Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2296 Arrest

Chapter 2296 Arrest
Some of the recruits in this team came so that the Ming army would not accept them at night, and the information collected on weekdays was fairly accurate.Besides, right now, I don't have the ability to doubt whether the detective team's intelligence is accurate, so I can only reluctantly accept this result.

"Although we have information, we can't be careless." Qian Duo thought to himself, he was not too worried about the night: as Zhu Si said, the city gates are closed at night, and it is useless for a small group of enemies to touch the city.Instead, it will be daytime tomorrow.Although there are no large groups of enemies nearby, small groups of enemy troops can also take advantage of the opportunity of tomorrow's grain arrival to harass.

Although the harassment will not destroy the grain fleet, it can at least create an atmosphere of panic and delay the unloading of the fleet.While not threatening, it was a nuisance.Especially Chief Xie now attaches great importance to "market stability" and does not want to disturb the people.

If there are more troops, he will send a platoon to the surrounding area to carry out a clean-up work. He doesn't want to eliminate many enemies, at least he can drive out the small group of bandits operating in the suburbs of Wuzhou, so that they cannot affect the freight.But now he really can't draw anyone.

"Let's just make do with it." Qian Duo searched for a long time, but couldn't figure out where he could turn into a soldier again.

Although martial law was not declared during the day, the common people could still guess from some clues that something big was about to happen.Those who are more cautious, those who have a little income at home simply don't go out.

Luo Yangming was still running around outside as usual, he was so busy that he couldn't keep his feet on the ground.It was already after four o'clock in the afternoon when everything was arranged.

Although everything that should be done has been arranged properly, other things have to wait for the food to arrive before they can make a big difference.It is reasonable to go back and have a good rest.However, he still didn't forget about Yi Haoran's question about being transferred abroad. Before returning home, he went to Zhao Fengtian's place again, and the answer he got was still "no reply".

"Even if you can't find it, at least there must be a reply." Luo Yangming felt strange.This is obviously not in line with the workflow!

"Don't worry." Zhao Fengfeng said, "I've been busy for the past two days. I'll check for you from the source as soon as the food is in storage. Find out which link has a problem. I still say the same thing, if you don't worry, just send him Grab it, and release it after you find out."

Luo Yangming hesitated for a moment. To be honest, although he had an intuition that Hao Ran was a suspicious person, he still had nothing that could be used as "criminal evidence" in his hands.Except that he often goes out on weekdays and counts as one.

On weekdays, the only person Hao Ran had the most contact with was Jiang Qiuchan. She was a native of Wuzhou, she had roots and feet, and her husband was killed by the Ming army. No matter from which point of view, she had no possibility of being a spy of the Ming Dynasty.

Besides, no matter from which angle you look at it, Hao Ran is an upright and upright gentleman, not a treacherous person.Everyone in the store and family had a good impression of him, even Wen Tietou said, "Mr. Hao is a good man".

After a while, he made up his mind: at this moment, he would rather catch it by mistake than put it by mistake.He whispered:
"Old Zhao! To be honest, I still don't feel at ease with him. It's still according to what you said. Detain him first. Wait for a conclusion in a few days before releasing him."

"That's it!" Seeing that he cares so much about Hao Ran, Zhao Fengtian couldn't help but take it seriously, "I'll notify Zheng Ergen immediately and ask him to arrest him."

After sending Luo Yangming away, Zhao Fengtian also felt a little uneasy. These days, he has been busy with the work of transporting grain, and indeed ignored the issue of the transfer letter.Even if the objective conditions of Tengxian County make it impossible to make an external transfer, the Tengxian County Office will issue a reply letter.There will never be no news at all.

Is it possible that this letter was lost at some point?Zhao Fengfeng originally wanted to wait until the food transportation work was over before checking, but now that he thought about it carefully, he felt very suspicious. He thought: it is better to check immediately without delay.

Thinking of this, he immediately called someone to bring over the basic books such as the registration book for sending and receiving official documents, and also called the confidential officer in charge of sending and receiving to check them together.

According to the procedure, after the county office drafted the transfer letter, it was signed and approved by Xie Erren, and then it was put into a special briefcase and sent to the destination.The other party enters the processing process after receiving the mail, and then replies.Every link has a handover.Find out where the problem is.

According to Zhao Fengtian's document number here, the confidential officer quickly found the document and sent it to Xie Erren's office for signature.However, this document was not included in the documents Xie Erren returned from his office the next day!

Now Zhao Fengtian panicked.Although Chief Xie has many problems, he is not slack in his work.Except for some more important matters that he would leave for a few days to consider, this kind of routine official document waiting for it would definitely be signed the next day.

"Check all the registrations in the next few days! Until today!" Zhao Fengtian ordered.

Still got nothing.Zhao Fengfeng did not give up, and checked all the registrations of all the correspondence in Teng County, and there was no serial number for this document.

Now Zhao Fengtian was completely dumbfounded.Now there is only one possibility left: Chief Xie left this document with him without issuing it—strictly speaking, this is not in accordance with the procedure, as long as the official document is numbered, it must be tracked.If he disagreed with the matter, he had to return it according to the procedure, and there was no way to withhold the documents.

Hao Ran's foreign transfer documents just disappeared?This is too strange!

He is an old Guihuamin cadre, knowing that this matter may be very complicated, he couldn't help but get nervous.Immediately ordered someone to find Zheng Ergen.

"Old Zheng, send someone immediately to arrest Luo Yangming's rice shop and a master named Hao Ran inside."

"Yes!" Zheng Ergen agreed, "After being arrested, is there any direction for interrogation?"

"Put it up first. This is a preventive arrest."

"Understood. I'll send someone right away."

After Zheng Ergen left, Zhao Fengtian drank several cups of tea in the office, but couldn't figure it out.What the hell is going on with this document? !Now it seems that the problem can only come from Chief Xie's office...

During the recent days, Chief Xie has been working back and forth between the government office and the Third President's Mansion, and the file box will also be carried with him.It's hard to tell where the problem is.

"I have to go to the office to inquire." Zhao Fengfeng thought to himself that there must be a reason for the disappearance of this document without reason, and he must investigate to find out.

Yi Haoran was in the room at this time, writing in red when Qi Liheng came to teach in the morning.He put red circles on the well-written characters, and put ink bars on some of the poorly-written characters, and wrote the model characters correctly.

This homework is almost corrected, Yi Haoran thought to himself, this is also the last time to correct the class for this child.Tonight is the time to act. After a scuffle, no matter whether he lives or dies, he will never come here to teach and solve doubts.

Ah Heng is a smart boy with a lot of talent. It is conceivable that his father should be a young scholar with a bright future.Unfortunately, he died at the hands of the rebels at a young age.

If you can give him time and teach him carefully, the child's future in the imperial examination should not be underestimated.However, right now the country is changing from Japan to Africa, so there is no space for a scholar's desk.Once the thieves steal Huaxia, the famous religion will be destroyed. By then, no one will even read the books of sages, let alone the imperial examinations!
This child will probably be delayed, and without his father's protection, his future life will probably be very difficult.In troubled times, people are just a leaf, drifting with the tide...

"Mr. Hao." Ah Chun appeared at the door with a nervous expression, "There are a few policemen looking for you outside."

"Oh," Yi Haoran's pen paused, and said, "Wait a moment, I'll come out right away."

After finishing speaking, he finished writing the last few model characters, put away the pen and ink, and then walked to the shop, where several fake police officers were waiting for him.

"You are Hao Ran?" asked the leader.

"Students." Yi Haoran was in a calm mood without any disturbance.

"This is the arrest document." The policeman took out a piece of paper.

Li Wensheng came out of the account room in a hurry, with a nervous and excited expression, and asked, "Is this the case?! Why did you arrest Mr. Hao? What did he do?"

The policeman said, "We were ordered to run a business. We will talk about what happened in the police station."

"No reason, how do you get someone? Mr. Hao is working for our boss, Mr. Luo. Mr. Luo is the director of the aftermath bureau of our government. Don't make mistakes."

"Old man, don't get excited," said the leading policeman with a pleasant face. "This is an arrest document, and we are on official business. Don't embarrass everyone."

Yi Haoran said: "It doesn't matter. The student didn't do anything wrong, and it doesn't matter if you think about it. Go as you please. It doesn't get in the way." After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands and said to Li Wensheng: "I'm sorry to bother you to report back to the boss. In the distance, last month's accounts have been settled. I would also like to inform the eldest sister of Jiang's family that Liheng will not be able to teach in the past few days. I have all his class books approved, and they are on the table. "

Li Wensheng saw that his attitude was calm, his words were serene, and he had a faint meaning of "resignation". At present, the war between Guangdong and Guangxi is not peaceful, and Wuzhou is following the "military law", and killing people is a common practice.Once Master Hao was arrested, he might have his head hanging high at the gate of the city tomorrow.During the days when he came here, he got along well with everyone in the shop and the mansion, and they developed feelings for each other.Li Wensheng didn't even want his chess friend to die inexplicably.He hurriedly said: "Sir, don't be discouraged. As soon as the master comes back, I will report to him and let him try to rescue him." After that, he said to the police: "Masters, my master is the director of the Aftermath Bureau, and he is often in Xie Master. Running in front of you. Please take care of this Mr. Hao, I will be very grateful." After finishing speaking, he asked Ah Chun to go to the cabinet to get four silver dollars.

"These four yuan are used to buy a pair of straw sandals for the poor masters."

Several policemen showed joyful faces, but the leader of the team did not pretend to be serious, saying: "You keep the money, we don't want it. You are free to appeal to anyone. Naturally, we will treat people well. Take them away. !"

(End of this chapter)

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