighed heavily.

This incident left a deep impression on him, because of the war, Xing Chenghuan did not marry Cai Lan, let alone consummate their marriage.It is said that "I am afraid of delaying her".At that time Yi Haoran was quite moved, thinking that he was a righteous gentleman.Later, he heard that he committed suicide when Wuzhou fell, and Yi Haoran respected him even more.

Unexpectedly, the fiancée he left behind is now willing to be the concubine of the gangster!Thinking of this, Yi Haoran's face changed slightly.However, he thought again, if Qiuchan could come to this shameless and lowly woman, he would have put his eyes and ears in the room of the leader of the bandits.

Thinking of this, Yi Haoran calmed down and said with a smile: "According to my opinion: Australians have decent character. They are definitely not stubborn. You are now orphans and widows, and it is difficult to support your family. It is absolutely impossible to do this job. No harm."

Jiang Qiuchan seemed relieved, and she could see that she really wanted to do this job.

"With my cousin's words, my niece can rest assured."

"Where, where, my niece will work for an Australian in the future, maybe my cousin will rely on you." Yi Haoran laughed.He whispered again, "It's just for my uncle's sake, it's not enough for outsiders..."

"My niece knows." Qiuchan nodded, "There is one more thing, my niece wants to bother my uncle, but it's hard to say..."

"Oh? What's the matter? They're all family." Yi Haoran was in a good mood.

"It's Liheng..."

Qi Liheng is her son, who is six years old this year.

"It's time for him to open his door now..."

Originally the son of a scholar, his father could naturally do the enlightenment for him.However, the child has no father at the moment. Although there are several private schools and social schools in the city, she can't afford the money to pay for the school now. To be honest, she is worried that a child without a father will go to study in such a mixed place.

"...I know that sir must be very knowledgeable and decent, can you please come and give lectures to the dog..." Qiuchan was afraid that he would find it troublesome, so she hurriedly said, "I will collect the money for the study." The wages will be paid."

(End of this chapter)

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