Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2270

Chapter 2270
However, no matter what Yi Haoran asked, Zhu Fuyuan still refused to disclose the purpose of coming here, but boasted about the "good governance" after the Kun bandits conquered Guangzhou, which Yi Haoran was not interested in hearing.

But the more he is like this, the more Yi Haoran becomes suspicious.Right now, the army is in turmoil, the west coast is in constant turmoil, neither land nor water is peaceful, that is, there is no market to speak of, and the roads are not safe. How can there be businessmen running from Guangzhou to do business?
But before he could finish talking, Ah Chun and Luo Yangming came back together.Yi Haoran found that Luo Yangming was not surprised by Zhu Fuyuan's visit.It can be seen that although the two met for the first time, they felt very familiar with each other.

This is really rare.Yi Haoran felt more and more strange.But the boss wants to discuss business with customers, and his accountant has no reason to participate unless he is summoned.I had to go back to the accounting room.

Abnormally a demon, Yi Haoran closed his eyes in the counting room and rested his mind, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.Zhu Fuyuan, who has a rich background as a thief, must have a purpose in coming to this place from Guangzhou, and it is absolutely impossible for him to do business.

Just as he was thinking about how to find out, Ah Chun came in and asked, "Master ordered me to ask Mr., how much money and rice are still in stock in the account?"

Yi Haoran was startled: Is it really a business?

Fortunately, business is slow these days, and the accounts are extremely simple, and he has long been familiar with the numbers.

"The cash on the account is 370, 230, [-], [-], [-] cents, [-] cents, and the inventory, regardless of category, is [-], [-] stones, [-] buckets, [-] liter, and [-] cents. Those owed by others are not counted..."

"Your number is indeed low." Zhu Fuyuan said after hearing his number.

"To be honest, people with my family background in Wuzhou City are considered big now." Luo Yangming sighed, "Xiong Wencan has been in Wuzhou for a month, and the merchants in Wuzhou City have been tossed by him. They have been devastated, and many of them have closed their doors. .”

"The chief told me about this. I came here to find out the specific grain storage figures in Wuzhou," Zhu Fuyuan said. "The chief told me about this. You can't come out from the government, you have to check it secretly."

"I can do this. But there must be a name. The merchants are very smart, and no one is willing to show their cards right now." Luo Yangming said with a wry smile, "It's not their fault. Even if we are in business, we owe a lot of money." Butt debts, and you have to pretend to be an uncle when you go out...Wuzhou has experienced a lot of difficulties, and many brands have pulled up the deficit, and they are barely supporting."

If you show your hole cards, it is inevitable that someone will take advantage of it.Amidst the turmoil of the current situation, there will always be some business names that survive and even develop by devouring the same kind.No one wants to be the one to be devoured.

Zhu Fuyuan was born as a shopkeeper, so he naturally understood this truth.He nodded and said: "The chief said, why not put a scented bait."

"The bait must be big enough and fragrant." Luo Yangming said.

"It's up to you to handle it. It's also good for your future status."

Zhu Fuyuan did not come here for business, but came with a mission.

This task is related to the food supply security in Wuzhou and even Guangdong and Guangxi, so the commercial department sent a special person to contact Luo Yangming.

As soon as the war between Guangdong and Guangxi started, the food problem in Guangdong and Guangxi became the most concerned issue of the Planning Institute.Guangdong cannot be self-sufficient in food and needs Guangxi to help. When the war broke out, the food from Guangxi would be interrupted.

Trade can be stopped, but people cannot live without food.This is why even though wars and riots are everywhere, the Senate still won Guangxi despite the shortage of troops and cadres, at least to win the Liuguan ruled area in Guangxi.Because there is no food supply in these places, Guangdong's 800 million population not only cannot be converted into productivity, but has become a heavy burden of food supply.

Although Zhu Quanxing's battalion suppressed bandits everywhere around Wuzhou, the preparations for marching into Guangxi never stopped.

But since then, the second problem has arisen. Wuzhou's grain storage has basically been ruined, and the demand for military grain to march into Guangxi is imminent.According to reports from Wuzhou Prefecture and neighboring counties, grain stocks in the counties have dropped to the warning level, and they have had to adopt administrative restrictions on price increases and the model of "allotment by mouth" to ensure supply.As a result, a black market has also emerged, causing popular sentiment to fluctuate.

Because Wuzhou used to be a distribution center for grain trade between Guangdong and Guangxi, the grain storage situation is slightly better, but according to Xie Erren's report, the situation in Wuzhou is also not optimistic.Because Wuzhou not only has a large population, but also undertakes the on-site distribution of front-line prisoners and some of the National Army and Fubo Army's food.Consumes faster than other counties.

Once people's hearts fluctuate, they will inevitably be used by the remnants of usurping the Ming Dynasty who are causing chaos everywhere. If they are not handled properly, the original spark may turn into a prairie fire.

After discussion between the Planning Institute and the business department, in order to maintain the morale of the residents, it was decided to transfer the grain to the western Guangdong area to ensure the food supply for the military and civilians in the area.The specific transfer location is Wuzhou.

Wuzhou is an important commercial town in western Guangdong, and has a natural commercial network that radiates to western Guangdong. As long as the Planning Institute transports grain to Wuzhou, it can distribute it through commercial channels here, thus alleviating the current difficulty in grain supply.

This decision is undoubtedly quite difficult, which is equivalent to further exacerbating the tense situation of food supply and a series of problems such as skyrocketing prices and capacity shortage caused by the large increase in imported food.Although the mainland strategy is going well, the land, population, natural resources and markets cannot be converted into usable wealth immediately.But the cost that the Senate has to pay for it is getting bigger and bigger.

"Right now, the number of accounts receivable of our company keeps rising, and the profit and loss statement is very good-looking. But our cash flow is starting to go wrong." Cheng Dong said at a secret meeting between the Planning Institute and the Ministry of Finance and Economics Said.

Even so, they have to bite the bullet and raise food from various sources and put it on the market. The purpose is nothing more than to maintain the stability of social order.

This matter cannot be handed over to Xie Erren, he has no commercial channels in his hands, and he doesn't understand the grain trade.Most government offices will only be tricked by businessmen.Therefore, this time the grain transportation was decided to be handled by Luo Yangming, his "own man".

According to the thinking of the Planning Institute, Luo Yangming came forward to organize the merchants of the rice and grain guild in Wuzhou to jointly raise funds to purchase grain in batches, and then distribute it to the counties.The food supply is provided by Dachang Rice Bank.

"...this job is very important," Zhu Fuyuan said solemnly, "we import all these rice from Nanyang. Although the CIF price is much lower than that of Guangdong, the cost of transporting it thousands of miles to Wuzhou is not small. .It is necessary to reduce the waste and encroachment of intermediate links as much as possible.”

"That's why you want them to buy it!" Luo Yangming said, "It's a business to spend money to buy goods, and everyone will be careful. If it's a relief, it's unavoidable. You have to eat it yourself before talking about it." He asked: "First When will the batch arrive? How much? What’s the price?”

"The first batch of [-] shi," Zhu Fuyuan said, "will arrive around July [-]st. The price has not been set yet, so we have to refer to the prices in various places to set a figure. I don't know what the price of grain is in Wuzhou now?"

Luo Yangming frowned and said, "Although there is an order not to increase the price, the price has still risen. Before Xiong Wencan came to Wuzhou, the price of local brown rice was only one tael per shi, and sometimes it was only one tael or four to five taels. After the war The tone has risen to more than two taels, and now the retail price of a stone of brown rice has reached two taels. To be honest, the common people basically can’t afford to eat at this price.”

"Is there a lot of public grievances?"

"How could it not be too big. However, we have set up a quota distribution system. As long as there is a household registration in the local area, each person will be supplied with household registration rice at a price of [-] cents per bucket every month-otherwise there will be a famine." Luo Yangming said, "Wuzhou's business is at a standstill now, and all industries are in depression. Chief Xie wants to revitalize industry and commerce. He called us to a meeting to discuss countermeasures. But there are wars all around, and no one dares to do business. There are many unemployed people who have to live on relief. "

"I don't see any beggars on the street..."

"They're all housed, locked up at the Sanhezui side, and given a bowl of gruel to drink, which means they won't let them starve to death. Then do some simple work."

"How about the price?"

"We have fair judgment on rice, and we don't want to enlarge the market right now. The small market will be released at two, four, and five cents per stone of brown rice."

"So the gross profit of small traders is only three cents and five cents."

"That's right, but fortunately the price below is higher. I heard that there are some on the black market that sell for three, two or four dollars... This price is too high, and the common people are all scolding the mother of the Senate..." Luo Yangming sighed, "But To be honest, we sell the brown rice at this wholesale price at a price of one stone. So we don’t sell it for a few stones a day, it’s a response to the order of the city government..."

"Where is the chief executive?"

"He pretends he doesn't know." Luo Yangming shook his head, "To be honest, what can he do? It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice. Now he can only play with the ideas of the big gentry and ask them to pay a reasonable burden. You know the big gentry, too. All of them are iron cocks, and finally the Fubo Army's reputation is outside, and these big families are willing to take out more or less. It can be regarded as making up for some gaps."

Zhu Fuyuan nodded without speaking.What Luo Yangming told him was similar to the background information report he had read before coming here.No wonder the Chief is in a hurry for this special supply.

"Since that's the case, what do you think is the price of our enlarged market this time?" Zhu Fuyuan asked.

Luo Yangming raised his head and thought for a moment: "Brown rice costs one or two yuan per shi. If it is to be distributed, the price must drop, so that there must be room for profit for the merchants below..." He suddenly thought of something, "Can this rice continue to be supplied? ?”

"Yes." Zhu Fuyuan said affirmatively, "You know how the Senate handles affairs. If you want to do it, you must do it properly, and you will never give up halfway."

"I'm relieved." Luo Yangming felt relieved, "Since ancient times, the people have been without food and have been unstable. If there is another problem with food, it's hard to say whether we can stay in Wuzhou city..."

(End of this chapter)

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