Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2274

Chapter 2274

Yi Haoran couldn't help being stunned, Chang Qingyun shook his head quietly, lowered his voice very low, and said: "This is the Sun family, his old man was originally a ninth-rank master in the county. The Australian called, and the old man hung himself with a rope Died. Only a distant nephew, a young wife and a daughter raised by the main family were left behind. The Australians sent them back to their hometown. This nephew saw the chaos of the army and brought a few female relatives. He was afraid that the road would be unsafe, so he voluntarily Staying here—it’s not bad at all. It’s just that after a long time, the idea of ​​wolf heart and dog lung came into being..."

It turned out that this nephew was extremely poor in the prisoner camp, and seeing other people's family members showing off their jokes was quite useful, so he got an idea, and took over his uncle's concubine, forcing her to do the laughing.

"...A few days ago, the master in charge of the camp here fell in love with Miss Sun's family. This girl is called 'Qiao Niang'. She is born with a good appearance, and she is also knowledgeable and reasonable! But it's unreasonable. The management here has taken a fancy to him, this thief is eager to climb up the pole, and he has been pushing him hard for the past few days..."

"There is such a thing!" Yi Haoran became angry.Seeing Chang Qingyun's terrified expression, he realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly lowered his voice, saying: "It's fine if the gangster agrees to laugh, isn't this a forced prostitution?"

"So what if you force someone to be a prostitute," Chang Qingyun said in a lonely low voice, "People do it for you." He looked at the door and overwhelmed the sound of mosquitoes: "You come in and see that the wind and waves are calm and orderly, but the things below are dark and unreasonable." There's a lot to go..."

"It's not that Australians are the most organized..."

"It's a good word, but it's in Lingao!" Chang Qingyun said, "This is Wuzhou. The only person in charge of the whole camp is Chen Kun, and the rest are local yamen. Money makes trouble, and you are good at bullying your superiors. You are also in the government for a long time, so you should know the methods of these people."

The two were relatively speechless, only hearing a long and short cry from the next door.Yi Haoran felt pity in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Who is in charge of the camp here?"

"It's Chen Kun from Qiongzhou. His name is Liu Wangwang." Chang Qingyun said, "I saw him wearing national army clothes when he went in and out. He was probably a military officer."

"Liu Wangwang..." Yi Haoran felt that the name was somewhat familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.After thinking about it for a long time, I really can't remember it.

While talking, suddenly a voice came out from outside: "Master! Master!"

Yi Haoran was taken aback, a little nervous.Chang Qingyun signaled him not to panic.

"This is my servant Chang Qing." He added, "He doesn't recognize you."

Yi Haoran remembered that Chang Qingyun's most useful servant was called Chang Wei.

Chang Qingyun got up and went out, and came back after a while, with a nervous expression on his face: "Chang Qing said that Liu Guanying wanted me to go there—I don't know what it is. You should leave quickly. If someone asks, it's not easy to prevaricate."

Yi Haoran was also a little nervous. If he was interrogated by the management here, he might not be able to get away with it so easily. He nodded immediately and said, "I'll go back now."

Yi Haoran came out of the prisoner camp and went back to the store to think secretly, feeling that this trip was very rewarding.First of all, he learned that the management of the prisoner camp is not strict, and people can come and go freely; secondly, the stewards of the prisoner camp are greedy and lustful, which is a shortcoming that can be exploited.In the end, he knew there was discontent in the camp.

As far as he is concerned, he still doesn't know what these three points are useful to him, but these are the weaknesses of Australians.Now the Australians have taken all the troops in Wuzhou, and a battalion originally stationed near Wuzhou has moved forward, and he knows from the news he chatted with Wen Tietou and read the Australian "newspaper" on weekdays: Australians Troops are being continuously deployed to the upper reaches of the Xijiang River, and operations against Guangxi are about to begin.

At present, Wuzhou Fucheng is no longer a front-line city, and relatively speaking, its military strength will inevitably be empty.Although there is still a company of the Fubo Army stationed in Wuzhou, but once reinforcements are urgently needed in the front, this company will definitely be transferred to fill the vacancy... Yi Haoran thought to himself, then is our chance!

Chang Qingyun was called to Liu Wangwang's residence.He is in charge of the camp, and his residence is the flower hall that the old school grounds provided for the old men who came to review and repair.

Although the "master of the camp" who was feared by everyone in the camp was "Chen Kun", he was actually only in his early twenties.His real name is Ergou.At the age of ten, he lost his parents and had nowhere to go. He could only beg for food in Lingao and make a living by stealing. Unexpectedly, when the Australians came, his luck would change.

Although he was only 15 years old and not yet a grown-up, + was also pulled into the young man to participate in the attack on Bopu.When the team fled, they were young and weak, and were captured and captured.After that, he stayed at Nanhai Farm all the time.When Huang Chao was raising chickens in the farm, he chose several people as his apprentices, including Liu Ergou.The name Liu Wangwang was given to him by Huang Chao at the beginning - thinking that Liu Ergou would not have to live a life like a dog when he became a naturalized citizen, but would gain a new life full of hope, so he was named Hopeful.

Liu Wangwang is smart, but he likes to play tricks, doesn't like reading, and is full of business spirit.A little older has added lustful problems.At the age of fifteen or sixteen, he molested female workers and molested village women, causing the farm to be full of wind and rain, and he was beaten several times, making people hate dogs.In the end I couldn't stand it anymore.So Huang Chao issued a letter of introduction and got him to serve as a soldier in the Fubo Army.

I thought that serving as a soldier could train people, but I didn't expect that Liu Wangwang would not change his old habits. After serving as a soldier for several years, most of his monthly salary was spent on yellow tickets, and his rank could not be improved.After the start of the Guangdong-Guangzhou Raiders, a veteran like Liu Wangwang could have been promoted to be an officer, but because of his reputation, the Political Department of the General Staff directly removed him from the promotion list. He should be an officer in the National Army.This way, he moved to Wuzhou, and he took up this post of management after he came and went.

If it was someone else, they would inevitably feel resentment when they took this job, after all, being in charge of the rear would not be able to make great achievements.Liu Wangwang is like a fish in water.Most of the guards and stewards of the prisoner camp were local subordinate officials in Wuzhou - when he was wandering and begging, he was quite familiar with such people in the yamen.The subordinate officials also wanted to praise him, and Liu Wangwang fell into it immediately and couldn't stop enjoying it.

The camp management of the prisoner camp seems to be a very humble job, and the affairs are complicated, but there are many benefits in it.The vouchers, food and cloth issued to the captives can all be manipulated.He used to be a sergeant at the highest level in the army, surrounded by comrades, and the officers had absolute authority.Even if you want to, you can't make trouble.When he arrived in the prisoner camp, he had the status of "under the head of Xie alone and above everyone in the prisoner camp". He decided almost all matters, life and death, with one word.

Such absolute power and the flattery of the gangsters quickly made years of military education useless.At the beginning, they just withheld some grain and cloth, and later they accepted bribes. Most of the captured officials carried soft goods with them, and they could not bear the pain of hard labor, so they bribed them with soft goods.As soon as the head was opened, the appetite increased.Thinking that I was the earliest from the dragon, and the naturalized people who joined the group several years later than myself have all become high-level officials and military officers.But he was only an officer of the national army, and apart from being resentful, he didn't have much psychological pressure to do all kinds of illegal activities.The prison camp can be called "the sky is high and the emperor is far away", so he simply "closed the door and became the emperor".

Yi Haoran's visit to the prisoner camp is just a glimpse, but Chang Qingyun is very familiar with the situation.Although he received preferential treatment in the prisoner camp, he did not dare to flatter this "current manager".

After tidying up his clothes, Chang Qingyun said: "Student Chang Qingyun, I'm here to meet you..."

"Oh, it's old, please come in."

Liu Wangwang's voice came from inside.

"Thank you, sir." Chang Qingyun didn't dare to neglect, and walked in cautiously.

Liu Wangwang was lying on a concubine's couch. He didn't wear the uniform of the national army or the "cadre uniform". Instead, he imitated the casual attire of the rich local people, wearing a Taoist robe, but with his breasts exposed and bare feet.With his short hair, it gives people a sense of eccentricity.

The cups and plates on the high table next to Concubine Xiang's bed were messed up.There were not many plates of side dishes left, and five or six empty tin jugs were left on the ground.

The air smelled of alcohol.Chang Qingyun was no stranger to Liu Wangwang's drinking during the day, but there was still a faint fragrance of powder in the air—there was probably a woman by his side just now.

"Liu Guanying..."

"Old Chang, sit down!" Liu Wangwang said with a wave of his hand, "Sit, sit!"

"Yes, yes." Chang Qingyun felt uneasy.He acts as a clerk in the camp, but in fact, there are not many opportunities to see him.If it wasn't for the sudden assignment to paint this time, Liu Wangwang would hardly be seen.

Although he hadn't met Liu Wangwang much, he knew a lot about this kind of people. He started from humbleness and poverty, and Fengyunjihui gained power. He felt inferior and violent in his heart, which was quite distorted.A little carelessness will inexplicably "offend the dragon scale".He stayed in the camp for several months and knew that some of the prisoners in the camp accidentally offended him, some were beaten to death, and some simply "died of sudden illness".Therefore, the 12 be respectful and careful.

"Old Chang." Although Liu Wangwang drank a lot of wine, his speech was still sober, "I invite you here this time, I want to ask you for a favor."

"Master Guanying said there." Chang Qingyun hurriedly said, "Just send someone to order."

"This is a big deal, how can you be so casual!" Liu Wangwang shook his head again and again, "You are a scholar, so you must be knowledgeable."

"Don't dare."

"You're welcome, I heard that you're still a Juren master—you're not ambiguous!" Liu Wangwang raised his thumb, "There have been so many Juren masters in our county for decades!"

Chang Qingyun was a little embarrassed, so he had no choice but to be polite.

"Since you are the master of Juren, you can be regarded as equal to the master Sun's house next door to you..."

Chang Qingyun was startled, he didn't know what he meant.He had no choice but to say: "The student and Mr. Sun have never met each other. I don't know what kind of fame he obtained. Probably at least he is a juren."

(End of this chapter)

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