Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2273

Chapter 2273
The opened axes are all orchids with different postures and shapes.Yi Haoran was secretly surprised when he saw it - he is very shallow in calligraphy and painting, but he still has basic literati qualities.Looking at these orchids, they are all in a dejected state.

Since Guqin, chess, calligraphy and painting can be the voice of the heart, the person who painted this painting is obviously in a low mood.

"The orchids painted by this person all have a bleak artistic conception of catching snow in the cold river. It's really lamentable. This should not be painted by the real elder."

"Of course not." There was only one chair in the room, and Chang Qingyun could only sit on the bamboo bed, hugging his knees and said, "I thought it was drawn by a certain elder, but at the moment they are proud of it, how could it be painted?" With such a state of mind, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense. Besides..."

"Besides, this is still a woman." Yi Haoran said.

"You can see it too?" Chang Qingyun was startled, and said, "Unexpectedly, my brother is also proficient in this way..."

"Where, this brush stroke is slender and weak, definitely not a man's handwriting. There are no women in Wuzhou's thieves."

Yi Haoran came in originally to find out the reality of the prisoner camp, but at this moment these paintings aroused his curiosity - it is obvious that the Kun thief attaches great importance to this painting, so naturally he also attaches great importance to the woman who painted it.Who is this person...

"The Australians over there want to draw a picture to sing. To be honest, I don't even know how to write. Her painting is too desolate and lonely. The orchids painted are either rootless and soilless, or grow in muddy water. If I follow her painting, I will This painting should also be bleak and desolate..." Chang Qingyun talked about his creation experience in a rambling manner.

Suddenly Yi Haoran slapped the table and said loudly: "I know who has to draw this!"

"?" Chang Qingyun opened his mouth wide, not knowing why he was so excited, "Who?"

"This is Cai Lan's painting!" He said excitedly, "It must be right, it's all right!"

"Who is Cai Lan?" Chang Qingyun was confused.

"Xing Chenghuan's fiancée."

"Xing Chenghuan?" Chang Qingyun searched his stomach, and suddenly remembered, "Could it be the secret friend of Mr. Hu, the prefect of Wuzhou?"

"It's him." Yi Haoran nodded heavily, "The city of Wuzhou was broken, and he committed suicide and died in the city."

"So it's like this..." Chang Qingyun suddenly realized, "It's no wonder that her painting environment is so decadent, and she specializes in painting orchids!"

"I only heard that a few days ago, a woman assassinated the elder Zhen Kun in Longmu Temple. At that time, I suspected it was her. At that time, I heard that Cai Lan failed in the assassination and was arrested. I thought she probably died of swearing at her husband and scolding a thief. I didn't expect that I would actually follow the real elder..."

Originally, Yi Haoran had this heart after seeing this painting and hearing Chang Qingyun's description.At the time of war and chaos, the only woman in Wuzhou City who is willing to spend so much effort to please Cai Lan is Cai Lan who is looking for Qiuchan to accompany her.

This Xie Kun thief has a good mood!Yi Haoran secretly despised it.

"She's here alone, and it's not easy for her to do the assassination of Zhen Kun. Now obeying the Australians is nothing more than compromise..."

"Hehe! Isn't it a minor matter of starving to death, but a major matter of injustice! She has no children to be her husband's heirs, and no in-laws to support her. What do you ask for? It's just greedy for life and fear of death, just living in the world! It's rare that Mr. Xing treats her with a cold heart When the situation is imminent, but he refuses to die for it, and still do such shameless things!" Yi Haoran cursed as if venting.

Chang Qingyun blushed, vaguely felt that Yi Haoran was pointing fingers at Sang and scolding Huai.However, he didn't dare to fight with him, so he had to swallow his anger.

Yi Haoran scolded a few words, and suddenly realized that he had lost his composure, what is this place? !If someone overheard and reported on him, he and Chang Qingyun would not regret their deaths. Wouldn't the great cause of rebellion be ruined!

Immediately said: "I'm ashamed, ashamed, I lost my temper. Brother Chang, forgive me, forgive me."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Chang Qingyun smiled helplessly.

Yi Haoran calmed down at this moment, he thought that this is actually a good opportunity.Judging from her paintings, although Cai Lan has been a thief, she is unwilling, and her paintings are full of pain and shame.If I have the opportunity to understand it with reason, move it with emotion, and then take responsibility for righteousness, it will be of great use to me-this role is far beyond what Jiang Qiuchan can match.

Thinking of this, he was secretly excited.But he didn't intend to tell Chang Qingyun the truth, he felt that the master's will was not firm, although he reluctantly participated in his "great cause", he was still reluctant.If I speak too clearly and frighten him, it is easy to cause bad things.

Thinking of this, he has already thought of a countermeasure.

"In my opinion, your painting is not so much for Cai Lan to see as it is for Australians to see." Yi Haoran made up his mind, "Look at Cai Lan's painting, the orchid is rootless It's muddy water, what does that mean?"

"Orchids have no roots. In the past, most of the orchids painted by Zheng Yiweng were like this—to show Gao Jie's unwillingness to touch the soil contaminated by barbarians. But he painted orchids in muddy water... Isn't the meaning of the two paintings the opposite?" Chang Qingyun was a little confused. not understand
"This is really a pain in her heart." Yi Haoran sighed, "At the beginning, she was a martyr, and she took the initiative to plot to assassinate Australians, because of the conflict between Han and thief; Unwilling."

"I see." Chang Qingyun nodded and said, "It's just my response..."

Yi Haoran said: "I think it's easy for Brother Chang to agree. This Australian probably has a heart for Cai Lan. He wants to make her happy. If you blindly cater to Cai Lan, just paint some thin pictures of suburban cold islands. If an Australian doesn’t like it, and if this Cai Lan is aroused by your painting, and commits suicide, wouldn’t you be a big sinner.”

Chang Qingyun trembled, thinking that I am so confused!I just kept thinking about how to respond, but I didn't think about the joints here!If Cai Lan took short-sightedness, Zhen Kun must be the first to vent his anger on himself!
"Master Yi is really far-sighted! However, if it is festive and rich, I am afraid it will not be satisfactory..."

"This Cai Lan is Xiaojiabiyu from a scholarly family after all, and she is also in the pain of losing her husband. It would be a big mistake to paint golden pheasants and peonies." Yi Haoran pondered for a moment and said, "Brother, besides flowers and birds, landscapes can be painted beautifully." ?”

"Nature can be painted."

"That's it. Brother Chang might as well draw a few pictures of 'Outing in Spring' and 'Treading the Snow to Seek Plum Blossoms' and so on. The artistic conception is leisurely and comfortable. Australians naturally don't see anything, and Cai Lan doesn't think too much after seeing it. "

"Okay!" Chang Qingyun was a little excited, he almost forgot why the old man in front of him came to the prison camp.He was about to speak when suddenly there was a loud noise outside.Among them, there are not only men scolding, but also women's screaming and crying, and some people are persuading them.

"What's the matter?" Yi Haoran asked in surprise.

Chang Qingyun motioned him not to open his mouth, walked to the bed by himself, quietly pushed open the straw curtain on the window, looked out, turned around after a while and said: "It's not in the way, a little housework for other people's house." He sighed as he spoke .

"What's the matter?" Yi Haoran became curious and asked in a low voice.

"I'm ashamed to say it." Chang Qingyun sighed again, "I told you just now, all the officials and family members sent here live here."

"so what?"

"Australians treat them preferentially. They are allowed to live together as a family, and it is easy to assign work to them. Although the work is light, you also know that people who serve as officials abroad: most of the people who get the honor and fame are middle-aged, and there are no middle-aged people. [-]. Most of the time, the four bodies are not working hard, and the five grains are not distinguished. No matter how light the work is, it is messy. It is not bad to be able to complete the quota, let alone exceed the quota.

"In the foreign office, there are subordinates and servants who can support them. Now they are locked up in this camp. There is no one who should use them. Everything has to be done by yourself. There is also a family that needs to eat and drink. It only depends on the rations of the Australians. How can it be possible! Although it is not possible to starve to death, the days of lack of food and clothing are really hard to bear. After a long time, I can't bear this suffering, and I make my wives and concubines laugh in the camp to earn some extra food and clothing..."

He shook his head bitterly, "Earlier, most of these people felt ashamed, and only asked maidservants to laugh at them. Gradually, some of them pushed their daughters into the pit of fire. It's a pity that fathers, brothers and husbands spend their days enjoying themselves, but they are shameless Still caressing about how much money is more or less, making a fuss about it... just because of this."

Yi Haoran was not surprised by this kind of thing.He has seen much more suffering in the world than Chang Qingyun.In desperation, no matter what is honorable and shameless, he will be abandoned.

"I see." he asked. "Do the Australians care?"

"Australians don't care about famous festivals, maybe it's better to say that they wish that the word 'famous festival' doesn't exist in the world!" Seeing Chang Qingyun's appearance, he obviously has a lot of criticism for the gangsters, "This kind of thing, in their opinion Wouldn’t it be a great thing to come here? Not only will it hurt the face of the scholars, but it will also pollute the officials and gentry of the Ming Dynasty. It’s just a wish for them to come! The people in charge here were not kind, but now the Australians are conniving and lawless. As long as you pay taxes on time, you can do whatever you want! Originally, this flesh//// business was just a prison guard in the camp, but later it became famous, and even the fake soldiers stationed nearby came to ecstasy, and it became more and more prosperous!" Chang Qingyun sneered.

The noise outside gradually subsided. Suddenly, the door of the next room was pushed open, and someone ran in. Immediately afterwards, the door was kicked open again, and someone shouted:
"You are a young lady, even if Master Liu asks you to accompany her for a drink, you dare to take Joe! Do you still think you are such a noble young lady?" After finishing speaking, there were clear and crisp slaps and the sound of falling to the ground in pain.

Then I heard the man scolding: "Get up and kneel with me! See if I don't smash your hoof! Don't be shameless!" Then there was a whip, with the woman's screaming.This stroke is more than ten whips.Suddenly the door rang again, and another woman's voice came in and said: "Brother, don't you want to break her! The skin and flesh are broken, how can you drink with the master at night?"

(End of this chapter)

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