Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2283 The Secret of the Boudoir

Chapter 2283 The Secret of the Boudoir ([-])
Driven by high prices, although there is no large amount of grain coming from Guangxi, a small amount of grain from surrounding villages flows into Wuzhou.Some small grain traders ventured to buy grain in rural areas along the various waterways that branched out from the Xijiang River.The Australians also encouraged the landlords around Wuzhou to sell their surplus grain into Wuzhou.Merchants and landlords sold grain in Wuzhou, and they all made huge profits.Jiang Rongxian was very jealous.

However, he is not a grain merchant - since ancient times, he has been separated like a mountain.What's more, due to the external situation, I dare not devote myself to this kind of business that involves betting my life and wealth.

While I was worrying, a servant boy suddenly brought a lacquer box and told that my aunt had brought back a lot of "Australian snacks", and my wife asked the master to have a taste too.

"What kind of snacks, I can't eat them." Jiang Rongxian said with a wry smile, "Leave it alone."

The boy servant withdrew.Jiang Rong sat for a while, still unable to do anything.In desperation, he then opened the lacquer box, and inside were several pieces of round shortbread, not only in different colors, but also exuding different aromas.This Australian is really sophisticated, and he shipped it all the way from Guangzhou!
Thinking of this, his heart moved: the only people in Wuzhou who can get a large amount of food now are the Australians!As long as my family can establish a relationship with Australians and become an "imperial businessman", won't the money come in a lot of money?

If you want to make a relationship, your family has unique conditions!Thinking of this, Jiang Rongxian immediately regained his spirits, got up and went to the lower part of the girl.

"So, your brother wants to do the grain business?" Yi Haoran was a little surprised when he heard the news, "Isn't your natal family in the silk business? You don't know anything about the grain business."

"That's exactly the reason!" Qiuchan frowned, "He said that since I am on good terms with the Australian concubine, why not try to blow the pillow wind through Cai Lan, so that he can also get involved."

"It's not difficult to get involved—this Australian will always show his face, but your brother has no food on hand, so what do you use for capital?"

"He has money, but he has nowhere to buy food. Then I remembered that Li Heng is studying here, and your old employer is..."

Yi Haoran suddenly realized that his boss, Luo Yangming, was not only a grain merchant, but also a member of the Rehabilitation Bureau and the Rice Grain Association.Although the business is not big, he is one of the real power figures in Wuzhou City.

"I understand, he wants to get food from me."

"That's right." Qiuchan nodded, her face was reddish, she grew up in a deep boudoir, she had never been in contact with such a business transaction, and she had to ask for help, if she didn't live under the fence, she would not dare to object, even if she was beaten to death To lobby Yi Haoran.

"My maidservant's family is in a very difficult situation after this crisis. My brother is also helpless. He is in a hurry and goes to the doctor."

Yi Haoran's mind was spinning fast, these days he was busy planning riot plans, but he never came up with a suitable plan.Hearing Qiuchan's request, he couldn't help but think about it again, to see if there was an opportunity.He immediately said: "Since that's the case, let me inquire about my voice first, and then I will reply to you."

After sending Jiang Qiuchan away, Yi Haoran thought for a long time, but he didn't find anything to use. After all, this is just a common way of using nepotism for personal gain. It seems that there is nothing harmful to Australians if you don't help, and you won't let it go The Jie Kun thief was tricked out.

As he was thinking, Ah Chun suddenly came out and called him: Shopkeeper Li invited him to go.

Yi Haoran didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to the account room.

"Mr. Hao, this time I have received a big deal," Li Wensheng said, "I want to buy a large amount of rice from Guangdong. You should clean up your accounts and collect as much as you can. In short, prepare all the silver and copper coins." gone."

"I have an account of the money in my heart. It is only more than 300 taels, less than [-]. The external account can be collected and almost received, and the rest may not be collected in a short time."

"As much as you have, as much as possible." Li Wensheng didn't care.

Yi Haoran's heart moved, thinking of the visit of Zhu Fuyuan from Dachang not long ago, it seems that the Australians want to sell a large amount of grain in Wuzhou!He deliberately said:
"These money can buy more than 300 shi of grain at most in Guangdong. If the shipping fee is included, it is only [-] shi. It's not a big deal."

"Our shop is small and small, so we can't do big business. It's just a leader." Li Wensheng spoke modestly, with pride in his words, "The Rice Grain Association is raising this money, and it will cost tens of thousands of taels of silver..."

"It's really a lot of money!" Yi Haoran pretended to be surprised, "Unfortunately, Wuzhou is not as good as it used to be..."

"You're right." Li Wensheng didn't know that he was harboring evil intentions, and he also said with emotion, "In the past tens of thousands of silver, the Rice Grain Association was a matter of one word, and it was a small name like ours that could give out thousands of dollars anytime, anywhere. Two taels of silver! Now it’s good, 1 taels of silver, the whole guild has to collect!”

"The current situation is different. I heard that Wuzhou used to send hundreds of thousands of shi of grain to Guangdong every year, but now it has to be transported here from Guangdong."

Li Wensheng twisted his beard and said: "I just hope that the flames of war can be extinguished as soon as possible, and Li Shu can be restored to a peaceful world! Now that the price of rice is soaring, this shipment of grain can at least solve the urgent need."

Yi Haoran thought of Qiuchan's entrustment, had an idea, pretended to be anxious and said:
"It's the money that is the problem."

"My boss has been worrying about this for the past few days."

"Shopkeeper, I have an idea..." Yi Haoran said.

"What's the idea?"

"There are many businesses in Wuzhou City. Since the Rice and Grain Association can't afford this much money, how about finding some other businesses to invest in? Isn't it just a partnership to do a business?" Yi Haoran said, "Now the market is not good. It's all about gain and loss. If you can get a foot in here and share some profits, wouldn't it be beneficial for everyone?"

"This is a way!" Li Wensheng said, "When the boss comes back in the evening, you can tell him!"

Luo Yangming came back at night, and since Zhu Fuyuan entrusted him with the task of adjusting grain, he has been rushing about it.When food comes, every rice shop is naturally happy.Although the sales will have a limited price, the official price of this batch of rice is only one or two yuan, so you can make a lot of money if you get it.

However, although each family is very enthusiastic, they have encountered the same problem: no money.

The rice line was the most damaged among the various lines in Wuzhou. Originally, most of their capital was placed on grain.After the war, there were very few stocks left.The loss of capital is more than 3000% to 1000%.In the past, there were several trade names that could take out the payment for goods with less than 8000 taels of silver at any time, but now it is difficult to take out [-] taels of silver.So far, the guild has only collected [-] taels of silver, and there is still [-] taels that cannot be collected no matter what.

During the Taiping Festival, each family always has houses and fields that can be sold and borrowed.Right now, no one cares about land and houses, and no one is willing to lend money—there is no interest at all.

Of course, he can also ask Dachang to advance part of the payment temporarily, and pay off after the rice is sold.This is also common practice.But Luo Yangming knew that the Senate is also very difficult at present, the money is taken away, and it will be useful if it is resold.

Now hearing Yi Haoran put forward this suggestion, Luo Yangming hesitated a little.

It's not like he hasn't thought about using the financial resources of other firms.But after all, this is a cross-bank operation. Since ancient times, it has been separated like a mountain. He has no confidence in whether other firms are willing to spend money to participate; secondly, in this way, there must be a considerable return.The current situation is in chaos, and no one is willing to take out money for business easily.There must be excess profits.

In terms of profit, the profit of the grain business is large enough now. If there is no limit to the price, the profit can be doubled.But the original intention of the grain business this time is to stabilize grain prices.A stone of grain can make more than four or five renminbi.It may be a lot for grain merchants, but it is too low for investors who pay capital.The interest on loans here in Wuzhou was as high as [-] to [-] percent per annum before the war, and the annual interest on some usury loans was as high as two or three times.With this market, no one is willing to lend now.

"Your idea is good, but the price of this rice grain is limited, the cost is small, and there are risks. I'm afraid other brands may not be willing..."

"Boss! You can't judge the present by the past, and you can't use Qiangouzi's appetite to measure the shopkeepers of various brands." Yi Haoran said, "Nowadays, each family is going out but not making progress, and Guangxi's Ping Ding does not know when it will be achieved. In the end, each family has no business to do, and the money is left alone, and no small money can be produced. If you can ask the prefect to come out, call the shopkeepers of each company as an official, and say that food trafficking is beneficial to the country and the people, and everyone will pay for it. Raise funds, share the profits from the sale, and there is always some income, which is better than them sitting on the mountain.”

These words were well-founded, and Luo Yangming, who was originally troubled, nodded frequently.Unexpectedly, this master really has a set!He couldn't help but pay attention to the half-old man in front of him: Although this man's clothes are old, he looks unrefined, and his manner of speaking is completely different from that of ordinary masters.

Although when Ding Atao recommended him, he said that he had worked as a school teacher in an official's family, but judging from his speech and behavior, he probably also worked as a curtain guest.

Luo Yangming was suspicious: this was the sixth sense brought to him by his profession.I'm afraid Master Hao is not as simple as an ordinary school teacher. Although he has kept his own place in the store these days and has not done anything strange, we still have to pay attention to him.

Even though he was suspicious, Luo Yangming didn't show it in words, he just said: "You are right, I will go to discuss with the directors of the bureau tomorrow, and together I will speak to Chief Xie."

When Luo Yangming returned to the inner house, he asked Ding Atao about Master Hao's background.

"Didn't I tell the master about his origin?" Ding Atao asked strangely, "He is a relative of Miss Jiang's husband's family from Ruijintang Silk Shop on West Street, from Teng County. He works as a tutor with officials and officials outside. Now that the war between Guangdong and Guangxi is raging, I dare not go home and live in Wuzhou."

(End of this chapter)

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