Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2291 The number one celebrity Chang Qingyun

Chapter 2291 The number one celebrity Chang Qingyun

"You're right, then invite him to come and go." Liu Wangwang patted his stomach and pretended to be magnanimous, "I have selected a new girl in my troupe. A large amount, let him enjoy it first."

"It's no use just getting a woman," Jiang Yougong complained, "he hasn't slept less in recent months."

"What else?"

"We have to give him some benefits..." Jiang Yougong said.

Zhu Si has actually hinted to him many times recently that he knows about the three-way conversation, and wants him to take advantage of it.Jiang Yougong has to be filial no matter how reluctant he is.

"Okay," Liu Wangwang was full of reluctance, but he also knew that there was no way out, so he said angrily, "How much money do you want?"

"At least get 50 taels."

"100 taels, Captain Zhu has a really big appetite." Liu Wangwang secretly felt distressed, "It's not that I don't want to give it, but what we need right now is money..."

In the past few months, wealth has been pouring in, but the pair of brothers who have died are worried.In the camp, all the supplies such as grain, salt, and cloth were obtained, which were large in size and inconvenient to carry.It has to be turned into gold and silver.Both Jiang Yougong and Liu Wangwang are outsiders, and they don't have this way. If they want to hand it over to the "corrupt elements" in the camp to cash out, honestly speaking, they don't have the guts.

"...You also know that these things are piled up in the treasury now, and the silver is only a few dozen taels, and you open your mouth for 100 taels, and it's not enough to give it all to him. You can't get dozens of shimi, right?"

Jiang Yougong thought to himself, this is indeed a problem.He thought for a while and said, "Do you have someone who can use it?"

"Where do I have people! There are some retained yamen dog legs, and I don't dare to provoke them."

"What about Chang Qingyun? I think he is a very capable person..."

"Old Chang," Liu Wangwang scratched his scalp, "Speaking of which, he's still a man, but he's also an outsider, not from the local area, and I'm afraid he doesn't have much experience."

"It's hard to say. This Chang Qingyun often goes to Wuzhou to do business. Maybe there is a way. Besides, he is either retained, or a prisoner. It is safest to go through him-if there is any problem, just..." Jiang Yougong made a cut head movement.

"Well, I'll ask him!"

"We have to hurry up on this matter," Jiang Yougong said, "When the grain fleet arrives, he won't be free. Who knows what kind of trouble this kid is going to make!"

"No way, he and you used to be robes of the imperial court..."

"So what about Robe Ze? It's easier to stab a knife in the back." Jiang Yougong said angrily, probably having had enough of the original "Pao Ze".

Liu Wangwang asked someone to call Chang Qingyun.

Chang Qingyun will be watching a few actors from the back to teach and sing to the selected girls.Most of these girls were from good families, and some were from official families.Now being forced to come out to learn opera, and to serve others with sex, is full of reluctance.However, in this camp, Liu Wangwang is the king of heaven, and if he refuses to agree, he will either seek death or be tortured to death. In short, it is a dead end.Therefore, most of them can only succumb to the despotic power.

The few people who teach opera are mostly family members raised by officials in the past, and there are also members of the Jianghu team.They are also trembling.Liu Wangwang, the evil star, is not easy to serve.Don't say that you disobey him, sometimes a sentence in an opera is not to his liking, and he will be beaten up for no reason.

Only this Chang Qingyun is like a fish in water by Liu Wangwang's side.Therefore, all the people in the camp cursed him behind his back for "unfortunate death", and came up with the idea of ​​setting up a theater troupe.

But on the bright side, he is now the number one celebrity around Liu Wangwang.Even the staff who were retained in the past had to bend over and call him "Mr. Chang" when they saw him.

Chang Qingyun seems to be sitting on the sidelines and enjoying the play, but he is actually thinking nervously in his heart.After some manipulations by myself, the camp is now on the verge of boiling public dissatisfaction, as long as someone is willing to stand up and raise their arms, it will definitely cause an uproar.Coupled with the attack of the outsiders, the three-fold mouth will definitely be in chaos.

It's just that he is not sure how to eradicate the leader of the third squadron in one fell swoop.

Although a strategy of poisoning food has been made, Chang Qingyun himself knows that poisoning is not difficult, but how to poison these people at a critical moment, if the poison is early, Xie Kun can send another person to replace it. Not to mention the need to find out the reason; if we wait until the same day to start, the Australians will definitely order the whole army to martial law before and after the food is delivered, and it is impossible to call them all to the camp in the name of watching a show.

He was thinking wildly when suddenly someone called him, saying that Liu Guanying told him to go.

Liu Wangwang asked him to go over, so he naturally didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went to the courtyard where he lived.

Liu Wangwang exchanged some pleasantries with him, and first asked about preparing the small kitchen.

This matter was originally brought up by Chang Qingyun. Hearing his question, he quickly replied: "I have already found all the cooks. Some are official chefs from the Governor's Office and the Chief Secretary's Office; some are famous chefs from local restaurants in Wuzhou. Good workmanship. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"There are some of these cooks in our camp, so it goes without saying, the master said a word! It's just that two of them are in Wuzhou..."

"so what?"

"Those in the camp, it's their good fortune to be able to serve the master, and it's too late to be happy. But if you want people in the city, you have to pay wages, and you have to have an entry and exit sign."

"What is difficult for me, just hire. There are only one or two hundred people in this camp, and it doesn't matter if there are a few more of them. As for the wages, just pay according to the market outside!"

"Yes, yes, there are also badges for entry and exit."

"These are all easy, once you've found someone, tell me how much you want," Liu Wangdang said, "But if you find these people, their skills can be passed, don't let them be at the same level as the cooking team in the army. "As he spoke, he mentioned the matter of material realization.

" you have someone who can do this?"

Chang Qingyun was secretly surprised, he didn't expect that Liu Wangwang would actually leave this matter to himself!But after thinking about it, I understood—this Wuzhou is unfamiliar with others, and there is nowhere to find someone.I am a prisoner again, so I can handle it completely.

"There are people." Chang Qingyun said cautiously, "It's just that he is also cautious..."

"Okay, okay, don't drag the text. I don't care which bastard you find, as long as you can help me exchange these things for silver--gold is fine, no copper coins." Liu Wangwang was impatient. said.

"Yes, yes, this student will definitely try his best." Chang Qingyun immediately put on a respectful look, "I just don't know how many things there are, and how much money do I have to sell them for?"

"The things are all in the warehouse at the back, and I will take you to see them when the time comes. There are about 300 stones of brown rice, as well as salt and cloth. You can find a suitable place to dispose of them for me," he said with his eyes widened. The bull's eyes showed a fierce light, "I know the price of these things in the market, don't try to deceive me!"

"Students don't dare!" Chang Qingyun put on a face of sincerity and fear, "Students have to rely on adults in these three times, how dare they do such a self-defeating thing."

"Hahaha, it's good that you know!" Liu Wangwang laughed, thinking that a master of Juren was so respectful and docile to him, he felt very proud, and he was happier than when he met the lady of a certain county magistrate's house last night—after all, that chick has always Crying and crying, not as knowledgeable as this Juren master.

"Old Chang, you are indeed a wonderful person." Liu Wangwang patted him on the shoulder, "It will be of your benefit to run this errand for me well! Do you have any requests? If you want a woman, I will give you one too! You sleep alone, it’s too deserted, maybe you can’t stand it? I don’t think you are old, let alone you can’t do it..."

Chang Qingyun couldn't stand his "enthusiasm", but he didn't dare to disobey him, so he could only smile dryly and said: "Master's kindness is appreciated by the students. But since the students want to help the master now, some things should not be too publicized, lest Eye-catching..."

"Well, that's exactly what you said." Liu Wangwang sat down aggressively, "I won't give you the badge for entry and exit, you already have it anyway. You often go out for me these days, and get it as soon as possible." This matter is settled for me!"

"Student obeys." Chang Qingyun had an idea, remembered something, and said, "Student has one more thing to ask."

"You say it."

"I would also like to ask the master to give you another waist card - if you find someone, he will also have to look at the goods, and you can't just come and get money based on a student's empty words..."

"It's easy. Go to the copywriting and just say what I said: I'll give you another badge."

Chang Qingyun thanked him and was about to leave when Liu Wangwang stopped him again:

"How about buying the costumes you mentioned last time? You can't always sing a cappella like this?"

Of course, the camp did not have the costumes and even the musical instruments needed by the theater troupe.Musical instruments are good, if you search in Wuzhou city, you can always find a small class with clear voice, flutes, huqin, gongs and drums can generally handle things.Only the costumes are hard to find - only theater troupes can buy them.

Originally, there was always a magic troupe performing in a big wharf like Wuzhou, and there were several home troupes in government offices and wealthy households.However, a war turmoil caused all these troupes to break up.The guy is even more lost.Chang Qingyun ran a few times, but did not find a complete set of theater boxes, only some scattered costumes and musical instruments, not a complete set of things.

Without these troupes, they would not be able to perform costly operas, and could only sing a cappella, at best they would perform a few excerpts.Liu hoped that there would be a lot of women, so he naturally hoped to watch a few serious dramas to relieve boredom, and by the way, look good in front of other people.

"For now, let the students look for it again. Look for it!" Chang Qingyun said in a hurry.

"That must be done as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, students don't have to." Chang Qingyun said perfunctory, but he thought in his heart that he should contact Yi Haoran as soon as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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