Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2289 Set up a stage to sing

Chapter 2289 Set up a stage to sing
"Young one understands!" Zhang Yong knelt down and kowtowed solemnly, "I guarantee it with my life."

"Get up. Don't tell anyone else about this matter, and then just play by ear!" Song Ming said.

In the Sanhezui camp, Chang Qingyun has recently become a "popular man".

It is not difficult for him to become a "popular man". For one thing, Zhao Fengfeng once took special care of Liu Wangwang and wanted to treat him preferentially.With this "imperial decree", when Liu Wangwang found out that Qiaoniang had hanged in front of his bed, he was frightened, and then in a state of rage, he only gave Chang Qingyun a few slaps, instead of being slapped like other parties. A severe beating.The second is that Chang Qingyun has been behind the scenes for many years, and he is proficient in coaxing people to shoot Ma Ben.In the past when he was in the prisoner camp, he still maintained some integrity of a scholar. Although he didn't dare to resist, he didn't want to join forces with others.

But ever since he made up his mind to join Yi Haoran's conspiracy, Chang Qingyun realized that getting close to the big boss of the camp, Liu Wangwang, would be of great benefit to the overall plan.So he "endured the humiliation" and flattered Liu Wangwang.In just a few days, Chang Qingyun has become Liu Wangwang's "Sister of Bamboo Strips", making fun of him every day.

Liu Wangwang didn't have any ink, how could he be the opponent of an old fox like Chang Qingyun who had been in officialdom for many years.He has been traveling for many years, and he is familiar with all kinds of amusement games of rich and noble families. Compared with Liu Wangwang who only drinks alcohol and rapes women for fun, Chang Qingyun has opened a "door to a new world" for him.

The greatest enjoyment of rich people is naturally to keep up family tricks and play for self-entertainment-speaking of it, this is no longer an entertainment that ordinary rich people can enjoy.Since Chang Qingyun wanted to encourage him to have fun, he naturally wanted to make a big deal out of it.

Under Chang Qingyun's management, actors and musicians who could sing Kunqu opera and local opera (the predecessor of Cantonese opera) were quickly found among the captives and refugees in the Sanhezui camp.He knew that Liu Wangwang was a very lustful person, so he urged Liu Wangwang to search for beautiful women in the camp and force them to learn to sing.Liu Wangwang drank and listened to operas every day, and forced actresses to sleep with him at night.All of a sudden, the young women in the camp were in danger.The entire Sanhezui camp was full of complaints.Chang Qingyun was walking on the road, everyone looked sideways and cursed behind their backs, but no one dared to criticize him in person.On the contrary, he has rocketed to become the hottest figure in the camp—as long as he is willing to talk to Liu Wangwang about anything, almost anything can be done.

These news were all transmitted to his ears through the internal line arranged by Yi Haoran in the camp.Yi Haoran was a little puzzled, because the task he gave Chang Qingyun was to try to expand the manpower, and then set fire to the camp to create chaos, and cooperate with the Gou Er gang who came to rob the camp to attack Sanhezui.

I didn't expect him to make such a big noise!Although pleasing Liu is expected to be beneficial to the work, such a high-profile made Yi Haoran secretly worried, for fear of causing any accidents.Hurry up and send someone to deliver a letter, and quietly ask him out.

These days, Yi Haoran hinted that Wen Tietou could go to him every day to help manage the accounts for the convenience of contact and to avoid the attention of the people in the grain store——Wen Tietou wished that he would come every day, so he immediately told Luo Yangming up.Luo Yangming didn't care about him, and felt that he would not be able to do anything under his uncle's hands, so he agreed.So Yi Haoran went out of the city early every morning, and stayed around the pier until the afternoon before coming back to continue teaching Qi Liheng to study.

Yi Haoran didn't put on airs, and quickly won a good impression among the porters.From time to time, Yi Haoran would take the initiative to help Wen Tietou with some errands, so it was more convenient to move about.

"What is your intention to destroy your reputation like this?" Yi Haoran asked during the meeting, "These days, your reputation has become so bad inside and outside Wuzhou City..."

"I don't even want my life now, do I still care about this reputation?" Chang Qingyun said with a smile,

"Even if you don't want Qing Yu, you seduce this Liu Hope to play tricks on the team, a wine woman. I probably understand what you mean. It's nothing more than killing his ambition and making the people in the camp boil. It will be easier to start at that time. But these days The news has vaguely spread to the city. What if Xie Kun thinks that Liu Wangwang is too angry with the people, so what should I do if someone is replaced? When the new official takes office, there is no guarantee that you will not use your actions to calm the anger of the people. The overall situation in the camp still needs you host..."

"Of course you are right, but from the students' point of view, Xie Kun can't take care of these things now." Chang Qingyun talked eloquently, "Right now, transporting grain is his top priority, and the most important thing has to wait for the grain to be in the warehouse I’ll talk about it later. Liu Wangwang can’t be more miserable. At least he has been in charge of the camp so far, and he has done a lot of bad things. But he has not made any mistakes in official affairs. For Xie Kun, Liu Wangwang is a capable person. He's not that stupid when a 'popular grievance' who captures refugees just quits."

These words are well-founded, Yi Haoran didn't know how to refute for a moment, he was a little confused about what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd, and heard Chang Qingyun say again: "I urged him to make a troupe, and it will be natural when the time comes useful……"

"What's the use?"

"It's okay to tell you." Chang Qingyun was confident, "Liu Wangwang is very familiar with Zhu Si, the captain of the Wuzhou Brigade, and the squadron leader and small leader of the third squadron in charge of guarding the camp. These officers often come to the camp. Do you know why they had such a secret relationship with Liu Wangwang?
"Could it be that they are like-minded wine and meat friends?"

"Mr. is indeed a gentleman." Chang Qingyun smiled, "If you say it's a wine and meat friend, it's not bad. However, Liu Wangwang's wine taste is very bad, and he is vulgar. He is not an interesting host. This kind of person Even being friends with wine and meat is boring. The reason why people like Zhu Si are willing to be friends with him is because of the convenience of drinking and sex in the camp."

These Yi Haoran suddenly realized.In the camp there are not only prisoners from the Battle of Wuzhou, but also refugees taken in, and family members of officials and officials who leaked here... Not only some are women, but there are also ladies from big families and jade from small families.

Although Liu Wangwang said that he was a lowly official and a small position, he had the power of life and death in this Sanhezui, and no one in the camp dared to disobey him.For these rough men who have been fighting all the year round and only have men around them, it is simply a gentle town.No wonder they want to make friends with Liu Wangwang.

"So that's it!" Yi Haoran said, "This Liu Wangwang is really a shameless villain!"

"So what about being shameless? This is a great opportunity." Chang Qingyun said, "With this theater troupe, these people will probably come more diligently. At that time, it is justifiable to invite them to watch the theater together..." He smiled, "How do you like this?"

Yi Haoran was dumbfounded, he didn't expect Chang Qingyun to have such a hand!He has always had a headache for the No. [-] Squadron. Although the No. [-] Squadron is not considered elite, there are some backbone veterans and dozens of Nanyang-style soldiers in it.Whether Gou Er's mob can defeat this squadron in one fell swoop, he has no confidence at all.

But in the name of continuing to watch and listen to a play, it is possible to lure these officers into the camp together and disrupt their command.If you are lucky, you can even kill Zhu Si, the captain of the Wuzhou National Army Brigade!
Thinking of this, Yi Haoran's eyes couldn't help turning to admiration: "Sir, you are really talented!"

"How can you call yourself a great talent!" Chang Qingyun said leisurely, "I'm just a scholar, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to control the audience. You have to prepare some people..."

"To be honest, we do have some comrades in the battalion, but we don't have many people. If we take advantage of the opportunity of singing, we may not be able to catch them all..."

"Why is there no way?" Chang Qingyun sneered, "Could it be that Master Yi thinks that to deal with the Kun thief, he needs to fight face-to-face?"

"what do you mean?"

"I'm trying to persuade him to get a small kitchen himself. The cook has been found, but there are always some helpers in the kitchen..."

Yi Haoran suddenly realized, and secretly despised in his heart, that Chang Qing Yungui, as a juren, thought of all methods that were not on the stage.No wonder the recommender came up with the idea of ​​"burning Wuzhou"!

This person's management in the camp is several times better than his planning these days.Yi Haoran had to be convinced.Immediately, he quietly told Chang Qingyun to several of his own people in the camp.

"...These people are still reliable, see if there is any way to recommend them."

"It's easy to say that they are all unknown. If they are famous in the camp, it would be difficult to recommend them."

As Chang Qingyun said, Zhu Si often finds various reasons to go to Sanhezui to "check the defense" or "check the training situation" these days.This path was recommended to him by the squadron leader of the third squadron.

The squadron leader, Jiang Yougong, was originally a banner chief in the Ming army.He was captured in the battle of Chengmai.He was originally a bachelor and a rascal, working in the army.After being captured, he stayed in the Fubo Army as a soldier.Jiang Yougong and Zhu Si are quite similar, they are both used to being soldiers in the old army.He didn't quite adapt to the new system of the Fubo Army, so he was cleared out of the team after a short period of time and was assigned to work as a farm worker.

Because he was a soldier, he became the captain of the militia on the farm.This time he went north, the Senate greatly expanded its army, and Jiang Yougong re-enlisted as a squadron leader of the National Army.

If it was the national army composed of naturalized people, Jiang Yougong didn't dare to be too messy.But the squadron he served as the squadron leader was a purely newly formed squadron. Except for sergeants and a few combat backbones who were naturalized civilians, most of the soldiers came from the guards around Guangzhou and the Guangdong battalion who surrendered.Didn't go through too much training - in fact, most of the training was not fully launched until Wuzhou.The third squadron was stationed outside the city alone. Jiang Yougong, who had lost his restraint, was like a fish in water in such a team, and his courage gradually grew.

(End of this chapter)

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