Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2293 Flip ruthlessly

Chapter 2293 Flip ruthlessly
Which merchant is suitable?Chang Qingyun said that instead of looking for another person, it is better to find Ruijintang Silk and Satin Shop, the shopkeeper Jiang who bought the rice cloth. It is also a century-old brand in Wuzhou. It has been passed down for generations.

So the matter was settled, and after a few days, Ruijintang sent some assistants, and quietly transported the silver back, leaving behind three small ox horn stamps.

"For a long time, the money came here for a while, and then it was sent back." Liu Wangwang looked at the three stamps with some reluctance, "I didn't warm them up."

Jiang Yougong was not as sentimental as he was. He casually stuffed himself and the stamp he gave to Zhu Si into his arms, and said, "It's easy to cause accidents if you carry it with you, but it's safe to store it in this big shop..."

Liu Wangwang watched him hide the seal in his sleeve, as if a piece of flesh had been torn from his body.He laughed dryly a few times, full of dissatisfaction.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was not a good taste, and he took almost half of the money from him for no reason-it was him, not Jiang Yougong, who was in charge of the three-way mouth!Even if you want to share some benefits with him, 100% is too much.Besides, the [-] taels taken this time is even more useless-is it not the same who will be in charge of guarding the camp?It has nothing to do with me, but I went to plug Zhu Si's dog hole!
This kid Zhu Si doesn't seem to be a good stubble, he knows that there are benefits here, so why don't he come here to share some benefits from time to time?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Jiang Yougong was "not interesting enough", and he felt unhappy.But right now, if I want to "make a fortune" in this camp, I can't do without him as a "counselor"...

Suddenly, Liu Wangwang's heart moved: When it comes to counselors, isn't Chang Qingyun a ready-made counselor? !In terms of ability, he is much better than Jiang Yougong - a dignified master who has also served as an aide to the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. Doesn't he know more about official affairs than Jiang Yougong, a small sentinel?

And this Master Chang, after teaching Qiao Niang a lesson, he is much more obedient than before.It is also effective in doing things.The key point is that he is a prisoner, life and death are in his own hands, firstly, there is no need to give him any money, secondly, there is no need to worry about him talking nonsense outside, and thirdly, if anything happens, there will be no trouble after killing him.

The more Liu Wangwang calculated, the more he felt that his plan was clever.It's just that Jiang Yougong's connection with him is very deep now, and it's hard to get rid of him safely...

How did Jiang Yougong know that Liu Wangwang had evil intentions.After taking the stamp, he hurriedly came to see Zhu Si, and after complimenting the captain of the national army, he quietly gave him the small horn stamp.

"A hundred stones of white rice is not a respect."

Zhu Si understood this incision, white rice is silver, and a hundred stones is 100 taels.He smiled slightly, thinking that the three-fold mouth is really oily!It's no wonder that Jiang Yougong refused to adjust his defense and insisted on relying on Sanhezui.

It seems that he can be strangled again in the future, but right now, it is the critical time for grain distribution, so it is better to stabilize him first.Immediately, he "smiled and accepted" with a smile on his face, and said some comforting words.He also said that the food fleet was coming soon, and he was asked to do a good job of guarding Sanhezui to prevent such a situation from happening.

Liu Wangwang has been itching in his heart ever since he thought of this idea.Thinking about how to get rid of Jiang Yougong "safely".Although his brain is not flexible, he also understands that no matter what method he uses to engage this "brother", there is a great risk that he will be implicated. It is best to make him unable to speak once and for all...

Such a complicated conspiracy was naturally beyond his imagination. After thinking for a long time, he finally called Chang Qingyun.

"Old Chang, my friend has something to do, and I want to ask you to make a plan..." Liu Wangwang said with some hesitation.

"Master, please tell me." Chang Qingyun asked for a while, not knowing why.

"I have a friend who has a business. The business is good. But he is busy—so he asked a shopkeeper to help him, but the shopkeeper has no skills and doesn't do anything. He has to share half of the money every year." ..." Liu Wangwang is actually not very good at talking, so he has already made up nonsense, and sweat is coming out of his forehead, "...Tell me, how did you drive this shopkeeper away—you can't call him Have complaints?"

Chang Qingyun was baffled.Which one is this?He roughly knew Liu Wangwang's background, it was a poor farmer who was kidnapped by a kun thief and turned into a fake kun—how could such a person have a business friend?Besides, what Liu Wangwang said is unreasonable...

His brain turned quickly, and after a moment of doubt, he understood: "I have a friend" is "myself".This Liu Wangwang is talking about him and Jiang Yougong!
Chang Qingyun suddenly became interested. From his point of view, Jiang Yougong and Liu Wangwang had always been "wearing a pair of trousers". What Liu Wangwang said now showed that there was a contradiction between the two.

What a smart person he is, and after a little inference, it becomes clear: Liu Wangwang thinks that Jiang Yougong got too much profit in Sanhezui, in other words, he wants to "eat alone".

This can be regarded as human nature, and Chang Qingyun has seen it a lot in the past.But at this juncture, Liu Wangwang suddenly had such an idea, wondering if he could take advantage of it?
He coughed lightly, and said: "If you want to drive people away, I don't know how to drive them away. Do you want to drive people away with words or force?"

Liu Wangwang saw that he was confident and knew that he had an idea, so he couldn't help being very happy, and said with a smile, "You scholars are very knowledgeable! What is Wen Cun and what is Wu Cun?"

"Wen Gan, it's natural to be a human being, so we can see each other someday. Treat him to a drink, and say a few soft words during the dinner, just saying that the small shop and temple can't accommodate you, a big Bodhisattva, and ask him to find another job, and send him off later. Spend a lot of money to buy peace and safety."

"I have to pay another sum of money, okay! Where's Wu Gan?"

Chang Qingyun said deliberately solemnly: "It's easy to catch up with Wu, it just depends on whether the shop owner has power..."

"What?" Liu Wangwang became interested.

"When it comes to Wu Gan, it's a shame. But there are several kinds of shame. One is that the owner of the shop is rich and powerful, and he directly tells the shopkeeper to leave. Even if the shopkeeper is unwilling, he dare not offend. I can only leave obediently."

"Well, this sounds good, but I'm afraid the shop owner is not so powerful."

"The other is that since the shop owner has no influence, the shopkeeper will naturally hold a grudge when he is cut off from his fortune, so he will definitely think of ways to retaliate." Chang Qingyun intends to whet his appetite, "There is only a thousand days to be a thief, not a thousand Japanese thieves. If he bites back, the shop owner will not be able to bear it..."

Liu Wangwang was fascinated by what he heard, and said anxiously, "So what?"

"Then it depends on whether the shop owner dares to do black hands."

"Oh? How do you do something wrong?" Liu Wangwang asked anxiously.

"There are tens of thousands of ways to do black hands. The easiest way is to plant and frame." Chang Qingyun said, "False him for embezzling and stealing the silver from the cabinet, and he was caught on the spot. He can't help him, so he can only write a defense paper and get out of bed—but One thing, you must not startle the government, otherwise, if you get entangled, the shop owner will also lose money."

"Yeah, but it's not safe. The shopkeeper is not greedy, so he would naturally think that the shopkeeper framed him. Don't you want to hold a grudge."

Chang Qingyun thought to himself, this Liu Wangwang is really cruel!Then he deliberately said:

"With the defense in hand, most people dare not blow their hair. It can be regarded as a long-term peace and stability. But this beam must have been formed. If it falls into his hands one day, it will be hard to say..."

"What if there is no future trouble?"

"If you want to do it once and for all, then not only do you have to use black hands, but you also have to use heavy hands." Chang Qingyun said, "It depends on whether the shop owner has this kind of ruthlessness."

Liu Wangwang didn't ask how to be ruthless, but thought for a while and asked: "I know the owner, he even has the ruthlessness to kill people."

"Just daring to kill is not enough. If the government finds out, it will be a waste of money and people."

Liu Wangwang was silent for a while, and did not pursue further.After a long time, he finally said: "Master Chang, you are reliable in your work, and you are from a master background. I need your help with many things in the camp in the future."

Seeing the cold light in his eyes, Chang Qingyun knew that this person had murderous intentions, couldn't help but trembled in his heart, and quickly bowed and said: "Thank you for your care, master, the students will definitely do their best."

"This Liu Wangwang is going to lay a black hand on Jiang Yougong." Yi Haoran pondered, "This has added a lot of variables."

"Yes, that's why I came to see you in a hurry. I don't know if this matter will have any impact..." Chang Qingyun said.

If the black hand is successful, whether Jiang Yougong resigns or is transferred to defense, Sanhezui still needs a squadron to guard; if the black hand is not successful, Liu Wangwang will definitely be dismissed and investigated.

But whether these will help their actions is hard to say.It was difficult for Yi Haoran to make this judgment for a while.However, Sanhezui's management battalion wanted to assassinate the captain of the national army squadron in charge of security. This matter must be very beneficial to them, but how to use it is another problem.

"Didn't he say anything to you afterwards?"

"I didn't say anything." Chang Qingyun said.

"Has anything changed?"

"It's given me a lot of tasks to take care of, and I have to check the accounts from time to time." Chang Qingyun said with a wry smile, "I'm very busy——I'm a prominent figure in the camp now. I think he treats me a little The meaning of 'entrusted with a heavy responsibility'."

Yi Haoran turned around a few times and suddenly said: "I understand—this Liu Wangwang is trying you out!"

"Try me?!"

"En." Yi Haoran nodded and said, "You told me last time that Jiang Yougong had a deep connection with him."

"Yes, if Jiang Yougong doesn't come, he won't be able to get so much money." Chang Qingyun explained the collusion between Jiang Yougong and Liu Wangwang.

"That's why he wants to see if you can replace Jiang Yougong." Yi Haoran said with a smile, "If you can replace him, Liu Wangwang will do something wrong."

"So that's how it is!" Chang Qingyun suddenly realized, thinking that Liu Wangwang looked vulgar, but could be so ruthless in his strikes, he couldn't help sweating on his back.

"This is indeed an opportunity to take advantage of. It's just that students can't figure out how to take advantage of it." Yi Haoran was a little distressed,

(End of this chapter)

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