Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2290

Chapter 2290
Originally, he thought it was a risky job to be stationed in Sanhezui—there was a prison camp with thousands of people outside the lonely city, and if something happened, it would be called an internal and external attack.So it was reluctant at first.I also complained to Zhu Si several times in private.

But after a long time, he felt that this was a good job. Although there were many prisoners in the camp, he didn't need to worry about it.The Australians tamed them so well; although there were bandit activities outside the city, their task was to guard the prisoner camp, and they didn't need to go out to suppress them, as long as they controlled the surrounding area, the task would be completed.The bandits didn't think too much about it, and came directly to attack the prisoner camp.Therefore, apart from the cumbersome daily patrol and standing guard, the third squadron hardly needs to fight and has no tasks.It is a leisurely and not dangerous job.

Since Jiang Yougong was in charge of guarding the camp, he naturally had a lot of contacts with Liu Wangwang, the person in charge of the camp.To be honest, Jiang Yougong didn't look down on Liu Wangwang, a naturalized cadre with mud legs who didn't make a name for himself.

If you don't look down on him, you can't look down on him. The resources and prestige that Liu Wangwang has mastered make him envious.These thousands of people are all held in the hands of the camp manager, as the saying goes, if you want him to be round, he will be round, and if you want him to be square.In Sanhezui, Liu Wangwang is the emperor of Tu.

Although the treatment of the national army is not bad, but stationed outside the city, there is nothing to enjoy.Sanhekou is different, there are not only markets, but also women.It is no secret that soldiers from the National Army and even the Fubo Army quietly come here when they are not on duty for a night of ecstasy without spending a few dollars.Jiang Yougong is no exception.

As for Liu Wangwang, although there are more than 200 minions under him, they are all local personnel. It is no problem to follow him to bully the people and take prisoners.Many people in the camp were prisoners of officers and soldiers from the past, and he couldn't suppress the riots if they really wanted to.So he paid more attention to Jiang Yougong, and invited him and his officers and soldiers to drink and play with women from time to time.

Because of this benefit, Jiang Yougong tolerated Liu Wangwang, a vulgar and rude rascal—anyway, he was in charge.On the surface, the two were hypocritical and had a fierce fight.

Now that Jiang Yougong has returned to the national army, he is not happy to go back to the farm to work as a worker—even if he is a half-time militia captain.How can a soldier be comfortable.Especially the national army, there is no need to fight tough battles.They do all the work of guarding and guarding, and there is no fear of their lives.

Since he wanted to hang out in the army, Jiang Yougong's first thought was to find a backer.He was a descendant of the Guangdong army, and he had been out of the army for several years, so he had no connections.So he put the object of flattery on Zhu Si.

In his opinion, Zhu Si is a very suitable target: he is old enough, has participated in the operation in Shandong, the Australians trust him, and he was appointed as the captain not long after he was re-serviced; Sound together.

Jiang Yougong is an old man who has been in the army for more than ten years and even became a sentry officer. How could a big soldier like Zhu Si be his opponent, he was coaxed down by his three or two tricks.I feel that this Squadron Captain Jiang is much stronger than Li Dong and those uninterested officers.

Don't look at Zhu Si's becoming the captain, which can be regarded as "prosperous official luck", but in fact he is quite unfair to his situation.I always feel that I have made great contributions in Shandong, but I have not been paid.When I came here, I became the "captain of the national army"-although the position is not low, but Zhu Si felt that he should be a serious officer in the Fubo Army, rather than a national who is looked down upon by everyone and looks like a miscellaneous Served in the military.

People like Li Dong were even more out of tune with him.He has a feeling.Australians actually prefer officers like Li Dong to him.This time the Wuzhou Integrated Squadron went to northern Guangdong, and Li Dong was the squadron leader.See their status in the minds of Australians.

This sense of loss made him quickly regard the other party as a "confidant" under Jiang Yougong's flattery.From time to time, Jiang Yougong took him to Sanhezui to eat, drink and have fun in the name of inviting him to "inspect work"-anyway, these were provided by Liu Wangwang, and he didn't charge a penny.

Liu Wangwang was naturally quite happy to curry favor with the local national army captain.When these three people get together, it can be said that they "smell like each other".

Originally, this kind of enjoyment was carried out secretly, but with the continuous transfer of troops and cadres from Wuzhou to Guangxi, Xie Erren was busy with supplies and suppressing bandits, and did not care about Sanhezui. As long as there is no accident, it is fine to go to work normally, Liu Wangwang and others began to be a little unscrupulous.Although Chang Qingyun's proposal to set up an opera troupe is to suit his liking, it is also at the right time.

Recently, because a large amount of food has to be transported to Wuzhou, Zhu Si knows that this is a top priority no matter how confused he is, so he dare not spend more time in Sanhezui. These days, he wanders around the city to inspect and rectify the defense.

To be honest, Zhu Si is not at ease about Wuzhou's defense - if it weren't for the rich and rich people in the city, he really thinks that Wuzhou is simply empty city plan.

He inspected the gates of various cities. Due to the transfer of the Integrated Squadron, the patrol along the river of the First Squadron, and the continuous reduction of troops, there have been gaps in the personnel responsible for guarding guards everywhere.After discussing with Qian Duo, he decided to open only one gate in each direction in the east, west, north, south, and north of Wuzhou to reduce the number of guards.The guards and night patrols of all key places in the city are in charge of the Fubo Army, and all the personnel of the Second Squadron are responsible for the 24-hour security work at the gates and walls of the city.The No. [-] Squadron, responsible for daily patrols along the river, served as the night reserve.In this way, the staff is barely enough.

"When will this Guangxi be taken down?" Zhu Si muttered, feeling very depressed.Bandits are everywhere these days, and the pressure on law and order everywhere has suddenly increased.It made him tired of coping, and he was also under great psychological pressure.Sometimes he actually has the idea of ​​"Are the Australians unable to hold on?"

He didn't dare to reveal this thought in front of outsiders, but it greatly affected his state of mind.It made him very angry every time he went on patrol and assigned tasks, and he frequently reprimanded the officers and soldiers below, which made the atmosphere in the Wuzhou brigade tense.

Jiang Yougong went to discuss with Liu Wangwang, and he had to give Captain Zhu "to get rid of the fire".

"He has an important matter to worry about now, so he is naturally anxious. You just avoid him, why bother to provoke him?" Liu Wangwang disagreed, "If he doesn't come, we brothers will just be happy!"

Liu Wangwang always felt that Zhu Si held his own identity and was always "holding it up", so he often said behind his back that he was "not a straightforward person".

"Old Liu, it's easy for you to say." Jiang Yougong knew that Liu Wangwang had no ink in his stomach and was a vulgar person. Sometimes he couldn't even figure out the basic interests. Shangguan!"

"So what? This is the Sanhezui prisoner camp, so it's not his turn to point fingers." Liu Wangwang patted his stomach.

"Yes, yes, it is indeed not his turn to dictate. But he is the deputy commander of the Wuzhou garrison, the captain of the national army, and he can call me to 'change defense' and replace the second squadron with an order-you like it? "

Now it hit Liu Wangwang's seven inches.It doesn't matter which squadron escorts him.But Jiang Yougong has colluded with him in terms of interests in the past few months.

The captives and refugees accommodated in the Sanhezui camp have been transferred many times, and there are still 4000 people there.With so many people, the rations issued every day is a huge number.This also involves the daily labor situation, the rationing of different ages and genders, and different types of work in the camp...Even in Lingao, it is difficult to keep the camp in an orderly manner without leaking water.Not to mention Wuzhou, which belongs to the "new district"!It couldn't be easier to cheat for personal gain.

Liu Wangwang naturally understands how lucrative this place is, but he is illiterate. Thanks to the literacy education of Australians, he can probably read a few words. It is impossible for him to engage in fine-grained management.Xie Youren knew that he couldn't do these things, if he arranged for retained personnel to manage them, it would be tantamount to using wolves to shepherd sheep.Therefore, the city government is responsible for the specific assignment and recording work, and the camp just takes the record book and distributes it according to the account.

But even so, there are still many loopholes that can be exploited in the distribution process.From the very beginning of Liu Wangwang's tenure, some of the remaining staff below were mischievous, and they "respected" him with money and food every month.Liu Wangwang knows that being an official has lures, but he doesn't know how to get them or how to get them.I can only accept as much as the following filial piety, and I can't care about it.

This Jiang Yougong is different. He has lived in the army for a long time, and he is very familiar with the practice of malpractice and embezzlement of military pay.Although most of the time he is the target of being embezzled, but all kinds of tricks are clear in his chest.He observes secretly on weekdays, and has a clear understanding of the fraud in Sanhezui.Knowing that Liu is expected to get, it is only one-tenth of the usual fraudulent income.

Instead of the benefits being earned by these retained personnel, it is better for them to take it-this group of retained personnel with their tails between their legs would not dare to compete with them: you must know that the Sanhezui camp is "administrated by military law", and Liu Wangwang can't do it theoretically. Kill casually, but it is not difficult to kill a few people.

Under the planning of Jiang Yougong, the "dog-headed military adviser", Liu Wangwang suddenly "showed his power". First, he arrested a few key retained personnel, beat them and arrested them, exposing a "corrupt group".There are all the witnesses and material evidence, and if the report is reported to Xie Erren, it is natural to "kill one to make an example" and be executed by hanging.The rest of the people were all out of their wits.Jiang Yougong took the opportunity to seize the power of property here.After a lot of beating, the new ratio came out: Liu hoped to get half, Jiang Yougong got [-]%, and the retained personnel in charge got [-]%.

This time, the relationship between them has risen from wine and meat friends to "dead brothers".

(End of this chapter)

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