Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2287

Chapter 2287
Luo Yangming was so busy that he was thrown off his feet, and it was hard for him to settle the matter of buying grain.There is no time to pay attention to external transfers.After all the affairs are done, just wait for the food to arrive.He was relieved and went to the city hall to ask if Zhao Fengfeng had replied.

"There is no reply." Zhao Fengtian checked the incoming mail records and said.

"It's been half a month..."

"It's hard to say," Zhao Fengfeng said, "Our government in Teng County has just been established, and there are fewer people and more affairs. You need to find out that this person has a specific name and address, but he is not in Teng County. We have to send people to the countryside to make a special investigation, and the chaos will not be over soon."

"Then just wait." Luo Yangming thought that there was nothing suspicious about him watching Yi Haoran coldly.Either teaching children to read in the room, or entertaining themselves with poetry and books, and going to the pier to settle accounts for Wen Tietou from time to time.Even if he is a remnant of the Ming Dynasty, he can't afford to cause big disturbances.

"Don't worry about this matter. At worst, you will be arrested and interrogated in person after the matter is over," Zhao Fengfeng picked up an official document, "This is the notice sent to us by Lianqin. Dachang's grain will start shipping tomorrow, and it is expected to arrive in August." Arrived in Wuzhou on the [-]th. Let us be ready to receive the goods."

"So fast? Our silver has just been delivered..." Luo Yangming was a little surprised.

"This is a policy-based grain adjustment," Zhao Fengfeng said, "Even if Wuzhou doesn't have a tael of silver to send over, it will be shipped. But that being said, it is very difficult for the higher-ups now..."

Zhao Fengfeng's eyes were red. Since he became the secretary of the city government, he has been working until late at night every day, sometimes even working all night-too much routine work.

"It's difficult above, and it's difficult for us." Luo Yangming said with emotion, "Although it's a good thing, it's not a long-term solution. I don't know when the situation will get better. I think many things in the aftermath are not as easy as before."

"Old money is unreliable." Zhao Fengtian was very tired, "but now we have to rely on old money to maintain the situation. Who taught us to be poor? When the autumn grain comes, the situation will be better when we have money and food in our hands."

"If we can fight a few more big victories, we will be able to cut off the thoughts of this group of people."

"Winning a battle is easy, but food and clothing are difficult for the troops." Zhao Fengfeng said in a low voice, "The most difficult thing ahead now is the supply, otherwise, Guangxi would have finished fighting long ago. The farther you go to Guangxi, the smaller the boat you need to transport it. It was strenuous. The Cu people and Yao people in Guangxi did not stop. The troops were going all the way and fighting all the way, and they had to expand the army on the spot. There were many victories and battles, and the consumption was astonishing..."

"Look, can this battle be over by the end of the year?"

"It should be almost the end of the year. I read the report from the northern part of Guangdong. The progress of Huang Yuanlao's side is quite smooth. The situation has improved, and it will probably settle down in a few days..."

"At the moment, people are determined. As long as there is no war, the circulation between Guangdong and Guangxi will be restored, and the market will recover. People's lives will be easier, and our work will be easier to carry out..."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. It was even more difficult when the chief and I went to Qiongnan to open up a new area-there was no road on land, and it was all repaired by sea boats. It came back once a month. The county town was smaller than the villages in Guangdong, and it was dilapidated. rotten……"

Zhao Fengtian's qualifications are old, and he will inevitably brag about his "glorious history" if he talks too much.Naturally, Luo Yangming could only listen attentively.

"... No matter how difficult the situation was, we have overcome it later. With the chief and the Senate, there is nothing to be afraid of." Zhao Fengtian said confidently.

As soon as Luo Yangming was told by him, the somewhat anxious mood dissipated completely.Thinking that the shipment of [-] shi of grain will have a great stabilizing effect on the market and people's hearts, I can't help feeling a lot easier.

"...Let's talk about the security work." Zhao Fengtian took out a document, "This is the food security plan drawn up by Qian Duo. You should take a look first."

"I don't think this is appropriate." Luo Yangming said uneasily.

"It's not suitable according to your position, but you are a local. You are more familiar with us than us. There may be some loopholes..."

It is inconvenient for Luo Yangming to speculate on this point, so he took it and read it.According to the current relay escort mode, the No. [-] Squadron of the Wuzhou Brigade, which is in charge of patrolling the river, will arrive in Fengchuan County one day in advance to wait for the fleet to arrive. The No. [-] Squadron and the Navy of the Inland River Fleet will escort the fleet to Wuzhou after dawn the next day.

After arriving in Wuzhou, the No. [-] Squadron was in charge of guarding the wharf, one platoon of the battle infantry company was in charge of guarding along the road into the city, and the other two platoons stayed in the city to serve as key guards in the city.The third squadron stationed in Sanhezui must also be ready for combat and rush to the pier at any time.

During the bureau, Wuzhou will be under full martial law, the people are not allowed to go to the streets, all the city gates are closed, and only the Nanxun Gate and Dezheng Gate near the wharf are opened.

"That's safe." Luo Yangming said after reading it, "Just drive away the No. [-] Squadron one day in advance, and the city will be empty."

"Company Commander Qian said that the problem is not a big deal. The big deal is to close the city gate. Besides, there is a third squadron outside our city that can respond. In case of emergency, they will come to help." Zhao Tiantian didn't care. A large number of bandits or signs of Ming army activity."

"Then there's no problem."

"I'll send the document to Director Xie right now, and ask him to review it." He put the document in an envelope, sealed it with wax, and handed it to the correspondent. "Send it to Chief Xie's office immediately!"

"The chief is not in the office today, he is working at the Third President's Mansion..." the correspondent said, "He said it was not an urgent document and sent it together after lunch."

Zhao Fengtian frowned slightly, and Luo Yangming knew that this was the worry and disgust of Chief Xie's "indulgence in women".However, the naturalized civilian cadres generally do not express this sentiment openly or discuss it with each other.For them, the absolute belief and respect for the chief has been carved into their bones.

"Okay, you can send it together at noon." Zhao Fengtian said.

The night shrouded the mountains, and the stars shone coldly.Clouds in the sky sometimes block the moonlight.It was getting darker in the mountains.It was very quiet in the forest.

Although the mountains are high, the forests are dense, and there are few people, this place is less than ten miles away from Wuzhou.Standing on the mountain, you can see the city tower of Wuzhou.

In the mountain forest, a group of bandits is gathering here, it is Gou Erye and Hu Lanyan's gang.

Gou Er was wearing a tattered t-shirt, tied around his waist with a rope, and had an officer's saber hanging from it.Over the years, he has been living in caves and drilling forests with bandits.The original master's appearance has basically disappeared, and he is completely the appearance of a bandit leader with messy beard and hair.

He squinted his cunning eyes and looked around warily.The gangsters were unkempt and hideous, gathering around him in twos and threes with various weapons.

The Australians went north, creating a large number of stragglers, and the war along the way also caused many people to be displaced, living without a living, and joining the ranks of bandits.The original small bandit gang expanded to more than 200 people in one fell swoop—to be honest, Gou Er didn’t even know how many people he had under his command: people who died in battle, died of illness, and escaped every now and then, but people continued to join.It's not so much for making a fortune, it's better to say it's purely for making a living.

But this meal is not easy to eat. With the increasing security of Australians and the comprehensive implementation of the joint protection measures for all villages, the bandits have less and less room for maneuver, and they are also facing continuous crusades by the Fubo army.Fortunately, Gou Er and Hu Lanyan were the ones who suffered from Fubo's army back then, so they had some way to deal with it, so they were not caught.One of the countless gangsters known as Spinning and Spinning.

Earlier, when Xiong Wencan sent people to Guangdong to distribute a large number of various confessions, Gou Er and Hu Lanyan also got one each, which were regarded as "officials ordered by the court", but after a long time they knew that this thing was of no use at all. It's also a great way to attract the wind-the Fubo Army specially picks up the gangsters who raise the banner of the official army.

A figure came over and whispered a few words to him. Gou Er nodded, beckoned everyone over, and said, "Brothers! Chief Jiang is back from Wuzhou!"

The gangsters made a small commotion for a while.Although Jiang Suo has not been in the gang for a long time, everyone knows that he led Xiong Wencan's servants in Wuzhou to fight bravely against the Kun bandits in Bangshan——Facing the mighty Kun bandits, he not only dared to fight, but also fought back and forth .So he became the leader as soon as he joined the gang, but this young man was not interested in being a leader, he only knew how to devote himself to fighting, and he was even more fearless when rushing to kill, and he immediately gained a high prestige among the gang.

Not long ago, Jiang Suo mysteriously disappeared, and some people in the gang speculated whether Gou Er and Hu Lan couldn't tolerate him and drove him away or assassinated him.

"Boss Jiang went out this time to contact people from the imperial court. Our brothers are going to do a big deal in Wuzhou! This deal is done, and silver rewards are indispensable. If the trouble is over, we can have a serious future. body!"

He glanced at the gangsters proudly, most of these gangsters were soldiers of officers and soldiers.I am used to food, I like leisure and hate work, and I care about my future and rewards more than anything else.

Hearing some of the gangsters talking in low voices, Gou Er knew that his set had worked, and said even more vigorously: "This time the gangsters have brought a large amount of food and money from Guangzhou, let's go and fuck him hard. One vote, one great achievement..."

Now, the discussions among the gangsters were not so enthusiastic, and suddenly cooled down.Food and silver are both good things, so it goes without saying that the Kun bandits will protect them with heavy troops—there are a lot of bandits attacking the Kun bandit fleet on the Xijiang River these days. You can't get any benefits.

Gou Er quickly said: "Everyone, don't worry! It is true that we are going to dry the fleet, but the threshold for promotion and fortune is not on the ship - since the Australians have to escort the ships with heavy troops, Wuzhou City must be empty. Let's take this opportunity to break into Wuzhou go!"

(End of this chapter)

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