Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2267

Chapter 2267
Doubts were all doubts, but the Australian had to listen to the orders. Under the urging of the escort, he bit the bullet and walked in.

The Sanzong Mansion is now the headquarters and barracks of the Wuzhou National Army. When you enter the gate, you can see many soldiers of the National Army walking back and forth.
They walked through five or six major courtyards, turned another corner, and came out through the side door.Chang Qingyun took a closer look but recognized it: this is the place where Xiong Wencan used to rest. There are three elegant rooms. The front and back yards are dotted with garden stones and plants. There is also a small pond in the front yard with goldfish and lotus flowers.Secluded and quiet, is a good place.

At the entrance of Beilong, there is also a wooden sentry box with guards standing guard.The cadre who sent him took out the paperwork and let them enter the yard.

Naturally, such a place would not be the residence of ordinary soldiers, could it be... the residence of the leader of the Australians? !

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Chang Qingyun's back suddenly - he knows Australians too well, and doesn't take them seriously, let alone he is just a juren.So it is impossible to call him to recruit.

Could it be that Jiang Suo's meeting with him has been revealed?On second thought, it shouldn't be.Neither Jiang Suo nor himself did anything, not even said anything against him.Even if Australians know everything, they can’t just speculate about things that never happened... Besides, in their own capacity, whether it is handed over to the Australian factory guard for interrogation or executed directly, it is a matter of one sentence. Come and interrogate yourself.

While panicking, a fake man wearing an Australian-style "cadre uniform" came out and asked, "Are you Mr. Chang Qingyun?"

The person who came was imposing and neatly dressed, obviously not an ordinary sham. It would be extremely polite to call a prisoner of his class "Sir".Chang Qingyun quickly bowed to the end, "Don't dare, student Chang Qingyun."

"I'm looking for you today," said the fake Kun and nodded to the escort, who immediately backed out.

"Well, I don't know what to ask students to do."

"Come in and talk."

Chang Qingyun was brought into the house.He has been here before, and the middle one was originally Xiong Wencan's meeting place, with the study on one side and the bedroom on the other.Originally, the furnishings here were very elegant because of the Governor's residence.Today, not only is the layout neat and tidy, but the furnishings are even better than before. Chang Qingyun whispered secretly——Australians are known for their simplicity, and it is unexpected that there are such luxurious veterans!
"I'm Zhao Fengtian, Secretary of the Wuzhou Municipal Office." The fake Kun who brought him in introduced himself, "You sit down."

Chang Qingyun bowed his body and sat down.

"I called you here to ask you for a favor." Zhao Fengfeng said, "To be honest, I shouldn't bother you, but we don't have many scholars here, and Wuzhou couldn't find a more suitable candidate... ..."

Hearing these words, Chang Qingyun was confused, so he got up and said: "If there is anything the Shangguan needs, just ask. The students will definitely help."

"I heard that you are a talented scholar, not only from Juren's background, but also in poetry and painting."

Chang Qingyun blushed, and hurriedly said: "Don't dare, dare not, a little pen and ink stuff, things that can't be put on the table..."

"Don't be humble." Zhao Fengfeng's face was a little contemptuous, but his words were very generous, "I was also a citizen of Daming in the past, and I know that it is not easy for you to be a man." He said, "Now there is an errand for you to do ——No trouble, as long as you do a good job, when the situation stabilizes, I will let you go home first, and I will give you money."

"Students know about the preferential treatment policy of the Senate." Chang Qingyun had a bottom line in his heart, and nine out of ten it was a matter of nonsense, "I don't know what kind of errand it is?"

"Sir, please take a look." Zhao Fengtian took him to the back hall, where he saw a large painting table facing the backyard, on which there were various painting tools and papers, many of which were top grade.There are many calligraphy and painting scrolls in the painting tank.

Zhao Fengfeng picked up a scroll of painting silk on the table, stretched it out, and pressed it with a ruler on both sides.But it is a green landscape.

Chang Qingyun is not a famous artist in painting - it is just a hobby for him, and he uses it for entertainment on weekdays.But even so, he could see that the level of this painting was really not good: the composition was obviously imitated by a famous artist, but the brush strokes were weak and messy. But it's really unsightly.

"What do you think of this painting, sir?" Zhao Fengfeng asked.

Chang Qingyun was suddenly vigilant: it took so much trouble to call him here, and it was still in a place like the Sanzongfu, and the painting tools were so exquisite... This painting was probably done by some high-ranking thief.

Since ancient times, high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen have always liked to be arty, and Chang Qingyun has seen it a lot, and probably the thieves are no exception.

He thought for a while, and said: "This painting appears to be drawn by a novice, but it is quite talented, and it is not easy. If you can give it time, you will become a master!"

Zhao Fengtian laughed and said, "Sure enough, scholars can speak. If you say that you can't draw well, you're fine, and if you say anything, you will be successful."

"Yes, yes." Chang Qingyun echoed repeatedly, thinking that you can say this, but I can't!
"Let me tell you the truth, this painting was drawn by our chief." Zhao Fengtian said, "His painting have seen it too..."

"No wonder, no wonder." Chang Qingyun said repeatedly.

"No wonder what?"

"Although the painting is not good, it has a heroic atmosphere."

Zhao Fengtian glanced at him and didn't comment further, but the disdain on his face was beyond words.

"...Just like you said, he is a novice. Even if he studies hard now, he will not be able to draw well in a while. Besides, he is busy with official duties, and he doesn't have the time..."

Chang Qingyun originally thought that Zhen Kun wanted to find someone to teach him how to draw or something, but after hearing what Zhao Fengtian said, it didn't look like it.

"...So I want to ask Mr. to write it for me."

It turned out to be a ghostwriter!Chang Qingyun thought to himself, this is easier than teaching Zhen Kun to draw.Spreading the word is not considered "following the power" or "serving the knee".Reputation is easier to write.

"This is easy." Chang Qingyun said, "It's just that I don't know what kind of painting to draw and what size it needs to be. If the students know it, they can start a draft."

"Don't worry." Zhao Fengtian said, "This ghostwriter is not just for you to draw, sir, please take a look." He took out another scroll from the painting vat and unfolded it on the table.

Chang Qingyun looked at it at a glance, this is a freehand orchid, three or five very simple outlines, the painting is not bad, but the strokes are weak, it seems to be drawn by a woman.There is no inscription on the screen.


"The meaning of the painting drawn by Mr. must correspond to this painting."

I see!Chang Qingyun suddenly realized.No wonder I called myself a ghostwriter.With Kun thief's vulgarity, not to mention painting, even the meaning of this painting may not be clear.

"Students understand." He nodded and said, "It's not difficult. It's just how should the Shangguan respond? There must be a purpose."

"This..." Zhao Fengtian pondered for a moment, "Go and draw, as long as you are positive!"

"Yes, yes." Chang Qingyun saw that he hesitated to speak, adding two paintings, he already understood more than half of it in his heart, this is a woman's business!
Combined with the furnishings here and those exquisite painting utensils, Chang Qingyun guessed that this place is most likely the place where Xie Erren Jinwu, the prefect of Wuzhou, Australia, hides her charms!Only he can have this qualification and ability.

I didn't expect this real girl to be so elegant.Chang Qingyun sighed, it turned out that not all thieves are rough embryos who only know about flesh and blood.

"Just make a list of the painting utensils you need, and I will prepare them for you here. Is it convenient for you to paint in Sanhezui?"

"Convenient, convenient!" Chang Qingyun nodded again and again, "I just need a painting table."

"It's easy, I'll just ask someone to send one." Zhao Tiantian said, "Just draw with your heart. If there are any paintings that you need to respond to in the future, they will naturally be sent over. You take this one first. ——How many days will it take to finish the painting?"

"If the materials are complete, it can be done in one day."

"Okay. Then I will send someone to retrieve it in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow—this painting must not be defaced, the chief attaches great importance to it."

"Students understand."

"I will take care of the administrators in the camp and tell them not to send you any work in the next few days, and you should try your best to paint."

Chang Qingyun returned to Sanhezui, feeling more and more confused.I haven't thought about Jiang Suo's matter clearly yet, this time the Australians made such a fuss again!I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse?
He didn't know much about Xie Erren.But on weekdays, according to word of mouth, he is a good official.At least Wuzhou is under his rule, the market is safe and the people are happy.I don't know which family's daughter this elder Xie is hiding?Probably because she is both talented and beautiful, otherwise, this elder Xie would not be so crazy about her.

The next day, sure enough, a painting case and painting tools were brought to him from the city.The steward of the camp was also very polite, saying: "Mr. Chang just paints, and leave other things to other people."

The preferential treatment is not limited to this. Originally, a book office like his only provided two meals for a solar eclipse, and those who had to go out to do physical work had three meals.And this day, he not only enjoyed lunch, but someone specially delivered it to him—it turned out to be a "box lunch" that only a fake Kun can eat, with meat and vegetables, and a bowl of soup.Chang Qingyun, who had been eating relief rations for many days and his stomach was full of sour water, had a good tooth sacrifice.

Satisfied with wine and food, he picked his teeth and thought about it.It's great that the Australians need him now.But Jiang Suo had to find a way to deal with it, or else he would really run to denounce him as a stunned young man.After all, he dared to lead troops to Bangshan, a Jedi, to defend to the death.

He knows the rules of the Australians: the most important thing is to "govern the country according to the law". If Jiang Suo really makes a fuss, even if he works for Xie Erren, the other party will not be able to protect him-not to mention that he is still a "second entry" captive.

Thinking of this, he made up his mind: Let's meet with Jiang Suo's "old man" for a while, to see who he is and what he wants to talk to him.Then make a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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