Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2295 The reason for the high-sounding

Chapter 2295 The reason for the high-sounding

But he thought of something else.Although he is uneducated, when he was a child wandering, he also heard the old people in the country talk about ancient times.It is mentioned in it: In order to verify the emperor's unfailing trust in himself, the high officials and favored ministers in ancient times would deliberately play and ask for some unreasonable grace.

If the emperor agrees straight away, it means that he still favors him. If he hesitates and then agrees, the favor has faded. If he refuses immediately, then it is time to retire and return home.

Now I can also use the drama box to test how Chief Xie thinks of me.If he has more trust in himself, then he can slowly find a way to drive Jiang Yougong away.

As for what he did in the camp, the Sanhezui camp was basically a closed camp, and there was no other naturalized civilian cadre in it except him.Jiang Yougong, who was in charge of supervising and guarding the perimeter, was colluding with him again.No one dared to tease his beard for the remaining personnel - after all, he controlled the power of life and death in the camp.Even though he did a lot of things that caused public grievances.But at least the captives and refugees will live safely and will not make trouble.

Thinking of it this way, he has a solid foundation in his heart, and today he specially came to see Er Ren.

"What work do you have to report to?"

"It's like this." Liu Wangwang carefully sat down on the stool, "I set up a theater troupe in the Sanhezui camp."

"Oh, troupe?" This is so new!Xie Erren thought.

"Yes," Liu Wangwang thought, it depends on whether the routines taught by Chang Qingyun are correct, "The prisoners in the camp originally had rich and powerful home theater troupe members, including actors and musicians. Among the refugees from outside There are also such people. I thought about it. There are so many captives and refugees locked up in the camp. Although the Senate gave them food and let them work, they still gathered thousands of people. They didn’t give them any entertainment. I'm afraid there will be trouble."

Having said that, he looked at Xie Erren's face and saw that his expression was as usual, so he boldly continued: "So I thought about organizing them and setting up a troupe to perform, so as to provide everyone with some entertainment. , secondly, it can also be used as a position for literary and artistic propaganda..."

This can scratch the itch of knowing youren.He himself was born in literature and propaganda, and he also participated in many mass propaganda activities when he was in Lingao, so he has both theory and experience in this regard.After arriving in Wuzhou, it was a small test, and I did a lot of publicity work-although the conditions were limited, I could only paint slogans on the walls, read newspaper columns and the like.

He carefully looked at the strong man in front of him, and he couldn't imagine that such a rough man could think of "literary and artistic weapons"-it's really hard to judge by appearance.The influence of the Senate on people is really strong.Thinking of this, Xie Erren sincerely praised the old people's home.

Liu hoped to see the chief staring at him, and he couldn't help feeling weak in his calves and feeling weak in his heart.Chang Qingyun's idea for him was to elevate the troupe to the level of "literary and artistic propaganda" and make a fuss, which would definitely impress Chief Xie's heart - because Australians are the best.

Chang Qingyun spent several years in the Lingao prisoner-of-war camp, although he was physically tortured, but afterwards he also felt that it was a rare practice.In Lingao, he saw many things that he never dreamed of, and through the words, deeds and policies of the thieves, he could more or less figure out their thoughts.Thinking back to what he knew about the Kun bandits before the Chengmai War, he was as ignorant as a child, yet so arrogant.

Now he gives Liu Wangwang an idea, not only to cater to the taste of the thief Kun, but also to try to figure out who Xie Kun is - he was originally very good at this kind of ability.During these days in the prison camp, he either went out to do errands or listened to people's conversations, so he basically understood Kun's temperament and hobbies.So this idea is a good idea.I can't say that it is [-]% effective, but it will definitely hit the target.

His judgment was indeed correct, and a smile appeared on Xie Erren's face: "Your idea is very good."

Seeing Chief Xie's affirmation of himself, Liu Wangwang suddenly gained confidence, and said with a quick smile: "This is not what the Senate taught! In the past, when I read newspapers, the chief said: 'Art is a weapon and a battlefield. We want to occupy this place. position'……"

"Unexpectedly, your theoretical level is not bad." Xie Youren praised him greatly, "In this case, you can continue to run this troupe. After a while, when the situation stabilizes, maybe you will come to Wuzhou City to perform Woolen cloth."

"Yes, I have asked them to rehearse plays recently—but they only know old plays at the moment. I want to rehearse a few new plays but don't have a script."

"It's easy." Xie Youren was in a good mood at the moment, "I'll ask Lianqin to deliver the script in a few days."

"I am so grateful for the chief's concern." Liu Wangwang expressed his gratitude, "There is one more thing."

"You said."

"The theatrical troupe is rehearsing plays recently, but they don't have a theater box, so they can only sing a cappella, and they can't perform." Liu Wangwang said, "Later, a prisoner said that there is a theater box left by the eunuch who guarded Wuzhou decades ago in the general town's mansion. .I would like to ask for instructions, can you temporarily lend these theater boxes to the theater troupe?"

"There's still this in the Third President's Mansion?" This was beyond Xie Erren's expectation.According to the rules, these things are registered by the Planning Institute.Some are used locally and some are evacuated.Things like theater boxes are the last priority. It doesn't matter if he applies for local use. If he borrows it temporarily, it will be easy to register.

"It's easy, I'll just coordinate it." Xie Erren nodded, "You bring a few people to Zhao Zhao Fengtian tomorrow, and just move the box away—for the time being, it's just for you to use, and you will go through the formalities later .But you have to be optimistic about things, and you can’t afford to miss them.”

"Yes!" Liu Wangwang stood upright and said, "I will ask them to take good care of it. Don't worry, Chief."

"I can trust you." Xie Youren made an expression of admiration, "The grain fleet is coming recently, you must suppress the camp well, and don't cause commotion."


This Master Chang is really TND a talent!Liu Wangwang couldn't help but patted his thigh when he came out from Xie Erren's place. Now it seems that not only Master Chang is capable, but Chief Xie also trusts him very much, so it's just around the corner to kill Jiang Yougong!
In the early morning of August [-]th, the No. [-] Squadron set off from Wuzhou on a patrol ship of the Inland River Fleet and began their patrol work.This cruise was different from previous ones - the usual cruise is a same-day round trip.But today, they will cruise all the way to Fengchuan County, where they will wait for the arrival of the grain transport fleet and then escort them back to the voyage.

Qian Duo stood on the tower of Nanxun Gate and watched the fleet leave slowly with black smoke, feeling a little queasy in his heart.After the first squadron set off, Wuzhou's defensive strength was severely weakened.Only his company was left to guard such a huge city.

Overlooking Sanhezui, the pontoon bridge locks the river, and the smoke from cooking in the camp.Trumpets sounded from every camp.Hearing the sound of the trumpet, Qian Duo felt a little more at ease.The Third Squadron of the National Army in Sanhezui has now become the only foreign aid he can rely on.

However, he was not at ease with the Third Squadron and Jiang Yougong—Jiang Yougong's old army habits were very strong, and most of his subordinates were recruited from the Ming army. He still had some combat effectiveness in fighting on the battlefield, but his discipline was lax and his tenacity was lax. insufficient.You can't count on it at critical times.

"Pass my order, today the door of Dezheng will not be opened, only four doors will be opened. The number of sentries and patrols will be reduced by half."

Reduce the city gate sentry and patrol team, so that he can separate a platoon of people who rest during the day and take care of night duty.

He handed over the work of guarding and patrolling the gap to the "security team" under the command of Zheng Ergen.Most of these people are retained yamen servants and poor people recruited on the spot, purely as door gods to maintain law and order.

"Captain Zhu, do you think we still need to strengthen?" Qian Duo asked.

Zhu Si now has the title of a national army captain, but in fact he has become a polished commander.He only has two guards and a messenger left in the city who can directly command.He wandered around with Qian Duo all day long, followed by Hu Yao and Drink Liu.

The Wuzhou Integrated Squadron reported frequent successes, and the names of Li Dong and his subordinates appeared in the army's award announcements many times, which made Zhu Si feel very uncomfortable.

"Li Dong, this kid is really fucking lucky!" Zhu Si now has a great sense of crisis. Li Dong's squadron is so eye-catching. Fubo Army——There has been a precedent for such a thing on the battlefields of Guangdong and Guangxi. He is the majestic Captain of the Fubo Army, and he is about to tremble in front of me... Thinking about how I made things difficult for him in the past, I will never Once developed, what should I do if I want to take revenge on myself?
However, he secretly comforted himself that the battle in northern Guangdong would not be over for ten days and a half months, and he might die at some point—the casualties of the National Army were not small, and every now and then a certain squadron would be killed. The news that the army was wiped out or severely damaged.

In contrast, staying in Wuzhou is safe and sound. As long as the war goes well, he will be indispensable for awards and promotions in the end. Thinking of this, he became open-minded again.

Hearing Qian Duo's inquiry, he immediately responded: "Company Commander Qian has arranged everything well. I have nothing to add. Although there are few troops at night, we have walls and gates. After closing the gates, let's not talk about small groups of enemies. Thousands of Ming troops would not be able to break through."

This is not an exaggeration.After the city wall of Wuzhou has been repaired, any enemy who wants to attack the city under the firepower of the Fubo army must be equipped with cannons and various siege machines.

"What about the surrounding situation?"

"The detective team came back last night to report: no large groups of enemies were found within 15 kilometers from the city."

Qian Duo didn't say a word. To be honest, if the Fubo Army was in charge of reconnaissance, he would be at ease, but the detective team, which is a mixed team of retained personnel, is really hard to trust.

(End of this chapter)

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