Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2294 Play Box

Chapter 2294 Play Box
"Let's go and see." Chang Qingyun said, if Liu Wangwang's "ambition" is in normal times, he can slowly figure it out, sow discord... There are many tricks to play.But now that the grain ship is arriving soon, there is no time to play these tricks.He cares more about another thing:

"It's just about the drama box. Is there any clue now? This Liu Wangwang asks about this every day. I didn't expect this person to be so addicted to drama." He shook his head and said.

"There is a theater box." Yi Haoran smiled, "It's just meaningless. I can't take it out."

"Oh? Where?"

"It's in the Sanzong Mansion - in the storeroom of the Zongzhen Mansion." Yi Haoran said, "I learned from an old official that the guarding eunuchs in Wuzhou in Wanli year liked to listen to operas, so they specially brought a troupe from the north. A full set of opera boxes was left when I left office, and these opera boxes were inconvenient to carry, so they were all thrown in Wuzhou. They were stored for decades—no one has touched them these years, so they should be well preserved.”

"It's the same as nothing." Chang Qingyun said disappointedly.The Sanzongfu is now a restricted area, and the personnel entering and exiting are strictly controlled.Even Liu Wangwang himself couldn't extract the juggling box.

"It's useless, but at least I can prevaricate for you." Yi Haoran said.

"That's the only way to go." Chang Qingyun nodded and said, "I'll go back first."

He got up to leave, but suddenly Yi Haoran stopped him: "Slow down!"


"I suddenly came up with a plan, but I don't know if it's appropriate..."

"Let's talk and listen." Chang Qingyun became interested.

"It's just that we have to find the way from the theater box."

"If you can't get the theater box out, it's useless!"

Yi Haoran nodded: "Of course we can't get it out with our ability. However, it might be feasible to ask Liu Wangwang to go."

"This, I'm afraid it won't work." Chang Qingyun wondered, "Although Liu Wangwang has been a little obsessed with listening to operas recently, he still understands the seriousness of the matter: the Third President's Mansion is now a forbidden place for thieves, and even if he wants to enter, he must notify in advance. , it is absolutely impossible to take it out quietly..."

"Then let Guo Minglu take it out." Yi Haoran said, "He is also one of the local fake gangsters after all, doesn't he have any face?"

"It's really hard to say." Chang Qingyun frowned, "Now is the time of war, want to play tricks? Liu Wangwang is afraid and dare not ask for it..."

As he spoke, he suddenly froze, and a thought popped into his mind in an instant—there might be something to be done in this way!Chang Qingyun thought to himself.Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's try it."

"Have you got a solution?"

"Although I'm not completely sure, there are [-]% to [-]%." Chang Qingyun said, "It's just what plan do you have?"

"Just listen to me..."

Chang Qingyun went to the camp and told Liu Wangwang everything about the opera box.

"Old Chang, doesn't that mean you didn't find anything?" Liu Wangwang said with some dissatisfaction.The Sanzong Mansion is now a restricted area, and the checks on entry and exit are very tight, even the naturalized people are not allowed to enter and exit at will.Not to mention moving seven or eight big boxes out of it!

"Ashamed ashamed."

"Don't be ashamed, let's talk about it, what else can you think of? It may not be that this theater box is only available in the town's mansion."

Chang Qingyun said: "Nowadays in Wuzhou City, only the main town mansion has a full set of opera boxes. This thing is not something that ordinary people can afford..." He paused, looked at the Looking at Liu Wangwang, "the student still has a way."

Xie Youren didn't know that there was an undercurrent surging at the moment, and someone wanted to show him "color".In his view, the current situation in Wuzhou has improved significantly.First of all, Guangxi was victorious in successive battles; Huang Chao also stabilized the situation in northern Guangdong. Although the army's combat effectiveness was not high and it suffered heavy losses, it effectively curbed Xiong Wencan's plan of "turning soldiers into bandits" through large-scale stationing in various counties, major traffic arteries and road patrols. better.

These victories are reflected in the public sentiment in Wuzhou, which is the decline of various rumors. The original rumor that "Australians are dying" was once the rage, which made people in Wuzhou panic.As the good news continued to come, it gradually disappeared.

Even the food price issue, which was the most criticized by the people and was once like a wild horse, has dropped slightly after the news that the Australians are about to arrive with a grain fleet.This is the first time after the recovery of Wuzhou.

This news was intentionally leaked after he received the food from Sanshui and ordered the Guihuamin cadres to leak it.It really worked out.Although this kind of small trick is nothing, it makes Xie Erren feel very proud.

The people's hearts are getting more and more peaceful. Although there are still a small group of bandits in Wuzhou, there are no serious problems, and the security situation inside and outside the city has improved significantly.Even the meeting of the Advisory Council is now convened, and few representatives are absent.

Right now, everything is going smoothly for him, and he has a sense of self-satisfaction: he never thought that he really has the talent for governing the world!When he applied for a foreign transfer to serve as a local official, he was a little apprehensive.When I went to talk with Liu Muzhou and Minglang, I was even more uncertain-because the conversation lasted for more than an hour, it seemed simple and casual, but it was an "interview".

Although in the end his interview was "qualified", maybe even excellent - otherwise he would not have given him such an important town as Wuzhou.But Xie Erren had no local administrative work experience to speak of after all.Hastily took over a medieval city that was waiting to be rebuilt.No matter how "aspirational" he is, he still has no idea.

Now the hardest part is finally over. Now not only the government affairs are going smoothly, Cai Lan's transformation has also made Xie Erren's self-confidence skyrocket.He has already begun to collect materials, preparing to write a long-form newsletter based on Wuzhou's reception and governance experience in the process of governance, find a suitable time to send it back to Lingao, and publish it in "two journals and one newspaper"—now that it has been decided If you follow the route of the local administrator, you have to accumulate political capital for yourself as soon as possible.

Just as he was thinking about how to plan this long report as a whole, someone came in and reported:
"Liu Wangwang, the manager of the Sanhezui camp, came and said that he wanted to report to the chief in person."

"Oh? Why is he here?" Xie Erren was both surprised and happy.

Liu Wangwang seldom shows up in Wuzhou City on weekdays.Xie Erren had a good impression of him.It's not that Liu Wangwang's bad deeds in Sanhezui have not spread to his ears at all.He more or less knew some rumors about what he was doing from the naturalized people and retained personnel.But after all, this is just hearsay and rumors, and no one can come up with real evidence.

Xie Youren felt that the rumors must have a certain degree of truth—after all, such things cannot be completely extinct in Lingao, let alone such a newly opened area.In his mind, Liu Wangwang is roughly the role of Fu Youdi.Talented, but poor in personal morality.After all, as one of the most important naturalized cadres in Wuzhou, he managed thousands of captives and refugees in the Sanhezui camp without any subordinates at all and only relied on retained personnel-these people were human resources, But it was also a barrel of gunpowder that could explode at any time - not only did he manage the camp in an orderly manner, no riots broke out.He also implemented the various tasks assigned to him one by one without any ambiguity.Moreover, these achievements were all completed under the premise of external security pressure and insufficient internal food supply.This work ability alone is quite outstanding among the naturalized civilian cadres.Xie Erren even had the idea of ​​recruiting him.

Since Xie Erren decided to take the route of the local chief executive, he has been very concerned about the Guihuamin cadres. After all, these people are the right-hand men after they arrive in the locality.You must have several spare candidates in your pocket.

However, Liu Wangwang treated him a little coldly, and talked about him in several conversations.Moreover, most of the other Guihuamin cadres came to him all the time, and came to "report on work" if they had nothing to do, lest they would not impress him.Only this Liu Wangwang didn't go to the city when he had nothing to do, and after he entered the city, he would leave after the meeting and work, and he would never stay in the city any longer.On weekdays, I nest in Sanhezui.

Xie Erren was a little confused for a while, and he didn't know if he was pretending to be stupid or really stupid
Later, he checked Liu Wangwang's cadre files and saw that he had worked under Huang Chao of the Agricultural Committee before he joined the army, so he "suddenly realized": Liu Wangwang is Huang Chao's man, no wonder he has a cold attitude towards him!

But he didn't give up - this Huang Chao went to northern Guangdong, but Liu Wangwang was not selected in the administrative team he chose, which showed that Liu's status in his mind was not high, and he was a role that could not bear the heavy responsibility.In this case, you can still dig the foot of the wall in the future.

"Please come in." I don't know what he wants to talk to me about?Unknowingly, Xie Youren still had some expectations.

"Report to the chief!" Liu Wangwang stood at attention and gave a military salute, "Liu Wangwang came to report on his work."

"Please sit down." Xie Erren looked at the man in front of him with interest.He has always disliked Liu Wangwang's face. Although craniography and physiognomy have been denounced as "pseudoscience" in the 21st century, it is not in line with "political correctness" to talk about it. However, based on his years of experience in media work, these things Not nonsense.This Liu Wangwang looks like a typical low-class villain.

"Yes, Chief, thank you Chief." Liu Wangwang felt a little apprehensive.At the beginning, he was very hesitant after hearing Chang Qingyun's suggestion: No matter how much he likes to listen to operas, he knows the severity: Chang Qingyun's reasons for him are very high-sounding, but in the end, singing and listening to operas are all entertainment, and at this juncture, he will discuss it himself. If you want a theater box, will it be considered by the chief as "ignorant of the general situation"?Moreover, all the bad things he did in the camp will inevitably reach the ears of the chief. If he offends the chief, he will settle the old and new accounts together, and he will be considered as the end of the game.

(End of this chapter)

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