Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2288

Chapter 2288
These words were like a thunderclap, which stunned the gangsters, and they all looked at Gou Er suspiciously.Wuzhou is a prefectural city, an important town in Guangdong and Guangxi, and the place where the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi was once stationed.After the Kun thieves entered the territory, they repaired the city walls and reorganized their armaments. There were troops stationed inside and outside the city.Without a large army gathered, without cannons and siege equipment, it would be foolish to rely on more than 200 of them to enter Wuzhou!
After a while, someone asked tremblingly: "Second Master Gou! you really have this plan?"

Second Master Gou nodded and said with a smile: "Look at you guys! What's the matter? You think Second Master I'm crazy? Don't say you think so, I think I'm crazy!" He laughed wildly, " But let me tell you, Second Master, I am not crazy, and I have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of me!"

"What a good opportunity?" The bandits suddenly became interested,
"To tell you the truth, there is one of the biggest treasures in Wuzhou City, which is Zhenkun!" Gou Er grinned grinningly, "As long as this Zhenkun is in your hands, are you afraid that you won't have a lot of money and a future?"

The gangsters applauded loudly, all gearing up, their minds full of delusional dreams of getting promoted and getting rich.

"What are you talking about with them? As long as the soldiers have money, they can fight wherever they point to..." Hu Lanyan complained, "If you talk too much, the soldiers will start thinking."

"You said it was in the past!" Gou Er said, "The situation is different now. After all, we are not officers and soldiers, and we don't pay wages. Everyone follows us to make a living. There are some dangerous things, why don't you explain it clearly? , They won’t follow suit.” As he spoke, he lit his pipe, “Just this time, just pull the team to the city of Wuzhou and say we can fight in, what will happen to them? They just freaked out! Those who can run as fast as they can are considered worthy! Jiang Suo told me that when leading soldiers to fight, the first thing is to let the soldiers know why they are going to fight and what kind of battle they are fighting. When soldiers think clearly and think it is worth it, then Just be willing to do your best. I think what he said makes sense..."

"Isn't Jiang Suo's method the gangster's method? Since the kid likes the gangster's method so much, why is he still a deserter?" Hu Lanyan said, "Besides, without money, just rhetoric can impress this group of Qiu Baye? Which of those civil servants in command of the army did not write a good article, and they spoke clearly about the principles of nature and human relationships, and they still stared at Qiu Bagan, who was asking for salary?"

"It's nothing more than hatred."I watched him sometimes calling out "Senior Sister" and "Senior Sister" when he had nightmares at night, probably because his relatives died at the hands of the gangsters. "

"He can be regarded as a good man!" Hu Lanyan said.

"He'll come over to discuss with us in a while." Gou Er lowered his voice, "There are some things that only the few of us know."

"Understood!" Hu Lanyan nodded, eager to try but a little uneasy, "Tell me, that Yi Haoran's boss will use us as a punch?"

"It's not impossible." Gou Er said, "You have to be on guard." He blinked his eyes and said in a low voice, "He's coming."

Jiang Suo rushed back from Wuzhou in one breath, and the plan has entered the stage of concrete implementation.Yi Haoran not only gave him a detailed description of the political structure and defense situation in Wuzhou City, but also submitted a specific action plan.

Although Yi Haoran didn't see the specific defense plan drawn up by Qian Duo, he roughly guessed that the second squadron would set off to Fengchuan one day in advance to meet the fleet.As a result, Wuzhou was the emptiest on the eve of the arrival of the grain ship: there was only one company left in the city, and then there was a national army squadron in Sanhezui.

"...Mr. Yi's strategy is to start this night." Jiang Suo said, "That night, we raised fire at Sanhezui as a sign, and we attacked Sanhezui with all our strength. Mr. Yi led people to meet General Song on the city. Shares into the city, robbed and killed to untie the Kun."

Gou Er knew about Sanhezui's situation: there were thousands of captives, guarded by only a hundred Nationalist soldiers, plus hundreds of "retained personnel"—most of them were of their own kind, and they would never fight to the death in case of war. .Taking advantage of the darkness to attack, no matter whether there are people who cooperate with the outside world, not to mention whether they can take advantage of it, at least they will not suffer.If the battle is unfavorable, the big deal is to leave and not fall into the city.

In contrast, Song Ming's team would take a huge risk, and if they failed, the entire army would be wiped out.

However, misfortune and blessing depend on it, Song Ming took the greatest risk and made the greatest contribution after succeeding.This is nothing to fight for.My own subordinates are a mixed bag, and they can't bear such a heavy responsibility.It's not bad to be able to get a second-class credit.What Gou Er is thinking about now is to get a serious official status, no matter how big or small, at least he has a place to stay. He has had enough of the days of bandits in the ravine.

Hu Lanyan asked: "What will be the signal at that time?"

"Sanhe raised the fire as a sign in his mouth. When the time comes, the brothers from Nei Ying will set fire inside. When you see the fire, you will rush in. The brothers inside will cooperate with you inside and outside, and break the camp in one fell swoop.

Jiang Suo said that after breaking the camp, he set fire all the way, and the louder the Yu, the better.When the Kun army in Wuzhou City came to help, they withdrew immediately.

"...Brothers, as long as you lure the Kun army out of the city, the matter will be settled. The rest is up to General Song." After finishing speaking, he looked at Gou and Hu with inquiring eyes.

Gou Er nodded, indicating that he had nothing to say.Hu Lanyan frowned and said: "I can't tell what's wrong with this method. Master Yi is thoughtful! But what about the rewards for the brothers?"

Jiang Suo asked, "What reward?"

Hu Lanyan said: "Brother Jiang, you have been an official for a few months anyway, don't you know the rules of the Ming Dynasty? You have to be rewarded for fighting in battle. In the past, we were doing robbery business, brothers didn't say anything, It’s working for yourself. This time, it’s time to go to battle and fight for the court! Who would be willing to contribute if there is no reward?”

"Once the matter is successful, the imperial court will naturally reward..." Jiang Suo said that he was an official, but when he actually led the family team, most of the daily chores were done by Yi Haoran, and he knew little about the rules of the army and the officialdom—he also Not interested in knowing.When Hu Lanyan opened his mouth, he was stunned.

"Brother Jiang, you are such a young child!" Hu Lanyan sneered and sneered, "Is there any relationship between the imperial court's reward and the big head soldier? You are rewarded with two or three liang of silver, and you are asked to remove your head. Are you willing to go? Besides, in case The general of the Song Dynasty got nothing? Which imperial court came to make a fool of you!"

Jiang Suo was speechless for a while, for him: the superior's orders are executed unconditionally, and there is no concept of paying money to fight.He wondered: "I don't have money here, and Mr. Yi probably doesn't have it either—or I'll look for him again to see if I can raise some money."

But Gou Er knew that this was Hu Lanyan's pretentious gesture, and was preparing to ask him to meet him so that he could negotiate terms in the future, so he didn't say anything, but just pretended to smooth things over and said:

"Brother Hu, don't embarrass Brother Jiang—where did he get the silver? Even Master Yi has a few taels of silver, not so much."

How did Jiang Suo know their routines, so he could only say: "I can only ask the two big brothers to help..."

Hu Lanyan pretended to be dissatisfied, and babbled about many difficulties, Gou Er tried to persuade him with hypocrisy, and then he gave up.

After this affectation, the three of them discussed how the team should start and how to attack.Originally, Hu Lanyan wanted to select a few capable local gangsters to investigate, but Gou Er stopped him.

"Master Yi has eyes and ears over there. Why should we send people if we don't want any news? If we are captured, wouldn't we have leaked the secret first?"

The current arrangements are in place, leaving thirty cronies to guard the cottage—in case of failure, there will always be a place to stay.In addition, the old, weak, sick and disabled were eliminated, and 150 capable gangsters were selected.

They have no shortage of weapons. The collapse of the Ming army in Guangdong left behind a large number of swords, guns and firearms, and even the rarer armor has more than 40 collars.According to Jiang Suo's view, it is impossible for these bandits to form an array to fight against the Australians, but they are [-] to [-]% sure to sneak attack at night.

Song Ming also received news from Zhang Yong and started preparing for the battle.Song Ming's people were much smaller, including him, there were only 50 people, but these [-] people were almost all elites, either his personal soldiers or servants of civil and military officials.Almost everyone has armor.The fighting spirit is very strong, and almost all of them are bold and brave people who believe in "seeking wealth in danger".When they heard that Wuzhou was going to be attacked by surprise and Zhen Kun was captured alive, everyone screamed and was busy cleaning the weapons and straightening the armor.I'm afraid I can't catch up with this wealth.

However, Song Ming knew that this battle was likely to be a narrow escape, not to mention that he would have to face to face with the Australian elite when he broke into Wuzhou, even if everything went well, Zhen Kun was taken away.The Kun bandits have absolutely no reason to give up, and will inevitably pursue them with light troops.Others don't know that Song Ming was a person who experienced the battle of Chengmai back then, and personally experienced the terrifying feeling of being chased by the Kun bandits.

The Fubo army's pursuit was not only fierce, but also very long-lasting. After the defeat of Chengmai, the Fubo army chased almost all the way to Qiongshan City, and the infantry forced the cavalry to break down.If he hadn't abandoned his horse and left the road in the middle of the journey, it would have been difficult to escape.

Regardless of whether he can succeed or not, the escape route after the war has to be figured out first.

Obviously, it is impossible to go in the direction of Guangxi-the officers and soldiers there cannot protect themselves.The only option is to go north and flee along the Hejiang River to Hezhou, Hunan.This is pretty much their only option.

They have been robbing around Wuzhou these days, and they are more or less familiar with the surrounding terrain.Roughly which way to evacuate, where to retreat to rest, and where to get off the water and get on the boat have all been considered one by one, and special people have been sent to do the preparatory work.

After Song Ming settled everything, he called Zhang Yong, his personal soldier, and handed him a letter and a bag of money:
"You take the money and the letter with you. Don't enter the city that night. If you succeed in Wuzhou, you can escape to Hunan safely. If the war is not good and I am trapped in Wuzhou, you can take the letter back to my house and hand it over to my parents, wife and children." - Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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