Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2292 Dividing the spoils

Chapter 2292 Dividing the spoils
"Unexpectedly, someone will give you a pillow when you are dozing off." Yi Haoran smiled, "It's wonderful."

"I also think there is an opportunity to take advantage of it, but I just don't know how to use it."

"Think carefully about how to use the students. But now the three-fold mouth has been eliminated, and we can do whatever we want." Yi Haoran seldom speaks frivolously, but this time he couldn't help driving the car .

"Mr. is funny."

"I'm not joking." Yi Haoran said, "Right now, let's help him settle the matter of the three hundred shi of grain." He asked, "How much money does Liu Wang want for a shi."

"Two taels will do—he's in a hurry to sell. If you want cash, it must be gold and silver."

"It's easy to say." Yi Haoran thought to himself, there is someone to do this business now, and that is Jiang Rongxian.He has already participated in the joint venture to buy grain. Right now, this deal can get grain immediately, and he can resell it once when the price of grain is high.

"There is also the problem of the theater box, which is not easy to deal with... I am not a local either." Chang Qingyun said.

"I am more familiar with Wuzhou City than you, let me help you find it." Yi Haoran agreed.

The conspiracy started in full swing.In order to alleviate Luo Yangming's doubts about him, Yi Haoran did not run around every day except for the two points and one line at the Mihang-Wharf, and rarely saw outsiders.Jiang Suo, who had rushed back from Gou Er, was in charge of running around and making contact.

In their private activities during these days, in addition to contacting the Gou Er gang and the remnants of Song Ming, they also successively collected some lost personnel.Most of these people are stragglers and petty officials who have committed blood debts and public anger, and cannot be forgiven by the gangsters.Yi Haoran used this threat, coupled with the temptation of "making meritorious service", to get them to join in this conspiracy.

Now he has mastered a gang of about 100 people through layers of control.There are many people working under the Australians, and many people work in the security force, assisting the National Army in night patrols and standing guard.There are also some people who directly entered the national army as soldiers through the local supplement of the national army.Others simply sneaked into the city government to work as errands.

Through these people, Yi Haoran successfully found out the night duty and patrol situation of the city gate and the Sanzongfu.This is crucial to their surprise attack.

They also got weapons through molesting.After the restoration of Wuzhou, no matter the weapons collected from the defeated soldiers or the weapons recovered from the battlefield, most of them were piled up in the warehouse near the wharf waiting to be evacuated.Most of the heavy firearms such as artillery have been transported back to Guangzhou for resource recovery.Better-quality light firearms, knives, guns, and armor were distributed to the township militiamen in various villages for armed self-defense.

That's why there are still a lot of weapons that have not been transported away.Regardless of Xie Erren, Luo Yangming or Qian Duo, in their eyes, this is not a pile of worthless scrap metal.But for Yi Haoran and the others, this is the best equipment for armed rioters.Jiang Suo even obtained several armors for the Gou Er gang, and buried them in a secret place outside the city in advance.

Chang Qingyun contacted Jiang Rongxian through Yi Haoran's relationship.Shopkeeper Jiang heard that there was such a good opportunity, and immediately agreed to go to Sanhezui with Chang Qingyun.

The business was immediately finalized. Jiang Rongxian not only bought all the food embezzled by Liu Wangwang and others, but also bought all kinds of cloth and groceries.In one fell swoop, they received almost 1000 taels of silver.

Liu Wangwang has never seen so much white money in his life.He looked and looked around the official box full of silver, took silver ingots of different sizes and shapes in his hands, and stroked them countless times.I was shaking all over.So much silver!Not to mention himself, even the [-] generations of his Liu family's ancestors combined probably didn't earn this much money!
Back then, I was a little beggar who was almost starved to death, wandering and begging in Lingao, not to mention asking for money, just being able to get a bowl of decent food, and being lucky today.Who would have thought that he would be in such a situation today!
It's all thanks to the Chief!At this moment, Liu hoped that he could hardly be more grateful to the Senate.It is said that kindness is like reborn parents—in fact, Liu Wangwang has no impression of his parents at all, and he can't say he is grateful.The gratitude to the Senate is from the bottom of my heart.

Thinking of this, his tears immediately fell.Chang Qingyun was a little surprised and asked: "Why is the master so sad?"

"I'm not sad, but grateful." Liu Wangwang said, "The kindness of the Senate is really high! The emperor's kindness is mighty!"

Listening to his nondescript analogy, Chang Qingyun secretly laughed, thinking that if the thieves would show more kindness to a bastard like you, Daming would be saved!

Suppressing a smile, he persuaded: "Master is right, it's all due to the deep kindness of the chief."

"Fart, what kind of kindness have you received from the chief?" Liu Wangwang was in a good mood, and joked with Chang Qingyun, "Since you are the master of Juren, you must be a wealthy family."

Chang Qingyun smiled slightly awkwardly, and said: "My family is not considered a rich man! Why don't you come here to be a teacher! But since you were captured by the chief, you can still live with your life, isn't it the great kindness of the chief..."

"It's true, if the chief is also acting like your officials in Daming, with one sentence: 'Pull it out and chop it', your head will probably be dead by now."

Chang Qingyun laughed dryly twice: "If your head is all rotten, how can you do errands for the master."

"That's right, so the Senate is our great benefactor. Chang Chang, you are really capable." Chang Qingyun settled the grain buyers for Liu Hopeful, making Liu Hopeful treat him even more He looked at each other with admiration, and became closer in words.

"Master, praise, praise."

"That theater box..."

"It's all on the students, the supervisor is satisfied!"

"Okay," Liu Wangwang patted his stomach, intending to take a piece of silver from the box to reward Chang Qingyun, but he was reluctant and hesitated for a long time before saying, "Go ahead."

Liu Wangwang watched Chang Qingyun leave, feeling secretly annoyed.If I knew that Chang Qingyun was such a talented person, I should have forced him to come out to "assist" me, why bother with Jiang Yougong?The more than 1000 taels of silver should be distributed to him with 400 taels, thinking about the boss's reluctance.

Thinking of this, the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became, thinking that Jiang Yougong was "unreal".If you have the heart, you want to give it to him regardless of division.But thinking that the three-fold mouth still had to rely on his protection, he had no choice but to swallow this thought back.However, he left behind, he only said that he sold the grain, not mentioning the sold cloth and groceries, and swallowed 200 taels of silver first.

How did Jiang Yougong know what Liu Wangwang was thinking, when he heard that the grain had been sold, he immediately came over to discuss how to send money to Zhu Si.

It is impossible to take the silver directly to Zhu Si's place—the Wuzhou government office where the national army brigade headquarters is located is full of people, and a hundred silver is heavy, so it is not easy to carry or hide.Australians are very wary of taking bribes from their opponents, and the current food and payment are all silver dollar circulation coupons.As long as the 100 taels of silver are seen by others, Zhu Si will not be able to tell.

"Isn't it enough to invite him here?" Liu Wangwang said, "I'm absolutely safe here."

"Of course it's safe for him to collect the cash here, but how do you take it back? It's 100 taels of silver. It's so heavy that you can't carry it in your pocket. You have to get a special box—when you go back to the brigade headquarters, what will someone see if they see it?"

"Is it possible that you still dare to ask him?"

"It's hard to say," Jiang Yougong whispered, "You should know that the chief has eyeliners everywhere..."

This sentence made Liu Wangwang, who had been living comfortably recently, break out in a cold sweat.The naturalized people knew a little about the fact that the Senate was everywhere, but no one dared to talk about these things openly.

"Of course I know this. Otherwise, how can I say that I am safe here? At least there are no naturalized people."

"The problem is it's all over the city!"

"It's hard."

Both fell silent.Liu Wangwang has no experience, and neither does Jiang Yougong: it is not that he has encountered corruption over the years, but firstly, he does not have such a large amount of money, and secondly, Lingao has long since run out of money. Much more convenient.Daming has a lot of experience, but he can't apply it directly.

"You can't help this matter!" Liu Wangwang said, "I think it's better to ask Mr. Chang to discuss it!"

"That's all there is to it." Jiang Yougong said, "I'll avoid it for a while, lest he won't speak when he sees too many people."

When Chang Qingyun was called back and heard about it, his mind suddenly turned a few corners.After making a proper calculation in my heart, I asked, "There is a solution, but it can only be for a while..."

"You speak first!"

"There are many ways not to send money directly, but most of them won't work under the Australian rule. But there is a way to do it right now." Chang Qingyun said, "Find a well-off company that doesn't have much contact with Australians... "

The specific operation is to deposit the silver into this shop, and the other party will issue a small seal.When necessary, just write a note and put a small seal on it. As long as it is within the limit, the store will give the money directly when it sees this seal.

Of course, there are more complicated methods. Not only can you deposit and withdraw silver at any time, but you can also launder the money.But Chang Qingyun doesn't think it's necessary—it's a wartime situation, and if it's too complicated, it will arouse suspicion.

"That's a good idea! Then why can't it be called only for a while?" Liu Wangwang asked.

"Australians all use negotiable notes. Now that the war is tense, this matter has been put on hold for the time being. When the war subsides, it will naturally be implemented. At that time, it will be troublesome to withdraw money..."

"You fucking idiot worry about it!" Liu Wangwang laughed, "It's not a big deal! I have to give the silver if I save it, and the others don't care."

He thought for a while and said, "This is a good idea. I think my part can be kept like this. Otherwise, I won't feel at ease if I keep it by my side. I'm afraid people will check or steal it. It's much more secure according to your method! It's up to you." Do what you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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