Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2271 rough plan

Chapter 2271 rough plan
As a member of the Rehabilitation Bureau, Luo Yangming knows the current situation in Wuzhou best. The food shortage is still secondary. The key issue is the interruption of trade--before Guangxi is taken, this is a deadlock.

Wuzhou's prosperity depends entirely on trade. Without trade, many urban residents will fall into a state of unemployment.In order to stabilize the situation, Xie Erren forbade the shops to close, and forbade the tailors. He also forced the shops and workshops to open every day, saying that it was to "maintain the market."

Luo Yangming naturally understands the difficulties of the elders - this is to maintain stability.But this kind of stability is very reluctant, and it is all maintained by the continuous blood transfusion of the Senate and the Aftermath Bureau.

The merchants in the city were tossed by Xiong Wencan for a while, and Xie Erren spent a lot of money and food in a series of aftermath measures after entering the city. In addition, everything was expensive. , the common people in the market all have complaints.Luo Yangming saw it and was anxious.

However, the Senate is in Wuzhou, even if it has all kinds of skills and tricks, it can't solve this fundamental problem.Right now, there is no other way but to maintain as much as possible and wait for the situation to improve.

The two talked about some details.Only then did Zhu Fuyuan leave.

"...Should I go back to Sanshui now, or..."

"I will stay in Wuzhou for a few more days." Zhu Fuyuan said, "I will live in the Maoyuan Inn in the west of the city."

Luo Yangming knew that Zhu Fuyuan most likely had other missions, so he sent him out because it was inconvenient for him to ask more questions.

Yi Haoran was doing the accounting in the account room, but he was thinking about why the customers of Dachang Rice Company came here.Leaving aside the background of the thief who is in this rice shop, since it is a rice shop, it is naturally a grain business. This boss Zhu came to the local area, probably because of the grain.

When it comes to food, Yi Haoran knows that there is a food shortage in Wuzhou right now, and people in the market are unstable.The arrival of Zhu Fuyuan is mostly related to this.

Could it be that the kun thieves in Guangxi have made great progress?Yi Haoran's heart suddenly lifted.Xiong Wencan is now in a desperate situation, even if he can conquer Wuzhou immediately, the court probably will not forgive his teacher for losing ground, won't Xiong Du surrender in such a desperate situation? !
It's not impossible if you think about it carefully.Yi Haoran is familiar with the military history, and knows that Wuzhou is not only the gateway of Guangdong, but also one of the key points of Guangxi.The transportation between the Xijiang River Basin and the mainland mainly depends on the water transport line of Wuzhou-Lijiang River-Lingqu-Hunan.After the Fubo army occupied Wuzhou, it actually cut off the main communication artery between the Ming army in the inland and the Ming army in Guangxi. Although there were still a few roads from the inland to Guangxi, it was far inferior to this waterway in terms of convenience and cheapness.If the Ming army in Guangxi could not take back Wuzhou, even with an army of [-], they could only be trapped in Guangxi, unable to move.

Xiong Wencan was in a desperate situation with no future for himself and Guangxi. If he refused to commit suicide and die for the country, the only way to go was surrender.

Yi Haoran's heart tightened immediately.If this is the case, Guangdong and Guangxi will be lost forever!
However, he can do nothing about Xiong Wencan's movements and the overall situation of Guangdong and Guangxi.At this moment, Yi Haoran felt a strong sense of frustration in his heart.Even if he could kill a real man with his clever calculations, how would it help the overall situation?

Thinking of this, he felt a little irritable.Suddenly he had an idea.He had heard from Chang Qingyun a long time ago that Zhenkun's status was incomparably noble, even more prominent than the prince of Ming Dynasty - after all, princes were not allowed to interfere in politics, but Australia's Zhenkun was actually able to manage and discuss state affairs.If the real Kun from Wuzhou can be captured alive and brought to Guangxi.Kun thieves are bound to throw their hands at the rat.Regardless of whether the court is in war or peace, they have a bargaining chip in their hands.

If you want to capture Zhen Kun alive, if you are the second person, you will probably think that he is whimsical.Although Xie Erren didn't live in seclusion, he was closely guarded.Because Cai Lan was assassinated back then, he also knew that he was not that popular. Not only did the number of times he went out greatly decrease, but he also had to be equipped with multiple guards every time he went out.

Yi Haoran felt that there was a chance.Because he has already mastered Cai Lan's line through Jiang Qiuchan.

Although Jiang Qiuchan knew nothing about his intentions, he also didn't know Cai Lan's real thoughts at the moment.But with this line, it means that he has eyes and ears that can directly reach Xie Erren.

Just to do this, Qiuchan must be "joined".He couldn't get to Cai Lan by himself, nor could he listen to her thoughts.

Thinking of this, he felt a little hesitant.After all, this is a very risky thing. Regardless of the success or failure of the matter, the Australians will definitely investigate from time to time. I, Jiang Suo and others can just walk away, but Qiuchan can't run away, and nine out of ten will lose their lives.

After thinking again and again, Yi Haoran raised his head.

No matter!Although Qiuchan is pitiful, her husband is dead and heir to her husband's family.She was originally a person who was out of integrity, now that she has the opportunity to be loyal to the imperial court, she will be indispensable in the future... the sorrow behind her is enough to make up for it.

Thinking of this, Yi Haoran suddenly felt relieved.Jiang Qiuchan is a very suitable person: she has studied, she is a sensible and shameless woman; whether she was almost humiliated or her husband was killed, it was all caused by the siege of the gangsters; A timid person.Not to mention that he had saved her back then—by the way, Chang Qingyun had saved her too.

As long as she knows the righteousness and hates the country and the family, she can be persuaded.

"Old friend, I'm going to trouble you today." Yi Haoran was still dressed as an accountant who went to the countryside to collect bills.

Chang Qingyun smiled wryly and said: "I'm still an old friend, I'm about to become an old ghost." Looking at Yi Haoran's gray beard and "awe-inspiring" righteousness, he couldn't help cursing inwardly, how could he provoke such a lunatic!It doesn't count if you want to die yourself, you have to pull others to back your back!

"Old friend, you've forgotten your roots when you say this." Yi Haoran didn't take it seriously, "If I didn't save you in the city, you would have died at the hands of wolf soldiers. How can you be a fool here? Taiping’s book office?”

"Okay, it's all my fault." Chang Qingyun smiled wryly, "Sanhezui used to be a school ground, but now it's a prisoner camp for Australians. Apart from people, it's a house. What's so good about it?"

"Sanhezui is the key outside the city of Wuzhou, so I naturally want to take a closer look." Yi Haoran said, "Just lead the way."

After Yi Haoran controlled Chang Qingyun, the first thing he did was ask him to lead the way to Sanhezui school grounds.In Yi Haoran's view, the Sanhezui prison camp is the biggest hidden danger for Australians.Such a place where thousands of people gathered is only a few miles away from Wuzhou. Once a riot breaks out, it will immediately spread to Wuzhou and threaten the waterway of the Xijiang River.

Australians must know this themselves, so the first thing after entering the city is to repair the pontoon bridge.In case of any change, troops can be quickly dispatched to quell it.

"It's okay for me to take you in, but you have to obey my orders and don't talk or move around. So as not to arouse suspicion." Chang Qingyun said helplessly, "Sanhezui, the Australians have a squadron of national army guards ——It doesn't matter, they only take care of the outer gates, and don't care about the things inside. But there is also a detective team in this battalion. Most of these people are old bastards from the yamen, with sharp eyes and dark hearts. If you show them If there is a flaw, turn around and sell you!"

"I can save it." Yi Haoran nodded.

"It's just that your status is embarrassing..."

"It's okay, I'll just go in as Mihang accountant. There are many people in Wuzhou who know me. If I make up an identity, it will easily arouse suspicion."

"For what reason did you go in?"

"How about reminiscing with you?"

"No way! No way!" Chang Qingyun shook his hands.He rolled his eyes and said: "Old Yi, your boss used to provide military rice for officers and soldiers in Wuzhou?"

"But all the grain merchants in this city have never done it before." Yi Haoran heard Li Wensheng and his wife talk about this many times, and knew that not only the Luo family, but also the grain merchants in the city had suffered a lot, and hated Xiong Wencan and the government to the bone.

"Then you should know who did it at the time, right?"

Of course Yi Haoran knew that the person in charge had already been cursed thousands of times by Ding Atao as "a terrible death".

"I know, I know, but although his life and death are unknown, Xiong Du's confidant probably ran away long ago..."

"That's it. Since you are the accountant, let's say that you heard that this person was captured by the Australians, and you came here specifically to ask for the account."

Yi Haoran was taken aback for a moment, then clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "Old friend! You really are a bit smart!"

"Where, where," Chang Qingyun sneered, "I'm about to become a ghost, why don't you be smarter?" He reminded, "It's easy for me to take you in, but you have to adapt to the situation inside, don't let anything go wrong!" He asked again, "Do you have personnel prepared for you?"

"Personnel matters? I heard that Australians are not interested in this..."

"Australians are not happy, but the brats in power inside are all local government bastards. I brought you in because I didn't see the light. If you don't do something, don't make trouble."

"My old friend was very thoughtful, and I brought some money back with me."

"If it is useful, I will naturally mention you, according to the old rules."

The two of them made it clear, and then they walked across the pontoon bridge and came towards the Sanhezui school grounds.

Sanhezui was originally a sandbar formed on the Guijiang River.After the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi was established in Wuzhou, a large number of troops were stationed all year round in order to "help Yao".So a school ground was set up in Sanhezui, which was not only convenient for reviewing and training the garrison, but also a main camp for the local garrison.There are thousands of troops stationed all year round.

Therefore, there are not only martial arts halls, grand reading platforms, and school grounds, but also many barracks and living facilities.After the occupation of Wuzhou, it became the main prisoner camp on the front line of Guangxi, and the prisoners transported from all over the place gathered here to be interned and transferred.

With the resources in Xie Erren's hands, it is naturally impossible for him to manage the prisoner camp in a very thoughtful and detailed manner.They can only "manage themselves" with the help of surrendered personnel, including maintaining law and order, distributing rations, organizing labor, etc., all of which are the responsibility of the old officials in the prefectural and county yamen.The internal guards are mainly retained personnel from the fast class and the strong class.

(End of this chapter)

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