Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2266 Chang Qingyun and Changpu

Chapter 2266 Chang Qingyun and Changpu
Yi Haoran said with emotion: "What's so difficult about this. The business in the store is also deserted now. Teaching Liheng to study is a trivial matter. It doesn't cost much—as for the money for studying, don't have to mention it again. It's not easy for your mother, mother and son to live at home. Days It's still growing, so I can save some more so that I can marry Li Heng a wife in the future! My niece and son-in-law, Izumi, must be grateful to you."

Qiuchan's eyes were slightly red, and she whispered: "Sir! You are really the benefactor of our mother and son!"

"Don't do this! Don't do this!" Yi Haoran was afraid that she would make some noise and attract Ah Chun, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "It's just that I have to report this to Shopkeeper Luo..."

"A Tao is a good friend in my boudoir, so she will naturally help with this." Jiang Qiuchan was very confident.

Say yes now, and choose another day to open up.The study place is located in Yuxin Rice Shop, and the Jiang family's clerk sends the children to him every morning.Pick up again at noon.

After sending Jiang Qiuchan away, Yi Haoran was so excited that he couldn't help himself: God helped me!what a good day todayWhen I went out, I met Jiang Suo, and when I came back, I ran into such a thing again!Great cause is expected!

After a few days, Qiuchan sent the child to study as expected.He told Luo Yangming, but the boss just laughed it off.Obviously, his mind is not on the rice store, and all the business is entrusted to the old shopkeeper Li Wensheng to manage.

Because the child is still young and the world is not peaceful, so the daily class ends before noon, the Jiang family sends a guy to pick up the child, and Yi Haoran basically has nothing to do in the afternoon.Every so often, Qiuchan would come to the door in person, or deliver soup or snacks.Yi Haoran originally thought that Qiu Chan was still in the filial piety, so frequent visits would be scary.To some extent, she should be reminded to avoid suspicion. Considering that this is necessary for the "great cause", not to mention that she has a teacher-student relationship with her son, she did not mention this matter.Waiting for Jiang Suo's news.

Chang Qingyun returned to the lower part of Sanhezui, upset.

Today, he ran into Jiang Suo by the Guijiang Floating Bridge.

He knew Jiang Suo, the team officer of Xiong Du's editor and trainer.His whereabouts after the Battle of Bangshan are unknown.He had no relationship with Jiang Suoyuan, and he was even more dismissive of such low-level military officers. If he hadn't heard that he was a "Jiang Kun", he was a little curious, and he probably wouldn't even remember his name.In fact, he almost forgot what he looked like now.

However, Jiang Suo did not forget him.Called him when he was about to step on the pontoon.Said to "talk" to him.

Chang Qingyun didn't want to talk to him.Although he is a prisoner now, he still lives freely.Although the Kun bandits despise the scholars of Ming Dynasty, they have to make use of their reading and writing skills. Chang Qingyun can write and count, so he is given preferential treatment in the prisoner camp. Even the fake Kun officer who guards the prisoners calls him "Mr. Chang" ".I seldom go to work at ordinary times, and even if I go to work, it is all paperwork, so I don't have to work hard.Chang Qingyun reckoned that the Australians would probably still be in the same old way, asking everyone to pay the ransom when the situation calmed down, and those who had no money accumulated points to redeem themselves.Either way, he can escape safely—this time, Youmu passed without any danger.When he returned to his hometown, he never came out to play the curtain again. The psychological shadow of the Australians was too deep for him.

However, Jiang Suo's next sentence made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Sir, you don't want to talk to the villain. Could it be that you are willing to submit a letter from the villain, and Mr. Jufa is Master Chang himself?"

Although a fire that broke out in Wuzhou City did not lead to a catastrophe that destroyed the whole city, many people died because of the destruction of their homes.Therefore, the common people hated Xiong Wencan and others deeply, especially Changpu, who offered to burn Wuzhou, was cast aside by thousands of people and cursed by thousands of people.As soon as "Master Chang under Xiong Wencan's subordinates" was mentioned, the people all gritted their teeth, wishing to eat his flesh and sleep his skin.

Unfortunately, the surname of Chang Pu who offered this plan was Chang, and Chang Qingyun was also surnamed Chang.And they were all under Xiong Wencan's command at the time.After Chang Qingyun was captured, it took a lot of effort to tear himself and Chang Pu apart. Thanks to the Australians who didn't have the idea of ​​"borrowing the head for use", otherwise these two points alone would be enough for him to die Seventeen or eight times.

"What nonsense are you talking about! It was Chang Pu who offered the poison plan, and he is the county magistrate of Enping, so what has he got to do with me? As long as he is in Xiongdu's tent, no one knows." Chang Qingyun couldn't help but panic.Chang Pu disappeared before breaking through the city, and he didn't know whether he ran away with Xiong Wencan or died in the rebellion.

"Hehe, even if you're not, didn't you recommend this Changpu to Xiong Wencan?" Jiang Suo sneered, "He was an abolished official, and he was punished for losing the county seat, but he ran for his life with the army. But you It’s not a lie to introduce him to Xiong Wencan, right? Do you know it just by asking?”

This time it was like five thunderbolts.To be honest, he really couldn't slide over.He already knew Chang Pu's plan to burn Wuzhou with fire - not only did he not dissuade him, but he felt that the plan was feasible, so he recommended Chang Pu to Xiong Wencan.

"You, what do you want..." Chang Qingyun panicked.

"Don't do anything," Jiang Suo looked contemptuously at Chang Qingyun, who was out of his wits, "There is an old friend who wants to meet you."

Chang Qingyun couldn't remember how he got across the pontoon bridge and returned to the prison camp.He was in a trance, and he returned to the lower part of the prisoner's camp.

The captive camp in Sanhezui is very large. It used to be a school ground for the officers and soldiers. Wuzhou is also an important military town, and there are many troops stationed there on weekdays.There were thus many barracks, sufficient to house a large number of captives.Not only were officials and soldiers captured in the Battle of Wuzhou imprisoned, most of those captured in the Guangxi campaign and the suppression operations in the surrounding areas of Wuzhou were also sent here for screening and detention.At its peak, there were 7000 people.Some of them were released after being screened, and some were sent to Guangzhou to wait for "distribution". Originally, some refugees were housed here, but most of them have been deported now.Now there are about [-] captives here, who are used as laborers.

As a "clerk", Chang Qingyun occupies a hut alone, which is both a bedroom and an office.He stumbled back into the house, closed the door, and fell on the broken bed.

Needless to say, the "old man" Jiang Suo mentioned was someone under Xiong Wencan's command in the past, and he could probably guess his purpose if he wanted to see him—most likely to "do big things."

To do great things in Wuzhou under the Australian rule is naturally a matter of losing one's head.

When Chang Qingyun was proud, he also had "Why would he cherish his life for fame" and had strong emotions. However, since Chengmai's disastrous defeat, he failed to commit suicide in the chaos of the army, and after he was finally captured and surviving, his enthusiasm withdrew by half.Xiong Wencan decided to set fire to the city, and when he abandoned the city and fled, Chang Qingyun asked to stay "coordinating with the inside and outside" for a while, and was ready to die in the city, not only to wash away the humiliation of being captured by the Australians, but also to repay Xiong Wencan At the beginning, Jane drew his kindness.

However, when the fire really burned, Chang Qingyun regretted it again: just as he regretted why he followed the army across the sea to conquer Kun when he was in the chaos.

He is not dissatisfied with his current life as a captive. After living through the New Year like this, the Australians will naturally let him go.

It's better to make a move on it!This idea suddenly appeared in the depths of my heart.However, thinking of Jiang Suo's words, Chang Qingyun sat down again.

The relationship between Chang Pu and himself is well known in Xiong Wencan's curtain-no less than a dozen people in this prison camp alone know it.If Jiang Suo was captured, he would really insist that he was responsible for the plan to burn Wuzhou. How can he justify it? !Even if the Australians believed that Chang Pu had come up with the strategy, it was he who recommended him to Xiong Wencan to make the burning of Wuzhou come true-even if it was placed in Daming, he would be "crazy".The Australians cut him cleanly, and no one would think he was wronged.

Chang Qingyun's hands and feet were cold, and his back was sweating.It wasn't until the bell for cooking at night rang outside that he barely supported himself and went out to cook.

Two meals a day were provided in the prison camp, and those who went out to work were provided one meal by the employer outside.Naturally, these two meals will not have any delicious food. They are nothing more than dry grass paste, rice porridge, and sweet potatoes in stock, accompanied by military-standard pickles.The fresh vegetables are all prepared on the spot, and they are not cooked. They are washed and stewed in porridge or paste.It doesn't taste like taste, but it can fill you up.

Chang Qingyun made a pot of glutinous rice and returned to his room, eating the glutinous rice while thinking of countermeasures.Suddenly someone shouted outside the door: "Chang Qingyun! Chang Qingyun!"

Chang Qingyun was stunned, usually everyone in the prisoner camp would call him "Sir", even if he was fake, why did someone suddenly call him by his first name?He felt a little annoyed, and got up to greet him.

When he went out to see, he was a fake cadre he didn't know, he didn't dare to neglect, he saluted and said: "The student is Chang Qingyun, I don't know what is the order of the superior?"

"You are?" The visitor looked him up and down, "Clean yourself up and follow me immediately!"

Chang Qingyun shivered in fright. Could it be that someone reported on his conversation with Jiang Suo this afternoon?Or has Jiang Suo already reported to the Australians that he was the one who started the burning of Wuzhou?
"What's the matter?" He summoned up his courage and asked cautiously.

"You'll know when you go, mother-in-law and mother!" The visitor was obviously impatient, "It's getting dark soon, if you don't leave, you won't be able to catch up with the city gate!"

Even though he was full of apprehension, Chang Qingyun could only follow the visitor and set off.After leaving the prison camp, crossed the pontoon bridge, and entered the Dayun Gate. The group of people walked not far along the street before they came to a dark government office.

Although it was getting dark, Chang Qingyun still knew this place, and it was the location of the "Three Presidents' Mansions" in Wuzhou City.It used to be the place where Xiong Wencan was stationed. As a member of the shogunate, Chang Qingyun also lived here, so he is very familiar with it.

Strange, how did you send yourself to the San Zongfu?Here he knows that since the Australians entered the city, it has become a barracks with many troops stationed there.

(End of this chapter)

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