Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2275 Looking for a Gap

Chapter 2275 Looking for a Gap
Since Yi Haoran made up his mind to follow Cai Lan's route, he worked hard on Qi Liheng.This Qi Liheng is also the seed of reading. Although he is young, he is very smart. In just half a month, he has memorized "Hundred Surnames" by heart, and "Thousand Characters" has also started, and he knows two to three hundred words.

Although Qiuchan suffers from the loss of her husband, seeing her son is smart and eager to learn, she feels comforted to some extent, and she respects Yi Haoran even more.Seeing that the food in the store is ordinary, she cooks one or two small dishes by herself every three to five days, accompanied by her natal brothers, and sends them to the store to feed Yi Haoran.Sometimes her mother's family is not free, so she will come by herself.Seeing that Yi Haoran's clothes were worn out, he changed his deceased husband's old clothes to him.

In normal times, Qiuchan's behavior would be quite "unrestrained", but her family was originally a merchant's home, so she didn't care about these things at first, not to mention that after the chaos, the social atmosphere tends to relax, and all kinds of "decoration" things There are so many things happening one after another, but Qiuchan's actions are not too outrageous.

Yi Haoran took the opportunity to ask her about Cai Lan's situation.Jiang Qiuchan didn't suspect anything else, and told him all about her experience of being a "accompanying wife".

Cai Lan lost her spirit shortly after she was released from prison and temporarily detained in the Earth Temple.Originally, she was born in Xiaojiabiyu, who had never experienced hardships and had little knowledge since she was a child. After her family fell into poverty, she had to travel thousands of miles to join her fiancé, but when Wuzhou fell, her fiancé committed suicide.In desperation, he came up with the idea of ​​assassinating the brain of the thief, and then dying as a martyr.

The hard blow in front of the Dragon Mother Temple had exhausted all her vigor, and she suffered a lot of hard beatings in the prison, which tortured a little girl who was spoiled and spoiled on weekdays.When Xie Erren released her for preferential treatment, even though he still regarded him as a "husband-killing enemy" in his heart, he secretly felt a little grateful.

Detained in the earth temple for several days, not only healed her wounds, but also let her bathe and change clothes, and provided good food every day.Originally, Cai Lan was afraid that Jie Kun was plotting something wrong, so she refused to wear the good clothes sent, only her own old clothes, and she didn't dare to take off her clothes to go to bed at night. ** He used this to commit suicide.

Unexpectedly, after Cai Lan waited so hard for so many days, the thief seemed to have forgotten her and did not show up at all.In this way, the steadfastness she had accumulated so easily was vented again.As time goes by, the will wears away, and there is no longer the will to die.

When Xie Erren heard that she had dissipated and was no longer attached to the old clothes she wore, she knew that she was ready, so he moved her from the yamen to the Sanzong Mansion - where there are not only many houses, but also the environment is also very beautiful. Much better than Fuya.

"...She is now living alone in one of the small courtyards. Her daily life is favored, and she is served by maids and servants. It's just that life is miserable, and she can only entertain herself with calligraphy and painting every day. I go in to accompany her, and she seems to be very happy. Happy. Just sighing from time to time..." Jiang Qiuchan said.

Yi Haoran listened carefully, and asked again: "In your opinion, does this Cai Lan fall in love with an Australian?"

Qiuchan was taken aback, because this Mr. Yi has always been a modest gentleman, and never asked about such petty matters, but now he suddenly said such a sentence.

Yi Haoran also felt that his question was a bit abrupt, but it was something he had to ask.Turning his mind, he suddenly remembered: Chang Qingyun is also Jiang Qiuchan's benefactor, and he can take advantage of this.

He pretended to be sad and said: "Oh, I shouldn't have asked more about this matter, this girl Cai is also a hard-working person. It's just that there is a difficult matter right now, so I have to ask her for help."

When Qiuchan saw her benefactor's serious words, she believed them half to eight percent.Quickly asked: "I don't know what the so-called difficult thing is?"

"The student's colleague who was in Xiong Du's curtain back then, Master Chang Qingyun..."

"What? Master Chang, where is he?" Qiuchan asked excitedly.

Chang Qingyun and Qiuchan are kind.If he hadn't stepped forward at the beginning, Qiuchan would have been humiliated in the street - in this era when a woman's reputation is greater than her life, Chang Qingyun's kindness is greater than Yi Haoran.Although she is a weak woman, she is a kind and righteous person who dares to act, and will never ignore her benefactor's difficulties.

"Yeah." Yi Haoran nodded his head pretending to be serious, "Master Chang failed to break through, and now he is captured by the gangsters and imprisoned in the school yard of Sanhezui..." He paused intentionally and sighed.

"How is it?" Jiang Qiuchan really asked, "Is there something wrong with Mr. Chang?"

"He is a master Juren and Xiong Du's friend. What the thief hates most is scholars. What good fruit can he have in the camp?" Yi Haoran said solemnly, "He has been abused and is just dying."

"So that's how it is." Jiang Qiuchan suddenly got lost in thought, and tightened the veil with her hands, "It's just a pain for him."

"A few days ago, I got news that Mr. Chang suffered a lot in the camp, and now he is not in good health and is bedridden. I dragged many people, and I was able to sneak into the camp today. Seeing his appearance, it is really a shame. The bones are broken, if this goes on like this, you will probably die soon!"

"So that's it!" Jiang Qiuchan said, "Master wants to save Master Chang..."

"Students do have this intention." Yi Haoran nodded and said, "It's just that you know that I'm just a fish that slipped through the net here, and it's lucky if I can keep myself safe, so there's no room for saving him! There is only another way Already——if Miss Cai is in love with the elder Zhenkun, if she can open her mouth, maybe she can release Master Chang."

This remark was impeccable, and Jiang Qiuchan couldn't help but believe it.Sure enough, her face was stained with worry.

"Mr. Chang is right. Master Chang is in trouble. Due to emotion and reason, slaves and maidservants should do their best to help. But I'm afraid this matter can't be done overnight." Qiuchan said, "Although the old man Zhen Kun Jie is well-clothed and well-fed. But Cai The girl is depressed every day, and often weeps. What's more, the servants go to her, they always go in the morning and leave before evening. Whether she is favored or not, the servants don't know, and dare not ask."

"Then what do you do when you get along with her on weekdays?"

"It's nothing special. Talk to her to relieve boredom. We also do needlework, play chess, and leaf cards with her. Sometimes we also accompany her to draw." Qiuchan frowned and tried to recall, "Actually, she talks very well. Little, she seldom talks about her own affairs. The slaves don’t dare to ask too much.”

"Didn't you mention the matter of Zhen Kun?"

"I haven't said a word." Qiuchan said.

"And what about her fiancé?"

"I haven't mentioned it either." Qiuchan frowned, "It's just that she burst into tears from time to time."

"Then does her makeup look neat on weekdays?"

"It's neat..." Qiuchan said suddenly, "In this case, she must..."

"Yes," Yi Haoran nodded, "Student Rong asks again, in your opinion, Cai Lan is still a virgin?"

This is a bit difficult to answer, not only involves personal privacy, but also has a reputation.Qiuchan thought for a moment and said, "No."

"That's it." Yi Haoran patted his hand with a fan, "I know Cai Lan's fiancé, he is the most upright gentleman. When Cai Lan came to join him, he was worried about the danger of the war. After marrying her, he refused to marry her, so we never consummated the marriage."

"So that's how it is." Qiuchan thought thoughtfully, "She is also a hard-working woman..."

"Cai Lan can't help herself. People are not sages, how can they be innocent? There is no need to be harsh." Yi Haoran knew that Qiu Chan also had a sad experience, and he couldn't blame each other with righteousness. The matter of Zhixin is over, "If this is the case, she will be a little bit sure when she goes to talk to Elder Xie."

"Yes," Qiuchan said, "to save Master Chang, the slaves will definitely do their best. It's just that Cai Lan's mood is up and down, and other things are easy to talk about. I'm afraid it will not be so easy for her to beg the Australians. Treat the slaves with care. A trick..."

Yi Haoran nodded: "You are a heroine, and the students trust you in this matter. However, this old master is very special. If something goes wrong, you are a local, have a family and a family, and I am afraid it will harm you. This matter It’s better for me to speak up.” Seeing Qiuchan’s confusion, he explained, “I told you that I have an old relationship with her fiancé, Xing Chenghuan. I still have the folding fan with inscriptions that Mr. Xing gave me back then. If we can meet face to face, we will be able to convince her..."

Naturally, Yi Haoran can't really ask Qiuchan to do this, because Chang Qingyun's life is very good, and there is nothing "shattered and broken".Besides, it is not difficult for Chang Qingyun to run away, there is no need to worry about it.

Qiuchan was secretly moved by his thoughtfulness, but hesitated a bit: "Master is right, and this servant will believe it. It's just that Master is a man, how can he get into her yard? Just say that in the three palaces, you have to check your waist when you enter the palace." Card……"

"Of course I can't get in, but she can come out."

"Come out?" Qiuchan asked suspiciously, "She is under house arrest in the Third President's Mansion, and she can't walk out of the yard. She is depressed..."

"If she doesn't leave the yard, is it because Zhen Kun doesn't allow her to go out?"

"That's not true," Qiuchan thought of something. "A few days ago, Yuan Xie sent someone to ask her if she wanted to go out—he sent someone to escort her. It's just that Cai Lan didn't want to."

"That's it." Yi Haoran said to himself, God help me! "You just need to persuade her to go out and burn incense. I think the Dragon Mother Temple outside the city is a perfect place to go."

Women in such a situation as Cai Lan are mostly depressed, and it is impossible for them to have any interest in traveling in mountains and rivers, but burning incense and worshiping gods can comfort their depressed hearts.

"She is an outsider, so she probably doesn't know about the efficacies of the Dragon Mother Temple. You are a native of Wuzhou, so you must know a lot of stories about the efficacies of the Dragon Mother Temple. Tell her more, and encourage her to burn incense, most likely she will be willing to go."

(End of this chapter)

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