Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2284

Chapter 2284
Luo Yangming didn't ask any more questions, he thought to himself, now that Tengxian County has been liberated, as long as Zhao Fengtian sends a letter to Tengxian County, he can find out the details of Mr. Hao.

But Ding Atao asked back: "What's wrong with Mr. Hao? Could something be wrong?"

"Where is it?" Luo Yangming said, "I think he is very capable, not like an ordinary scholar. Now that the war is in chaos, it is safer to ask the Australians to check."

This remark made Ding Atao think. She had always had a good impression of Mr. Hao, and it was introduced by her best friend.My husband is now an official figure, if something "inappropriate" is really found out, wouldn't it make everyone look ugly.Early the next morning, he quietly wrote a note, sealed it and taught it to Wen Yun, asking her to bring all the simple gifts to Jiang's house.

"You told Ms. Jiang that this is a gift from the Australian snacks she gave her last time. There is also a letter here. Let's teach her together, understand?"

After sending Wen Yun away, Ding Atao panicked.A few days ago, several "bandits" were arrested in the city. It is said that they were spies sent by the government, and they were all beheaded for public display.This prefect Xie seldom kills people after he took office, and this is the first time he beheaded several people in one breath. Could it be that there is something unstable in the current situation outside?

She wanted to talk to Li Wensheng about her worries, but the old shopkeeper always said words of comfort—besides, he, like herself, lived in the city for a long time, and he didn't necessarily know more about what was going on outside than she did... …

She suddenly thought of Wen Tietou.He, the boat runner, and his brothers are now running boats for the Australians on the river, so they should know more things, so it is better to ask him when the opportunity arises.

The news that Luo Yangming questioned "Mr. Hao" made Jiang Qiuchan nervous. She knows the details of "Mr. Hao" very well.This Luo Yangming is now an official person, if he really wants to track him down, he probably won't be able to hide it.In case Yi Haoran's identity is exposed, he is taken to the government, not to mention his life, and the corpse in the dry well in the backyard of his husband's house is involved, then he may not be able to escape...

Thinking of this, she took the opportunity of picking up the child from school to meet Yi Haoran, and quietly told him the news.

"...Although shopkeeper Luo is a businessman, he works very hard for the Australians. If he finds out about something and sends you to the government, there will be trouble!"

Yi Haoran didn't expect Luo Dong's family to suspect him.After asking a few more questions, I roughly guessed that it was my "contribution" that aroused the other party's suspicion.

This is a mistake!He thought to himself, he didn't expect Luo Yangming to be such a ghost!But he also became suspicious: logically speaking, this kind of businessman mostly holds the idea that more things are worse than less things, and even if they find doubts, there is a high probability that they will pretend to be confused.How could you think of asking the government to get involved?I have never done anything to offend his family when I went to the Luo family name.

While he was in doubt, he suddenly remembered that Chang Qingyun had told him that Australians "spies are all over the world".Could it be that Luo Yangming is also an Australian spy?
While meditating, Qiuchan said in a low voice: "Otherwise, Mr. Hao, you should avoid it first—now that the road to Teng County is open, you say you want to go home, so you quit your job and go to Teng County. My husband's family is in Teng County, and it is also a big family, I wrote a book for my husband, and my husband took it and went to seek shelter for a while."

"Teng County is also in the hands of the Kun thief now. If Luo Yangming really wants to pursue it, it's not just a matter of paperwork." Yi Haoran shook his head and said, "If I leave, won't I answer his suspicion immediately?"


"I've always kept my law and order in Wuzhou. Luo Yangming is currently busy with food adjustments. At this juncture, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of it." Yi Haoran knows that it's safest to run away immediately at this moment, but he can't let go of planning for the future. A long-term plan, he is the planner, once he runs away, this big event will be abolished!

He thought about it for a while, and felt that it was safe now, and Luo Yangming might not really have to investigate anything.But seeing the panicked look of the woman in front of him, he felt the need to appease her, so as not to show her feet in a panic.

"Don't worry," Yi Haoran comforted her, "Student's biggest crime is just being Xiong Wencan's aide——I'm not a famous person in the shogunate, even if I win it, I'll just squat in Sanhezui In a few days, it won't kill your life. You don't have to worry about other things. Also, your brother's matter is now in the making, and within three to five days, you will know about it from the elders."

He talked about his "advice", and then said: "... shopkeeper Luo was suffering from a shortage of money, so he must use this method. Go back and tell your brother, ask him to contact you as soon as possible, and take advantage of this opportunity! "

"Don't worry about this matter, sir..." Jiang Qiuchan still felt uneasy, Yi Haoran had an idea, and said: "When you go to accompany Cai Lan, tell her about this—no, don't ask her to beg for mercy , as long as she pays attention to this matter, if there is any news, she will tell you as soon as possible..."

Jiang Qiuchan felt relieved when she thought that she still had the support of Cai Lan, and said, "I will tell her when I enter the mansion tomorrow!"

"Mr. Hao said that?" Cai Lan asked in a low voice.

"Exactly!" Jiang Qiuchan was a little nervous, "I beg my sister to pay attention, if there is any change, please let me know in advance."

"I understand." Cai Lan nodded, "Don't be afraid, everything depends on me."

With Cai Lan's words, Jiang Qiuchan was naturally relieved.Since Cai Lan went to the Dragon Mother Temple, her attitude towards elder Xie has changed significantly. As the saying goes: Men chasing women are separated by mountains; women chasing men are separated by paper.If a woman puts her heart into a man, it is rare for a man not to fall into the land of tenderness.Elder Xie is busy with work, what he lacks is the tenderness between men and women.Although Cai Lan was born in a small family, she learned traditional women's skills, and she was able to go up to the hall and down to the kitchen.Every day, he not only prepares the soup himself, but also sews and mends for Jie Yuan.The servants all secretly said: This little girl has accepted her fate.

After all this hard work, Elder Xie now spends the night at the San Zongfu almost every day.Sometimes "the spring night is too short" and I get up late, so I simply work here during the day.The focus of Wuzhou's government affairs has gradually shifted to the Three Presidents' Mansions.Cai Lan's "special favor" is in full swing.At critical moments, as long as she is willing to show up, she can save the day from danger.

However, Zhao Fengtian did not agree with this transfer: Although there were many institutions in the Three Generals' Mansion, and there were troops stationed there, the place was several times larger than the magistrate's Yamen, and most of the troops stationed were the national army, which was not conducive to strict defense.

But Xie Erren didn't take it seriously. This is Wuzhou's "city within a city", surrounded by hundreds of national army and Guihua civilian cadres. If it's not safe here, where else is it safe?Therefore, Zhao Fengtian's persuasion was just laughed off.

Luo Yangming came to him and told him his idea of ​​"raising money to buy rice".After hearing this, Xie Youren thought it was a good idea, and asked:

"This group of businessmen, if they ask them to pay, there will be dividends. Let's sell rice to talk about how much dividends we can give them in order to stabilize the price of rice?"

"I've done some preliminary calculations. The price of this batch of brown rice in Wuzhou is one, two, three, one stone." Luo Yangming took out his notebook, "In the city, the price is equal to the average price, and the rice is sold directly as a household registration. It can only be sold for one, two, five, one stone." , earning two taels per shi. Ten thousand shi can only earn 2000 taels of silver."

"The merchants are definitely not happy." Xie Erren nodded and said, "I understand that. They want at least half of the benefits they want."

"Yes," Luo Yangming said, "but their condition is generally not good right now, and they can't make money with money in their hands, so you can force them to do so."

"It's easy to force, but I'm afraid it won't be so pleasant if I ask them to pay again next time." Xie Erren hesitated.

Luo Yangming said: "I have a solution, it just needs to be decided by the chief."

"What do you think."

Luo Yangming's method is not uncommon. After the [-] shi of grain arrives, [-] shi of it will be sold as registered rice, and the remaining [-] shi will be sold at the current "market limit price".

The [-] shi rice is distributed at a par price, which can support Wuzhou's food consumption for a month. If it is sold at the "market fixed price", the current retail price is [-] yuan.

"...These grains are not placed in large and small plates, but are handed over to various rice companies for consignment sales. After the sales are completed, dividends will be distributed according to the investment amount of each company. For the rice companies sold on a consignment, they will get a consignment fee for every stone sold."

In this way, 500 taels of rice can make a profit of 300 taels. After deducting the commission fee of 100 taels, there is still a net profit of [-] taels.It is enough to pay the returns of all parties, and the city government can keep a part of it as funds-the current financial situation of the city government has always been a headache for Xie Erren.

This plan can not only stabilize the supply of household registration rice, maintain social stability, but also ensure the interests of the investors, and alleviate the financial distress, killing three birds with one stone.

Xie Youren thought to himself that the spies of the Intelligence Bureau really have two skills!He is an administrative talent!It's a pity that he is still a hidden cadre of the Political Security Bureau and cannot be reused.However, he is still a little worried:
"It's just that, the quota for household registration rice has been reduced by one-third. I don't know when the next allotment will come..."

"At present, the war ahead is going well. As long as it lasts for a month or two, Guangxi is pacified, and the grain from Guangxi will come. Even if it doesn't come, the summer grain in the villages around Wuzhou will soon appear. As long as we pay close attention to collecting reasonable burdens, there will be no shortage. Grain. Further down, it will be the autumn harvest..."

"In the past, could food be received around Wuzhou?"

"Yes," Luo Yangming said without hesitation, "I have been running a rice shop here for many years, and summer grains have appeared since August. Although it is not a lot, I can buy a lot. The summer tax in Wuzhou can also be collected according to the Ming system. , it can also be collected by apportionment of reasonable burden..."

Xie Erren's heart moved, how could he forget the "imperial grain and national tax"!
(End of this chapter)

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